Shu Shu nodded helplessly.

Later generations have data and scientific conclusions.

Brother Jiu felt a headache, and said: "I just don't like him being rude, and wanted to pick up some money, and also raised the price for us by the way..."

"Prosperity and extinction" is a great kindness and righteousness, so what is the opposite?
Isn't that a big enmity and a big loss?

It has nothing to do with me, so what are you doing wickedly?
Injuring others is not good for oneself.

There is also cause and effect.

Brother Jiu held the title deed and said, "What should I do? Find an excuse not to change it?"

Shu Shu didn't have a way to have both at the moment, but she couldn't help worrying that she would be like the bamboo in Hongluo Temple, and others would follow suit. In that case, she would not only deceive Prince Zhuang, but also others.

Even if it is a small probability event, for the affected person, it is a big event that the sky will fall.

"It's not easy for you to turn your back on your words. Prince Zhuang's bamboo is dead, and he is holding back his anger. Don't blame us..." Brother Jiu regretted a little, and said, "You should bear it any longer, and don't talk to him just now. It's better."

Going back on promises is not only embarrassing, but also worried that it will be involved in the hot spring, not to mention selling at a high price, maybe it will be thrown into your hands.

After all, for a man, even if he is powerful, his seeds are bad and he is not decent.

Since this hot spring hurts the seeds, those who want to build a hot spring courtyard have to think about it.

Brother Jiu thought of this, and said, "What book, do you remember?"

Shu Shu thought about it, but it's good to mention Tangquan in the medical classics that remember the name, and it's not good that there is no clear record in the medical books that have been handed down widely.

"I don't remember the book, but I do remember reading this sentence..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Since ancient times, only the hot springs have been praised, and I know that there are exaggerated words in it. How can there be such a good thing? But don't mention it for now, wait until the land in hand is sold. Bar!"

Otherwise, it will be smashed in the hand.

Of course Shu Shu would not dismantle her own platform, nodded and said: "It is more beneficial to other people, the elderly can prolong their lives, and women can take care of their skin."

When all the land with springs are sold out, we should focus on these two.

Hundreds of good filial piety first.

If the elders are still alive, they are doing their filial piety; if the elders are not around, they will have a day to grow old and take care of their health.

Brother Jiu counted the time and said, "One and a half years at most, the land should be almost sold!"

But he also learned a lesson, and said: "My lord knows what 'think before you act', you shouldn't get involved with him, it will be endless in the future, it's really annoying!"

Ask the imperial doctor to check it later, if Tang Quan is really bad for the heir, then he must tell others.

Otherwise, didn't he cheat his own family?
But at that time, Prince Zhuang will still offend him once.

With Prince Zhuang's impatient temperament, he is going to Xiaotangshan now, just like he went to Hongluo Temple before.

As for building a room, it is either slow or fast.

Besides, it may not be necessary to wait for the house to be built, just prepare a bank account.

Brother Jiu didn't want Shu Shu to worry about this matter, so he didn't mention it.

After breakfast and lunch, it was almost the beginning of the week, and Brother Jiu left the Prince's Mansion.

Elder Brother Shi went in and out with him, and was idle all morning today.

Brother Jiu whispered about Prince Zhuang's visit and his own response.

Elder Brother Shi felt uncomfortable when he heard this.

This involves too much. The 10,000+ mu of hot spring land really involves unfavorable offspring, but no one can say what the consequences will be.

Filial piety is the first of all goodness, and "there are three kinds of unfilial piety, the greatest is no descendants", obviously the latter is more important.

"How can I fix it? If Prince Zhuang has soaked in hot springs for a year and a half and injured his spirit, then the Lord will be the culprit?"

Brother Nine frowned and said, "It's his business how he behaves, and I don't want to bear the consequences; but if I say it in advance, it will spread to the outside, and Xiaotangshan's land will be smashed into my hands..."

It's not good to harm others and benefit oneself, but he can't do harm to himself and benefit others.

Elder Brother Ten touched the tortoiseshell finger wrench in his hand, lost in thought.


Elder Brother Shi's eyes lit up, he raised his thumb, and said, "Brother Nine, it's not good to mention Tangquan, everyone knows that Tangquan keeps in good health, the Yellow Emperor's ascension is due to Tangquan, even if it really affects the children, it has nothing to do with Tangquan , It’s because it’s too much to go too far, when the time comes, think of a way, soak in other places, wear hats where you should wear hats..."

Brother Jiu looked at his thumb and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha... Wearing a hat, I really have you..."

The gloom in his heart was swept away.

Yes, everyone has known that Tangquan is good since ancient times.

Even if there are flaws, the right medicine is the right medicine.

Since you are afraid of heat, give it some relief, and you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said, "There is waterproof linoleum cloth in Guangshu Depot..."

In the future, you can be a favor and give it directly to Prince Zhuang, which can be regarded as the cause and effect of this period.

Needless to say at that time, Prince Zhuang will know that this is the reason to remind him that "too much is too late". After all, everyone has heard of hot spring eggs...

Ningshou Palace, Dongcijian.

