My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 839 Call to Arms and Slander

Chapter 839 Call to Arms and Slander

The capital, the Ninth Prince's Mansion, the main house.

Brother Jiu was telling Shu Shu about Li Pan, who was also a legendary figure a few years ago.

"During the test, the candidate next to him brought a food box. He brought a noodle bag, which was very big. When the guard inspected it, there were 36 steamed buns. It turned out that he was from Xuzhou, and he was tall and strong. Amazing food..."

Speaking of this, he said with a sigh: "Even if it was an interesting talk earlier, few people would laugh at it. It was the number one scholar. The sarcastic words seemed a little jealous and hateful. Since I was selected as the main examiner of the Shuntianfu Township Examination last year, this' "The Number One Scholar" talked about it outside again, being bitten by him to cheat, probably after hearing this, he thought he was born in a poor family and his hands and feet were not clean..."

Because of Fusong, Shu Shu paid more attention to last year's Shuntianfu Township Examination, but because the main exam was assigned just before the deadline, she didn't know much about it.

Shuntian Prefecture is a province with a large number of quotas. Before the 35th year of Kangxi, there were 63 people with national registration and 24 people from the Eight Banners. In the 35th year of Kangxi, the quota of each province was increased, and the number of people from Shuntian Prefecture increased to 80 people, and 30 people from the Eight Banners.

In fact, many of these civil applicants are Guozi Jiansheng, who can take the Shuntianfu Township Examination in the capital after entering the prison, which is why the ministers' children gather together.

"If a high-ranking official presided over this provincial examination, there might not be such a big commotion." Shu Shu said.

There is so much commotion now, but it is because the two chief examiners have no foundation.

Scholars make trouble, say they have no brains, but they have no brains, and they say they have brains, but they also have brains.

Will weigh the pros and cons, and will not really touch the stone.

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "During the second half of the 36th year of Kangxi, these two had been on duty in the study room, but the master and the old ten didn't pay attention to these homework, and later they went to teach the twelve Brother and the others went, I didn’t expect to be involved in this kind of thing.”

Shu Shu said: "The officialdom is ups and downs, maybe it's just like this."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "There must be some evidence for this trouble, I wonder if the two of you are careless outside, or there is something wrong with the wife and children at home... ..."

No wind, no wave.

Shu Shu couldn't say it well, but she just thought of the grandson of the Ming family that Fu Song had mentioned, and asked curiously: "Nalan Rongruo's son? How talented and educated, why is it so quiet?"

Their family and Mingzhu's family are also related by marriage, and they have contacts, but they rarely hear about the grandchildren of the Changfang.

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "I don't know, I haven't heard much about it. It stands to reason that their children should be guards..."

Shu Shu said: "It should be that the age of uncle and nephew is too close."

Mingzhu's second and third sons are considered old, about the same age as her nephews.

The bodyguard of Nalan's family is short. Before that, he was Mingzhu's second son, and later he was Mingzhu's third son, Shu Shu's cousin-in-law.

Although matters involving fraud in the imperial examination are major matters, they have nothing to do with their husband and wife, and they will let go of them after a few gossips.

As a result, before lunch, Brother Ten came and brought Zhang Xiwen, "Scholar's Jieshiwen".

"It's been posted all over Nancheng, and the clan's mansion has been buzzing all morning, all talking about this. The last time there was such a big commotion, it was in the 16th year of Shunzhi..."

The tenth elder brother handed the proclamation to the ninth elder brother and said: "But this subject is indeed a coincidence. It is not wrong to say that 'four or five families in the middle hall are among the best, and dozens of people in the department are all ranked first'..."

Brother Jiu took it over and read it, read it with relish, and said: "This is all named by name, and it sounds like the truth..."

After finishing speaking, he handed it to Shu Shu, and said, "Look, I was thinking about 'no wind, no waves' before, but after reading this, I think it's all nonsense!"

Shu Shu also took it over to look at it. Last year, the "Second Generation of Officials" and "Second Generation of Rich" in the rural examination did not fail.

Nian Gengyao also took up a sentence, "Take ten thousand with the capital of the lake."

Just by looking at this sentence, you can tell that other people's comments are full of water.

Nian Gengyao's reputation is not obvious now, but he was chosen by Mingzhu as his grandson-in-law, and he is also famous in the Eight Banners.

The Eight Banners is proud of being in the army, and the competition in the Eight Banners' rural examinations is not so fierce.

Shu Shu shook his head and said, "It's not like a call to arms, it's more like a slander."

As Brother Shi said, this subject is too coincidental. The children of officials accounted for a quarter of the provincial examination rankings. There are also a few candidates who are not children of officials, but they are all children of Huizhou merchants. Eye-catching.

Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Rites said that someone bit Fusong, but there was no such thing in the notice, so he probably knew about Fusong's details.

The ancestral bloodline is not something they can slander and tease.

The tenth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother and said: "In the final analysis, it is because of the increase of the quota in Shuntian Prefecture since 35. There are a lot of literary styles in the south of the Yangtze River, gathering two provinces, and the provincial examination quota is only 83, but Shuntian Prefecture has 80 people. That's it. As soon as the ministers of the ministries and colleges in Beijing arranged for their children to go to Beijing to take the exam, there were many."

As a result, even if they were admitted normally, it would look like cheating.

