My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 842 Impatient

Chapter 842 Impatient
Shu Shu is really happy.

Because of the Eight Banners draft, the daughters of honored families are a bit high-spirited.

Those who are not high-minded, good-looking, and behave well, will also be left with a brand.

The conditions for those who left the palace with their cards on their hands were even worse.

The entire Baqi Xungui family, except for the three descendants and the Juercha family, other families are no exception.

Fusong doesn't have many choices.

This time it's really a pie in the world, a blessing cake.

Shu Shu immediately told Xiao Chun: "Go back to the Dutong Mansion and tell me Ernie, and say that my elder brother is going to meet, and ask her to help prepare the meeting ceremony."

Xiaochun was beside him, and Dai Fusong was also happy, so he agreed and went down immediately.

Seeing this, Fu Song hurriedly said, "Sister, are you in a hurry?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "There's no rush, everything should be done, always show your solemnity."

It's just a meeting ceremony, where can't the Prince's Mansion prepare it?

Shu Shu is an elder sister, and she can act on behalf of her younger brother, but in the eyes of a well-mannered family, she seems neglectful.

There are parents on it, and it is only when the elders come forward that it is solemn.

Fu Song was a little apprehensive, and said: "But I just told Mr. Zhang that it's best to be consensual, and wait until Miss Zhang nods before talking about other things..."

This was caused by the previous incident, and I was disgusted by others once. Seeing that there was nothing on the surface, I felt a little inferior in my heart.

Shu Shu looked up and down for a few times, but couldn't find anything wrong, and said: "Don't worry, as long as I see you, I will definitely nod..."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help reminding: "The Zhang family is an old scholarly family, and the rules are different from the rules of the Eight Banners. After the marriage is completed, if there are differences, we must slowly teach them and be considerate of each other."

Since Zhang Tingzan was able to mention this to Fu Song, it must have been nodded by Zhang Ying.

The father and brother nodded, and Miss Zhang Jiasi had no reason to refuse.

After all, discussing marriage is still the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker.

This marriage is likely to happen.

However, the living habits of the two are different, and it is estimated that there will be a break-in time.

Fu Song nodded, "I know..."

Don't talk about other people, just talk about the ten elder brother and ten Fujin husband and wife, although they are different from other couples, but the two of them are living very well now.

It just depends on whether you are careful or not.

At this moment, Brother Jiu came out after shooting the arrow. Seeing Fu Song's solemn expression, he said, "What's wrong? Is there any follow-up to the imperial examination case?"

Fu Song shook his head and said, "No."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "The Fusong Hongluan star has moved..."

Brother Jiu heard this, and said: "The one with the blue flag or the one with the white flag, is it the Nian family or the other one that got the first place in the exam?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's not..."

She told about Zhang Tingzan's interest in Fu Song.

Brother Nine also said happily: "Good news! I thought it was those two families who fell in love with Fusong, but I didn't expect it to be Zhang's family. Mr. Zhang has a good eye..."

Speaking of this, he thought for a while, and said: "When the time comes, the Lord will add a hot spring to Fusong, so that he can be filial to his father-in-law and uncle..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "The house I bought in Xianglanqi before can also be tidied up."

There are only two small courtyards in the wing of the Prince's Mansion, which is too narrow.

The house bought over there is a three-entry house.

Fu Song watched the two sing and talk lively, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Sister, brother-in-law, don't worry, we'll talk about it later...Miss Zhang is only in the age of cardamom..."

In this way, even if they are engaged, the ceremony will take two or three years.

Shu Shu said: "It's okay, just prepare first, it will take two or three years, it will be fast..."

Brother Nine was beside him, and said: "There is nothing to say about Zhang's family style, and the prime minister's family is also decent, but the family has a larger population, and their rules are different from ours. It is 'the parents are here, and the family is not separated'. At that time, there were not only a bunch of brothers-in-law and brother-in-law, but also a bunch of nephews, but some of them were not in Beijing..."

Shu Shu heard that this was wrong, looked at Brother Jiu with a half-smile, and said: "I think you have too many brothers-in-law?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "It's not the same thing, it's not because I'm worried that Fu Song is impatient with people."

