Kangxi didn't speak, but glanced at the fourth elder brother, and waved his hand to signal him to back down.

The fourth elder brother's heart sank, he bowed his head and retreated.

Kangxi looked at Liang Jiugong and said, "It turns out that parents in this world are really biased!"

Liang Jiugong didn't know what expression to make.


I really can't empathize!

Kangxi let out a long breath, and said: "When I was young, I was very pleasing to look at. Even if I was a little clever and calculated, I wouldn't argue with them. Children, what is there to care about; but when I grow up, if I play these clever things again, It's disgusting to look at..."

The eighth elder brother was also his valued son, and he had placed high hopes on him.

Before, it was because she saw that he was self-motivated and competitive inside, so she chose him to marry Guo Luoluo.

Unexpectedly, the eighth elder brother can't even do the basic self-cultivation and family.

You can't be filial to your parents, you can't manage Fujin well, and you can't treat your brothers well.

How did he give birth to such a son? !

Even the biological mother and adoptive mother cannot be truly filial, how can they honor themselves, Khan Ama?
On the deck, the fourth elder brother stood for a while, and then went to the cabin of the thirteenth elder brother.

On the desk was a candlestick with two candles burning.

The thirteenth elder brother was copying a book. When he heard the movement at the door, he saw the fourth elder brother coming and stood up: "The fourth elder brother..."

The fourth elder brother nodded and walked in.

Because it is a small boat, the main cabin where Shengjia is located is not big, let alone the small cabin.

It is only eight feet square, except for a couch, there is a table and a chair.

Two sticks of suet wax were inserted into the candlestick, but the light was still a bit dim.

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "Just copy the book like this, I don't need my eyes, just put in two more candles!"

Brother Thirteen hesitated after hearing this.

Going out is not like being in the palace, there is a fixed number of things to bring.

The fourth elder brother said: "Use it, I will send someone to send it later!"

It took half a month to go back and forth on the road, and I didn’t have time to read during the daytime. If I read at night, the light is not enough, and my eyes will suffer.

The thirteenth elder brother was relieved now, and signaled the little eunuch to take two more waxes to add.

The fourth elder brother took out his pocket watch and took a look. It was two quarters.

"Go to bed before the second watch, don't sleep too late, lest you get seasick..." He carefully instructed.

Brother Thirteen nodded and said, "Well, I won't stay up late."

They will not always be on the boat. If Sheng drives off the dam, they will follow. If they lose their energy, they should be reprimanded later.

The fourth elder brother didn't say anything else, got up and left.

He didn't go back to the cabin next door, but went to the pier and went to the guard barracks to settle accounts.

Seventh elder brother is eating, holding sesame seed cakes with meat in his hand, and seaweed soup in a bowl.

Seeing the fourth elder brother coming in, the seventh elder brother immediately stood up, bowed and said, "Fourth elder brother..."

The fourth elder brother glanced at his soup bowl twice, which is not surprising.

When going out, not to mention the military camp, even Yu Xiaozhou mainly eats all kinds of convenient food.

"It's cold in spring now, and it's still cold, remember to put on a leather mattress at night..."

Si Age said.

Seventh elder brother said "hmm". He grew up together in Jingren Palace in the early years, and he knew that this elder brother loved to worry, so he was already used to it.

The fourth elder brother didn't leave right away, hesitated for a while, wanted to say something, frowned and left again.

Seventh elder brother was baffled, but he didn't mean to find out...

The next day, the capital, Ninth Prince's Mansion.

Shu Shu woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she felt something was wrong.

It was already daylight outside the tent, Brother Jiu was still sleeping soundly, and had no intention of getting up.

He was obedient, lying on his right side, facing him.

Before, it was Shu Shu who slept inside, and Brother Jiu who slept outside.

When Shu Shu was confirmed to be pregnant, she would be outside instead, so that it would be easier to wake up at night.

A while ago, the yamen opened the seal, and Brother Jiu was going to work in the yamen, so he was replaced outside.

When Shu Shu wakes up, she will have breakfast with him, and if she falls asleep, Brother Jiu will not disturb her.

Shu Shu opened the curtain and looked at the clock in Duobao Pavilion.