Speaking of this, Elder Brother Ten frowned, and said: "Perhaps it is because of the peace in the world in recent years, more and more teahouses have been opened, and there have been more and more gossip in the market. This time, I guess we will have to check..."

They are outside the bureau, standing on a high place, they can see that this statement is nonsense, but what do the people below think?
Three become tigers.

They will think that there must be no fake names, but they don't know that there is a word in this world called "guessing" and an act called "creating something out of nothing".

Brother Jiu also hated the gossip outside, nodded and said: "It's time to take care of it, everyone is just grinding their teeth idle, spreading rumors..."

And he also complied with that sentence, good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.

What everyone is keen to spread is mostly private gossip, and some are even unreliable.

Shu Shu was at the side, thinking of the fourth wife of Niu Hulu's family, who was forced to death by slander.

Words are like knives.

A person with a noble character can't bear such slander.

If it was aimed at a woman, it would be full of malice, making it impossible to fight back.

"It can't really be just a few failed talents getting together to make a fuss. Who is behind it..."

The ninth elder brother looked at the tenth elder brother and said: "Look, Lord, most of the people on this list are Han officials or the Han army, and there are no Manchu and Mongolian ministers. Is this an internal struggle between them?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "I don't know, but if you can explain the details of more than 20 cases clearly and without confusion, you are a caring person!"

It was because of Fu Song that he was afraid that elder brother Jiu and Shu Shu would be worried, so he took this back.

He also knew that Brother Jiu had something to do with Nian's family, so he said: "Nian Gengyao, Brother Jiu, don't worry, no one will take it seriously, even if Mingzhu doesn't show up, there is Po Erpen..."

The first-class Gong Poerpen was the minister who led the guards and the grandfather of Nalan's wife, Nian Gengyao's wife.

Brother Nine nodded and said, "I won't intervene, Zhang Tingzan has already reminded me."

Elder Brother Ten said: "It's not written in the call to action, but there are many people outside talking about Zhang's father and son."

Both Zhang Tingzan and his younger brother took the exam in Shuntian Prefecture.

Although it is within the rules for them to end their careers as Guozijian students, they are still criticized by others.

Brother Nine was the most protective, and he said unwillingly after hearing this: "What is being an imperial court? What is being a Khan Ama? I failed the ranking, and I don't want to think about my own shortcomings. Instead, I want to find fault for others. It's just sick!"

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while and said, "Wenwu is the best. The examiners and graders are all human, so they like to choose. The rural examination is the most difficult. One out of a hundred is chosen. It is not uncommon for many people to be unhappy."

A few people didn't care too much.

Unexpectedly, Su Peisheng came the next day.

"Jiuye, Jiufujin, our master was ordered by the emperor to return to Beijing last night and enter the Procuratorate to supervise the trial of this case. What the master means is to see the Eight Banners first."

So I sent someone to summon the Eight Banners to the Inspectorate.

Here, Fu Song knew that he was in the Prince's Mansion, so he sent Su Peisheng to come in person.

Ninth elder brother said in surprise: "I didn't expect it to fall into the hands of fourth brother..."

Then he didn't have anything to worry about, and ordered someone to call Fu Song over.

Fu Song is now living in the small courtyard behind the Prince's Mansion, surrounded by old people from the Dutong Mansion.

Fu Song was worried that his sister would miss him, and said: "The emperor didn't come back to Luan, just to show that he doesn't want to be coerced by material disputes. This matter should be reviewed quickly. Eldest sister, don't worry."

Shu Shu nodded.

Not worried at all.

Especially after reading "Scholar Jie Shi Wen".

In addition to Nian Gengyao, several later generations of great scholars and officials of the frontier were also mentioned.

Whether it is true talent or learning, history has given proof.

Fu Song felt relieved and followed Su Peisheng away.

It was already evening when he came back.

Even though Shu Shu felt that she didn't need to worry, she would feel uneasy after this person left for a day.

Fu Song looked hungry and thirsty, "Gudu Gudu" drank a lot of water and ate two roujiamo before he could talk.

"The fourth master called the Eight Banners together, and directly took a policy test at the Inspector's Office. He invited the adults of the Imperial Academy, several professors from the Imperial Academy and Shuntianfu School to review the papers, and graded the papers on the spot..."

Speaking of this, he smiled, and said: "In the past six months, I have learned a lot of small skills in solving problems and writing essays from Mr. Zhang, and the essays are quite proficient, and I was rated as second-class..."

Shu Shu was very happy when she heard this.

Even if you don't take the road of imperial examination, it is good to study more.

Among the clan's children, there are those who are proficient in Sinology, but they are all poetry, calligraphy and painting, and they are not serious knowledge in the eyes of the world.

If Fu Song has some strengths here, he might not be able to stand out in the future, get grace, and return to the clan.

Brother Nine said "haha" and said, "That's right, give our parents face..."

Shu Shu thought that there were Nian Gengyao, Nalan Rongruo's son, Ertai and others in this subject, so he was very curious, and asked, "How did other people do?"

Fu Song said: "There are two people in the first class, Ertai from Xianglan Banner and Nian Gengyao from Xiangbai Banner, seven people in the second class, and the others are rated as third class..."

According to the standards of the prefectural school, third-class and above are considered qualified.

This group of Eight Banners lifters, real gold is not afraid of fire...

(End of this chapter)

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