After the imperial concubine paid her respects, the queen mother left Concubine Hui to talk to Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi was wearing a goose-yellow regular dress, and the tinsel on her head was replaced with gold inlaid with beeswax. She looked lively and pretty, as if she was in her twenties.

Concubine Hui praised: "Sister looks so good, I finally don't have to worry about these anymore..."

Concubine Yi smiled and nodded: "Yes, as long as you let go, the rest is up to them..."

It's good to be able to give birth.

It is enough to give birth to one.

There is a difference between the couple having children and not having children.

I don't have children, I'm bored, I hate seeing each other, I can't wait to stay far away.

After having a child, talking about children's scriptures all day long makes life lively.

This is all about the fifth elder brother and his wife.

As for Brother Jiu and his wife, the young couple are affectionate and loving, so she doesn't need to worry about it at all.

The Queen Mother stayed with Concubine Hui because she wanted to ask the palace people about leaving the palace.

"At that time, the girl next to you was given to Eldest Brother. How did you give it? I plan to arrange two nuns to go to Lao Wu's mansion, and send them over directly, or continue to be listed in the palace roster?"

The old lady is a sensible person, and she knows that if the fifth elder brother and his wife are to be able to employ others smoothly, there can only be one master.

Otherwise, those who are dismissed, the two-level masters, those who rely on the old to sell the old, will not obey, but will cause trouble for the children.

Concubine Hui said: "That girl is a palace lady, she will be sick and withdraw from the palace book first, and then the boss will be brought into the mansion, and her family will not be involved, so it is very worry-free; you are a maid here, if you are ordered by the fifth elder brother and the others If you don't like your family and leave the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you just want to work alone as an errand. If you agree on the number of years, it will save a lot of trouble..."

Most of the women's servants in Ningshou Palace were selected by Bao Yi Zuoling under the Empress Dowager's name. If they wanted to allocate two households, it was just a matter of an order.

The queen mother thought for a while, and said: "Then look at them, don't force it."

Some people value their status as a coater in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there are many errands in the palace, so it is easy to find a living; but the fifth elder brother is short of manpower, if he is loyal and capable, go there to earn a decent job, and even his children and grandchildren will have a future.

It depends on how they choose.

After saying this, the Empress Dowager looked at Concubine Yi and said, "What do you mean, do you have any suitable people there?"

Concubine Yi has never interfered with the fifth elder brother's affairs, and she is no exception now, saying: "Your Majesty is very thoughtful, and I don't have any suitable people here. In the early years, all the women servants around me had reached the age of retirement, and only a fragrant Lan Fang is reluctant to go out, and now she is raising a child, and she can't get away with it in three or five years..."

After hearing this, the Empress Dowager didn't say anything else, she looked at Concubine Hui and said, "Is it true that Eldest Elder Brother will have to wait until next year to succeed Fujin? Then in February, the House of Internal Affairs will hold a small election, will anyone be kept or not?"

After all, the eldest grandson is different, and he has lost his first wife. It's a pity to see him.

Concubine Hui shook her head and said: "I won't stay anymore, there are five people including Gege and concubines in the backyard of the county palace, not too small..."

The Queen Mother didn't say anything else, and sent the two of them away.

It was a warm spring day, Concubine Yi came here on foot, Concubine Hui didn't call for the chariot, so the two just strolled out.

Concubine Hui said: "Next, just wait for the good news from the two sister-in-laws."

Concubine Yi giggled and said: "This year is a good year, all happy events, Jiugege should be this year too, and the Empress Dowager's [-]th birthday..."

When Concubine Hui heard "Big Birthday", she recalled how Concubine Yi hated Concubine Rong the year before, pointed in the direction of Zhongcui Palace, and reminded in a low voice, "Don't mention this in front of her."

Concubine Rong is also living her entire life this year, turning fifty.

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "She doesn't recruit me, and I don't recruit her either. It's weird, it's like a different person?"

Concubine Hui thought for a while and said, "Look at it, what if you don't? Grandson will be an adult in a few years!"

It doesn't work if you don't accept the old.

Not to mention the emperor, even they are more willing to look at young beauties.

Who hasn't been favored when he was young?

If she was not favored, wouldn't she have children again and again?

But the past is the past.

The emperor is the emperor, and there is no shortage of young concubines.

Yi Fei said coquettishly: "You are in front of me, don't mention this, I still think I am small..."

Concubine Hui was amused by her, and said: "Okay, don't mention it, Hongsheng will greet you later, don't call me Mamo..."

The little elder brother entered the palace to study and lived in the elder brother's house.

They are real grandmothers, so they can send someone over to visit, and the little elder brother can also pay them a monthly visit.

Thinking of her eldest grandson, Concubine Yi murmured softly: "Just a face is okay, not very clever, it just looks ordinary..."

Concubine Hui said: "As long as the rules are not bad, that's fine..."

The eldest son of the concubine didn't have to be high-minded, like a big brother, he was promoted too much, which was never what Concubine Hui wanted.

It's just that it was promoted by the emperor, and it was not her turn to speak.

All she can do is to do her part and keep some dignity in front of the imperial court.

When her son was young, she "mother is more precious than her son" and became the head of the four concubines.

When her son was at a loss, she hoped that "the son is more valuable than the mother", leaving a way out for him and saving him a little more...

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