Chapter 830 People's hearts are biased

When Sister Bai and Pei Lan came in, they saw several satisfied faces of the master and servant.

Shu Shu sat up straight and slipped away, but didn't get up, and directly told Xiaochun and Walnut, "Move a seat for mother and aunt..."

Nanny Bai and Pei Lan saw Shu Shu's appearance clearly, and they were both nervous.

When they came back to the Prince's Mansion, it was years ago, and Shu Shu's belly was more obvious at that time, but it was not like it is now.

Now, even if she was wearing loose clothes, she couldn't stop it.

And she is not fat all over, looking at her body is still the same as before, the bulge of her stomach makes people tremble with fear.

Looking at the large and small square pillows behind her, you can see that she is struggling.

Bai Momo hurriedly said: "Jiufujin, you are still on the sideways, do whatever you feel comfortable with, don't get tired."

Shu Shu then leaned back to make her posture more comfortable, and said with a smile: "I've been lying down for a while too, just sit and talk."

At this moment, Xiaochun and Walnut moved the soft stool over.

The two saluted Shu Shufu before sitting down one by one.

Bai Momo looked at Shu Shu's stomach and said, "This... What did Mrs. Dutong say, when is Fujin's delivery date?"

Shu Shu rubbed her stomach and said, "Ernie said it's okay. She had a big belly when she was pregnant with my two brothers. This way, the child will be well-raised, no different from a single child. If the delivery period goes well, it will be three months. In the month, if the little guy is in a hurry, it will be the end of February."

Speaking of this, she remembered the matter of giving the child a nickname.

She is a useless name, and Brother Nine doesn't have a suitable one.

But now it's not ripe, and the nickname is not easy to pick.

When the male and female are determined, the Queen Mother or Yifei can help to choose a nickname.

Bai Momo said: "Your Majesty got the news that Wu Fujin is happy, so she sent this old slave over to have a look, and also ordered this old slave to bring some scallops and dried clams to Fujin."

After hearing this, Shu Shu articulated a little, and said, "I'm hungry, I've been eating beef or chicken all day long, and I don't dare to eat big meat, so I can change my taste..."

As she said that, she couldn't wait any longer, and ordered Walnut to say, "Send it to the dining room now, and the scallops will cook the porridge directly, without putting anything in it except rice. When the porridge is ready, just add green onion and salt." Soak dried clams, and when my master comes back in the evening, eat with that fried cucumber slice..."

Walnut responded and went down.

Shu Shu knew that the dining room of Ningshou Palace didn't make seafood, and many tributes were left for nothing, so she said to Nanny Bai: "This Yao Zhu nourishes yin and blood, strengthens the spleen and kidney, it is suitable for the imperial grandmother to eat, it doesn't need to be too complicated The method is to cook the porridge directly after removing the fishy smell from the dried scallop rice wine, or soak the scalloped scallops, tear them into shreds and steam them as chicken cakes.”

Bai Momo listened carefully, and said: "This old slave made a note, and later asked the kitchen staff to make it, and let the empress try it too."

Seeing that Nanny Bai had finished speaking, Pei Lan opened her mouth and said, "Your Majesty also sent servants to deliver bird's nests, and asked the servants to ask how the wet nurse was found. The Madam said that if there is no suitable one in the manor's coat, we will send you the bird's nest." Please help find someone from the capital..."

Shu Shu said: "there are not many bird's nests left at home, and I am about to send people to go out to buy and change them. The empress gave it just right; the wet nurse has prepared four now, and I, Ernie, will also help me to keep an eye on them, and prepare two. .”

The royal selection of wet nurses has time requirements. The wet nurses are required to give birth for no more than three months, and they cannot be the first child. If they are the second or third child, they must have experience in feeding children.

Another thing is that there are also requirements for the sex of the wet nurse to give birth to the child. The wet nurse of the little elder brother requires that the baby is a daughter, and the wet nurse of the little princess requires that the baby is a boy.

Another thing is to check the family background. The family members and relatives of several generations must not have bad deeds. They must be born clean and behave well.

Another thing is to have a good appearance, because I have to serve the little masters since I was a child, and I often show up in front of people. If I look ugly, I am afraid that I will scare the little masters.

In this way, it will be cumbersome.

Concubine Yi was worried about the lack of manpower.

Seeing that Shu Shu was in such a state, it was not very convenient. Nanny Bai and Pei Lan didn't dare to disturb her, and they were about to leave after delivering the message.

Shu Shu said: "Wait a minute, the winter jasmine flowers in the greenhouse are blooming. I thought I would entrust her to take them with me when the ten blessings enter the palace tomorrow. Now that my mother and aunt are here, it's just right to take them back."

After a while, Xiao Song brought back two young eunuchs, both of whom were holding flower pots about one foot wide, and inside was a three-foot-high winter jasmine.

The golden flower buds are already on the branches, and there are still a few sporadic blooms.

