My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 824 Don't Compete and Don't Lie

Chapter 824 Don't Compete and Don't Lie

The thirteenth elder brother's homework in the study room is extremely brilliant, and the number of rites and music and the number of imperial books are all ranked first among the princes.

In terms of intelligence and savvy, he can be ranked in the top three among the princes.

That is to say, the lower rank is not in the same group as the elder brother in front, otherwise, I am afraid that the group of princes will be suppressed.

In contrast, Elder Brother Twelve is an ordinary talent, and his homework in the study is also mediocre.

Kangxi himself is strong in reading, and he also likes princes who study hard.

Elder Brother Twelve is not bad at being hardworking. In the early years, the study room in Qianxi No. [-] School did not go out until the second watch.

But my homework didn't make any progress, and I became a little blunt.

Ma Qi acted cautiously, if he really wanted to arrange a talented prince to be his son-in-law, he might feel uneasy.

Kangxi made up his mind, so he said to Ma Qi: "Brother Twelfth is now working as an errand in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If there are shortcomings, you should mention more..."

Is it because the ninth elder brother is so supportive of the twelfth elder brother because the two brothers don't like to study?
No wonder the emperor was worried, so he called him by name and stared at...

The so-called participation in the market is the random mixing in the transaction. If the buyer arranges people, the purpose is to lower the price; if the seller arranges people with the opposite purpose, then raise the price.

It was the 25th year of Kangxi, shortly after the birth of the twelfth elder brother, smallpox began to spread in the palace, and the twelfth elder brother was happy to see him.

What a surprise.

Marzie: "..."

When he met the elder brother, he talked about the plan he had led to make, and the expansion of Tangquan was a matter of the palace.

Now that he has come out of the upper study room, he doesn't want to study anymore, and he doesn't want to study with Brother Jiu.

Ma Qi came out with him, and was amused by the unrequited expression on his face, and said: "Master Twelfth, don't worry, as long as Master Twelfth does not make any mistakes, the slave will not stare at Master Twelfth to read."

Elder Brother Twelve bowed honestly and said, "Yinqian has met Mr. Manager."

Ma Qi is the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who is the superior of the twelfth elder brother.

For this purpose, Ma Qi's eldest brother came out from the bodyguard, was a member of the guards, and was ordered to lead people to guard the apse of Jingshan.

The twelfth elder brother is the prince, the emperor should tell the twelve elder brothers first.

Brother Nine was surprised and said, "Brother, do you still know this?"

There is one more thing related to this elder brother.

The imperial father actually knew his birthday...

Elder Brother Twelve lowered his head, his expression remained unchanged, but his eyes fixed on the gold brick.

Brother Nine proudly said: "My younger brother's other abilities are ordinary, but his ability to make money is not for anyone."

The elder brother waved his hand and said: "No, no, you need to protect your capital before talking about other things. If you really fall into the hands of 10,000+ acres of wasteland, you will not be able to turn over easily!"

It's not easy for Ma Qi to refuse, so he can only respectfully say: "The servant is only a few years older than me. I would like to follow the master's order and follow the princes to fill in the gaps and learn from each other."

Unfortunately, after the first wave of "pox epidemic", eight people died of illness.

That was a private matter more than ten years ago, a "pox epidemic" in the apse of Jingshan in the imperial city.

As long as he doesn't make mistakes, he can live in peace and prosperity for a long time.

He remembered how in the early years when the crown prince had acne, the general judge of Wuchang Prefecture was recommended to go north to vaccinate the crown prince.

It's just that respect and inferiority are not discussed in this way.

He doesn't need to think about how to make meritorious deeds, the emperor loves his flesh and blood, and will not keep his sons low.

What does it mean?
Brother Jiu's teacher, will he be his teacher in the future?
He also wants to re-learn "Book of Rites" like Brother Nine?
Then when Brother Nine asks him to write study notes in the future, will he have to write them twice?
When he came out of Qianqing Palace, Elder Brother Twelve was a little sluggish.

The elder brother glanced at him and said, "So sure?"

