When he came out of the upper room, Zhang Tingzan slowed down, looked at Zhang Tingyu and said, "If you want to support the Yao family, you can choose a continuation candidate from the Yao family..."

Zhang Tingyu's wife died of illness at the beginning of March last year. His wife has been filial for one year, so it's time to discuss marriage.

Zhang Tingyu shook his head and said, "My younger brother has no intention of marrying again."

Zhang Tingzan couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and said, "Absurd! There are three ways to be unfilial, and the greatest thing is to have no descendants. You don't even have a bone or blood under your knees. How dare you think about being lonely?"

He himself lost his first wife and married a second wife.

Zhang Tingyu said: "Now that Mrs. Wu is here, I can ask for a son. If there are no more children in the future, I will take the concubine again, and it's fine to continue."

Mrs. Wu is his concubine, the daughter of a cousin whom Mrs. Yao personally went to Jinling to marry for him, just to ask for a son.

He and his wife have been together for 12 years, and they have the same mind, but the heirs are not going well, and they don't have a son and a half.

Zhang Tingyu refused his wife's early mention of taking a concubine.

He was more open-minded, the Zhang family had a thriving heir, the grandfather gave birth to seven sons, and the father gave birth to another seven sons.

Even if there is no biological child in the end, the adoptive nephew will be.

They were never urged by their parents.

But his wife couldn't think about it, and after she fell ill, she insisted on taking Wu as his concubine.

Zhang Tingzan still expressed his disapproval and said: "Let's not talk about the difference between the concubine and the concubines, but only say that you will be in officialdom in the future, and the female relatives will have to socialize. What will you do then? The concubine can ask for a son, but you can't go out to socialize!"

Zhang Tingyu said: "There is a sister-in-law here, and when the elder brother returns home, there will be three younger siblings."

Zhang Tingzan sighed. Although he didn't like the Yao family, he was still grateful for the second sibling.

Before the children of the Zhang family start their careers, they all have to go back to their hometown to study. The style of study in Tongcheng is better than that in Beijing.

Therefore, in recent years, the family has often been divided into two places.

His eldest son is in Beijing, and Zhang Tingyu takes care of him in his hometown.

The second brother and sister also fulfilled the responsibility of the eldest sister-in-law, and the first two sisters-in-law were married by the second brother and sister.

Even for his eldest son, the marriage is also handled by the second sibling.

Zhang Tingzan looked at Zhang Tingyu and said, "You're still young, it's too early to say these things, if you want to postpone your marriage for two years, then delay it."

Zhang Tingyu didn't speak, since his wife died of illness, he swore not to marry.

The husband and wife have been in love for twelve years, and he doesn't want others to replace his wife's identity.

As for the issue of heirs, it was once his wife's obsession. He would take a concubine and ask for a child, and it would be recorded in his wife's name...

Early the next morning, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu woke up early.

They were all thinking about Fu Song's going to Zhang's house.

It should not be too early, there is no reason to block the door early in the morning.

It can't be too late, most of the wealthy people in the capital now eat three meals, and it would be too rash to go there in time for the meal.

"Chen Zheng left at [-] o'clock, and it's almost the first arrival, just right!" Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu had no objection, and only said: "In addition to Fusong, let's ask an old adult to follow, and then he will also look around, so that Fusong is young, and it is not easy to look around and see the reactions of the Zhang family."

Brother Nine said: "Don't worry, Master sent Gao Bin to follow."

The capital is bitterly cold, and the crops will not start working until after the Ching Ming Festival, so the promotion of corn and potatoes will not be until after that, so Brother Jiu is not in a hurry to recommend people.

Gao Bin is still working at the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

After hearing this, Shu Shu became a little worried.

Gao Bin's appearance is not bad, the little girl won't misjudge someone, right?

That's too bloody!
"Gao Bin is too young, change to Gao Yanzhong!" Shu Shu said.

Brother Jiu took a look at Shu Shu and said, "Aren't you stupid? Red flowers need green leaves to match. The young people of this class stand together, which can make Fusong look good and have a good bearing."

Shu Shu had met Gao Bin before, and compared it in her heart, she really had the same meaning as Brother Jiu said.

She praised: "Master is smart, I didn't expect this..."

If it's just about appearance, Gao Bin is no worse than Fu Song.

But it is expensive to support people, and the bearing is naturally very different.

Gao Bin was born in Baoyi's family, and his family was in a difficult situation when he was a child. He looked smoother and less tough.

Compared with the dignitaries, the Fusong family is down and out, but the lean camel is bigger than the horse. In addition, it is raised in Dong E's house, which brings a noble air, and it stands out among the peers.

At the beginning of Chen, Fu Song came, wearing a brand-new cinnabar-colored satin robe, which was also red, but the color was lighter than carmine, but it still made people's lips red and teeth white.

Shu Shu nodded in satisfaction, and said: "This is a posture, others don't know, at least Mr. Zhang knows that this is not your usual dress..."


