My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 838 Three Tripod Armors Are Dangerous

Zhang Tingzan's expression was not good either.

Fu Song can think that the other party's ulterior motives are not drinking, and Zhang Tingzan can naturally think of it too.

If he really rushed to take the exam for the minister's children, then his younger brother Zhang Tingyu's future would be in danger.

It's not that I'm worried about failing the exam, but I'm worried that I won't be in the top three.

His younger brother Zhang Tingyu was born in the 11th year of Kangxi. He was a juren in the 35th year of Kangxi. He was supposed to take the 36th year of the examination, but because his father was accused of being the examiner of the 36th year of the examination, he had to avoid the exam.

Just waiting for this subject to take the test.

When it comes to learning, his younger brother is a bit more talented than him, so he should be a hopeful one.

His father, Zhang Ying, was No. 4 in the second class back then, and now he is No. 2 in the second class. The whole family is looking forward to his younger brother winning the top three.

Unexpectedly, life is turbulent.

He looked at Brother Jiu and said: "Master Jiu should not interfere with this matter."

Otherwise, if a prince is involved, the other party will more confidently incite scholars to thoroughly investigate the "unfairness" of the imperial examination.

All the officials in the capital are officials, and two Hanlin officials are nothing, but if they have a backing, the Hanlin officials will be more courageous.

Fraud in imperial examinations seems to be a matter of course.

As for scruples?

Those who are pushed to the front of the stage are all abandoned sons, and they will not have any scruples, they will only fear that the world will not be chaotic.

What's more, in recent years, the emperor "ruled Han with Han" and promoted Confucianism. The imperial court really couldn't just block this matter.

At that time, even if the matter had nothing to do with Brother Jiu, in order to calm down the matter, the emperor might have to warn Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu looked at the head of the Ministry of Rites with an unkind expression.

The head of the Ministry of Rituals bowed, hit Qian'er and said: "He Shen, the head of the Ministry of Rituals, has met Jiu Ye, please give him peace..."

It's a big deal.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said, "It's already blocking the door, what else is there to do? Hmph! Ask, Master, listen carefully, what exactly do you want to ask?"

The principal was sweating profusely on his brow, and said: "Yes, Lord Zhongtang sent a slave to ask Brother Fusong, before leaving, do you know Li Pan, the chief examiner of Shuntianfu Township Examination, and Jiang Chenying, the deputy chief examiner, and whether you have any personal relationship?"

Man Shangshu Fulun of the Ministry of Rites and Zhang Ying, Shangshu of the Han Dynasty, were all bachelors who joined the cabinet last year.

The University Bachelor is also known as the "middle hall".

Without a name, it refers to the palm print of Fu Lun.

With a serious face, Fu Song said, "I don't know each other, I don't have personal acquaintances. The first time we met formally, we were still behind the list of dragons and tigers."

These two examiners are not of high grade, but their names are not small.

Li Pan was the No. 36 scholar in the [-]th year of Kangxi, and Jiang Chenying was the same subject.

The two were collectively called "Xiao Li Lao Jiang".

That's all for Li Pan, the number one scholar comes every three years, it's a little bit, but it's nothing to put it in the Imperial Academy.

Jiang Chenying's reputation is even bigger.

Because Jiang Chenying is a talented scholar in the south of the Yangtze River, he participated in the compilation of "History of Ming Dynasty" with two other talented scholars in the Ming Dynasty, and created a precedent for "civilian history". They are collectively called "Jiangnan Sanbuyi". He was also Nalan Rongruo's year-end friend.

This is also the main reason why the list of rural examinations has fermented and caused material controversy.

But Banner Han is different, his age is much younger, and he has no chance to meet him.

The master said again: "My lord still asked my servant to ask my elder brother, since I have already filled the vacancy, why did I go to the prison to take the exam?"

This is unavoidable.

Even officials, as long as they have the honor of raising people, can take part in the general examination; if they have the honor of supervising students, they can take the provincial examination.

Fusong's move is also within the scope of the rules.

However, those officials who participated in the imperial examination before had no grades or were eighth or ninth-rank sesame officials. It was also a precedent for those like Fu Song who had already obtained the top four ranks and took the exam.

