Chapter 837 Fraud (Third)

When he came back in the afternoon, Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "Starting tomorrow, I won't go in the morning, and I will go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the afternoon."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "But if you just rest like this, the emperor won't be able to discipline you later, why don't you continue to read "Book of Rites"?"

Be correct.

What parent and boss would be happy with his son skipping work?

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "I don't want to read "Book of Rites". Tomorrow, I will ask someone to set up the target on the school grounds, and Master will start practicing arrows!"

He gritted his teeth with reluctance.

Shu Shu blinked and said, "Is there an exam?"

Ninth elder brother is also depressed. Today, he just thought of a way to be more comfortable, but finally got the news from tenth elder brother that he will be assessed by the clan at the end of the month.

"What's Khan Ama thinking? It's enough to only take the exams for those clan children who want to confer titles, and you have to take the exams anyway?"

He complained: "I've already left the study room, when will I be the boss?"

There are a total of three items in the clan examination, translation, riding and shooting, and foot shooting.

Shu Shu was also a little worried, and said: "I'm not afraid of the translator, the rest is foot shooting and riding shooting, but how to practice riding shooting?"

Brother Jiu pointed to the west, and said, "Isn't there a horse farm to the west of Lao Shi's house? At that time, Master and Lao Shi will go there to practice riding and archery."

Horseback archery and foot archery are both homework in the study room. It is just an exam, and the grades are still easy. It is just that I have been a little novice in the past two years.

"My master has also mastered strings for more than ten years. What is a mere exam? Just pick it up..."

Brother Jiu is not afraid.

"I'm just afraid that I'll miss it, and I'll be fair. Outside, I really think that my master is a dandy prince who can't get a job, so what can I do? Isn't that embarrassing for you and our little brother?"

Brother Jiu rubbed his fists and said: "That's not acceptable, this card has to stand up!"

Shu Shu encouraged: "Then wait for Master's good grades..."

It is a serious matter to learn archery diligently.

Not being lazy...

No matter what, from the next day, brother Jiu started a half-day shift.

If you want to practice archery, you must be accompanied by someone. Fu Song and several guards were greeted by Brother Jiu.

Except for Fuqing who is worse, the others are all strong bows.

After one round, Brother Jiu quit.

As a man, he doesn't care about it, but he still cares about face.

He felt that if he continued like this, he would be despised by his subordinates.

It is a big fool to use one's own shortcomings to meet the strengths of others.

Someone snickered just now, and he saw it!

He thought for a while, and said to Heishan: "Oh, it's okay, the wind is still quite strong, the black guards should rest!"

Montenegro is not in a hurry, and I couldn't get together with these young people, so I went down.

Only then did Brother Jiu say to Erhe: "You came from the guards in the palace. Why are you a fake? It's too bad! Follow Chun Linduo to learn from each other, and then run into those guys from the guards, calm down Suppress them!"

Erhe knew his own shortcomings early on, so he was very humble and went to ask Chunlin for advice.

Brother Jiu said to Fu Qing again: "You said that you have no strengths in studying, and your bow and arrow are mediocre, what should you do in the future? You can't just hang around with the guards all the time, let Fu Song take you to see if you can gain some strength , and can’t be much worse than others, are you embarrassed?!”

Fu Qing had seen the riding and shooting of these colleagues before, and he was indeed too far behind.

He was very respectful to Fu Song, and the two also went to the side to shoot arrows.

He Yuzhu looked at Brother Jiu and was speechless.

Only three arrows were shot, and it seemed that there was no second half.

Sure enough, Brother Nine beat everyone up and dismissed them all. He felt much more comfortable, and said to He Yuzhu, "Okay, I don't worry about Fujin, let's continue practicing tomorrow..."

After speaking, he turned and went back to the main courtyard.

He Yuzhu followed behind with his quiver in his arms.

In the main courtyard, Shu Shu is taking a walk.

With Doctor Jiang's orders, she did not dare to lie down like this until the time of delivery.

It's not just a matter of diet, but also because she is really uncomfortable. The more she lies down, the more tired she becomes, and her calves are also swollen. If this continues, she probably won't be able to make a fist.

Brother Jiu saw Shu Shu, hurried forward a few steps, helped her up and said, "How many steps have you walked? Let's take it step by step, don't get tired!"

Shu Shu looked at the walnut beside him.

Walnut held a string of beads counting steps in his hand, looked at it twice, and said, "I've walked 240 or eight steps..."

Shu Shu was speechless, feeling like she had moved for a while, was it less than 250 steps?
Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said: "Okay, there are two small circles here!"

Shu Shu wasn't very tired yet, and said: "Two more rounds, no matter what, I have to make up five hundred..."

Seeing that she was interested, Brother Jiu said: "Then I will accompany you..."

The husband and wife were talking, and there was movement in the front yard.

More hurried footsteps.

Husband and wife look at each other, and there is another unexpected guest?
Wouldn't it still be Prince Zhuang?

Shu Shu was short of breath.

Brother Nine is too impatient.

He is not a thoughtful and gentle person, thinking about Prince Zhuang's rudeness yesterday, he is still unhappy.

"Master, Fujin, a head of the Ministry of Rites has come to look for Elder Brother Fusong..."

It was Cui Baisui who hurried over and told the two of them.

Brother Jiu was taken aback, and said, "Did you say something?"

