Chapter 840 A Wife and a Daughter
Ministry of punishment, prison.

The fourth elder brother looked at Li Pan with a sluggish expression and said, "Think about it carefully, have you offended anyone?"

The cheating in the imperial examinations outside is aimed at the principal and deputy examiners, but they are also divided into masters and subordinates.

Li Pan was regarded as the "lord". According to rumors, he would not die if he wanted money, and even dared to accept money from ministers.

Jiang Chenying is "cong", the main fault is favoritism, and he chose his fellow countrymen as Xieyuan.

In the previous dynasty, there were Supervisors of the Procuratorate and Supervisors of Dali Temple, but this dynasty has abolished them, leaving only the Supervisor of the Ministry of Punishment.

Those involved in the case awaiting trial at the Dali Temple and the Procuratorate are also being detained in the Prison of the Criminal Ministry.

So the fourth elder brother came to inquire, and he came to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to inquire.

Li Pan is the person who loves cleanliness the most, but now he has been locked up for a few days, and he is very embarrassed.

He looked at the fourth elder brother with a dull expression, wandering into the sky for a while, and said: "After the provincial examination was released, I met Xu Tanhua by chance, and I felt resentful. I said that I have no eyes and delayed the selection of talents by the court. I was puzzled at the time, and I heard about it later. His nephew is behind Sun Shan in this department..."

The fourth elder brother couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

Before thinking about whether it was a turmoil in the officialdom, I asked this question, but I didn't expect to ask the reason.

The one who is now called Xu Tanhua by the world is Xu Bingyi, a cabinet bachelor and Zhan Shifu Zhan Shi.

He and his eldest brother are Tanhua, and his younger brother is the number one scholar. The brothers are also called "Three Xus".

Now his eldest brother Xu Tanhua and his younger brother Xu Zhuangyuan are all dead, only he is still in court, but there are also several Jinshi from his sons and nephews, who have become first-class people in the Jiangnan imperial examination.

Regarding the children of the Xu family, their reputation in the capital is not very good, and they were once involved in the fraud case of the Shuntianfu Township in the 23rd year of Kangxi.

Li Pan fell into memory and said: "When the list came out, someone mentioned that there were no children from the Xu family on the list..."

The reason why people suspected of fraud in this subject of the provincial examination was that the high proportion of officials' children was one reason, and another reason was that the Xu family's son failed the exam.

You must know that he is the nephew of "San Xu". The first few cousins ​​are either Jinshi or Juren, and the one here is actually not on the list.

Now, no one mentions the Xu family.

Now that there is a suspect, the fourth elder brother ordered the Metropolitan Procuratorate to go to Xu's house to pick up the person immediately.

Xu Bingyi's rank is not high, but his elder brother was an official in the Ministry of Punishment, and his younger brother was a bachelor, so there is a gift house in the inner city, which is at the root of the imperial city.

After half an hour, the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate brought him back.

He is a man of 25 or [-] years old, and he looks like a talented person.

He is the son of Xu Bingyi's concubine brother, and also the supervisor of the state son.

He was a little uneasy when he was summoned, but he was well behaved.

Thinking about it, it's true that there are several high-ranking officials in the family, and I haven't seen any scenes.

The fourth elder brother originally wanted to ask about his failure, but his heart moved, thinking of the re-examination just now.

He said: "Some people say that you are a remnant of the undergraduate provincial examination. There are papers there. You should do it!"

But this person didn't like to be startled, and hurriedly said: "Si Bei Le, the students' knowledge is ordinary, they are all 'spreading rumors' outside, and they really can't bear the name of leaving behind talents..."

The fourth elder brother's face remained unchanged, but he became suspicious in his heart.

Scholars are not lacking in arrogance.

This Xu Jiansheng is a little less arrogant.

At his age, he has been enlightened for more than [-] years and has been in prison for more than ten years. If nothing else, he should be able to handle the theory with ease.

Now that I haven't written anything yet, why do I think I'm not enough.

"Do it, the dossier must be presented to the imperial court..."

The fourth elder brother said with a solemn expression, and motioned for someone to take Xu Jiansheng to the next room to answer.

Xu Jiansheng's forehead was sweating profusely, his body was bent, and his steps were a little light.

The fourth elder brother looked at his back, looking at this guilty look, he was not the mastermind, but also the one involved.

At this moment, Xu Bingyi was also invited.

He is about seventy years old, and he also talked about it in the study room in his early years.