There is another news about the twelfth elder brother, that is, after the 26th year of Kangxi, the empress dowager died, and the twelve elder brother was handed over to the empress dowager's maid Su Ma to be raised.

He and Elder Brother Twelve had met each other in the early years, but since the emperor introduced them, they had to meet again.

However, he felt that it was more honest, and did not involve the fourth elder brother, and directly took the distribution method to himself, saying: "At that time, my younger brother was quick-spoken, and he said in front of Khan Ama that each of us should be filial to one place, and Khan Ama's joy did not agree I closed my mouth, and when I went back to settle the accounts, my younger brother found that the expenses were different. Some palaces had more houses and cost more money; Let's go down the row, old and young!"

In the end, there was no suitable solution.

The elder brother said frankly: "That's right, it's not for nothing to learn the etiquette from Mr. Ma, it should be like this, this is the order of the elders and young, how much money, the master will send someone to send it to you later?"

Ma Qi nodded and said: "Filial piety is the foundation of all goodness. The Ninth Lord has arranged it well. The Twelfth Lord is the prince. Since he is on an errand, he should study the "Book of Filial Piety" first, and understand 'not arrogant at the top, high but not dangerous, and restraint." Degree, full but not overflow' truth!"

One is the elder brother who should be more respectful, and the other has a strong mouth, so he should be coaxed well.

Elder Brother Twelve nodded and said cheerfully, "Then I'm sure I'm not going to make a mistake."

The imperial clan of the Qing Dynasty "divides the land without breaking the land", but the prince is indeed equivalent to the princes.

Kangxi shook his head and said: "He was born at the end of the twelfth lunar month, and his birthday is small. Although he is sixteen, he is still chaotic, and he doesn't see outsiders very much. Brother Jiu is worried that he will go to the former dynasty to learn errands. He is afraid that he will be bullied, so he is allowed to do internal affairs. Go to the government to practice and practice, and then learn other errands when you are more courageous."

Ma Qi thought for a while, and said: "I have done what I should do, and I have learned what Master Jiu asked me to learn, even if there are no mistakes."

Ma Qi looked at Elder Brother Twelve, but he really didn't know much about this little elder brother, he only knew that Madam Su Ma raised him.

As it is now, it seems that Ma Qi is ranked first.

Mammy once said that he is the prince, which is his blessing.

To build a palace would at least cost tens of thousands of taels of silver, so much profit?

Don't be profitable at that time, and the capital will be discounted again.

In the Yamen of the Ministry of War, the elder brother is on duty.

Kangxi smiled and said: "Don't praise him, your tail will be turned up, anyway, their brothers are all in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so you can take more care and help me look after the twelve elder brothers, don't be a good boy, and be beaten by the ninth elder brother The teaching is crooked."

Brother Jiu was not happy to hear it, and said: "Look at what you said, it seems that my brother is not doing business, but gambling. If there is no way, how dare brother make such a big deal?"

Prepare the rest slowly, as long as the intention is met, the money will also be spent.

He wanted to answer truthfully, but he changed his words and said: "Ninth brother asked me to copy the "Book of Filial Piety"..."

There is indeed such a thing.

Elder Brother Twelve was beside him, feeling a little dazed.

He was talking about the "filial piety of the princes" mentioned in the "Book of Filial Piety".

He thought for a while and said, "Then when will you start selling the land? Then we'll go make a sample and raise the land price!"

The eldest elder brother patted him on the shoulder and said: "You should underestimate people, I have never seen anything before, so how can this be!"

Ma Qi showed kindness, looked at Elder Brother Twelve and asked, "What book is Elder Twelfth reading these days?"

The "pox epidemic" in this palace has also stopped. On the contrary, people in Shuntian Prefecture's prison for death row prisoners have begun to show flowers.

He didn't want to steal brother Jiu's teacher.

Not long after, the eleventh daughter-in-law born of Concubine Wen Xi died of pox.

Brother Jiu asked him to copy the "Book of Filial Piety", and when the time comes to prepare the birthday gift, it will be the same.