Fu Song looked cheerful, but he just looked cheerful.

He is not a lively temperament.

Fu Song shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's fine, it's just like home..."

Shu Shu also knew the principle of striking while the iron is hot, thought for a while, and said: "I remember Mrs. Zhang Xiang's [-]th birthday at the beginning of March, and the birthday gift here has not been delivered yet. Go back and tell Mr. Zhang that you can go over and give it away."

Fu Song nodded.

So it is not too abrupt.

A few people were talking, and there was movement outside.

It was Xiao Song who came in and said: "Fu Jin, Master Jiu, Elder Brother, Madam is here, she has already entered the mansion..."

Brother Jiu heard this, and hurriedly said to Shu Shu: "Don't move, Master will go and meet you!"

"Yes." Shu Shu agreed.

Brother Jiu went out with Fu Song.

Jue Luo came in with big strides, followed by a few women, holding big and small bags.

"mother in law……"


Brother Jiu and Fu Song bowed to meet each other.

Jue Luo stopped, nodded and smiled, "I've been looking forward to this day, finally something happened."

He thought that he would have to wait until Shu Shu was out of confinement before he could take care of this matter.

Unexpectedly, I got good news today.

Brother Nine smiled and said, "For a while now, Fu Song has been studying with Xueshi Zhang, and Xueshi Zhang has taken a fancy to him."

Fu Song pursed his lips, also with joy.

Seeing Luo Shi, he took Fu Song's hand and said, "Okay, okay..."

Shu Shu got impatient waiting in the room, pushed open the window and said, "Ernie, you only think about marrying your daughter-in-law, have you forgotten your precious eldest daughter?"

Jue Luo gave her a blank look, and moved her feet.

When he entered the room and saw Shu Shu's appearance clearly, he felt that Luo's lips moved and he was speechless.

Shu Shu stepped forward to help Jue Luo Shi's arm, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the imperial doctor asks for pulse every day, and it's okay!"

The current pregnancy algorithm is different from that of future generations.

According to the current calculation, it will be seven months by the end of February, which is almost 31 weeks

According to the algorithm of later generations, it has to be pushed forward, which is about 33 weeks.

36 weeks is full term.

It would be best if you can survive until the middle and late March, but if you can’t, it won’t be a big problem until early March.

Jue Luo nodded, suppressed his uneasiness, pointed to the big and small bags behind him, and said, "I just made a few more sets of spring clothes, and there are two sets of red, which are most suitable for the whiteness of the face..."

Speaking of this, she said: "I've finished reading the photos later, I have to wait for the ceremony of the official visit, and carefully inquire about the preferences of the people there before preparing."

Otherwise, how can you show the man's sincerity by following the crowd and preparing a few things?

Fu Song is the rightful lord, but right now there is no room for him to speak.

Brother Nine said: "It's not easy to inquire with Mr. Zhang, but it's also convenient. Zhang's gifted house is inside the Xihua Gate, and they are all in the imperial city. Just ask Gao Yanzhong to inquire later."

Jue Luo nodded and said, "It's just right."

Brother Jiu is also impatient, and said to Fu Song: "I'll go and talk to Mr. Zhang, or else you can go give the birthday gift tomorrow, so as not to make trouble, and prepare to study. When things are settled, study hard for half a month. Book, go back to the palace exam, guarantee the second class and fight for the first class..."

Fusong also thinks this arrangement is very good.

Seeing that Jue Luo Shi was pulling Shu Shu, and that the mother and daughter wanted to talk privately, he followed Brother Jiu out.

Fu Song was a little ashamed and said, "It shouldn't be like this."

He was afraid of affecting his sister's delivery and making her work hard.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "That's the best, and I'll find something for your sister to do, or I'm afraid she'll get tired of waiting if I count the days."

After saying this, he waved his hand and said, "You go to read the book, my master is going to see Mr. Zhang."

The two said goodbye.

Brother Nine went to the valet in the front yard, and Zhang Tingzan was watching Fu Song's homework yesterday. There were two strategies.

One is for water control, and the other is for the lack of rain in Zhili and the lack of land production to enrich the people.

Because the imperial court has attached great importance to water control in recent years, the examination questions about water control are not new.