The fourth elder brother stood up, bowed and said: "Master Xu..."

Xu Bingyi turned sideways to avoid it, bowed and said: "My minister Xu Bingyi has seen Sibei Le."

The fourth elder brother signaled Su Peisheng to move the chair, and said, "Master Xu, please sit down."

Xu Bingyi sat down and said with a wry smile: "At this moment, Sibei Le is being polite..."

As he said that, he took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and said, "Is Sibeile summoning ministers for the matter of appeal?"

The fourth elder brother nodded and said: "There have been rules in the imperial examination for a long time. After the chief examiner and deputy chief examiner are selected, there will be guards following them. It is a joke to say that the cashier asks for bribes like this article; Out of dissatisfaction..."

Xu Bingyi sighed and said: "People are old and foolish, and forget the principle of 'disaster comes from the mouth'. Once the Guibang was released, the minister complained to Mr. Li, annoyed that he has no eyes, and ordered Yao Guan as Xie Yuan, and Xu Jinxi as the second. Xu Jinxi has long been famous for his talent, as we all know..."

The fourth elder brother frowned and said, "You knew something was wrong, why didn't you report it?"

Xu Bingyi said: "I didn't expect such a big movement. When the rumors first started, I thought it was the Hanlin Academy from different departments who were fighting each other."

This time the fraud case was involved, except for Kangxi's 36-year No. [-] Scholar and Tan Hua, the No. [-] also did not fall.

The second son and nephew are all on the list.

This proclamation also points out the second place in the list of "being a mediator and paying bribes".

The fourth elder brother said: "Nephew Ling has also been summoned, and he is next door solving problems and writing strategies."

Xu Bingyi got up and said: "I'm guilty, I shouldn't 'hide relatives'..."

The fourth elder brother said with a cold face: "Do you know that nephew Ling is involved?"

Xu Bingyi hung his shoulders, and said: "I only knew that he was often invited to Nancheng for banquets by his classmates and villagers. Today, after reading this essay, he understands. I'm afraid the other party's ulterior motives are not about drinking..."

The fourth elder brother didn't have an attack, and he stroked the matter in his heart.

The link of the call to action is quite right.

If the children of high-ranking officials and eunuchs were not involved, the details of these people would not have been found out so clearly.

After a while, Xu Jiansheng came in with the paper in his hand.

Looking at his appearance, he looked like he was about to faint.

The fourth elder brother motioned for someone to take the paper, and after a brief glance, he frowned.

It seems that Xu Bingyi didn't tell a lie, and he was indeed grievance for other people, not for his nephew as Li Pan misunderstood.

With Xu Jiansheng's level, it would be fraud if he was on the list...

The next day, Yuqian got the booklet from the capital.

The fourth elder brother wrote down the ins and outs of the "fraud case" in detail.

The reason was that Xu Bingyi ridiculed Li Pan in the Hanlin Academy because of objections to the candidate for Xie Yuan, and was heard by other Hanlin Academy, thinking that Xu Bingyi suspected that the provincial examination was unfair.

Later, because Li Pan's second son and nephew were all on the list, other Hanlin suspected that there was an invitation in the same year.

When it spread to the outside world, it became the second place bribery, and Li Pan took the money.

In addition, Xu Bingyi's nephew received a banquet outside and mentioned the background of the current imperial examination candidates one by one.

There were some people under the banner of Xu Bingyi, colluding in private.

As for Jiang Chenying's favoritism, he also found out.

Xie Yuan Yaoguan, a native of Ningbo Prefecture, Zhejiang Province, is a fellow of Jiang Chenying. After coming to Beijing, he went to Jiang's house to visit the seniors of his hometown, and also delivered letters.

This is the imperial examination practice.

Fellow countrymen, same year, and classmates are the closest relationship in officialdom.

At that time, no one thought that Jiang Chenying would be selected as the deputy examiner, so there was no need to shy away from the relationship between the two.

There are many Zhejiang Hanlin in the Hanlin Academy, and Jiang Chenying mentioned to her colleagues that she is a junior from her hometown, and she thinks that she is very talented and is a popular candidate for Jieyuan in this department.

When the list came out, he also mentioned his good eyesight in the Imperial Academy.

But in the eyes of others, there is a suspicion of internal fixation.

At the end of the excerpt, the fourth elder brother also mentioned the "re-examination" of the Eight Banners' candidates, and wrote down the results of all the people, asking whether all the imperial examination candidates should "re-examine".