It's already two o'clock in the morning.

Shu Shu sat up, gave Brother Jiu a little push, and said, "Master, it's time to get up, it's almost the end of the day."

Brother Jiu opened his eyelids, stretched out his arms, and hooked Shu Shu over, he said lai lai, "It's okay, from today onwards, Lord Gai is coming to the yamen, and I have agreed with Lao Shi."

Shu Shu followed and lay down, laughing endlessly.

It really has the meaning of "there are no tigers in the mountains". Shengjia is in Beijing and Shengjia is not in Beijing, which is the same.

That's fine, since he is a Shangguan himself, who would criticize him for being late in the House of Internal Affairs?

Anyway, there is a doctor sitting in the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so there is nothing to delay.

Shu Shu felt relieved, and lay down again.

Brother Jiu closed his eyes and said, "My lord has written to Ji Hong, asking him to bring a few pots of cherry trees with hanging branches when he transports lake stones, flowers and trees to Beijing, and he will arrive in Beijing at the end of February or early March. You can eat fresh cherries..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt hopeful.

Last year, I followed Shengjia on a southern tour and ate cherries from Jiangnan once.

It is not big, only the size of a thumb cap, it is indeed crystal clear, and it tastes sour and sweet.

But if it arrives before giving birth, it can still satisfy your cravings. If it arrives after giving birth, according to the health-preserving eating method, you have to steam it and eat it, and you can’t eat the fresh and juicy food.

She swallowed, and said: "When the fresh fruits are on the market this year, ask people to make more candied fruits and store them."

Last year I asked people to cook a lot, but there were also many people who ate it.

In addition, she is a loose hand, and now there are only two kinds of pear meat in syrup and hawthorn in syrup that are not very tasty.

Brother Jiu opened his eyes, looked at her and said, "Isn't there still a lot of sugar cane, why don't you eat that?"

Sugar cane has been stored for a long time and is relatively easy to transport. In winter, sugar cane is sold in the capital, and it is shipped thousands of miles away, and the price is constant.

Shu Shu smiled wryly, "It's too sweet."

She doesn't want to get fat, and she doesn't want to be associated with gestational diabetes.

If it's irreversible, it's just looking for a disease for yourself.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "The second crop of water radishes in the greenhouse is also ready, how about eating that one? The skin is also fresh inside..."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu.

Very smart.

Think of eating vegetables as fruits.

Vegetables are eaten as fruits, how can tomatoes be missing?

Tomatoes were introduced from overseas as flowers and trees during the Wanli period, and it has been more than a hundred years.

"Qunfangpu" records, "Tomato, a June persimmon, stems like Artemisia, four or five feet, leaves like mugwort, flowers like pomegranate...from the tomato, hence the name".

Shu Shu was a little annoyed, she was really pregnant for three years.

When I planted potatoes last year, I always felt that something was almost there, so it should be here.

Forget the tomatoes.

Shu Shu said: "My lord sent someone to the Imperial Garden to ask if there are any tomato seeds. If there are, I want a bag back."

Brother Jiu heard this, and frowned and said: "Why do you think of that? Although the fruit is beautiful and beautiful, it is poisonous. What if someone else eats it by mistake?"

There were imperial gardens in the early years.

Later, because he was naughty with the tenth elder brother and kept going around that, he was reported to the imperial court, and the emperor's father ordered them to be eradicated.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "I want to keep it. That green fruit is poisonous, and I would have nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea after eating it, but the fruit turns red, and the toxicity is gone. I was naughty when I was young, and I ate it secretly, but I forgot about it. Remember this."

Brother Jiu got up "Teng", looked at Shu Shu, and said with fear: "You are a glutton, dare to put anything in your mouth?"

Shu Shu didn't know how to explain it.

Healthy sugar control, this is a good food for health.

Brother Jiu said angrily: "What does Nanny Qi do? Is that how you look at you?"

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "I didn't eat it at home. There are so many children in the family, how can I raise this? It was eaten at my aunt's house. At that time, they were growing it in their garden."

This is not a choreographed nonsense, there really is such a thing.

But stealing this is fake.