Fu Song's expression remained unchanged, and he said: "The position of master of ceremonies is promoted by Master Jiu. I am young, so I am inevitably worried that I will not be able to convince the public. I want to test myself when I am admitted to the supervisor."

As for the unsatisfactory marriage, there is no need to bring it up.

At that time, he was impulsive and didn't think carefully.

In the early years, it was okay to get promoted through the Eight Banners imperial examinations, but now Chunwei has taken the exams all in one, and it is not easy to get ahead even if he wants to take the imperial examinations.

If you want to be majestic, get the No. [-] pick or something, that is a dream.

Going to the martial arts examination, on the contrary, there is some hope.

The master memorized it carefully, and said: "The servant has finished asking."

Zhang Tingzan said: "Why is there such a big commotion?"

When he was in the front yard just now, Zhang Tingzan had already declared his family name.

The master knew that this was the eldest son of Xiangfu, so he was very polite.

The master said: "The students from the prefectural school went to abuse Mr. Jiang's house outside Mr. Jiang's house. Mr. Jiang's eldest son came out to stop him, and he was pushed and trampled to death..."

Jiang Chenying is over seventy years old, and his eldest son is around fifty, so he is not considered young.

Zhang Tingzan frowned.

This is a life lawsuit.

Those government school students can only continue to make trouble, otherwise they will lose their lives, their future will be cut off, and their lives will be endangered.

Fighting and manslaughter are also one of the six killings, even if they are reduced, they are still felonies.

Only if the fraud in the imperial examination is confirmed, the crime can be lightened if it is more compassionate, and then reduced.

"How are you two adults?"

Zhang Tingzan said.

He is the Hanlin official, and both the chief examiner and the deputy examiner are his colleagues.

Jiang Chenying was also a guest of his family.

The chief said: "Yesterday, the Inspectorate invited the imperial decree and sent two adults to the Inspectorate to await trial."

The principal had other errands on his body, he was going to question several other Eight Banners Juren who were on the list last year, pleaded guilty, and left in a hurry.

Fu Song looked at Shu Shu and said, "Sister, don't worry, if my identity is revealed, these people won't stare at me."

Even if he is from the exiled clan, if he can reveal his identity as the fourth-rank master of ceremonies, those people will not bite him.

Everyone knew that it was impossible for him to cheat.

He thought for a while, and said: "They should be staring at Nian Gengyao. I heard that before Nian Gengyao's father was released, he also had a relationship with Master Jiang."

Brother Jiu heard this, with a tangled expression on his face.

He still remembered the incident of taking Nian Xiyao under his wing last year, and now Cao Shun is still in Yunnan.

Nian Xiyao's father is now the governor of Huguang, and there seems to be no one in the capital.

His younger brother had an accident, and he ignored it, which seemed unkind.

But Zhang Tingzan just reminded him once, not to let him intervene in this matter.

Shu Shu was beside him, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, Master, that's the grandson-in-law of the Nalan family..."

Brother Jiu frowned, and said: "Yes, I forgot that there is a care, Mingzhu won't look at it."

Fu Song said from the side: "The grandson of the Ming family is also a candidate for this imperial examination."

Mingzhu's second and third sons have no heirs now, and the grandchildren in the house are the children of the eldest son Nalan Rongruo.

Brother Jiu said: "That's really a coincidence, they don't think Mingzhu is a soft persimmon, right? It's ridiculous!"

Zhang Tingzan was at the side, did not speak, but was worried in his heart, fearing that there would be another rivalry between the court and the middle party.

Suo'etu is down, is there anyone who can point to the pearl with a sword?
Mingzhu is currently hanging with the Minister of Internal Affairs and has been silent for many years.

Gao Yanzhong thought simply, as long as he didn't have anything to do with his own Ninth Prince, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Everyone dispersed.

Brother Nine said to Fu Song: "Don't go anywhere these few days, if it doesn't involve you, don't get involved, Khan Ama doesn't like people who show off."

This is because Juren, who was worried about being involved, would "go to the doctor in a hurry" and came to grab Fusong.

