Chapter 827 The Dao Lord Sends A Child
Although he tried his best to endure, Wu Fujin still retched.

She hurriedly put down the bowl in her hand, covered her mouth and turned her head. It was more comfortable to turn her head away from the smell.

Shu Shu sat across from her and looked straight at her.

This reaction...

She hurriedly asked: "Has Fifth Sister-in-law's little life come this month? How is it different from the past?"

Wu Fujin turned his head, with confusion in his eyes, and nodded.

"It's coming, it seems a bit late, less..."

She bit her lip, with a look of anxiety on her face, tightly holding the handkerchief in her hand.

Shu Shu looked at Walnut and said, "Hurry up and invite Doctor Jiang..."

Walnut stood up, turned and went out.

Shu Shu then ordered Bai Guo: "Take the two bowls of stewed eggs with milk to the main room, keep them in the room, they smell."

Ginkgo also responded, took two bowls of food and went out.

Wu Fujin was smart, seeing Shu Shu's reaction, he immediately looked at his stomach with surprise on his face.


She looked up at Shu Shu with a bit of vulnerability.

She wanted to be calm before, but who doesn't yearn for her own flesh and blood?

If she can't give birth to her brother-in-law for a long time, she will face a choice, either to seal Liu Gege's concubine and elevate Hongsheng's status; or to wait for the palace to point out a decent concubine.

For her who came from an ordinary background and has no children, both options have disadvantages.

It's hard for Shu Shu to be so sure, afraid that if Wu Fujin is not disappointed, she just said softly: "Let's see what the imperial doctor said..."

Wu Fujin couldn't calm down, his face turned pale, and his breathing became short of breath.

Seeing this, Shu Shu hurriedly reached out and took her hand, saying: "Don't worry, everything is a good omen..."

Wu Fujin's body was trembling, he held her hand tightly back, his eyes were moist, he nodded and said: "Well, I'm not worried..."

At this moment, hurried footsteps sounded outside, and it was Walnut who came with Doctor Jiang.

The ninth elder brother and the fifth elder brother have already eaten in Xici.

Hearing that something was wrong, Brother Jiu's expression changed, he stretched his legs and got off the kang, he didn't even care about putting on his shoes, so he went out "peddling".

It happened that Walnut picked up the curtain and led Doctor Jiang in.

Brother Jiu didn't care about asking, and walked over Hetao and Taiyi Jiang in three or two steps, and ran to Dongci Room, staring at Shu Shu in a daze: "Are you feeling uncomfortable again?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I'm fine, sir, don't worry..."

It is said that the imperial physician, why is Brother Nine not worried?

He looked Shu Shu up and down twice, although he didn't see anything unusual, he was still worried.

Wu Fujin put down Shu Shu's hand, and said guiltily: "My brother and sister are fine, but I am a little uncomfortable. My brother and sister helped me to hire a doctor..."

Brother Jiu looked at Wu Fujin, saw that her face was pale, and she looked really uncomfortable, so she breathed a sigh of relief.


My own Fujin is now precious...

Even if you are not pregnant, this discomfort is also distressing.

Fifth elder brother was taken aback by ninth elder brother's action before, but now he woke up and followed. He was at the door, hesitating whether to come in.

Hearing Wu Fujin's words, he looked at Wu Fujin and saw his wife's strangeness.

Shu Shu pinched Brother Jiu to calm him down, and then said to Taiyi Jiang: "Please give my fifth sister-in-law a pulse, fifth sister-in-law just smelled milk egg custard and felt sick..."

As for the little days, it's not easy to talk about it in front of fifth and ninth elder brothers.

Otherwise, Wu Fujin wouldn't dare to listen to her, she would be ashamed.

Taboo to mention this.

Physician Jiang bowed and agreed.

The little apprentice following him carried the medical box on his back, took out the pulse pillow from inside, and took a clean silk cloth to cover Wu Fujin's wrist.

Fifth elder brother showed concern on his face, entered the room, walked up to Wu Fujin, and said, "You are uncomfortable, why didn't you say something before? You shouldn't have come out with me..."

Brother Jiu came to his senses, looked at Shu Shu, and said in a low voice, "Is this... yes?"

Shu Shu didn't answer, and pointed to Wu Fujin's pulse.

