My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 834 Seed Meter

Brother Jiu felt numb when he heard this, and immediately looked at Shu Shu, and said, "What should I do? It must be the begging child?"

But yesterday, the ten elder brothers told him about the relationship, and Shu Shu didn't mean to go into the muddy water here. Of course, the ninth elder brother didn't want to get involved with Prince Zhuang.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "It's not good to offend people for nothing, be more sincere on the face, anyway, we were indeed conceived after Hongluo Temple begged for a child, and nothing else can help. As for the bamboo in the greenhouse, the big head It's for the ten younger siblings, I'll keep some and give one pot to my cousin, a few pots will be useful for other things... I'll choose two pots to give to Prince Zhuang..."

The bamboo in the greenhouse is all grown in pots, the ones given by the fifth elder brother, and they will be transplanted outside after the Ching Ming Festival.

Brother Jiu was a little unhappy when he heard this, and said: "Two pots back? I don't want to give one pot! The two families don't have any friendship, just superficial friendship!"

Shu Shu said helplessly: "Who calls you a junior!"

More importantly, people have compassion for the weak.

The matter of heirs is too important.

Today, Prince Zhuang came here uninvited and was an uninvited guest. It was a disrespectful act, but when others heard this, they could only sigh a few words, and if they said they cared, they would be chaotic.

If brother Jiu refused coldly and didn't help, in the eyes of outsiders, he would be too mean and cold.

Brother Nine frowned and said: "I don't want to take advantage of him, but I can't be at a disadvantage! How much manpower it took to raise these two pots of bamboo, let alone the price of the bamboo in Hongluo Temple outside?"

Now everyone in the Eight Banners knows that the incense in Hongluo Temple is efficacious, and bamboo is a good omen, but it is a royal temple, and the remaining bamboo is also hung with a sign.

It was the bamboo that the emperor had personally rewarded and counted. It was fine for the prince to move, but if Prince Zhuang moved, he was also a close relative, but it was not the turn of the courtiers to worry about it.

However, noble families also have no sons, and they also have titles to inherit.

In private, it is not just one or two who offer the price of bamboo in Hongluo Temple, and hundreds of taels of bamboo have been speculated before.

When the news of Wufujin spreads, there will definitely be another increase.

Speaking of this, he remembered the "Great kindness and enmity" mentioned by the tenth elder brother, and said: "This bamboo can't be given away for free. What if the blind cat meets a dead mouse? Then he will take it for nothing, and he will feel even more uncomfortable. I still have to change it, let’s change it to the peony in their mansion, the peony garden in Prince Zhuang’s mansion is famous in the capital..."

Shu Shu doesn't like peonies very much, the flowering period is too short, said: "But we want to plant roses in our garden, the flowering period is long..."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Then don't plant it at home, and plant it directly in the North Garden."

The North Garden is the new garden built last year in the north of the Changchun Garden. It is the garden that the Emperor ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to build for the Empress Dowager. It is almost finished.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It's just right, Grandmother likes peonies, she thinks the flowers are big..."

Brother Jiu had a solid idea in his mind, and without delay, he took Cui Baisui out.

Physician Jiang also brought his disciples out of the upper room.

His apprentice, also his nephew, aged fourteen or five years old, whispered: "Master, does Jiu Ye really have a prescription for having a child?"

Looking at it like that, it seems to be there.

What the couple discussed was not what to do, but how not to give.

Physician Jiang glared at him, and said, "What script are you reading again?"

The little apprentice laughed "hehe" and said, "I saw the chapter 'Zimu River'..."

Physician Jiang said seriously: "Read your book carefully, be a deaf and dumb person, if you can't do it, don't worry about getting admitted to the imperial hospital!"

After hearing this, the little apprentice pursed his lips, drooped his shoulders, and looked calm and honest...

Front yard, living room.

Prince Zhuang waited for less than half a quarter of an hour, and was already impatient.

He rushed back from Huairou this morning, and then missed the Ministry of Internal Affairs, didn't eat breakfast, and felt anxious.

His expression softened when he heard footsteps outside.

Brother Nine came in, and immediately greeted him with a thousand salutes: "Greetings, Uncle!"

If it is common, there is no need to hit Qian'er.

But the last time uncle and nephew met was when Princess Shuhui was at the funeral, and it had been a while, so elder brother Jiu saluted like this.

Prince Zhuang just sat down and accepted it, nodded slightly and said: "Brother is also well!"

