My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 829 The heart is crooked

When Bai Momo asked someone to pack up the big and small bags, the Queen Mother didn't call them away immediately, but said: "I remember that Shu Shu likes to eat scallops and dried clams, and I also packed a few bags. After going to see the fifth wife, Go and see Shushu."

The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, and the small ones must not be forgotten.

Grandma Bai complied, and went down to get ready.

After hearing this, fifth elder brother waved his hand to send the others off, and lowered his voice, he followed the Queen Mother and said, "Grandmother, my grandson told you that this time Fujin's pregnancy is not due to Hongluo Temple, but also thanks to my younger siblings..."

After that, he talked about "drenched waiting".

The Queen Mother was confused, but she also understood the general meaning, nodded and said: "I have long seen that Shu Shu treats people with sincerity, what a good child, and she doesn't keep secrets from her sister-in-law; how could anyone else say this?"

The fifth elder brother said: "The grandson is thinking about it. It's good to think about it, but right now there is no place to repay the favor. Let's see later."

The queen mother agreed: "Well, it's good to have contacts, but they are all from our own family, so we don't have to make them so clear, take your time..."

Speaking of this, she thought of Yikun Palace again, and called Mother Bai to give instructions: "Before leaving the palace, go to Yikun Palace first to announce the good news to Concubine Yi, it's not convenient for elder brother to go there."

Bai Momo agreed, and took two servants to Yikun Palace.

When Concubine Yi got the news, she couldn't help clasping her hands together and said: "Buddha bless you, when Wu Fujin is finished giving birth, I will ask for an order to go to Hongluo Temple to put a golden body on Buddha!"

Hearing that Nanny Bai was leaving the palace, Concubine Yi also asked Pei Lan to pack the big and small bags.

"Tell Wu Fujin to take good care of her and don't need to come to the palace anymore. If she misses the Queen Mother with me, then send the nanny into the palace..."

Concubine Yi ordered Pei Lan to say.

Perrin bowed in response.

Concubine Yi thought about Shu Shu again, and said: "Send the other two boxes of bird's nests to Jiu Fujin, and then ask the wet nurse how they choose? If there is no suitable one at the bagger's house, please ask the Dutong Mansion to help find it." People, find the right one, and worry about it..."

In fact, she thought of Pandan.

Xianglan gave birth to a daughter a few years ago, but with Xianglan's talents, it's a pity to be a baby nurse.

Pei Lan also agreed, and came out with Nanny Bai.

Someone had sent word earlier, asking the House of Internal Affairs to prepare a carriage, and a group of people left the imperial city from Di'an Gate.

Three or four miles to the east, the North Street inside Chaoyangmen is Wubeile Mansion.

Five Baylor Mansion, Shangfang, Xici Room.

Wu Fujin was sitting and put down the bowl and chopsticks.

There was an empty porridge bowl in front of him, and then there were two side dishes to accompany the porridge, one shredded mustard greens, one hot and sour fungus, and nothing else.

It's not that the breakfast is not fully prepared, but that it doesn't smell.

Last night at the Ninth Prince's Mansion, I smelled the smell of beef, eggs, and milk. Just now when the table was served, I felt that the cabbage was also smelly, and the cucumber was also smelly.

She had no choice but to ask someone to evacuate them, and there were only two small pickles left, and there was no response to the smell, so she drank a bowl of millet porridge.

As soon as the dining table was removed, someone came from the front yard to report that someone from the palace had arrived.

Wu Fujin ordered the nanny to welcome the guests on his behalf.

The nanny arrived at the front, and before she could say hello to Nanny Bai and Pei Lan, the fifth elder brother came back.

It turned out that the fifth elder brother was worried about his wife, and came back directly after leaving Ningshou Palace.

"Has Fujin had breakfast?"

Fifth elder brother asked.

He rested in the upper room last night, but he had to rush into the palace to announce the good news, so he got up earlier, so Wu Fujin was not allowed to wake up.

The nanny hesitated for a moment, and said: "I started to feel sick, I couldn't smell anything, so I ate a bowl of millet porridge and a few small pickles..."

After hearing this, the fifth elder brother showed worry on his face.

The nanny hesitated for a moment, and said, "Fifth Master, Jiufu Jin is used to worrying about meals..."

Before finishing a sentence, Fifth Prince's face drooped, he stared at her and said, "Shut up!"

Nanny blushed, and looked at Nanny Bai and Pei Lan as if asking for help.

Nanny Bai and Pei Lan followed Fifth Elder Brother as if they had never heard of it.

Jiufu Jin is the prince Fujin, filial piety to the queen mother and concubine Yi, that is filial piety.

Between sisters-in-law, what is it?
Not to mention Wufu Jin, it is the princess concubine. If she does not become a queen for a day, she is not qualified to order her concubine.

Not to mention that Jiufujin is still waiting to give birth, it's already a month old, who would dare to let her worry about it?
Both of them felt contempt in their hearts.

After all, it came from a small family.

Wherever it went, it just drifted away.

Wu Fujin was waiting with a smile on his face, when he realized that the faces of the whole group were not right.

Her expression remained unchanged, she only looked at Fifth Prince who had a displeasure on her face, and a questioning look in her eyes.

The fifth elder brother sat directly on the edge of the kang, and said angrily: "Mother Zhao is getting old and confused, you can reward some money and let her go to her house, the master and the emperor's grandmother will ask two people to serve you."

Wu Fujin was startled, and looked at the nanny.

It's just a pick-up effort, what is this for?

The nanny knelt down with a "plop", and begged: "Master Wu, this old servant is confused, and I dare not commit any crimes again. Please, Master Wu, please look at Fujin and allow this old slave to go home after giving birth to Fujin." ..."

