My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 828 I'm Curious About How Brother 8 Will Be

Chapter 828 I'm Curious What Will Happen To The Mynah?

Wu Fujin hurriedly shook his head and said, "That's not right..."

Fifth elder brother glanced at her abdomen, hesitantly said: "Fu Jin is worried that it's not elder brother, but Ge Ge? Prince Zhuang, he probably won't pick this one, right?"

Although it is better to give birth to an elder brother, Ge Ge is also precious.

Wu Fujin explained: "The calculation of the time of ambiguity was told by Mrs. Dutong before my younger siblings got married. It was originally a mother-to-daughter secret. My younger siblings told me, so it's not good to publicize it."

The fifth elder brother heard it, and immediately said: "So that's the case, so I won't say it. If I can say it, the ninth brother will ask the younger brothers and sisters before talking about it."

Although he is kind-hearted, he has a sense of propriety, he will not be generous to others, let alone his younger brother.

But when he heard that the secret method was taught by "Mrs. Dutong", the fifth elder brother was also faintly excited.

With Shu Shu's diagnosis of twins years ago, Mrs. Dutong was also discussed for a while.

Because this lady also gave birth to twins.

After someone sorted out the branch of Dong E's family, they realized that Luo Shi was the real blessed person, with six sons and one daughter.

Relying on his own strength, he changed the situation that Dong E's family had few descendants for several generations.
With anticipation, fifth elder brother couldn't help stretching out his hand, carefully touched Wu Fujin's abdomen, and said, "Then there are also two in our family?"

Wu Fujin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Twins don't come for nothing, my family has never heard of twins in the family."

The fifth elder brother nodded and said: "That's right, but it's hard to say, maybe the emperor Taizu went up, some ancestors in our family had twins, and Prince Anhe had twins under his knees, and he had never heard of his three successors." There was a precedent at the Hesheli family..."

The husband and wife were chatting, and when the carriage reached the intersection, they heard the sound of "clacking" horseshoes outside.

"Fifth Brother..."

It turned out that it was Brother Qi who came over and recognized the carriage in Wubeile Mansion, so he stepped forward to say hello.

The fifth elder brother stopped, picked up the curtain, and said, "Huh? Didn't you go to Tongzhou? You came back today..."

Seventh elder brother nodded, looked at fifth elder brother twice, and said: "I heard that Lao Jiu is looking for me, I'll go over and see what's going on."

He was worried about something urgent before, and he was afraid that it would be delayed.

After all, Brother Nine had no personal contact with him, and he only came to him every time he had something to do.

But seeing the fifth elder brother smiling happily, the seventh elder brother felt relieved, it shouldn't be a big deal, or it might be a good thing directly.

The fifth elder brother wanted to share the joy with the seventh elder brother, but thinking that it had not been three months, he endured it and said: "Then go quickly, don't delay, this is also going to be updated!"

Seventh elder brother responded, rode his horse out of the way, waited for fifth elder brother's carriage to leave, and then continued to urge the horse to go to the north official building.

After a while, when we arrived at the Ninth Prince's Mansion, Seventh Elder Brother didn't intend to enter the house, so he waited directly in front of the mansion.

Brother Nine got the news, so he hurried out without delay.

"Brother Seven, why are you here? It's nothing serious..."

He knew it was late, and seeing that elder brother Seven was still looking dusty, he knew that he had come back from a day of traveling, and without delay, he talked about the Xiaotangshan hot spring palace.

Seventh elder brother nodded and said: "Well, I understand. I'm going out of Beijing tomorrow morning. I don't know when I'll be back. Come here and ask. It's fine if there is nothing else."

After all, he was about to get on the horse.

Brother Jiu thought quickly, and said: "You are going to Tongzhou today, is it because Shengjia is going to take a boat tour?"

Seventh elder brother nodded, he went to Tongzhou for this matter, and took people to check the imperial boat needed for the trip.

Brother Nine hesitated for a moment and didn't say much.
Seventh elder brother didn't delay, got on his horse and left with his entourage.

Only then did Brother Jiu turn around and return to the Prince's Mansion.

When it was time for the main room, Shu Shu was still waiting for him to eat.

Seeing that elder brother Jiu was a little unhappy, Shu Shu said: "Master Qi is here at this time, what's the matter?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "Brother Seven was worried that the master would have something to do when he returned home in the afternoon, so he came here to ask. He will leave Beijing with his retinue tomorrow morning."

Seeing this, Shu Shu thought he was sore again, but she didn't know how to persuade him.

Who told him that he didn't go to Liubu for training, it's not unusual for Shengjia to miss him when he went on tour.

Even if they are walking in the six parts, they should not be able to compare with the group of elder brothers at the top and the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers at the back.

Brother Nine frowned and said, "Ama Khan wants to patrol the Yongding River by water, when will he be able to come back? If he rides a horse, it will take a few days, and if he takes a boat, it may take a month or so, but Noni's lawsuit has not yet been finalized. You won't procrastinate and make big things into small things, right?"

Was worried about this.

Shu Shudao: "Why worry about this? Even if the emperor directs you to Zhenglan Qi, wouldn't it be several years later?"

According to Kangxi's behavior, if he loves to be a son, he will be fourteen elder brothers at the earliest.

In that case, even if you don't have to wait until the 48th year of Kangxi, it will be after the 42nd year of Kangxi.

Brother Jiu glanced to the east, and said: "I'm just curious, I want to see if Brother An Junwang is really going to take it down, what will my starling do?"

