My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 826 Fishy smell

Shu Shu said: "I'm fine here, but my body is heavy and impatient to move, now I hope the day will come sooner."

Looking at her stomach, Wu Fujin also felt that it was hard work, and said worriedly, "Then how can we survive for two months?"

Now the size of the belly is almost catching up with the full-term one, and then it will only be bigger than the full-term one.

However, Shu Shu didn't grow any flesh in other places, and she looked about the same as before, but her belly looked scary.

Shu Shu smiled wryly, and said: "In another ten and a half months, I guess I will be lying down."

Now the stomach is a little tense, and the imperial doctor is also tense.

When the tension becomes severe in the future, it is possible to give birth at any time.

Next month, it will be the seventh month of pregnancy. In order to delay the delivery time, I have to stay in bed and wait for delivery.

Although she knows that she will suffer less if she is born early, the current medical conditions are not friendly to premature babies, and it is a day to be able to feed them in the stomach.

Wu Fujin held Shu Shu's hand, feeling very distressed, and immediately sensed something was wrong.

She lowered her head and looked carefully.

Shu Shu's hand was a circle bigger, it was white, but it was blue and shiny, not fat, but swollen.


Wu Fujin was a little panicked: "What's wrong?"

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "It's edema, I told you, it's common, it's nothing, sister-in-law, don't worry..."

As she said that, she pointed to her feet and said, "Not only her hands are swollen, but her feet are also swollen. I can't wear my shoes in the past. They are a finger bigger than before..."

She is now wearing soft-soled slippers with heels, which are very loose.

Wu Fujin said with concern: "That can't always be like this, when will it be better?"

Shu Shu looked down at her stomach, feeling helpless.

That's why she's not feeling very comfortable recently, all kinds of discomfort.

She doesn't want to worry too much now, and let herself relax, otherwise, she will tend to be anxious.

Wu Fujin looked at her, quickly changed his words, and comforted him: "There are still two months left, just bear with it, just think about the good, and suffer less than others..."

Shu Shu smiled, nodded and said, "I thought about going with my sister-in-law, and I thought so too."

And she's enough, she doesn't plan to regenerate.

Even if two princesses are born, it will take ten or eight years.

As for Brother Nine, there is an antecedent reason for his poor health, if it really doesn't work, just "relapse of old disease".

Wu Fujin sighed: "It's really not easy to be a nirvana in this world, and so is the empress, who gave birth four times..."

Shu Shu remembered the matter of the fifth elder brother and his wife begging for a child.

Regarding seeking a child, it is very metaphysical.

Feelings are sometimes a matter of emotions.

If you have been emotionally tense, but it is difficult to achieve what you want, this is "backfired".

On the contrary, if the spirit is relaxed, you may get good news.

Shu Shu thought about it and said: "The bamboo that the fifth brother sent a year ago has been cultivated. In a few days, the weather will be warmer, so I can move it outside. A few days ago, I said that I would share it with the ten younger brothers and sisters. Some, my sister-in-law will also move a few pots back when the time comes!"

Winter is not the season for transplanting plants, they must be in the greenhouse, but the temperature is enough, and it is not perfect for survival.

Those from the Tenth Prince's Mansion did not survive.

Shu Shu here, because the warm room is better, all survived.

She said this to Wu Fujin because she was worried that if the bamboo in Wubeile Mansion did not survive, the couple would have a grudge.

The bamboo here, when the time comes, it will be a good omen, and it will comfort them.

Wu Fujin pursed his lips and smiled, and said: "No need, the bamboos in our house are well grown. The fifth master brought back the little novice monk who was in charge of forests from Hongluo Temple, and focused on raising bamboos. room, specially arranged for people to cook vegetarian meals..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help but smile.

So don't mess with honest people.

If honest people want to be serious, no one can stand it.

Not only the bamboo was dug up, but even the monks were brought back.

Looking at it, I really look forward to my son-in-law.

Shu Shu looked at Wu Fujin, outsiders could feel her kindness, and Wu Fujin should also feel it...

Between Xici, Brother Jiu told about the ginseng lawsuit in Shengjing and Guidan's visit yesterday.