Kangxi looked at it and breathed a sigh of relief.

Those were the number one scholar and Tanhua handpicked by him, and he was very worried about fraud.

This should be recorded in the history books.

Looking at it now, it is just rumors and rumors, and there is no evidence.

In this way, it is very important to be fair, open and fair, so that the objections can be quelled as soon as possible.

Kangxi wrote a reply, "Since there are injustices reported, the imperial examination candidates will gather together and arrange the reexamination by the inner court in the next ten days. If there is an excuse for failing to do so, they will be deposed immediately, and the examiners will wait for punishment after the reexamination."

When it was time to write, his brows furrowed again.

It is indeed a big problem for the children of officials to take the exam.

Every time after the imperial examinations, the fallen scholars make troubles because of this reason.

Find a way to solve this matter, otherwise, there will be another wave in the future...

Because of Fu Song, Shu Shu got the first-hand news here.

All the 110 applicants for Guibang last year were summoned, and they will go to the inner court for reexamination on the 22nd of this month.

A few people were also mentioned in the previous proclamation, namely the children of salt merchants in the south of the Yangtze River.

In the eyes of scholars, businessmen are contemptible, and these children are just the likes of wine bags and rice bags. If they can be listed on the list, they have invited the exams.

What he said is also eloquent.

This re-examination will only be arranged in the inner court to verify the integrity. If you want to "take the exam" at that time, it is absolutely impossible, and it also shows fairness and justice.

Fu Song said with some excitement: "I never thought that there would be such an opportunity."

Because the exam is to be ranked together, Fusong is self-aware and thinks that he has no chance to participate in the exam.

Although it is not a general examination this time, it is the same as the general examination method. It takes a day to test strategy theory.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "It's pretty good, and I've learned a lot."

Fu Song smiled and said: "After taking the exam this time, I feel relieved. I will study hard with Mr. Zhang, and I will have a long time to live."

He didn't pay attention to it before, but after paying attention, he discovered that there are generations of scholarly families in the Eight Banners.

This is true of Nian Gengyao's family and Ertai's family.

In this way, even if there is no title of Spyker, the family can go up.

Even if he stopped taking the provincial examination in his generation, if he learned this set, it would be a way for the next generation to study and start a career.

For those children of the exiled clan who are in an embarrassing situation, it is a good thing that they don't have to wait for death and rub their relatives around.

Shu Shu also thought of this, and said, "Should I inquire if there is a suitable girl for the Ertai family and the Nian family?"

Fu Song had learned from the past, and when he heard about the marriage, he was already scared, and shook his head, "Don't worry, don't worry, wait a little longer."

Although these families are second-rate families, but their children have become talents and their lives are going up, who knows if they have other ambitions.

Shu Shu didn't force her, she just said: "In the future, don't stay in the mansion all the time, and if you have errands to go out, you should go out more often, so that people can see more, maybe you will be spotted by a father-in-law who knows the pearl , wife and daughter..."

Fu Song couldn't hear this anymore, and immediately got up and said, "My brother has gone to Mr. Zhang to solve the problem."

When he hurried to the front yard, he arrived at Zhang Tingzan's room.

Seeing Fu Song approaching, Zhang Tingzan asked him to sit down and said, "Brother, where did you do your homework yesterday?"

Fu Song took out the book from the book bag at his waist, handed it over with both hands, and said, "Excuse me, sir..."

Earlier, Zhang Tingzan called Fu Song an adult.

After all, Fu Song was the head of the bureaucrats in the Prince's Mansion, but later he taught Fu Song about learning, and the two changed their tune.

Now there is no name of teacher and student, but there is the reality of teacher and student.

Fu Song's looks and talents are all here, and Zhang Tingzan was very moved when he saw it.

In addition, Fu Song grew up in Dutong Mansion and was raised by Mrs. Dutong.

The Dutong Mansion is famous for its cleanliness.

When he got home, he mentioned this matter to his old father, saying: "Son, seeing that there is no mention in the law that the Bannermen are not married, it should be fine, right?"

Zhang Yingdao: "'Banners don't marry' is an old custom in Manchuria, but it has been common since the founding of the People's Republic of China. To the future generations will be paid..."

The prison of the Metropolitan Procuratorate was abolished in the Qing Dynasty and unified in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. The previous chapter has been revised.

The next update will be at 2:18 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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