Chapter 836 The Accusation of Thousands of People (Second Monthly Pass)

Five Baylor Mansion, the upper room.

Four Fujin, Seventh Fujin, and Ten Fujin came out of the palace to visit Wu Fujin.

Good person, I didn't go to pay my respects, my first feeling was worry.

Now in early spring, when it is warm and cold, it is most likely to catch a cold.

But the Empress Dowager was all smiles, and Concubine Yi was also smiling, not even the slightest bit worried, so what else could there be?

The sisters-in-law have always been on good terms, and everyone is happy for Wu Fujin, so they came to congratulate her.

Qifujin laughed and said, "I don't know if we can keep the remaining bamboo in Hongluo Temple this time..."

Earlier, when she visited Qibeile's mansion, Enie asked about Zhuzi.

"There is no way to give it, it has become a good omen, so what will it do if you give it out? Keep it, and wait until when it becomes a bamboo forest with Hongluo Temple..."

Qi Fujin shook his head and said.

Not to mention that the three pots of bamboo are raised in the Qibeile Mansion, but she is not in charge.

At the beginning, the fifth elder brother dug bamboo from Hongluo Temple and gave them three pots of bamboo.

Prince Pure Fujin heard about it, so he directly sent the steward of the warm house of the palace to take care of the three pots of bamboo, all alive.

Fujin has no shortage of grandsons, and the eldest son of Qifujin already has one. The reason for this is half for Seventh Elder Brother and half for Qifujin.

Qifu Jin knew what was good and what was wrong, and was grateful in his heart.

Ten Fujin said proudly, "Sister-in-law Nine left bamboo for me..."

Speaking of this, she glanced at the other people and said: "Sister-in-law Jiu said that she has to be taken care of, and there are still preparations."

Unlike other prince's mansions, there are two bamboos in the Ninth Prince's mansion.

One is two clumps of bamboo transplanted by Brother Jiu from Hongluo Temple.

One part was caught by the fifth elder brother when it was distributed, and it was kept in the greenhouse.

Therefore, everyone also knows that Shu Shu has more bamboo than other people.

So the sister-in-law next to her doesn't have to worry even if the bamboo doesn't survive.

Both Sifujin and Qifujin understood this meaning.

Qifujin snorted softly: "I don't know when to change the hand looseness, and I don't know how to keep good things!"

When adding candied fruit to the New Year's ceremony last year, she reminded her once, don't scatter around, and never want to eat it again.

The results of it?
Hearing that Brother Nine started looking around for fresh fruit again, he didn't need to think about it to know that the designated candy fruit was gone.

Seven Fujin sent someone to deliver half a basket of citrus at home.

Si Fujin smiled and said: "It's pretty good, there are nine younger siblings around, so we're prepared, we have a solid foundation in our hearts..."

Someone from Ulanara's house also went to Sibaile Mansion.

She has several sister-in-laws, but not all of them are good offspring.

Sifujin's choice is the same as that of Qifujin, the more stable it is at this time.

Even if you want to raise your mother's family, it's not at this time, at this time.

Now that the husband and wife are harmonious, they are different from the past, and Si Fujin also cherishes it.

In the first month, due to the funeral of the eldest princess, the couple did not go to the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival that the couple had agreed upon.

But the fourth elder brother said that he will go to see it when the Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival is held.

Wu Fujin said: "When spring moves to the garden, it will be fine when the bamboo shoots grow. From now on, every family will have a bamboo garden..."

At that time, whether others want to rub off on luck or take advantage of auspicious omens, there will be no taboos.

Qi Fujin nodded and said: "Yes, it's too fast to say, in three or two years, there is no need to swarm to join in the fun. This childbirth is not a war, so what do you have to do?"

Si Fujin blushed, looked down at the teacup, and did not drink tea.

She doesn't want to swarm...

By mistake...

Haven't been to Hongluo Temple yet...

But the little day has passed five days, and it hasn't come yet...

It's just that I'm not sure, the time is too short.

According to the time when she was pregnant with Honghui, it would take mid-term at the earliest to be diagnosed...

The three sisters-in-law accompanied Wu Fujin for lunch.