Although Brother Jiu is the host and Prince Zhuang is the guest, but Brother Jiu is the younger one. Although he is the host, he can only "sit in the corner", that is, sit on Prince Zhuang's right hand.

The distance between the two of them was only two feet, and they were so vivid that Brother Jiu couldn't help being startled.

Prince Zhuang was already thin, but he was not like this the last time I saw him, his cheeks were sunken, and his eye circles were turning blue.

This looks like suffering from consumption, a look of excessive indulgence.

Brother Jiu looked at it, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He didn't notice it earlier, but now that he lost weight, he realized that Prince Zhuang's facial features resembled the emperor's father.

It's just that there is a gloomy air all over his body, he is only four years older than the emperor's father, and looks like he is more than ten years older.

Like an aging royal father.

"Brother, is there a good way to seek a child?" Prince Zhuang looked directly at Brother Jiu, and said straight to the point.

Brother Jiu followed suit, without blinking, and said, "Bamboo..."

Prince Zhuang's eyes were a bit irritable, he stared at Brother Jiu and said, "There is nothing but bamboo?"

Brother Jiu's expression remained unchanged, and he was already annoyed.

Is this asking for help?
This is a thief, right? !

Really treat him as a soft persimmon, and don't give him any respect!
He suppressed his anger and said: "Isn't there still incense from Hongluo Temple? Apart from these two, is there anything else?"

Speaking of this, he asked curiously: "In the early spring, the bamboo is about to grow, so there's no need to rush it, right?"

Prince Zhuang's face became more and more gloomy, and said: "The bamboo in our house is not well taken care of, and it didn't survive!"

Brother Nine immediately showed surprise, then coughed lightly, and said: "It's okay, there are still bamboos in Hongluo Temple."

Prince Zhuang sneered and said, "Yes! I moved again, but I want to see how the bamboo doesn't work this time!"

Brother Jiu heard that there was something in the words, and he was very curious.

It seems that unlike the tenth elder brother who soaked the roots because the ten Fujins were too diligent in watering, the bamboo in Prince Zhuang's mansion may have a bad fate and die strangely.

There are plenty of people who don't want Prince Zhuang to have an heir.

Brother Jiu looked at Prince Zhuang and couldn't help showing sympathy.

Perhaps not having a son is also a blessing to him, otherwise it will be difficult to raise a single seedling, and he may experience the pain of losing a son again.

If you didn't pay attention at first, you didn't know, but when you pay attention, you will know that it is not easy to pull your children into adulthood.

"What happened to Wu Fujin?"

Prince Zhuang continued to ask.

Brother Jiu became more and more unhappy, without showing it on his face, and said: "It's just that begging for a child will work, our mother is very happy, and said that after the fifth sister-in-law is born, I will go to inlay the Buddha in Hongluo Temple with gold!"

Prince Zhuang frowned even more, looked suspiciously at Brother Jiu, and said: "Jiang Nanxing is on duty in your house, and you even praised that official named Le Fengming, didn't you get a good prescription?"

Brother Jiu said helplessly: "If my nephew really has a prescription, why is my nephew hiding it? I wish you could use it as a living signboard to fool those Mongolian princes into buying medicine. Then 'Yanziwan' and 'Yanziwan' Yanshou Pills are not all sold very well!"

Prince Zhuang glanced at Brother Jiu and said: "I have been begging for my son for half my life, if anyone can help me realize my wish, he will be the benefactor of our Prince Zhuang's mansion, whether it is the Zhuangzi in Baoding, the woodland in Shengjing, or the garden in Haidian. , the shop on West Fourth Avenue, pick whatever you want..."

Brother Nine's eyes showed greediness, and then he hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Prince Zhuang stood up and leaned over, and said, "What did brother think of?"

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Uncle knows about my nephew's purchase of land in Xiaotangshan, right?"

Prince Zhuang nodded, feeling a little puzzled as to why it was being dragged over there.

Brother Jiu looked a little embarrassed, lowered his eyes, looked at the blue bricks on the ground, and said softly: "My nephew had some insufficiencies earlier, the doctor said, it may be difficult for an heir..."

Prince Zhuang frowned, didn't everyone in the clan know about this?
It is because of this that the incense in Hongluo Temple is so strong.