Fu Song nodded, and said: "When I came back, I passed by Di'anmen, is there anything my sister wants to eat?"

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "I remember that there is a time-honored steamed stuffed bun shop, and their assorted vegetarian steamed stuffed buns are very delicious, and the ones made in the house don't taste like that."

Fu Song nodded and said, "I'll buy some when I get back, just in time for lunch."

Shu Shu laughed and said, "Then wait, ask the dining room to make seaweed and egg drop soup, just steamed stuffed buns..."

The time was almost up, Fu Song didn't delay, went to the front yard to meet Gao Bin, and rode to the imperial city.

Followed by a carriage, it was a birthday gift prepared by the Ninth Prince's Mansion for Mrs. Yao.

However, it was not considered rich, and it was not added according to the gift list prepared before.

This marriage has not yet started, so it is unnecessary to give a heavy gift now, which will burden people.

One size is one size.

The present gift list was prepared for Zhang Tingzan's sake.

Click until now.

When the two families really get married, it's time to talk about favors.

Gao Bin already had door stickers for entering and exiting the imperial city. As for Fusong, he also had his own badge. When he arrived at Xi'an gate, he did a simple registration and entered the imperial city.

Gao Bin murmured softly: "Xi'an Gate is alright, it's mostly granted by senior officials, it's not that messy, the other wrapping row houses are all messy, crowded, there are people, one day this imperial city I can't put it down..."

His family is doing well now. After his father was promoted to a doctor, the Ministry of Internal Affairs arranged for a private courtyard, which was also a large courtyard earlier.

Fu Song said: "There are not enough houses in the inner city. I heard that the Eight Banners will build new barracks along the base of the city wall!"

When the barracks are built, the population must be separated.

Gao Bin said with anticipation: "When can I have a courtyard in the inner city?"

Fu Song looked at him and said with a smile: "There are quite a few vacant yards behind the Prince's Mansion. If you want to live there, Master Jiu will share it with you."

Gao Bin shook his head and said, "It's not that kind of thing. It's set up and it will be the foundation forever. Now I live in an official house, so I feel uncomfortable."

The main reason is that the name is wrong.

His father went to the ceremonies of the Prince's Mansion and was relieved of his post as a doctor in the House of Internal Affairs.

If the doctor at the Ministry of Internal Affairs speaks out, he can take back the yard at any time.

Although Brother Nine is the head of the House of Internal Affairs, there is no need to worry about this for the time being, but it still makes people feel uneasy.

Fu Song didn't say anything else, the Gao family was different after all.

The foundation of the Gao family is the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Jiu Ye had mentioned to him in private before that he wanted to give Gao Yanzhong a big reward.

Shengjia is now inspecting the Yongding River and is not in the capital. Otherwise, the matter of the increase in the population of the breeding population of the new Zuoling should be brought to the table.

At that time, Gao Yan Zhongzuo will have a role and get a world job, and the Gao family will be a middle-level family in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the future, there will be more opportunities for children to fill in the vacancies than usual, and the future will be better.

While talking, the two arrived at Zhang's house.

The two got off their horses.

Gao Bin took a step forward and said, "We are from the Ninth Prince's Mansion, and we are here to give Madam a birthday gift at the order of our master and Fujin."

The concierge had already received the order, and while welcoming the two into the flower hall, he ordered people to send messages inside.

The tea just came here, and Zhang Tingzan and Zhang Tingyu came out.

In order to entertain Fu Song, Zhang Tingzan took leave today and did not go to the Prince's Mansion.

Zhang Tingyu was originally studying in the study, and when he heard the movement, he became curious and followed him out.

Zhang Tingyu was a little stunned when he saw two slim teenagers, both seventeen or eighteen years old, one in red and the other in blue, with good looks.

Back then when he married his wife, he was also a handsome young man.

Fu Song and Gao Bin also saw Zhang Tingyu.

Zhang Tingyu was two steps behind his elder brother, with a handsome appearance.

Zhang Tingzan has a refined air, but his brother looks graceful and unobtrusive, just standing there can make people feel good, and think of the four words "elegant and elegant".

"Master Zhang..."

Fu Song nodded.

Gao Bin followed beside him, bowing in salute.

Zhang Tingzan patted Fu Song's shoulder, turned sideways and said, "This is my second younger brother Ting Yu."

Then he said to Zhang Tingyu: "This is Mr. Fu, the Master of Ceremonies of the Ninth Prince's Mansion..."

Having said that, he pointed to Gao Bin again and said, "This is the son of my colleague Mr. Gao..."

Several people met again.

Zhang Tingzan then looked at Gao Bin and said, "Why did Master Jiu send you here? Didn't he say he went to Changping?"

It turned out that after Prince Zhuang changed the land, Brother Jiu was still a little worried, so he sent Gao Bin to take someone there to see what happened to Prince Zhuang.