Seeing that Wu Fujin had a bad mouth and could only drink millet porridge and eat small pickles, the three of them were also worried.

Si Fujin thought for a while, and said: "When I was pregnant with Honghui, I also had bad mouth. It took about half a month to recover, and I couldn't eat meat, and I couldn't smell the smell of meat. Our master asked the dining room to Lean meat and chicken thighs boiled with soy sauce taste like soy sauce, covering all other flavors, and it goes well with porridge..."

Qifujin said: "When you feel nauseous, you still have to have an appetizer. I still have half a basket of oranges, and I will send someone to bring them to you later."

Shi Fujin recalled Shu Shu's morning sickness, and said: "I still have pickled apricots, I, Erhe, stuttered that and it's good, Jiusister also ate it before, and I'll give you some later."

Wu Fujin looked grateful and said, "Let everyone worry about me..."

The sister-in-law was talking when there was movement outside.

The girl came in and reported: "Fu Jin, there are people from the Ninth Prince's Mansion, Jiu Fujin sent his nanny over, and brought a lot of things, all in front."

Wu Fujin nodded and said, "Welcome in.

It was Nanny Xing who came, and besides bringing a lot of Dongzi dishes and side dishes, she also brought two brochures.

"This is the meal list that we Fujin can use when they have morning sickness. Half of it is made of eggs and tofu. It removes the smell of bean and egg. It is similar to eating meat, so as not to lose your mouth. There are a few more appetizers. The small menu, ingredients are also common..."

Wu Fujin asked someone to pick him up, and said: "I'll let you Fujin worry about it, and I'll bother Madam to go."

Mother Xing respectfully said: "You are welcome."

He refused to say anything more.

It was only when Nanny Xing left that Wu Fujin felt disappointed.

The nanny who came out of the palace must be like this.

This is the style of a nanny in the Prince's Mansion.

I did it wrong before.

It's time to let Nanny go out to be raised, and then beg two people in front of the queen mother, instead of waiting for the fifth elder brother to come forward to take care of these things for her.

No need to think about it, I know what happened yesterday, the Empress Dowager and Concubine Yi will not be satisfied.

She lowered her head and rubbed her stomach. She was lucky now that she didn't have to enter the palace for the time being...

Si Fujin didn't say anything else, but thought of the missing nanny in his family's house.

I took it away in the first month of last year.

They are all old people before Jingren Palace.

It's my own father, who was closer to Tong Guowei's family in the early years. After all, Tong Enie came from their family, but in the past six months, he has started to communicate more with the other Orondai family.

It's not eye-catching, because Jiu Gege pointed at Erlundai's eldest son, and the fourth elder brother is Jiu Gege's brother, so it is humane to get close to the son-in-law in advance.

Seventh Fujin was thoughtful, then looked at Ten Fujin and said: "I heard that in your mansion, following the example of the Ninth Prince's Mansion, the number of errands has been halved?"

Shi Fujin nodded and said: "Yes! Our master said that this is enough for us, even if we don't have to pay for it ourselves, there is no need to throw it away."

Qi Fujin looked at Si Fujin and Wu Fujin and said: "When Shu Shu loosens her hands, she is really loose, and when she says tight, she is also tight. I think she is good at employing people like this!"

Ninth elder brother and tenth elder brother did not receive an annual salary, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs was responsible for all expenses.

But like other prince's mansions, the ones who conferred titles and opened the mansion all had to pay for their own money.

"I followed the example of Prince Yu's Mansion and Prince Gong's Mansion before. Those two mansions followed the rules of the palace. All kinds of errands were staffed in two or three shifts, just like the palace. As a result, we followed. There were about a dozen masters in the mansion, but three to four hundred errands. After a year, the salary and silver were all spent and it was not enough. We had to use the income of the Zhuangzi and the shop to make up for it. In this way, If you go on, you won't be able to save anything throughout the year, and if you're not careful, you'll have to live without money..."

Several of them are the head of the house and know the economy of each prefecture.

When it comes to this matter, everyone has their own thoughts...

Seeing this, Shi Fujin was a little uneasy.

