Chapter 823 Asking for Grace (Second)

When the twelfth elder brother left, the ninth elder brother raised his chin.

He looks more and more like a brother.

These small ones are also, not worrying.

When he was as old as Brother Twelve...

Uh huh, it doesn't seem very smart.

After complaining in his heart, he started to deal with today's official duties.

It is more convenient to deal with all the precedents. In addition, it is necessary to find a place for the censor's yamen.

There is no shortage of manpower, and the censor of the Inspectorate is on shift, and the local Ministry of Internal Affairs has to spare one.

However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not lack houses. The houses in the imperial city are all under the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Thirteen's heart moved, but he didn't show it on his face, he said: "Who knows, I guess the yamen is busy, so I have something to report, isn't it the beginning of the year?"

However, since it is the censor's yamen of the Inspector's House of Internal Affairs, it is better to be placed in the imperial city.

This deficiency has become a world official.

However, because it was not the decree issued at the beginning of the year, some servants in charge of the prince's mansion had already brought people to the mountain.

He understood why Mazzie was asking for grace.

It's just that the bachelors who investigated the case in the past were confused, how could the young man be the first criminal?

Kangxi nodded and said: "It's you brothers who strive for success. Eight Banners men should be like this. This is the scene of a prosperous family. If you stare at the three melons and two dates left by your ancestors with a sneaky heart, even if you get rich, it will not last long!"

Besides, their stepmother is also a smart person, except for the family title and the old house, other properties are shared equally among the three brothers.

The Department of Construction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began to deploy manpower, and of course Ma Qi, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, also knew about palace affairs.

As a result, if Ma Wu didn't move, Li Rongbao would be stuck on the second-class guard, and it would be difficult to get promoted.

Except for the yamen of the main hall of the House of Internal Affairs, the lower seven divisions and three treasuries, the yamen are all in the imperial city.

In addition to Kangxi, Ma Qi is also there.

Those who are not from the Three Banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have no relevant interests, as long as they are found out, they are real political achievements.

Liang Jiugong took it and handed it to the emperor.

He wanted to turn around and leave.

It's just that he thought it was a repair before.

Even though their identities matched, it made Ma Qi's identity embarrassing.

Fourteenth elder brother snorted coldly: "Could it be that the slave at the door entrusted him with the task and refused to pass it on? Let's go and see!"

Because last year he banned the clan from entering the mountains to collect ginseng.

"You brothers all have quotas for the Imperial College. If there are other Cheng Ding's sons who can't make up for the vacancy, send them to the Imperial College and return to the Sixth Department as an errand. Don't delay your future."

In the past, in this area, either the divisions and courts themselves checked and reported, or people who went down from the yamen, whether they were relatives or friends, or old friends, could get involved. No one wanted to offend anyone, and they just fooled around.

Kangxi said.

But Ma Wu had already been promoted to imperial guard.

Brother Jiu simply wrote a statement, from the annual amount of money and food in each division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to the check-in and write-off of the Armed Forces Institute and the Sixth Institute of the Guangshu Division, this responsibility can be revealed.

He prefers the style of Fucha's family.

Brother Twelve was about to step forward, but Liang Jiugong was already approaching.

Brother Thirteen glanced at the room on the other side, but didn't speak.

He took the note in a pen and sent the message to the construction department.

Kangxi said: "Is it the blueprint of the palace? Submit it..."

Kangxi pointed to the side of the Kang and said, "Sit down and watch..."

Elder Brother Twelve is like a statue, but the strength of holding the scroll in his hand is getting stronger and stronger.

The thirteenth brother heard this and got up immediately.

Brother Fourteen is not sure.

The eldest grandson of the emperor has been completely honest this year, which is different from last year's Zhiziman...

Use someone else's top hat to replace your own hat, and you don't need to be urged, and you will work hard.

The boundaries are not clear.

He thinks that he should follow them, and he will be with Fourteenth Elder Brother next year after he quits the study room.

Brother Twelve took the scroll with both hands, bowed, and was thinking about what to say.

Therefore, Kangxi talked to him as if he was doing homework.

The king of Pingmo County is Naerfu, and the emperor gave him a posthumous title.

According to the usual practice, if the first-class bodyguard has enough qualifications, he will be released as Dutong and Deputy Dutong.

"Hey, that's enough..."

In the local palace, the general manager reported to the construction department, and the construction department allocated money and food to the staff, and then colluded with inside and outside to steal all the money.

Brother Fourteen came out and said, "What are Brother Thirteen doing?"

Ma Qi, who was always in front of the imperial court, was not as cautious as other ministers, and said: "I am about to ask the master for a favor..."