Fusong's explanation in this article is not brilliant, it can only be said to be above-average, but it lists various water control methods in history, and the comparison of human and financial resources behind those methods, as well as the comparison of effectiveness.

Zhang Tingzan watched it thoughtfully.

Brother Jiu walked in briskly, and saw Zhang Tingzan looking thoughtful.

He leaned forward to take a look, and said, "Is it because Fu Song's homework is not good?"

Zhang Tingzan saw him now, and hurriedly got up and said, "Jiuye..."

Brother Jiu sat opposite him, and said: "You're welcome, sit down, you won't be an outsider from now on."

Zhang Tingzan was surprised, the news spread too fast.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Fu Jin is happy, I sent someone to tell the Dutong Mansion that my mother-in-law is here too..."

Zhang Tingzan said sincerely: "It's because I have selfish intentions, and I have taken a fancy to Elder Brother's talent."

Brother Nine said: "Isn't that good? Let him go there tomorrow to give a birthday gift on behalf of the prince's mansion, and also go to pay respects to the old lady."

Up to now, Zhang Tingzan was not easy to evade, and said: "The minister will go back and report to Jiaci, and clean up the dust tomorrow."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes, coughed lightly, and said: "I know that your scholarly family has strict rules, but there is no time, even if it is the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, it is not good to marry blindly. Let the two children have a look at it, if they match, it will be perfect; if there is something you don't like, don't force it, it won't affect our relationship."

Zhang Tingzan couldn't laugh or cry.

Brother Jiu is only one year older than Fu Song, like an elder.

Also, isn't he and brother Jiu a normal superior and subordinate?
How come there is still love?
However, Zhang Tingzan also understood the two meanings in Brother Nine's words. Whether or not the marriage will work out depends on the two children.

If one party doesn't like it, let it go.

This is to leave room for Fusong.

Zhang Tingzan was not annoyed either, as everyone was close or distant.

Brother Nine acted without covering up, putting his weaknesses on the outside.

In the afternoon, when Zhang Tingzan came home, he reported the matter to his parents.

Even if the Zhang family revealed the words first, but the other party agreed to come to the door to let the Zhang family see each other without saying a word, which is more sincere.

Not to mention, the elders over there also moved.

Zhang Ying nodded, looked at Mrs. Yao and said, "Just treat it as a normal meeting."

Mrs. Yao smiled and said: "Although I haven't met anyone yet, but since I have the similar appearance to Jiufu Jin, I can't make a mistake."

She has never seen Jiufu Jin, but she has heard of its name. She is said to be the beauty of Prince Fujin.

Zhang Ying shook her head and said, "It's not appropriate to judge people by their cover."

Zhang Tingyu happened to be back from a visit to his friends. He greeted his parents and listened to everything.

He looked at his elder brother and said, "Is this what elder brother meant? The elder Yao's family wrote to him before and asked about younger sister Xu Zi..."

The Yao family is the Zhang family's in-laws. Mrs. Yao and Zhang Tingyu's first wife, the Yao family, who died last year, both belong to the Yao family.

The third sister of the Zhang family is also married to a child of the Yao family.

Although they are not from the same family, they are all relatives.

Zhang Tingzan frowned after hearing this, and said: "It's very rude, this generation has already married each other, it's fine, if you mention marriage, it's the next generation!"

Zhang Tingyu was silent.

The Yao family has been in great decline over the years, his father-in-law and two uncles passed away one after another, and the younger generation has not yet passed the exam.

Who would have thought that the dignified Sikou family, with the death of his father-in-law, would end up in a situation where there were no successors in less than twenty years.

Zhang Tingzan looked at Zhang Tingyu and said unhappily: "I know you are thinking about the relationship between the two families, but the lessons learned from your third sister are enough!"

Zhang Tingyu hurriedly said: "My younger brother didn't dare, but he didn't expect that father would choose a son-in-law for my younger sister in the capital..."

After all, they are not from the capital city. The brothers and sisters of their generation before they married were all from the old relatives in Tongcheng.

It is the next generation, and now a nephew and daughter-in-law have entered the house, and they are also from the old relatives...

(End of this chapter)

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