My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 832 1 Pulse

Chapter 832 Passed down in one line
Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and felt that she was becoming emotional.

Fooling Brother Jiu around cause and effect, he pretended to be himself.

If the couple is really causal...

What evil did she do in her previous life?

Why is there a fruit in this life? !
The closer she got to giving birth, the more she thought about the good of her previous life.

If you are destined to be a mother once, why don't you have to wait until this life instead of the previous life.

Isn't the legendary painless childbirth, or a one-time dissection, more worrying than living through the day now?

On the other hand, what good thing did Brother Jiu do in his previous life to come by himself in this life?

It is obviously a "hate", but it has been reversed into the royal family's favorite.

She was angry at first, and then felt wronged, her eyes were red.

Brother Jiu was startled when he saw this, and hurriedly said: "What's wrong? Did little brother kick you again?"

After speaking, he went to look at Shu Shu's stomach.

Shu Shu's stomach bulged a few small bags in response to the occasion.


Brother Jiu frowned and said, "What's going on, these two little bastards are fighting?"

Shu Shu also noticed that something was wrong with her body, several small bumps protruded one after another on her belly.

Her previous anger dissipated immediately, she shifted her attention, and touched it with her hands curiously.

I don't know if it's a little foot or a little hand inside, but it seems to be echoing her, and it pushes against her again.

Another place popped up again...

Shu Shu couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

Brother Jiu was confused by the laughter, looked at her and said, "Is your stomach itchy?"

Shu Shu glanced at him, and said: "It's not the armpit, why would it itch, it's funny to look at, doesn't it look like little mice that are about to pop their heads..."

She thought of the "whack-a-mole" game she played as a child.

Now when the two children are making a fuss, their little hands and feet are stretched out, and their bellies look like gophers.

Elder Brother Jiu couldn't help but get started too, and said: "Let the master touch it too..."

It's a pity that the children inside didn't cooperate, and they regained their calm in disgust.

There was only the smallest bump at the bottom, which gently pushed against it twice as if it was in touch with Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu only thought it was fun, but now his heart is soft, with a feeling of blood connection, and said: "Fortunately, among the two children, there is one who is sensible and filial, compared to the strong and caring one just now. Know how to hold back your strength."

As Shu Shu listened, a picture could not help appearing in her mind.

Two fetuses, the big one on the top, the long arms and legs, and the strength.

The one below was a little smaller and weaker.

Before, she didn't feel anything, after all, she was separated from her belly, and she wasn't see-through.

Now that she heard Brother Jiu's words, she thought about the fetal movements these days, and there were really some subtle differences.

This is also one of the most common problems of twins, nutritional imbalance, one big and one small, one strong and one weak.

Shu Shu didn't want to think about it, but she still thought about her family, her uncle and A Ma's two brothers.

If the eldest son is weak, isn't he another uncle?
Immediately, she covered up this worry in her heart, so she didn't need to worry about it.

There is also a possibility that there is a significant difference in the reaction of the fetus after twins.

No matter what the situation is, they are her children, and she will love them.

She glanced at Brother Nine again, Brother Nine will also become a very good Ama.

Brother Nine was also thinking about how to be an Ama, and said to Shushu: "I found out, parents are also snobbish, don't talk about others, just say Khan Ama, who has brought thirteen everywhere in the past two years, if you want to say It's true that 'child is more expensive than mother', the concubine is getting old, and she will be behind He concubine and Wang Guiren, then the rest is to look at Thirteen's homework, and she looks decent, we can't do it in the future so……"

Shu Shu rubbed his belly and said, "It's human nature to wish for a child to become a dragon, but there are only a few heroes in this world, and more of them are ordinary people. I only hope for their health and well-being..."

Brother Jiu was a little hesitant, and said: "Shouldn't you teach them brothers well, so that they two brothers will know how to make progress from an early age, and surpass other cousins?"

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Nine and said, "'Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind', besides, they are only grandsons of the emperor, so what can they do to make progress?"

Brother Jiu couldn't help baring his teeth when he heard this, and said, "Then their future depends on the master, can't they be expected to make money by themselves?"

There seems to be nothing good about being Ama.

No wonder it is said that "children are debts", they are all just waiting to enjoy the blessing.

Brother Nine also felt dissatisfied.

I don't want to be Ama anymore.

It's better to be a younger brother and a son.

Seeing this, Shu Shu comforted: "Don't think too much, sir, it's still early, when the time comes, it depends on their own temperament, if they are honest children, then we should worry about it; They flop on their own."

Brother Nine thought for a while and said, "Zhang Tingzan is not bad, he is not pedantic, let's book a teacher for our sons later!"

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Okay..."

She's also snobby.

Zhang Tingzan may be ordinary, but his younger brother, the one who participated in Chunwei this year, has been strong for decades.

Tongzhou, on the canal, Haojiawu Wharf.

The imperial boat berthed.

Kangxi is eating.

The fourth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother who followed him accompanied the meal.

The food is prepared in advance, it is noodle soup, and there are two other ready-made small new dishes, shredded mustard greens with sesame sesame oil and pickled celery.

Seventh elder brother was not there, he took three hundred guard vests and stationed along the river to guard the Yu Xiaozhou that was stationed there.

In addition, Erlundai and Fushan, the ministers who led the guards, led nine guards and took turns in front of the imperial court.

The fourth elder brother doesn't like the greasy sauce of the noodle soup, so he eats it slowly.

Elder Brother Thirteen tastes right to his appetite, especially the fat and thin sausage on it, which is a different kind of flavor, which is different from the straight meat, and it is more chewy.