The emperor summoned imperial physicians and missionaries into the palace, trying to find a way to prevent and cure smallpox.

Big Brother was a little worried.

Big brother is recommending himself, and he is going to be a "market participant" for ninth brother.

Having said that, he looked at Elder Brother Twelve and said, "I haven't met your Master Manager yet..."

The princes all have shortcomings, but the emperor is busy with government affairs and lacks skills, so he can only let others stare at him.

Not so easy to pay.

No matter how good the plan is, it still takes real money from other people's pockets.

It's okay with the ninth elder brother, he can get the title of a prince teacher by himself; with the twelve elder brother, I'm afraid he won't be able to get the title as well.

This is the second time I have said it.

They are princes, if they bought at a high price, it would be difficult for others to lower the price.

Fifth brother doesn't need to say anything specifically, if starlings meet sooner or later, just say it.

It's Big Brother and Seventh Brother who want to say something.

In that case, the more you learn, the worse you will be.

The Twelve Elder Brothers who recovered were silent.

As he said that, he looked at Kangxi and said: "The elder brothers raised by the master have their own strengths. The ninth master has already impressed the slaves, and the twelfth master can't be wrong."

Ma Qi hurriedly stood up, avoided and said, "I dare not..."

Another month and a half will be the Longevity Festival, and the Empress Dowager will celebrate her [-]th birthday in the second half of the year.

He only remembered that he hadn't greeted the brothers above him until he finished handling the official business in hand.

Ma Qi couldn't be bothered to continue, and said modestly: "Jiu Ye is very filial, and treats the little princes kindly, slaves don't dare to take credit..."

So, he chose thirty court ladies to enter the apse of Jingshan.

Ninth elder brother came to look for eldest elder brother.

Brother Nine quickly shook his head and said, "You don't need to take the money, just take a portion of the interest on the loan..."

The founding of the Qing Dynasty was less than a hundred years old, and more than a dozen clans were retired, all of which are lessons from the past.

Brother Nine happily said: "The younger brother is what you want, don't worry, when the time comes, the younger brother will make two accounts, and the older brothers will not lose money..."

Elder Brother Twelve heard this, his face became lively, and he said, "Then... what is it that doesn't make mistakes?"

In addition, it is effective from top to bottom, and it also drives others.

In trading houses, sometimes it is necessary to arrange people to pretend to be customers "to participate in the market". These people are called "market participants".

The elders know the money spent and the intentions used.

10,000+ acres of land.

I heard that the nun worshiped the Buddha piously, but now she looked at Elder Brother Twelve with a bit of desertedness and acted a little dull.

Brother Twelve remembered that the books on his desk were the homework left for him by Brother Nine, and they were the reading notes of several chapters in "Book of Rites".

Even though Ma Qi is exquisite and heart-warming, he never imagined that the emperor would be eyeing Gege of their family again, and he only thought of the emperor as a loving father, pulling him to work hard.

Kangxi was beside him, with a smile on his face, and he said to Ma Qi: "It's all Aiqing who is a good teacher, but Brother Jiu doesn't mess around, he knows how to teach his younger brother, and he can start with "Book of Filial Piety". There is progress."

There is no need for him to fight for anything, as long as he does not make mistakes, this blessing will last for a long time, and it will also bless his descendants.

The ninth elder brother is like this, and the twelve elder brothers are also like this.

So is this "dividing people into groups"?

But if you go wrong, your luck will be gone.

The elder brother shook his head and said: "Anyway, there will be no next time. If you fool people, who will be willing to talk to you?"

This matter was muddled, and everyone didn't reprimand Brother Jiu.

The eldest elder brother felt that he had to say a few words, and said sternly: "Even if you are kind and want to pull brothers to honor Khan Ama together, or make money together, you should put it first, you can't be self-absorbed, and you can't You can't show your good intentions like this. Next time you really encounter difficulties. If everyone doesn't believe you, you will find a place to cry..."

The next update will be at 2:13 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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