This is the Prince's Mansion, Prince Zhuang is an elder of the clan, so he can be allowed to come here uninvited, and other people are also so casual, Brother Jiu doesn't want to be used to it.

Besides, who is Fusong?
The master of ceremonies of the fourth rank!

The head of the Ministry of Rituals is a small official of the sixth rank, and the big one is blocking the door to find someone?
If there is no legitimate reason, brother Jiu will call someone to beat him out.

Cui Baisui said: "There was a disturbance by a low-ranking student, who went to sit quietly in front of the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion. My elder brother was young, and with such a background, he was accused by those people of bribing the examiner to get on the list. Order of Shangshu, come here and ask Elder Fusong..."

When Shu Shu heard this, she was a little annoyed.

It has nothing to do with cheating in the imperial examinations, and it has not fallen well since ancient times.

Although they don't expect the imperial examinations to be successful, they are not willing to get involved in this either.

When she got excited, it felt like a war in her stomach.

She yelled "Oops" and couldn't stand still.

Brother Jiu was startled, hugged her shoulder and asked, "What's wrong?"

Shu Shu took a deep breath and said, "I was hit so hard just now, my belly hurts!"

With her like this, Brother Nine couldn't care less about anything else, so he hurriedly joined Walnut to help Shu Shu back into the house.

Shu Shu exhaled a few breaths to calm himself down, and then the movement in his stomach eased.

Brother Jiu couldn't help venting his anger, and ordered He Yuzhu: "Go and beat the man out!"

Shu Shu hurriedly stopped him and said, "It's all right, cheating in the imperial examination has a lot to do with it. Sheng Jia should come back after hearing the news. It's just a routine questioning. Let someone come in!"

She didn't mean to ask Fusong to go out and face it alone, who knows if there is a convulsion, thinking about dragging Fusong into the water, diverting his attention or something.

Ninth elder brother sullenly said, "Okay, sir, listen too, they have the courage to come to the door, what exactly are they going to ask..."

He looked at Cui Baisui and said: "Listen to Fujin, bring people in, if you have anything to ask Elder Brother, just ask in front of Master and Fujin."

Cui Baisui responded and went down.

Brother Jiu looked at He Yuzhu again, and said, "What are you doing standing there stupidly? Why don't you go to the school grounds and ask Brother to come over?"

He Yuzhu hurriedly called for someone.

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "Master, I want to see what kind of monsters and monsters they are. They don't bite other people, they only bite Fusong!"

Shu Shu said: "Fu Song is young, and he is the last one, so he probably was targeted by someone."

In fact, although the current township examination is an integrated test, the banner people have a separate quota, which does not account for the quota of the Shuntianfu Township Examination.

A failed scholar should be from an ordinary family, and there is no official in the family, otherwise you should know that no matter whether it is the six government offices of the imperial court or the imperial examination, Han Que and Man Que are well watered. Steal the spot.

At this moment, Fu Song arrived first, and his steps were a little hasty.

He listened to what He Yuzhu said, and was a little worried about his sister.

"Sister, it's nothing, it should be a routine matter, and I have no shortcomings, so I'm not afraid to ask..."

He didn't care about other things, so he comforted Shu Shu first.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "I know, this is the capital city with the most scholars, and after the three-year examination, we must guard against troubles caused by unsuccessful candidates. I didn't expect that this time there was news, and even failed scholars dared to make trouble ..."

It is estimated that it is also the age of the eight-banner lifter in this subject, which stimulates those failed scholars.

Fu Song was only sixteen last year, and there were two other seventeen- and eighteen-year-olds in the same subject as him.

The future "General Nian" is also a Juren in this subject. At 21 years old, he can be regarded as a juvenile Juren.

Fu Song thought for a while, and said: "On the surface, the students are making trouble, but it's not easy to tell later, or it's aimed at Chunwei."

The second son of Zhang Ying, a bachelor, took the exam in this subject.

Prior to this, Zhang Ying and his eldest son Zhang Tingzan were both Jinshi.

Brother Jiu heard it, and said, "What do they mean? Doubt that Chunwei is unfair?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "It's not just this subject, maybe it's also because of the previous ones. Those who failed in the exam also feel that they are studying hard in the poor window. The children of ministers may not be successful. They are all on the Jinshi list. The poor students want to be promoted But it is difficult to reach the sky, and it will give birth to suspicion..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said, "What a poor family! How can ordinary people who are really digging food in the soil afford to support scholars? Those who can reach Juren will never be poor."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Yes, the Zhang family has also accumulated the literary spirit of several generations, so the family is full of books..."

The Zhang family did not start with Zhang Ying. Zhang Ying's great-grandfather and uncle were all Jinshi in the previous dynasty.

Their family has been educated for generations, and their careers have been established for generations. Naturally, they know more about the methods of studying and taking exams than ordinary people outside.

For other scholars, raising a person is out of reach, but for a family like the Zhang family, raising a person for fame is within easy reach.

In the eyes of others, this became evidence of the unfairness of the imperial examination.

Footsteps could be heard outside, and Cui Baisui was followed by not only the head of the Face Rituals Department, but also Zhang Tingzan and Gao Yanzhong.

Zhang Tingzan was resting at home today, and hurried over when he got the news.

Gao Yanzhong heard the reason and came to ask if he wanted to go out to find out the news.

He and Shu Shu wanted to go together, fearing that others would deliberately pull Fusong into the water and fish in troubled waters...

The next update will be around 2:17 noon on February 12th, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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