There are six imperial guards in total, two for each banner, they are said to be the first-class guards, but they receive the salary of the first rank.

One of Ma Qi's Chengding sons was given to the crown prince by himself, and walked in Yuqing Palace; the other two served as third-class guards in the ninth prince's mansion and the eighth prince's mansion.

He couldn't help laughing.

At this moment of time, it happens to be a break in the study room.

Kangxi thought about it for a while. In 27 years, Ma Qi's eldest brother was allocated from the bodyguard to serve as the guard and leader.

Ma Qi sat next to the Kang, and he couldn't do without.

Elder Brother Twelve stood alone at the gate of the palace, looking pitiful.

There are guards, officials, and eunuchs.

With this serious errand, there is no need to stare at people for impeachment all the time.

When the funeral of Prince Pingmour in February, Naersu will enter the palace.

Especially the Qianqing Palace Square is spacious and full of drafts.

Antamu was the assistant leader from the early years of Shunzhi to the early years of Kangxi. His father died and his son succeeded him. Father and son successively served for more than 50 years.

Moreover, Ma Qi's father was Mi Sihan, a famous official in the early Kangxi Dynasty.

Elder Brother Twelve stood for a quarter of an hour, and told the eunuch in charge at the door to see me, and the eunuch also went in to report, but no one called to pass.

The monarchs and ministers are similar in age, and have been monarchs and ministers for 30 years.

Others who got the prince's son-in-law are all the prince's father-in-law.

Speaking of this, he thought about the Ganxi Second Institute that he had packed up.

It’s too late.

This is not released.

Ma Qi is also a father, and he heard the pride in Kangxi's words, and said: "Princes are filial, masters are blessed, unlike slaves, sons are not successful..."

Therefore, although the brothers of the Fucha family are not of the same mother, they are relatively close.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Thinking of the side Fujin Fucha family of Babeile Mansion, he felt a little bit guilty.

I really didn't expect that the "ginseng case" would involve the Sanguan Baotou.

Fu Cha's family used to have two guards, Ma Qi's elder brother and third younger brother.

The eunuch of the thirteenth brother went in and whispered to the thirteenth brother.

According to the tradition of employing people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, even if the third official is dismissed at an old age, one of the sons of the third official should be chosen to succeed him.

Isn't there someone who checks the accounts?

Although it is said that it is nine, early spring, the weather is also cold.

The person who went down to check and accept was still a person from the construction department. He checked with his left hand and his right hand, and went directly to share one or two.

The Ministry of Industry has a lot of trivial errands, and the Ministry of Households is relatively busy from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

When Mi Sihan died in his prime, Li Rongbao was only two years old, and he inherited the title of the Fucha family as the youngest son.

There are a total of 60 first-class guards in the palace, 20 for each banner.

The square is narrow from north to south and long from east to west.

Just right.

Brother Thirteen was also worried about this.

Kangxi looked at Ma Qi and jokingly said: "You brothers are very rare. Back then, Mrs. Tai was obsessed with the title, and I didn't see your brothers holding grudges..."

He is obviously a prince and nobleman, with a yellow belt around his waist, but others don't seem to respect him much.

Kangxi ordered Ma Qi to choose an old adult from among the doctors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the now vacant Shengjing assistant leader.


After looking at the blueprints in front of me, I realized that it was not too different from the new construction.

He wanted people to intimidate, not to cause trouble.

Qianqing Palace, at the gate.

The previous Shengjing Zuoling was no one else, but Antamu, the father of Sanguanbao.

But he knew that Brother Jiu's teaching was right.

But we can't let it go lightly, and we still have to be punished severely according to the rules.

Brother Twelve offered it with both hands.

Brother Jiu thought about the errands related to the various yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Whoever checks the accounts will have a headache, and it is not enough to check clearly.

This censor is also considered a town house, and Brother Jiu can save a little worry about money and food in the future...

He knew that this elder brother was a little dull, and he was afraid of being neglected.

He is no longer a little brother, but Cheng Ding's brother, and he must learn to take responsibility.

Elder Fourteen glanced at the room next to him, and became happy again: "Haha, it will be fine if you compare with Hong Yu and the others, it will be over after a while, they still have ten years..."

You can't let the emperor look up and talk to him.

Kangxi knew that Li Rongbao was the half-brother of Ma Qi and Ma Wu, about the same age as Ma Qi's eldest son.

Just as the two brothers were about to go there, they saw a little eunuch coming out of it, and told the twelve elder brothers to go in.

In that case, for the sake of political achievements, the censor would have to find fault if he couldn't say it, and he would find trouble for nothing.