Fu Song nodded and said, "Well, I won't go out."

Although we were all in the same year, we didn't have any contact with each other earlier, but we had a few banquets after the results of the provincial examination came out...

Wuqing County Wharf, Yu Xiaozhou.

Kangxi's face was very ugly. The chariot and horse department of the Ministry of War sent Ma Qi's papers. The trial of the rural examination fraud case had not yet started. The accused deputy chief examiner Jiang Chenying hanged herself in the quiet room of the inspector's office.

"You bastard, how can you just die when something happens?!"

Kangxi was very angry.

The literati are noble and a little arrogant, and they can't stand being entangled in lawsuits, so they can understand.

But this is the wrong way to deal with it.

In this way, it is really unclear.

If it is spread outside, it means dying in fear of sin.

The fourth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were by the side, not knowing what to say.

The imperial examination is a major event, and to select talents for the country, if there is any fraud, it will cause people to question the justice of the court.

Although the four directions are now stable and there is no major war, we still have to guard against civil unrest.

If the civil unrest caused by natural disasters is still there, the people are just feeding themselves. As long as the relief is appropriate, order can be restored.

What I am most afraid of is man-made disasters, someone will provoke a dispute between Banner and Han.

The fourth elder brother hesitated for a moment, and said, "Ama Khan, are you going to return to Luan?"

Kangxi's face was gloomy, he pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I won't return, I'll still follow the original itinerary."

The more serious people want to make things bigger, the more they cannot be allowed to succeed.

Otherwise, if you are coerced, it will become a case in the future.

He looked at the fourth elder brother and said: "You go back to Beijing immediately, enter the Procuratorate, supervise the trial of this case, and close the case as soon as possible!"

The Procuratorate is the Department of the Three Laws. Like the Ministry of Officials, there is no arrangement for princes and princes to act concurrently.

Kangxi was worried that the officials over there were tied up and could not try the case quickly, so he arranged for the fourth elder brother to return to Beijing.

The fourth elder brother bowed and agreed without any delay, turned around and left.

Now it is a hundred and sixty miles away from the capital, if you change horses along the way, you can reach the south city tonight...

The thirteenth elder brother was beside him, a little dazed.

Whether it's Li Pan or Jiang Chenying, they all talked about it in the study room.

Jiang Chenying is a master of calligraphy and history, and taught them calligraphy and "Historical Records" for a year.

Li Pan is not as famous as Jiang Chenying, but he took the exam in the same subject and was able to win the top prize, which is also a good talent.

Elder Brother Thirteen thought for a while, and said, "Ama Khan, is it because Mr. Li showed off his wealth that he was falsely accused?"

In all dynasties, there has been no shortage of lawsuits about fraudulent imperial examinations, and the same is true in this dynasty.

But those officials involved in the case know the law and break the law, mostly for money.

Li Pan's family was from a gentry family in Xuzhou, and they were not short of money.

Even the little princes like them know that this number one scholar has a wealthy family.

He lectured poems to the princes and grandchildren in the upper study room, and there were no duplicates of the antique books in the upper study room.

Boxes containing books are not ordinary things.

He is also a person who loves cleanliness very much. Every time he comes to the study to give lectures, Hou's attendants outside the Qianqing Gate have to bring big bags and small bags.

Whenever there was ink stains on the sleeves or something, Li Pan had to go out and change into clean regular clothes, and they privately disliked him for being hypocritical.

Such a person who is not short of money can cheat in the imperial examination, brother thirteen can't believe it.

Kangxi looked at the thirteenth elder brother and said: "You can't judge people by clothes! Whether Li Pan's family is rich or not has nothing to do with this case, and it cannot be arbitrarily judged!"

Brother Thirteen respectfully agreed.

He was indeed assertive.

Seems a bit snobby.

Those who are rich may not be greedy for money, and those who are poor may not be without integrity.

Knowing the face but not the heart.

It's hard to make judgments without knowing the inside story.

Since there is such a big disturbance, there must be flaws in this subject, otherwise those scholars are not fools, and they will not make a series of booing without proof...

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