When she was a child, she was a clean little girl who also liked to pretend to be an adult. When she was a guest, even if she looked at the bright red tomatoes, she would not eat them in front of others.

That was shabby and out of character for her.

Brother Jiu was still dissatisfied, and said: "That's because the people around you have neglected their duties. You only know it's okay after eating it. What if something happens after taking it? Where can I find regret medicine? Father-in-law and mother-in-law don't cry to death..."

Even he is not such a good Fujin.

It really makes people dare not even think about it.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "At that time, I was young and ignorant. I just remembered things, so I didn't know the seriousness, and I won't in the future."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "You should remember this sentence, don't want to eat everything you see!"

Even if you want to eat, you can't eat by yourself.

Shu Shu didn't think much about it before, but after hearing what he said, she really did.

Today is the first day of February, early spring.

What's in season in Beijing in February?
wild vegetables.

Chinese toon, willow buds, Qu Ma Cai.

Shu Shu couldn't help frowning, and looked down at her stomach.

She is the least fond of bitter taste.

I prepared Kudingcha before, and it was all for Brother Jiu to drink.

When she was first pregnant, her taste changed drastically, and she ordered stir-fried bitter gourd, but now she misses willow buds and Quma vegetables.

Shu Shu was not sensitive to these two fresh dishes before.

She rubbed her belly, looked at Brother Nine and said, "Do you like willow buds and Quma vegetables?"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said: "It's hard, what's there to eat? People in the capital are all idle, and they lifted up the wild vegetables!"

Shu Shu asked curiously: "Then who did these two children follow? I, Ama, and Ernie don't like to eat, and the elders in the family only eat it twice when uncle and Amu are in season."

Brother Jiu understood it, and said: "You are greedy, do you want to eat willow buds and Quma vegetables?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It's not in season now, it will be ten and a half months later, let someone make a bowl of Kuding tea first!"

Put a few kudings in a little bit, just borrow the bitterness, and it can also satisfy your cravings.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said, "Isn't there a lot of space in the greenhouse again, besides tomatoes, we can also plant some bitter gourd..."

Speaking of which, he stroked Shu Shu's body twice, his body was a little hot, and he felt something was wrong.

"It's not necessarily because the child wants to eat it. It's because you eat too much meat, and you probably have an internal fire, so you want to eat these things that lose your fire. A cup of strong tea should be about the same..."

In the past few months, Shu Shu has reduced her intake of staple foods. She can only eat two or three mouthfuls of rice, or a steamed bun with elephant eyes, and the rest are mainly meat, eggs and vegetables.

Brother Nine was worried, turned over immediately, and said: "Ask Imperial Doctor Jiang to take a pulse and see what to eat..."

Shu Shu listened, and felt relieved.

After the couple simply cleaned up, they sent someone to pass on Doctor Jiang.

As soon as Imperial Physician Jiang came in, he noticed the difference, and said, "Master Jiu, Fujin, this room seems to be drier than the previous two days?"

He was on duty at the Prince's Mansion, and at first he asked for Ping'an pulse once a day, but later Shu Shu got impatient and changed it to ask for Ping'an pulse once every three days.

The last time I came to ask for Ping An's pulse, the room was not so hot.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "The new house is the first time the earth dragon has been burned. I guess it hasn't been filled in properly. It's not warm enough. My master asked someone to add more..."

Mainly for comfort.

Shu Shu has a big belly and is still hot, so she doesn't like to wear thick clothes anymore, so she went to cotton for homely clothes and only used jackets.

Brother Jiu was afraid that she would catch a cold, and felt that the earth dragon was not warm, so he asked someone to add it again.

The house is warmer now than it was years ago.

Doctor Jiang did not speak in a hurry, but took Shu Shu's pulse, looked at her tongue coating, and said: "Fu Jin has not moved much these days, and he is already a little angry. When the room is dry, he will feel a little heavy. Drink more water, and you will be relieved." I need to walk a few more steps, stop the meat, don't need to take medicine, drink mulberry leaf tea for a few days and see..."

Before he finished speaking, there was movement outside.

Cui Baisui hurried in and said: "Master, Prince Zhuang is here, he wants to see you, he is waiting in the front hall..."

The next update will be tomorrow morning, everyone should rest early.

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