The fifth elder brother shook his head and said: "No, you have a crooked heart, keep you talking in Fujin's ear, life will not be peaceful in the future!"

Wu Fujin regretted so much, he hurriedly told the girl: "Help Mammy down first."

This was her nanny, and of course she knew what was wrong.

The heart that loves her is real, for fear that others will neglect her.

Nanny's mouth is a little broken, so she likes to compare.

In the past, the nanny loved to mention Qifu Jin, but when Shu Shu came in, she loved to compare Shu Shu with her.

She warned twice that the rules of the royal family are different from those outside, and it is not a place for gossiping.

Nanny didn't mention it anymore, but she didn't expect to make a mistake again now.

No wonder Fifth Prince was so annoyed.

The girl helped the nanny down.

Wu Fujin rubbed his temples, with shame on his face, and said to Fifth Elder Brother: "It's my fault, I knew before that the nanny was less disciplined, and I wanted to let her out to be raised, but it ended up being delayed until now, and let the master follow along." I'm bothered."

The fifth elder brother looked better now, and said: "It's okay, you're out of energy, and you should worry about it for me. She's so muddled, and if she keeps it, she will offend others, make people laugh, and turn around and let the emperor point it out. You are a month old, and someone will act as the housekeeper..."

Wu Fujin nodded, and said, "Master is very thoughtful."

Nanny Bai and Pei Lan were paying attention to Wu Fujin's expression.

It is really the reckless handling of the matter by the fifth elder brother. It depends on the owner to beat the dog.

Let alone in front of outsiders.

Since ancient times, it has been "teaching children before people" and "teaching wives by pillow".

The ones to be kicked out are not ordinary servants, but Wu Fujin's nanny, who is Wu Fujin's dowry.

They felt embarrassed as they were watching.

Unexpectedly, Wu Fujin was self-restraining, and he didn't mean to be ashamed, and even took the initiative to apologize to Fifth Brother.

Looking at Wu Fujin's expression, he didn't force it, he knew the importance of the truth, so the impression in their hearts changed a bit.

Nanny Bai relayed what the Queen Mother had said, and also presented the gift list.

In addition to all kinds of food, there are four bolts of Songjiang cloth, four bolts of Ningxia silk, two bolts of Zhang velvet, and two bolts of camel hair.

Wu Fujin got up to pick it up, and said: "Thank you for the reward from the emperor's grandmother. I am asking the people in the sewing room to make spring shirts for Wu Ye. The camel velvet is perfect for wearing in early February, and the warmer velvet can be worn on the upper body."

Bai Momo said: "Your Majesty said, if Fujin is hungry and wants to eat, he can ask Fifth Lord to fetch it from Ningshou Palace. There is nothing missing, everything is ready."

Wu Fujin smiled lightly and said: "The imperial grandmother is kind, I will go to kowtow to the imperial grandmother when I give birth later."

Peilan waited until Mother Bai had finished speaking, then handed over the gift list and a pamphlet, saying, "This is what the empress told people to remember last year. There are many recipes that Jiufujin sent to the empress last year. It is harmful to the mouth. I took it from time to time, and some took it after five months. There are also two kinds of cream prescriptions, which are used to remove freckles on the body. Hair powder recipe..."

Wu Fujin also took it with both hands, and said gratefully: "Let the empress worry about it. With this, I feel at ease."

After Bai Momo and Pei Lan left, Fifth Elder Brother quietly glanced at Wu Fujin, feeling a little apprehensive, and said, "Are you not annoyed?"

Wu Fujin shook his head, with a wry smile on his face, "I know the Lord is doing it for my own good..."

Getting angry with Nanny face-to-face also exposed Nanny's shortcomings and separated her from Nanny.

Only then did the fifth elder brother breathe a sigh of relief, and said what the nanny said in the front yard before, and said, "It's really sick, even if it's just a private recitation, I deliberately mentioned this in front of Nanny Bai and Aunt Peilan. What to do? Turn around and ask the emperor's grandmother and empress what to think, does she think that the emperor's grandmother and empress are confused, or that the father is confused, and can go to the younger siblings to ask the premise of this?"

Not that big of a face.

Wu Fujin was ashamed, and said: "It's my fault, I should have let him out long ago."

It seems that the nanny stopped talking before, not because of her warning, but because she felt that she lacked confidence.

Now that she is pregnant, Nanny feels confident.

Wu Fujin's face was burning hot, and he glanced at Fifth Elder Brother with gratitude, and said, "Fortunately, my master caught up with me, and immediately got mad at Nanny, otherwise, Nanny Bai and Aunt Pei Lan felt that I would be frivolous too... ..."

The fifth elder brother shook his head and said: "I know you are not, and the emperor's grandmother and empress will also know..."

The gate of the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

After getting the news, Nanny Xing came out to welcome Nanny Bai and Pei Lan in.

Her hair was combed smooth and smooth, her face was serious, and she didn't mean to greet.

Sister Bai and Pei Lan were much more at ease.

This should be the case, everyone came out with errands behind their backs, not out to socialize.

As a slave, you must not only learn to speak, but also learn to shut up.

The second time in the main room, Shu Shu was crooked, with pillows beside him.

She looked at her stomach curiously. Xiaochun and Walnut stood beside her, with a little excitement on their faces.

In the last ten days, Shu Shu's baby started to move.

Especially during the day, the babies in the womb are more active, and at most they move five or six times an hour.

Because Shu Shu's belly is tight recently, every time the baby moves, it looks like a small bulge.

Not only Shu Shu was curious, but Xiaochun and Walnut were also curious...

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