Seeing that the fourth elder brother didn't touch the sausage, the thirteenth elder brother handed over the bowl and said, "If the fourth elder brother doesn't want to eat it, you can give me the meat!"

The fourth elder brother didn't move, looked at the thirteenth elder brother, and said with disapproval on his face: "You can't eat too much at night, it's time to accumulate food!"

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled and said, "It's okay. After dinner, I'll go to the bank to patrol with Seventh Brother, just in time to digest food."

The fourth elder brother took out another pair of chopsticks and gave him all the sausages on the noodle bowl, and then picked up the poached egg.

Elder Brother Thirteen hurriedly stopped, took the bowl back, and said, "You can keep this and eat it, you can't just eat noodles..."

The fourth elder brother nodded, without any further force.

Kangxi ate half a bowl of noodles and looked at his two sons.

The fourth elder brother is not bad, although his temper is not very pleasing, but his heart is responsible, and he also acts like an elder brother in front of his brothers.

Elder Brother Thirteen is also sensible, he respects his elder brothers and is friendly to his younger brother, not only looks like an adult, but also behaves properly.

When the meal was finished, Wei Zhu took people away from the table.

Kangxi rinsed his mouth, looked at Elder Brother Thirteen and said, "Don't worry about going to the shore to play, review the previous homework first, even if you are not in the study room, you can't waste your homework."

Brother Thirteen stood and listened with his hands down.

Kangxi said again: "What new homework did Fa Hai leave?"

Brother Thirteen said: "The teacher asked my son to read the first ten volumes of "Shui Jing Zhu" and copy "Shui Jing" ten times."

Kangxi nodded slightly after hearing this, and said: "Fa Hai is not bad, he is not rigid, he knows how to teach when the time is right, go do your homework, I will conduct a spot check tomorrow!"

The thirteenth elder brother agreed, and went back to the cabin to copy books honestly.

Kangxi looked at the fourth elder brother again, but he didn't speak for a while.

The fourth elder brother stood with his hands down, looking a little nervous.

It is really the emperor's expression that is a little dignified.

He felt uneasy, what happened to him recently?
There seems to be nothing, right?

Recently, the household department has no other errands, and it is still accounting for the local money and food last year.

Kangxi sighed, and said: "What's the situation in Babeile's house? How is the Guo Luoluo family now?"

The fourth elder brother was surprised, and thought about it: "I don't know much about my son, but last year, my son Fujin was invited by the Fucha family. Guo Luoluo was a little uncomfortable. The eighth elder brother was not in the house, and my son Fujin went there. Once, it was said that Guo Luoluo's face was flawed, and later I heard that Brother Ba was looking for medicine..."

Kangxi looked at the fourth elder brother and said, "Someone reported that the eighth elder brother abused his wife, what do you think?"

The fourth elder brother looked a little stiff when he heard it, and remembered the mournful cries he heard in the courtyard of the Ninth Prince's Mansion last year.

Although I can't hear the details clearly, I should be able to guess the general meaning.

Ba Fujin was grounded and wanted to go out, but Ba Ge refused, so she kept crying.

Crying and screaming in the yard, such a big commotion, not only me who was by chance, but also the people of Babeile Mansion and so on.

The fourth elder brother said: "Maybe there is some misunderstanding, the eighth elder brother is easy-going and gentle, and will never do anything cruel..."

Although it was not very comprehensive to shut down the eight blessings before, it was also a helpless move.

Bafujin is too capable of causing trouble.

Before marrying Ba Fujin, the eighth elder brother was very respectable in front of the imperial court, and he had to follow him every time he went out, similar to the thirteenth elder brother now.

What about these two years?

took a few steps back.

The eighth elder brother is at a loss in advance and retreat, and he can understand it if he is not thorough for a while.

After all, age is here.

The fourth elder brother couldn't help feeling sorry for his younger brother, and said: "Ama, if you want to talk about other things, my son dare not promise you. If you want to talk about such abusive gossip, my son may know how the misunderstanding came about."

As he spoke, he talked about the movement he heard in the courtyard of the Ninth Prince's Mansion in early October last year.

"Although I say don't listen to indecent words, but by chance, my son just went to the Ninth Prince's house to look at the greenhouse. After hearing a few words, it should be the eighth prince who grounded Guo Luoluo. Guo Luoluo was crying and shouting 'Guo Luoma' ', or it is because of this, people have guessed, if it is said that there was no act of abuse, his son Fujin went to Babeile Mansion after that..."

"Guo Luoluo made a fuss and wanted to see the eighth elder brother. If the elder brother didn't see her, she wouldn't drink the rice water. Then she fainted from hunger. Apart from the old wounds on her face, there were no new wounds. Otherwise, her son Fujin would not hide it..."

Kangxi listened, with disgust on his face, and said: "The women of that line have lost their teachings, causing troubles one after another, and they don't know how to repent, they only know how to be willful!"

In fact, it was not only Fujin who disgusted him, but Fujin's behavior also reminded him of the lawsuit between Noni's mother and son.

The current county head is domineering, tortured his niece to death, and even filed a lawsuit, insisting on killing his nephew, brother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

The county lord's family is in the same vein as Abata Fujin, so it can be seen that his paranoia and jealousy are all passed down in the same vein.

The fourth elder brother was at the side, seeing that he didn't intend to anger the eighth elder brother, he was relieved, and said: "Khan Ama, the eighth elder brother was really not good enough before, and he couldn't restrain and teach him Fujin, it's just that he is old enough. His temperament has been soft and kind since he was a child, and he is not good at fighting with others, and the brothers An Junwang are very protective of their weaknesses, so they will inevitably restrain their hands..."

(End of this chapter)

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