At this moment, Walnut, who had just retreated with Shushu's eyes, also came back, followed by Xiaotang, and each of them carried a food box one and a half feet high in their hands.

Shu Shu said: "These two items were originally intended to be sent to the palace tomorrow, so let's take them away together. They are prepared for the 'February [-]nd' meal. The top is stewed beef, and the bottom is beans, eggplant, celery, Leeks and these can be served with spring pancakes..."

The two came over with big bags and left with big bags.

After getting into the carriage, Sister Bai and Pei Lan exchanged glances.

The two also got rewards.

Grandma Bai is a golden flat square, which looks ordinary, but weighs heavily on her hand, which is twice as heavy.

Peilan is a pair of gold bracelets, which look very plain and clean. The face width is less than one point wide, and they can be worn on weekdays. They are round and look like gold. There are two halves of a pair of bracelets.

What Shu Shu said was that it was hard work for them to bring things, plus a new year's gift, which no one could refuse.

It was said that Brother Nine and his wife were rich, and when they talked about flowers, they didn't feel as deeply as Nanny Bai and Pei Lan.

This was the case as early as in the second school, but whenever the past, there is no time to go back empty-handed.

After moving to the Prince's Mansion, she still acts like this.

At the earliest time, they were uneasy and uncertain, wondering if it was Jiu Fujin who wanted to ask someone else.

As a result, not a single redundant word was said.

Seeing that the maids around Shu Shu are also dressed in gold and silver, they are decent, they know that this master is not short of money, he is just generous.

They also got rewards in Wubeile Mansion just now, each of them has a pair of purses, inside are golden lockets engraved with auspicious words, but after all, they are not as considerate as the rewards here in Ninth Prince’s Mansion...

When the winter jasmine and the food box arrived in the palace, it was a different situation.

Here in Ningshou Palace, the winter jasmine was praised and moved to the corner of the house.

What the queen mother paid most attention to was the food box.

"Open it up and see what it is..."

The old lady is hungry.

Bai Momo responded, opened the food box, and replied: "Jiu Fujin said that it is for the empress to prepare food for 'February [-]'..."

It says it's braised beef, but it's actually a stewed meat platter. There are four kinds of stewed beef, stewed beef tendons, stewed beef head meat, and stewed tripe.

In addition to the beans, eggplants, celery, and leeks mentioned by Shu Shu, there are also four kinds of shallots, green garlic sprouts, coriander, and peppers.

The queen mother looked at it, couldn't help it, and said: "Where can I eat so much the day after tomorrow? Let's eat it today, beef head meat fried with chili, this cow's skin is translucent, delicious, and a plate of stir-fried beef tripe with leeks, Xiao Jiushang After eating several eggplant clips, I fried another eggplant clip..."

Nanny Bai ordered people to go to the dining room, and then told the Queen Mother in detail about what she had seen and heard from the two houses.

The queen mother frowned when she heard Wu Fujin's nanny say something wrong.

She only relaxed her brows when she heard that Fifth Elder Brother had an attack immediately, and nodded, "That's how it should be. Such a person shouldn't be kept. Old Fifth Brother has a bright eye and a bright heart, so I can't see these sneaky thoughts..."

The happy pulse was only diagnosed yesterday, even if Wu Fujin had a bad mouth, he would still be hungry, so where is he going to startle other people?

It's just using the excuse of the master's bad mouth to encourage the master to fight for the wind.

The queen mother has lived for 60 years, what hasn't she seen?

After hearing Wu Fujin's reaction, the queen mother sighed and said, "It's not bad to be able to do so at this age."

The fifth elder brother is a precious grandson. As an old grandmother who dotes on her grandson, she naturally wants her grandson to marry with a decent marriage, a grandson-in-law with all kinds of colors, but the queen mother knows that the emperor's actions have deep meaning.

The fifth birth mother has a high status and is still raised by her side, so it is not appropriate to get married to the nobles of the Eight Banners.

In addition to Wu Fujin's slightly inferior background, his appearance and character are also not to be pickled.

What the old lady was worried about before was that the granddaughter-in-law would not be happy, and the grandson would not have a son.

Now that she is pregnant, she has to worry about the future.

Although he is a sensible child, but only because of his background, he will be troubled in the future.

The uncle's family next to him can support each other, but Wu Fujin's natal family is middle-class.

Now that her grandfather is in court, it looks decent, the servant's mansion, and when her grandfather retires, Ama will be a fifth-rank official.

How can such a grandfather help the emperor and grandson?
If you arrange two nuns, let's arrange two nuns. It will also save Wu Fujin from taking care of the shortcomings, and the tired fifth elder brother to worry about.

When she heard that Shu Shu's appearance was about to catch up with full-term, and her belly was high, the queen mother was also a little worried, and asked Bai Momo, "Then if she gave birth in early March, wouldn't it be eight months? But according to the old saying , Didn’t you say it’s not good, what Shushu means, it’s still a good thing to delay until March?”