Brother Jiu's voice became lower and lower, and said: "Last year, my nephew brought Fujin to the temple to worship, but there was still no movement, so I didn't expect to pray to God and worship Buddha. My nephew just read medical books, my nephew This kind of deficiency requires warming and tonifying the spleen and kidneys. As a result, I found that hot springs can nourish the kidney yang, improve the symptoms of back pain, cold limbs, relax muscles, activate blood circulation, and promote good sleep, especially spring hot springs, can' Shengyang Gutuo'..."

"Sleep well, the body will be strong, and with the medicine for warming and nourishing yang deficiency, it should be able to recuperate almost..."

"I didn't expect the incense from Hongluo Temple to be so efficacious, and the hot spring regimen prepared by my nephew will not be available for the time being..."

Prince Zhuang looked at him, and said: "You bought land in Xiaotangshan because of this? The palace, was the emperor ordered you to repair it in private?"

In the clan, there are few people like Brother Jiu who are economical, and they never thought that Xiaotangshan came from Haidian.

Brother Jiu couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

What does this mean?
This is doubting the emperor's father, so what?

Think about it?

Brother Jiu couldn't help but glance at Prince Zhuang's waist.

If it is really useless, what is the use of tossing?

We all know the age of destiny, can't we accept our fate?
Prince Zhuang couldn't help frowning, and glanced at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu looked away and looked at the clock next to him.

It's time to delay going to the yamen.

It was too late in the morning.

After a while, I sent someone to tell Elder Brother Shi that I would not be able to go until the afternoon.

When Prince Zhuang saw that Brother Nine was silent, he scratched his heart and said, "My brother owns 10,000+ acres, why don't you replace it with me?"

Brother Jiu suppressed a smile in his heart, shook his head and said: "The hot springs near the Xinggong are not very convenient. The hot springs there are good, the water temperature is high, and some of the springs are hot to the touch. It can't be said that after the Xinggong is repaired, Khan Ama will pick some places. Build a separate courtyard for the emperor's grandmother and the prince; the location is far away from the palace, the water temperature is not high, and the effect of health preservation is very little. ..."

When Prince Zhuang heard this, he couldn't help being moved, and said: "Except for the emperor's palace, there are no springs beside it? What about the other courtyard you planned before?"

Brother Jiu said: "My nephew knows his identity, and he will definitely not be able to compete with his brothers and elders at that time. He has set aside a piece of land four and a half miles away from the palace. The temperature of the spring is not high, which is better than that of the spring. There are many, and there is a mountain spring next to it, so my nephew plans to turn it into a greenhouse, so it is convenient to grow vegetables..."

Regarding the greenhouse of the Ninth Prince's Mansion, the clan also knew some news.

Not to mention other things, only three or five days to enshrine in the palace, no one is hiding it, and many people are watching.

However, few of them take it seriously, and they are all owners who are not short of money. If they want to eat Dongzi dishes, they can just buy them from outside, so don't bother.

Prince Zhuang immediately said: "I'll change the spring in front of the palace, whatever the price, don't worry, if the emperor gets angry, I'll go and talk to the emperor..."

He was afraid that elder brother Jiu would go back on his word, so he immediately ordered the eunuch to go back to the palace to get the land deed, and said to elder brother Jiu: "I own the property under my name, you can pick whatever you want..."

When Brother Nine returned to the main house, he already had a title deed of Haidian Garden in his hand.

It is next to the Wang Garden of Prince Zhuang's Mansion, and it is the former property of King Gehui County.

"There is no need to build it now, just repair and repair it..."

Brother Ninth took a bit of pride.

Shu Shu was dumbfounded, and said: "Where did you read the saying that the hot spring nourishes the kidney?"

Brother Jiu said proudly: "It is clearly recorded in "Shui Jing Zhu" that hot springs 'cure all diseases'. Although there are exaggerations, it must be harmless to the body!"

Shu Shu glanced at the land deed, feeling overwhelmed with conscience.

Although I don't like Prince Zhuang's character, but it is speechless for Brother Jiu to point the way so accurately.

She thought about it and said: "But I read something in a book before, saying that if the hot spring water is too hot, it is not suitable for young people to soak for a long time..."

Brother Jiu looked at her and said, "Why can't you be young? Is it because you are healthy and healthy?"

Shu Shu coughed lightly, and said, "Master, think about the 'seed plan' of the Spring and Autumn Period..."

This is about a famous event in the Spring and Autumn Period, when Wu and Yue fought for hegemony.

Brother Jiu immediately understood, looked down at himself, and said in surprise: "Are you afraid of familiarity, and you are afraid of being hot through that..."

The next update will be at 2:16 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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