Fifth elder brother listened, frowned and said, "What is grandfather doing with these things?"

Even the clan can no longer enter the mountains to collect ginseng, but he became the last one to collect ginseng, which is too much.

Brother Nine sneered and said, "Aside from money, what else can I do for it?"

Brother Fifth blinked and said, "What about the money?"

Brother Nine said: "You have to ask him this!"

The next uncle, Jiajiu elder brother, is not familiar with him, but Guidan knows something here.

Guidan's family doesn't have much money.

The year before last, their family moved back to the capital, where they still lived in the gifted house of Guo Luoluo's family, in a Wujin courtyard behind Di'anmen.

There is also Guidan's marriage, if you really want to be willing to spend money, then the betrothed person is not Hongdaizijueluo, Gege from the idle clan family, it can't be said, it can be said.

The fifth elder brother shook his head and said, "How can you push Gui Yuan to be the first offender? It's unethical. Gui Yuan is the only son and grandson."

Brother Jiu nodded.

He hadn't thought of this before.

From this point of view, Sanguanbao is really hateful.

Gui Yuan is the only grandson of his younger brother, and he has no mercy at all.

Guiyuan started to go to the mountains at the age of 16. At that time, Sanguanbao must have arranged for the chief steward to take him with him.

In the end, something happened. I didn't hear that he was involved with anyone else, so Gui Yuan went straight to the vat.

Top cylinder?

Brother Jiu's face turned red, he gritted his teeth and said: "He did it on purpose, knowing that something will happen to Gui Yuan, I won't just watch it for nothing!"

Even if he ignores it when the time comes, what will others think?
The prince's haha ​​bead has a bright future, so he ran to the mountains and forests for two years.

If Brother Nine is not the mastermind, who would believe it?

Man Du, a scholar who went to Shengjing to try the ginseng case, thought the same way and closed the case hastily.

"Okay! The old man knows how to calculate, this tank is not Gui Yuan, it's me!"

Brother Jiu wanted to understand the key point, so angry that he almost jumped up, and said angrily: "This is a scapegoat for the Lord!"

Yesterday he was concerned, but he was in chaos. He was worried that Sanguan Bao would use his status as the prince's grandfather to amass money, or go directly to the East Palace.

In that case, the brothers will be embarrassed in the future.

Even if he wanted to be a slave to the prince, it was not at this time, not to mention that he still remembered his wife's words and hoped that the emperor's father would live a long life.

As long as the emperor's father survived until the age of seventy, he might not be able to send the prince away.

Even if he can't send him away, he can take care of himself directly. Who cares about working for the prince?
The fifth elder brother frowned and said, "No wonder uncle asked about your money twice a few days ago..."

Brother Nine just wanted to make Guo Luoluo's family behave in good faith, instead of killing them all, as if their brothers were impersonal, but now they feel it is an eyesore.

He looked at the fifth elder brother and said: "Fifth elder brother, let's change to a master of ceremonies. Daobao is a son of man, and when the boss comes back, he must go back to fulfill his filial piety. It is better to change to a lighter job!"

After hearing this, the fifth elder brother felt a little confused: "His current qualifications are not good enough to fill the vacancy."

There is a fixed number of flag shortages in the Eight Banners, and the choice is originally within a fixed range.

Many of them are officials of the world.

Guo Luoluo's family raised the flag and came up, but they had no foundation.

It was not easy to get a third-class guard before.

Brother Jiu said: "Then fill in the vacancy for Guidan, free up the guards, and let Dao Bao serve as the second-class guard..."

The fifth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, feeling a little unbearable, and said: "Even if you directly fill in the second-class bodyguard, that is, guarding the gate, my uncle is in his forties..."

Ninth elder brother looked at fifth elder brother, hating iron for failure, and said: "Is it the uncle and nephew, or the son and I? If you keep him, fifth brother, Shengjing's family will come in the future, and the life in your house Can you stop it?"

The fifth elder brother also knows the distance.

Brother Jiu's face drooped as well, and he said, "Anyway, Guo Luoluo's family returned to Beijing, and my younger brother doesn't plan to take care of it, that is, they are not in the Ministry of Internal Affairs now, or if they don't clean up once, it won't be enough! If Fifth Brother, you are old If you are soft-hearted, then I will be annoyed!"