Ma Qi’s sons didn’t ask for grace when they were not short, but now that the older ones are almost arranged, they start asking for grace?
Kangxi really couldn't guess.

Ma Qi listened, surprised.

The thirteenth elder brother is reassuring.

Kangxi opened it directly, took a few glances, spread it on the Kang table next to him, and greeted Ma Qi: "Come and have a look, my Tangquan Palace..."

"Busy?" The fourteenth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother with resentment in his eyes, and said angrily, "The thirteenth elder brother is also busy, Khan Ama doesn't ask others, and asks you to follow the Yongding River. I went there once years ago, so why are you still there after the next year?"

Both of these two parts are related to Hegong.

Ma Qi bowed and said: "Li Rongbao, the slave's younger brother, became a third-class guard in 27 years, and was promoted to a second-class guard in 31 years. Now he is 27, and when it's time for experience, the slave begs the master for grace, to point out a place to learn errands."

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother stopped when they saw this.

The eldest daughter of a well-behaved university scholar made him point out as a concubine.

When the qualifications are enough, directly contact the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of the Guard.

From the entrance of the upper study room to the entrance of Qianqing Palace, it is only seventy or eighty steps away, so naturally it looks real.

Even outside the imperial city, there are quite a few official houses outside Di'an Gate belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Elder Brother Thirteen pointed to the gate of Qianqing Palace: "Brother Twelve has been waiting for a while..."

He just looked at the address, wrote it down on the note, handed it to the pen and said: "Pass it to the construction department, and say that this yard needs to be cleaned up, and the master will make..."

Brother Jiu took the pen and paper again.

Kangxi glanced at Ma Qi and remembered one thing.

It is not appropriate to study in detail.

Ma Qi accepted the errand and was thinking of retiring, when Kangxi had already sent someone to tell Elder Brother Twelve to come in.

In addition, the three officials of the Shengjing House of Internal Affairs are old, confused and aging, so as to avoid the responsibility of negligence, they will be dismissed.

Kangxi was a little surprised, and asked curiously, "What kind of grace?"

He stood there with his expression unchanged, but he was aware of the eyes looking around.

The fourteenth elder brother became curious and asked, "Didn't the twelveth brother just arrive at the House of Internal Affairs? Why did he get an errand and want to run to the imperial court?"

"When the time comes, will you study with Akdon, or with us?"

You must know that the assistant leader of Sanguanbao is not an ordinary assistant leader. His full name is "Shengjing Internal Affairs Office's chief officer and anti-yin assistant leader".

The case should not be closed hastily, and the real leader must be held accountable.

The thirteenth elder brother said with a good temper: "It is because I went there years ago that Khan Ama didn't change people. I guess next year I should go to the Ministry of Industry or the Ministry of Households to learn errands..."

It's the same as when he found out the construction department's flaws before he came to the Ministry of Internal Affairs the year before last.

Now the eldest brother was dismissed because he missed the opportunity to fight Zhungeer, and he was dismissed from the positions of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Minister of the Guards.

"Master, the Twelfth Lord seems to be waiting to see you. He has been standing at the gate of Qianqing Palace for a while..."

I have to find some side work for the censor, and I can't keep thinking about impeaching people.

Ma Qi was ordered to step forward and stand by several tables.

After his elder brother dialed out, the fourth eldest brother Li Rongbao came in, and his third brother was also promoted to first-class bodyguard.

Kangxi didn't mean to say much.

Ma Qi bowed and said: "The younger brother of the slave is young and cannot inherit the shadow of his father, as it should be."

Kangxi said helplessly: "It's all the ninth elder brother. If you don't stare at it for a while, you will start tossing around, and even kidnapped other elder brothers to mess around with you. You must be filial and give me a palace!"

Before Kangxi summoned him, it was to mention Shengjing's ginseng lawsuit.

The emperor named and changed people...

They were all in the West Fifth Institute, and the eunuch recognized Twelve Elder Brothers.

Brother Jiu called a pen post style, and brought the housing brochure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After looking through it for a while, he found an empty courtyard on the west side of Jingshan, with three entrances and 46 rooms.

The fourteenth elder brother is now more comfortable, counting his days in the study, there are still three full years.

Ma Qi here is not easy to be regarded as a royal in-law.

Kangxi felt a little regretful, and then thought that Ma Qi had a prostitute, who seemed to be about the age of cardamom.

If that's the case, won't he also participate in the draft next year?
Kangxi looked at the twelfth elder brother next to him, and then at the window lattice to the south.

In terms of age, Ma Qi's concubine, the twelfth elder brother, and the thirteenth elder brother are all suitable ages...

(End of this chapter)

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