Before, the eighth elder brother went around looking for medicine for eight Fujin, but he looked like a loving husband and wife.

Shu Shu couldn't figure it out either, so after thinking about it, she said, "Shouldn't you sit on the sidelines?"

Otherwise, how can there be good popularity?
Always be kind.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows, and said: "Then let's make a bet, see if it is the Eight Fujin who made the move first, or the Fucha family who made the move first..."

Starlings have always been very strong.

Now that the titles of the brothers are almost the same, it's time to fight for the heir.

Shu Shu thought about it. According to historical records, the pair of sons and daughters under the eighth prince's knees are the weakest among all the princes.

What about Brother Nine...

Shu Shu glanced at him.

This one hits a lot of girls...

This is a turnaround, don't mention this...

Seeing that Shu Shu didn't speak, Brother Jiu looked at her and said, "Will you bet or not? Mynah is careful, he must have waited for his son-in-law before, but not now. If the master's prediction is not bad, the matter of this lawsuit As soon as he comes out, it's time for him to weigh the weight of the Fucha family..."

Brothers Ma Qi and Ma Wu are all close friends of the imperial court.

After losing support from the clan, the eighth elder brother will make the right choice.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt uncomfortable.

It is a real dog to manipulate wives and concubines in terms of children.

She sighed, and said: "Fuqing's wife came to give the New Year's gift before, and she slipped her tongue. Fucha sided Fujin, and she had already met with Dai Jiashi before..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Okay, why did she tell you this?"

Brother Nine heard Brother Ten mention it before, but he forgot about it afterwards.

The eldest elder brother was raised outside the palace in his early years, in the home of Garu, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at that time.

This Galu, whose old surname is Dai Jia, is Ma Qi's uncle, and also the elder of the Seventh Age Mother Clan.

Dai Jia's family set aside the coat because of Galu, the emperor's confidant.

Ma Qi's eldest daughter, the person whom she wanted to see before was Dai Jia's direct descendant, the grandson of Garu.

Outsiders probably don't know much, otherwise, Ma Qi would be on the premise.

If it was a well-known matter, then Ma Qi would mention it in front of the imperial court.

Otherwise, it would be like the Fucha family advocating for power.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "I remembered, at that time, Babeile Mansion had just recruited a Fucha bodyguard. It should be that Fucha's family deliberately asked the third grandma to tell you. Let me explain, it's not that their family wants to cling to him." Eighth brother's..."

Ma Qi's second son died young, and Fu Qing lived among his brothers.

Brother Nine smiled and said: "The teacher also got red eye disease, and many people outside slandered him, saying that three sons followed three princes, so what? When Khan Ama is deaf, Khan Ama turns around Just point out his youngest son to Xiao Shiliu to be the prince's companion!"

The appointment of several sons of Ma Qi's family has nothing to do with Ma Qi.

It's all agreed.

Everyone used this to criticize Ma Qi, and the direction was wrong.

The more you slander him, the more the emperor will protect Ma Qi...

The next day, the fifth elder brother entered the palace early and arrived at the Qianqing Palace first, but he was also in vain.

The holy driver patrols the Yongding River, and the fourth elder brother, seventh elder brother and thirteenth elder brother follow him.

It was different from the time a year ago, when it went directly south, but this time it was by water.

Now at the end of the first month, the river has thawed, and the spring flood is not far away.

Kangxi was worried that the officials on the river engineering would be fooled, so he chose to take a boat to check the repairs of the dams on both sides of the river along the river.

The fifth elder brother went to Ningshou Palace again.

Today is not the day for the concubine to pay her respects, there is nothing taboo in Ningshou Palace, the eunuch on duty at the gate of the palace directly led the fifth elder brother in.

The Empress Dowager was about to have breakfast, when she saw the fifth elder brother coming in, she quickly asked him to sit down, and said: "It's so early, it's still cold outside, let's drink a bowl of mutton soup to warm up first..."

The fifth elder brother smelled the fragrance and felt a little greedy. He took the towel handed over by the palace man and wiped his hands, then drank a bowl of mutton soup first.

The coriander and shallots on top are green and fresh at first glance.

The fifth elder brother said: "It's really fragrant, it looks good, and it smells delicious, better than dried coriander."

The queen mother smiled and said: "The Nine Elder Brothers will send them in, and they will be sent back once in three or five days."

Fifth elder brother nodded and said: "Siblings are filial, and Lao Jiu is more sensible than before."

The Queen Mother nodded.

She also remembered clearly that the ninth elder brother had a bit of an ass temper in the early days, except for the eighth and tenth elder brothers, he was not very close to others, even the fifth elder brother was no exception.

Now that life is getting better, this awkward temper has also been reversed.

The fifth elder brother remembered the business and said joyfully: "Grandmother, the grandson is here to announce the good news for you. It's been two and a half months. Before winter, your great-grandson will come..."

The Empress Dowager immediately beamed with joy, nodded and said: "Okay, okay, it really is a happy event..."

As she said that, she told Nanny Bai, "Hurry up and pack up some bird's nests, sea cucumbers, etc., and go see the fifth daughter-in-law for me."

The fifth elder brother recalled the words of Imperial Physician Jiang yesterday, and said, "Does the imperial grandmother have Codonopsis ginseng and Angelica here? The imperial physician saw it yesterday, and said that Fujin was a little lacking in blood energy, so he asked to eat more medicinal food to replenish blood energy..."

The Empress Dowager laughed and said, "I have it, I have it, if not, I will send someone to the Imperial Pharmacy to get it..."

(End of this chapter)

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