Brother Fifth couldn't help but patted him angrily and said, "Is it brother or uncle or nephew? I don't favor you, but whom?"

Brother Nine snorted coldly and said: "No wonder the clansmen who can't be reached are thinking about borrowing money from me. I wondered before, is it worth it? I'm really going to get a subsidy of 50 taels from Khan Ama , and they don’t get along with them, how can they be shy? It turns out that the root is in Shengjing! Why did Khan Ama completely ban the clan’s ginseng harvesting? Isn’t it because of the value of ginseng these years? What’s the result? They designated it as a ban The ginseng harvested by them, the master took advantage of the convenience of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to monopolize the big head, so he was so upset, in the name of borrowing money, he wanted to share some of the profits..."

According to the previous old practice, the clan can send people to collect ginseng, Prince Heshuo can send 140 people, and the lowest general Feng En can send 15 people.

Each of these people receives a ginseng ticket, and they can follow them into the mountains to collect ginseng. After paying a small amount of tax, the ginseng collected will belong to the prince.

Now a catty is more than 60 taels of silver, even if it is common, it is also 30 or [-] taels.

Gathering ginseng is like picking up money, naturally the more the better.

The clans can't wait to arrange manpower in the mountains for twelve months of the year.

As a result, the ginseng collectors and animals from the House of Internal Affairs cannot pay the full amount of ginseng.

The annual number of personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has dropped from nearly 800 catties per year to more than [-] catties.

That's why last year the palace ordered that the clan's clan be stopped from picking ginseng.

The fifth elder brother also understood, staring his eyes, and said: "Outsiders thought that you arranged for the boss to toss the ginseng, and you took the money..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Otherwise, why would they want to take money from me!"

The fifth elder brother was also not happy, and said: "No wonder they arranged for Gui Yuan to enter the mountain. Otherwise, how could Gui Yuan be white? The prince who came out of the study room accompanied the reading, and even the seventh-rank pen post style of the Shengjing Ministry of Internal Affairs could not." Make it up?"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "So what do people like this do with them? Gui Yuan is not someone else, he is also their cousin!"

The more they pressed Gui Yuan, the more Brother Jiu wanted to flatter him.

"I said in front of the emperor that I want to redeem it for Gui Yuan, and when the time comes, Gui Yuan will directly serve as a guard for me..."

The Wen Que in the Prince's Mansion is gone, but it doesn't matter, there are still a lot of vacancies for the guards.

The fifth elder brother has no objection.

Of course he remembered Gui Yuan, he was the most obedient and obedient among the haha ​​beads around his younger brother, he thought he would be able to command him for a long time, but in the end he was brought back to Shengjing by Guo Luoluo's family.

It's getting late, and it's time to use it late.

When brothers and sisters-in-law are in time for dinner, there is no reason not to keep guests.

Shu Shu didn't sit together and asked someone to set up two tables.

She and Wu Fujin are in the Dongci room, and Brother Nine and Fifth Prince are in the Xici room.

Chicken soup and beef soup are often prepared in the dining room, and it is convenient to add vegetables temporarily.

She ordered someone to add beef balls stewed radish pot, chicken soup with cabbage, shredded milk tofu, and steamed pork.

The remaining few dishes are mainly side dishes, mustard fungus, coir-coated cucumber, braised eggplant diced, and dry-stir-fried beans.

There are also two bowls of milk stewed eggs.

These days, Shu Shu always suffers from leg cramps in the middle of the night, so she starts supplementing calcium, so she has milk for every meal.

Wu Fujin knows that the food here is exquisite, although it is not like other people's eight dishes and eight bowls, big fish and meat, but it is delicious.

Today is strange, I just feel that the beef is too fishy, ​​and the smell is a bit strong.

When the stewed egg with milk came up, Wufujin picked it up and felt even more fishy...

Shu Shu put her hips on her hips and laughed, fathers, please call me "Send Zi Shu Shu", the monthly ticket has been exchanged for the baby, Yun raises the baby, please adopt...

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