Finally, there was no trouble about setting up a tent, otherwise, people who are old and catch a cold will be followed by others.

Prince Zhuang started transporting stone materials to Xiaotangshan, and it looked like it was preparing for construction.

After a few more days, work will start to build another courtyard.

Gao Bin laughed and said, "Jiu Ye sympathizes with me, that's why he asked me to accompany Elder Brother over here to see the world."

Zhang Tingyu was by the side and didn't interrupt, but he was also watching Fusong carefully.

It was completely different from the clan children he had imagined.

The demeanor is more calm, the demeanor is more elegant, and the temperament is more stable.

No wonder the elder brother took a fancy to it.

After presenting the gift list and finishing the errands, Fu Song took a look at Zhang Tingzan, his face was a little red, and said, "If it's convenient, can I greet Madam?"

At this time, he should change his name to "Auntie". After all, he and Zhang Tingzan are colleagues. Since they came here, it is also a courtesy to greet the elders.

But he still didn't have the nerve to change his words.

I always feel that Zhang Tingzan's age is like an elder, and the old lady is more like an ancestor.

Zhang Tingzan stood up and said with a smile: "Go, Jia Ci has been waiting for me."

A group of people entered the inner house and went to the upper room in the main courtyard.

Surprisingly, there is not only an old lady in the house, but also an old man.

Although the old man was dressed in half-new regular clothes and looked friendly, but there was no one else who could sit upright in Zhang's house except the head of the family, Master Zhang.

Fu Song and Gao Bin were already careful, but now they are more honest.

Zhang Tingzan said: "Father, mother, these two are Elder Brother Fu Song and Gao Bin. They came here to give birthday presents at the order of Elder Nine."

Speaking of this, he said to Fu Song and Gao Bin: "This is family strictness and family kindness."

Unlike in the flower hall, he did not mention Fusong's official position, but introduced him as a colleague and friend.

Gao Bin didn't know how to salute, so he looked at Fu Song and planned to follow Fu Song.

Fusong's mind raced, and then he bowed his hands and said: "The junior Fusong has seen my wife, my lord..."

Gao Bin was at the side, knowingly didn't say a word, he just bowed his hands with Fu Song and stepped aside.

Zhang Ying looked at Fu Song, her expression unchanged, but her heart was picky.

Although I have learned the etiquette of the Han family, it is not very comprehensive.

How can it be called like this?
Who is not "adult" at the top?
Mrs. Yao couldn't bear to look away, she greeted Fu Song with a smile, "Brother, come and sit..."

Fu Song bowed his body, listened to the order, and sat down under Mrs. Yao.

"Look at the old man, brother looks a little shy..."

Mrs. Yao said with a smile.

Fu Song glanced at the old lady, and said: "The younger generation is uneasy and has lost his sense of normalcy. You are laughing at me."

Madam Yao smiled even wider, and said: "Don't be nervous, you are all colleagues, once you get here, you will be like your own family,"

Fu Song nodded obediently.

When Mrs. Yao thought of Fu Song's life experience, she also felt pity in her heart, but she had to ask ugly words first.

She said: "I heard that the rules of the Eight Banners are different from the customs of the Chinese people. The older sons and men have to be divided into households, and only the youngest sons are left in the family. Is there such a thing?"

Fu Song nodded and said: "That's true, because Baqi Bidingbu's errands are based on households. For errands, more people are split up. The younger generation is also the same. Last year, when they turned sixteen, they were separated from the Xianglanqi old house... ..."

Speaking of this, he said again: "The younger generation's natal family left a title and some property. The uncle who passed on inherited the title and shared half of the property with the younger generation. The willingness to divide the property is also for me, Ernie and Ama, to come forward and make it clear to that side that if I don't inherit the property there, I don't need the younger generation to come forward for the pension there..."

Mrs. Yao listened, and sighed inwardly.

This is still the eldest son.

Where there is a stepmother, there is a stepfather.

I didn't give points for anything and just passed it.

What she was worried about before was that it would be difficult to deal with the dual in-laws of her biological parents and adoptive parents in the future.

The adoptive mother is not afraid here, she is a real aunt, and she only hopes that the children will have a good life.

With the stepmother, we must prevent chaos.

Now that she knows that the household is separated, even if she walks around in the future, she will be like a relative, so she can feel at ease...

Gao Bin was a bystander, and saw everything.

It was an eye opener.

Yes, elder brother Fusong's status sounds pitiful, but really, have you ever suffered?

He was raised in the Dutong Mansion when he landed, and was raised by the Dutong couple as the eldest son, where would he go to suffer?
What are you talking about?
Look pitiful.

It's not the same as usual.

If Shu Shu were here, she would tell Gao Bin that this is called "beautiful and strong", not to mention middle-aged and elderly women, even young girls can't stand this...

The list has slipped again, asking for a monthly pass.

The next update will be at 2:19 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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