Whether it is true or not depends on Doctor Jiang.

After hearing Shu Shu's words, Doctor Jiang had a guess in his heart.

The young woman suddenly reacted to the smell of food, most of which were indistinguishable.

As soon as he caught the pulse, his heart immediately settled down.

When he got up, he said to Shu Shu: "Wufu Jin is indeed a slippery pulse, and she is pregnant for more than two months..."

Shu Shu brought joy, and said: "Congratulations to sister-in-law Fifth, congratulations to fifth brother!"

Wu Fujin bit her lip, still in a daze.

The fifth elder brother has been an ama several times, so of course he knows what "shuamai" means.

He was already dumbfounded.

Ninth elder brother looked at fifth elder brother, puzzled and said: "Fifth elder brother, is there no imperial doctor in your family to ask for a safe pulse?"

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't you ask for a Ping An pulse every ten days?
Among the imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital, there are those who are responsible for asking for peace pulses in various prefectures.

The fifth elder brother said: "In the first month, I was afraid of taboos, so I didn't call the imperial doctor to ask for a safe pulse..."

Years ago it was the same as usual, once every ten days a safe pulse, but it should be that the pulse is still shallow, so it has not been diagnosed.

Shu Shu thought about Wu Fujin's bleeding in the first trimester before, and said, "Physician Jiang, I don't know what my fifth sister-in-law's pulse looks like. I'm so busy with all kinds of trivial matters every year and year after year, it's to blame..."

The fifth elder brother and the ninth elder brother both calmed down, and both brothers were nervous.

There were several funerals every year and year after year, which really made people suffer.

In addition, Wu Fujin is the mistress of the Wubeile Mansion, so she has to work hard both inside and out.

Physician Jiang looked at Wufujin carefully, and said: "Wufujin's pulse seems to be stable, but it seems that some qi and blood are lacking, so you can use some soups to nourish blood, such as red dates and white fungus soup, brown sugar ginger tea, angelica chicken soup and dangshen pigeon soup wait……"

The fifth elder brother was beside him, feeling that he couldn't remember, so he said to the ninth elder brother: "Take a paper and write it down?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "No, I have ready-made recipes here, and the ingredients are all ready-made. You can bring some back later."

Doctor Jiang took people down without any other doctor's orders.

With an identity like Wu Fujin's, if she is confirmed to be pregnant, she can ask for an order to select a gynecologist from the Imperial Hospital to be on duty.

Shu Shu thought about her own dining room, and said to Wu Fujin: "In the past few months, it's easy to eat. If there's anything you want to eat, you can send someone here to pick it up. In the past six months, we'll eat something. The room is fully stocked.”

Wu Fujin accepted her kindness, nodded and said, "Well, I won't be polite to you then."

The great joy should have been celebrated, but now it's time to hold the lanterns, and it's less than half an hour before entering the watch.

There will be a curfew if you enter the watch.

Wubeile's Mansion is not close to here, and with Wu Fujin's body now, the carriage has to drive slowly.

Although the identities of the fifth elder brother and his wife, even if it is a curfew, it is just a record, and no one will really stop them, but it is not necessary.

The couple didn't even eat, so they had to get up and go back.

Shu Shu didn't keep it either, she just took Wu Fujin's hand and said: "Grandmother and Empress know that it's time to be happy."

Wu Fujin nodded, looked at Fifth Elder Brother, and said, "Master, remember to announce the good news to the elders tomorrow."

The Fifth Elder Brother hurriedly nodded and said, "Yes, yes, tomorrow I will enter the palace to announce the good news!"

Shu Shu sent it to the main room, but Wu Fujin stopped her from sending it.

At this moment, Xiaochun arrived in a hurry, carrying a small basket in his hand; followed by an eunuch, carrying a large basket.

Shu Shu didn't force her, she insisted on going out to see off the guests, she only pointed to the two baskets, and said: "Before the meal is set, I asked someone to go to the greenhouse to pick two baskets of vegetables, you take them and eat them first, if there is anything you want , send someone to pick it up again."

Wu Fujin nodded, saw the fresh and tender cucumbers in the basket in Xiaochun's hands, and said, "I'm about to eat cucumbers, I'll eat them when I get back."

Shushu stopped.

Brother Jiu personally sent the two to the gate of the Prince's Mansion.