She is not ignorant of the world now, she knows that those who are connected with relatives, although they don't dare to bully the master, but if they really want to treat them harshly, it would be a joke.

As the tenth elder brother said, since he has become the coat of the prince's mansion and has the title of master and servant, the master also has to worry about the livelihood of these people.

There are few people in the mansion, but those who can be used are picked out and distributed to Zhuangzi, gardens, and shops. They do not support idlers, and each performs his duties.

After leaving Wubeile's mansion and returning to the gate of her own house, she hesitated for a moment and then went to the Ninth Prince's mansion.

"Sister-in-law Jiu, if all the prefectures reduce their manpower, won't those coats be thought to be because of you?" Shi Fujin was worried about this.

Who likes to be spoken ill of?
Even if no one dares to say it in person, it's not good to say too much behind your back.

There is an old saying in the Han people, it sounds unlucky to tell a thousand men to point at something.

Shu Shu thought about the tempers of the sisters-in-law, shook her head and said, "Don't worry about it, the fourth sister-in-law has a gentle temperament, while the fourth elder brother is strict with rules. Even if their house needs to adjust the manpower, it will be calm and drizzle, and there will be no disturbances." The Fifth Sister-in-law's place is to raise a baby, and she won't easily hire a manpower. When the little elder brother lands, she will also set up a set of manpower, and it will be dispatched silently at that time; the remaining Seventh Sister-in-law is a straightforward , but next to it is the Pure Prince's Mansion, there are many scruples, and there will be no uproar..."

Shi Fujin breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "That's good, our master said, 'Smashing people's jobs is like killing their parents', so we have to leave room for things."

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, and said, "Tenth Brother is smart, and what he talks about is human principles."

Ten Fujin showed his complacency, and said, "That's right, our master is the best..."

Today, when Brother Nine arrived at the Yamen, it was not even a moment before the first day of the new year.

He is a little busy reading official documents today.

It took nearly half an hour before and after.

When he put down his pen, his neck was stiff and his wrists were stained with ink.

Ninth elder brother rubbed his neck, and looked at the twelve elder brothers in the corner who were not pleasing to the eye.

He thought for a while, and said, "Since it's a job for me, I can't be idle all the time, I have to learn to deal with it..."

Brother Twelve was at a loss.

He came to the House of Internal Affairs for a walk, and it has been less than ten days in total, is he idle?

I wrote three reading notes and began to copy the "Book of Filial Piety".

Brother Jiu took a picture of the official document at hand, and said: "These, Mr. Zhang Baoju, make a summary every day, and I will pass it here in the morning and afternoon. You should learn to read the official document, and then draw up your opinions. You can follow the example. For example, if the other party doesn’t understand clearly, send it back for them to rewrite, and if you think it’s wrong or have other opinions, you can also use bookmarks to make notes.”

Elder Twelfth looked at Elder Ninth, and said for a while, "You don't plan to come to the office anymore?"

Isn't Brother Jiu doing these by himself every day?
I have assigned it to myself, what is Brother Jiu doing?
Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "During this time, I will definitely come here for half a day every day. If there is anything you can't do, you can speak up at any time. When your sister-in-law Jiu is going to give birth at the end of February and the beginning of March, I will definitely accompany you .”

Elder Brother Twelfth was a little at a loss, and said, "Brother Ninth, my younger brother is not familiar with the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, why don't you let Mr. Zhang learn how to deal with it?"

Brother Jiu didn't even think about it, so he shook his head and said, "No, isn't that cheating Mr. Zhang? Those old oily guys in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one by one, have high eyes! Even the Lord, they dare to fool, let alone Mr. Zhang, If something goes wrong at that time, Master Zhang will be the one to take the blame, we two are fine, if something goes wrong, we will go to Yuqian to break it up..."

Brother Twelve couldn't say anything, but he still felt that his shoulders were heavy and he was a little bit unconfident.

Brother Nine saw this and said, "What's there to be afraid of? When I came over the year before last, you were as big as a headless chicken, didn't you stand still? Don't think too much, this is Khan Ama's House of Internal Affairs , when we are sons, we are just a temporary housekeeper, if we don’t have the confidence, then we don’t have the confidence..."

(End of this chapter)

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