When people get older, they see more.

Over the past few decades, many children died in the palace, some of them were due to lack of age.

Bai Momo had given birth before, so she knew more about it than the Queen Mother, and said, "There is an old saying, but it's not like this."

What the Empress Dowager said was, "Seven live and eight don't live".

I was afraid it was unlucky, so I was vague.

Nanny Bai explained another way of saying "seven live and eight don't live".

That is the children after the seventh month, thin and small, not much bigger than the six-month-old children, but with careful care, many of them survived.

This "live" is compared with a six-month-old child.

On the contrary, it is eight months old. It looks similar to a full-term child, but compared with a full-term child, it is easier to lose weight.

This "not living" is also compared with full-term children.

The white mother said: "Jiufu Jin loves children more when he is in the middle of the night. It should be because he is afraid that the little elder brothers will fall to the ground and become weak, so he wants to raise more. There is an imperial doctor here, and Mrs. Dutong is also experienced, so you can rest assured. It's..."

The Empress Dowager held the beads in her hand and said: "If the child doesn't fall to the ground, he won't be able to put it down. After Shu Shu is born, I still have to think about the old Wu Fujin. I just hope that both of them will go well..."

The main hall of Yikun Palace, Xici Room.

Concubine Yi leaned in front of the winter jasmine, closed her eyes, and sniffed gently.

The winter jasmine has a fragrance, but the smell is very weak, and you can only smell it when you are close to you.

When she opened her eyes, Concubine Yi smiled brightly and said: "This flower grows really well. Seeing this makes me feel at ease. Winter is finally over. From now on, it will be warmer every day. Tomorrow, I will The goose-yellow satin dress was turned out, and it matched this flower..."

Tomorrow is still the day to go to Ningshou Palace to pay respects, and it is also the time for concubines to tidy up their makeup.

After the first lunar month, the ermine and pearl fur clothes on the body will be put away, and they can be replaced with silk and camel hair clothes.

The four seasons clothes of the concubines, except court clothes and auspicious clothes, are undertaken by the Weaving Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other regular clothes are directly divided into clothes and materials according to their ranks, and are cut and sewed by the needleworkers of each palace.

The spring clothes have been prepared as early as years ago, and now is the time to wear new clothes.

After Peilan told about what she had seen and heard about the Five Baylor Mansion, Concubine Yi stopped laughing.

She rubbed her forehead, suppressed the irritability in her heart, and said, "This is what I fear most."

The royal family is the royal family, not ordinary people, no one can be frivolous.

Even the empress dowager behaved according to the rules, let alone other people.

There are ignorant ones, but none of them end well.

Pei Lan persuaded: "The slave looks at Wu Fujin just ashamed, not annoyed at the fact that Wu Ye went past her."

Concubine Yi sighed, and said: "Wait for Ningshou Palace to arrange people, don't worry about them..."

People are biased.

A son is a son, and a daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law.

After being a mother-in-law for several years, she also has ups and downs in her heart, and sometimes she can't help but find fault with her daughter-in-law.

But she also knew in her heart that it was too annoying.

Among the four concubines, she was the last to be a mother-in-law.

For her, how to be a good mother-in-law is also completely unfamiliar.

But with the three concubines in front, Concubine Yi was a bystander and understood a lot of truths.

Long before the fifth elder brother got married, she decided to learn from Concubine Hui and be a tolerant mother-in-law.

Like Concubine Rong, she also has a daughter, but she is mean to other people's daughters, I really don't know what to think.

There is only one son, and instead of looking forward to his son's smooth life, he finds troubles for his son and daughter-in-law, which is inexplicable.

Like Concubine De, because she doesn't like the eldest son, she even treats her daughter-in-law cold and cold, which is not normal.

Sometimes, Concubine Yi really wanted to ask those two, why did she dare to follow her heart?
But maybe this is the reason why the emperor ranked Concubine Hui and her at the top of the list of four concubines.

She and Concubine Hui are not very smart, but they are not fools either.

Those two are full of strength, and they have many children, and they were born early. Otherwise, it would be strange if they survived to the imperial concubine position.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yi couldn't help laughing.

Who didn't come here when they were young?

The virtues of Concubine De and Concubine Rong are not just like this now, they were the same when they were young.

It can only be said that when you are young and beautiful, it is not so hateful to have a little temper.

Now that I am old, I have the same petty temper, which is annoying to watch.

This is also a lesson from the past. What kind of son and daughter-in-law, I should not worry about it, and it will be serious after a few years of beauty...

Seeing that some readers have submitted manuscripts, but have not saved manuscripts, I tried to save one or two chapters every time I updated, but my brain didn't allow it. If I don't update my brain, I won't change it. Damn procrastination.

The next update will be at 2:15 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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