Fifth elder brother helped Wu Fujin into the carriage.

Ninth Brother reminded Fifth Brother, "Fifth Brother, quickly change the master of ceremonies, so that sister-in-law won't be disturbed."

Brother Fifth nodded and said, "Well, I see..."

It must be changed, otherwise, like today, the eldest aunt went to the prince's mansion to cry and make trouble, which would be enough to make people worry.

The fifth elder brother also made a decision.

Compared with uncles and aunts who are not very close, it is natural that wives and sons-in-law are more important.

Ninth elder brother watched the fifth elder brother and his wife's carriage go away before turning back to the house.

When they returned to the main room, Brother Jiu said cheerfully: "It's all right now, from now on, Grandmother and Empress don't have to worry about Brother Wu anymore!"

Shu Shu recalled the matter of the fifth elder brother bringing the little novice back to Beijing, and couldn't help laughing: "The abbot of Hongluo Temple is going to be worried, there must be someone who wants to 'see the virtuous and consider the same'..."

After all, she told Brother Jiu about the key to growing bamboo in Wubeile Mansion.

Brother Nine was also overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Brother Wu is very thoughtful, isn't he? No one else has thought of this, only he has thought of it!"

As for the people Shu Shu mentioned who "think of others when they see the virtuous", there is no one else, and Prince Zhuang will definitely give it a try.

Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's really a good thing, otherwise Fifth Sister-in-law's silence would make people feel worried."

Not to mention boys and girls, first of all, you must be able to give birth.

If there has been no movement, it will be easy for people to talk.

Including the crown princess, the nine sisters-in-law, except for Wu Fujin and Shi Fujin who is still a bride, all of them have been pregnant.

There has been some gossip outside, or it is said that Wu Fujin's natal family is small, and they don't know how to take care of their daughter's health, and even their health is not good; There is no heirloom.

No matter what kind, the malice was directed at Wu Fujin.

The fifth elder brother is a noble prince, no one dares to say that he is wrong; but Wu Fujin has become the one who took shit luck and climbed up to the prince in the eyes of others. It is not one or two who are waiting to see the joke.

Brother Jiu rubbed his chin, and said: "This time is just right, I guess the empress won't be able to care about Shengjing..."

On the street, in a carriage.

Because of Fifth Prince's previous order, the carriage drove extremely slowly.

Wu Fujin turned to look at Fifth Elder Brother, with eyebrows and eyes bent, and said: "Thank you, Lord..."

The fifth elder brother was a little at a loss, and said, "Thank you for what?"

Wu Fujin endured her embarrassment and said, "November, during the twilight period, for ten days before and after, my master stayed in the main room."

Although it is said that Wufu Jin knew about the advisability of conceiving in the 37th year of Kangxi.

But this couple, Dun Lun, is not in her hands.

Even if she intends to follow this date, it still depends on the time of the fifth elder brother.

It wasn't until Dongyue last year, seeing the fifth elder brother sincerely begging for a son-in-law, that Wu Fujin endured his shyness and mentioned the "dwelling time" to him.

For the fifth elder brother, the "creatures of heaven and earth" and "biochemistry of all things" are too complicated, and they don't understand at all, and feel like they are talking about it.

But he knows what he needs to work for, and he can stay for ten days for ten days.

Didn't expect it to be right once!

Thinking of the past, he looked excitedly at Wu Fujin and said, "So it's not the blessing of the Buddha, but the gift of the Taoist Lord?"

Wu Fujin was a little confused and said: "Why... is it Daojun?"

If it was someone else, he probably thought Wu elder brother was criticizing Sang Huai and doubting his wife's chastity; but Wu Fujin knew that he didn't mean that, and probably thought of something else.

The fifth elder brother said: "Aren't you talking about 'biology of heaven and earth' and 'biology of all things' in the winter moon?"

Wu Fujin hesitated.

She remembered that what Shu Shu mentioned was from medical books, but Taoism and medicine have not been separated since ancient times, and these yin and yang reconciliations do have some shadows of Taoism.

So she couldn't decide whether this was a Taoist theory.

The fifth elder brother was kind, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Prince Zhuang is pitiful, he is still worshiping Guanyin at Hongluo Temple, should we tell him?"

The next update will be at 2:14 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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