Zhang Ying stroked his beard, but was actually not very satisfied with this matter.

There is no such thing as a perfect parent.

It is said that nurturing kindness is greater than giving birth to kindness, but completely disregarding giving birth to kindness is also a bit cold.

What Fu Song said was understatement, but it was contrary to the filial piety advocated by the Confucian benevolent gentleman.

Having been in Beijing for many years, he certainly knows that many things in Manchuria's old customs are different from Confucian etiquette, but other things are fine, but those that have anything to do with filial piety make people hesitate.

Hundreds of good filial piety first.

Such a child has a bit of a wolfish nature, and he is not as gentle as he appears on the surface.

It's just that he is old, and he doesn't mean to show his face face to face.

Mrs. Yao thought it was just right, and told the girl: "Please come over, Fourth Miss, to meet the distinguished guest."

What I am most afraid of is meeting Yu Xiao.

Those who are not liked by their parents and still want to be a filial son will drag their wives and children along to be wronged.

Fu Song's face turned even redder.

Although I knew that I came here today to let the Zhang family see each other, but when Miss Zhang sees him, does she have to be in front of so many people?

There are Zhang Xiang and his wife, and there are two brothers Zhang Xueshi?
Isn't it time to find an opportunity for the two to meet alone?
It seems that Zhang Xiang's complexion is not very good.

Fu Song showed a little uneasiness.

Seeing Fu Song like this, Mrs. Yao felt even more pleasing.

For such a young man, and he is from a wealthy background, if he arranged for a girl and got through the personnel affairs, he would definitely not be able to behave like this.

Although it is a bit childish, it is not a bad thing.

Otherwise, now that there are maidservants by my side, two or three years later, the eldest son of the concubine may come out.

Although he knew beforehand that Dutong Mansion has a good family style, but he is a young man after all, so he has to worry about this.

After about half a cup of tea, someone lifted the curtain and followed the girl in a tall girl.

Fu Song glanced at it, then moved his eyes away, not daring to look closely, but he saw it clearly.

The dress is different from that of the Bannerman women. On top is a lotus-colored jacket with a stand-up collar, and on the bottom is a skirt, and a carmine red bijia is covered outside the jacket.

Combs double hair, oval face, calm demeanor, not immature.

Fu Song didn't hold back, and stood up.

The girl stepped forward and said, "Father, mother, eldest brother, second brother..."

The voice is clear and crisp, and it is Mandarin, but it also has a different softness.

Mrs. Yao smiled and said to Fu Song: "This is our fourth girl..."

Saying that, he said to the girl again: "This is Elder Brother Fusong, a colleague of your elder brother..."

The young girl naturally knew who the visitor was, her face turned rouge, she endured her shyness, glanced at Fu Song, and said, "I've seen elder brother..."

Fu Song leaned forward and said, "I've seen Miss Four..."

Zhang Yingqing coughed and said, "Okay, go back and read, don't disturb the guests."

The girl's face turned redder, she nodded slightly, and stepped back.

Brother Zhang Tingzan could see clearly from the sidelines, but their hearts were complicated.

This is a young girl, who is younger than them, she really treats her like a daughter, only talking about marriage makes her feel sad.

Gao Bin was ordered to come here, he paid attention to everyone's reactions, and saw that Zhang Ying seemed to be displeased.

This kind of dislike is not uncommon

Before his sister got married, every time his future brother-in-law came to the door, his father had the same expression.

Just pinch your eyes and look down on it, and you can find faults everywhere.

Don't worry, this kind of father-in-law doesn't need outsiders to tell, and the mother-in-law can settle it.

Zhang Ying didn't keep them either, and served tea to see off the guests.

It was still Zhang Tingzan and Zhang Tingyu brothers who sent them out.

In the room, Mrs. Yao looked at her husband and said dissatisfiedly: "Such a good child, what else is there to be picky about?"

Zhang Ying stroked his beard and said, "Filial piety is flawed, I'm afraid it will be criticized in the future."

Mrs. Yao shook her head and said, "What are you doing listening to those foolish words? Could it be that the child grows up on the spur of the moment? He was carried to his aunt's house as soon as he landed, and it would be unconscionable if he didn't treat him as a decent parent! But I haven’t cut off contact with my natal family, so that’s fine, and I don’t plan to be a saint, what are you doing so aggrieved while alive?”

Zhang Ying was still a little dissatisfied, and said: "If you are so caressing, you are not open-minded."

Mrs. Yao said: "Knowing the distance and closeness is the principle of human relationship. Otherwise, how can you repay kindness with kindness?"

Besides, can you talk back?

What has it become?

Since you have to nod at the end, there is no need to be so hypocritical.

Watching the child change into new clothes and come over with a serious and respectful attitude, there is no need to be picky again and again, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

She made up her mind, and said: "Okay, master should take a good rest, don't worry about these things, leave it to the boss..."

Zhang Ying caught a cold a while ago, and Sheng Jia was not in Beijing, so he didn't go to the Ministry of Rites these few days.

There is also the meaning of avoiding suspicion.

There were too many people involved in the imperial examination lawsuit that came out. Although Zhang Tingyu was not in this subject, it was found out that he was in the next one.

There are also quite a few officials' children who were on the list of Shuntianfu Township Examination in the last subject.

At this moment, Zhang Tingzan saw off the guest and came back. After hearing this, he knew that his parents agreed.

He thought for a while, and said: "Yesterday, as soon as my son mentioned this matter, Jiu Fujin sent someone back to the Dutong Mansion, and the lady over there also came to the Prince's Mansion immediately. She seemed to be very caring, but Jiu Fujin was about to give birth, Jiu Ah It took a long time to go to the yamen, or we can tell the other side, wait until after the Dragon Boat Festival to invite a big media..."

Mrs. Yao shook her head and said: "It's not appropriate! Please don't worry about the big media. After the Dragon Boat Festival, after the Dragon Boat Festival, it's just a matter of finalization. We can't just look at our family and ignore other people's parents and elders. What's the matter?"

Speaking of this, she thought for a while, and said: "It's convenient for you to work in the Prince's Mansion all day long. You can mention to the other side, when is it convenient for Fujin to receive guests? trip."

Zhang Tingzan nodded and said, "My son understands."

Mrs. Yao got up and said, "I'll go and see Wanyi."

When Mrs. Yao arrived at Kuanyuan, she saw her daughter reading a book,
"What book are you reading?"

Mrs. Yao asked.

Zhang Wanyi stood up, and replied, "It's the Mandarin book brought by my elder brother yesterday..."

The current national language is Manchu.

Although Manchu and Chinese were both emphasized in the imperial court, many officials in Beijing also had to learn Manchu.

The Zhang family is no exception.

The children of the Zhang family also speak Manchu in elementary school, so they can answer questions in daily life, but Manchu is a little bit worse.

Mrs. Yao looked at her daughter and saw the shyness in her brows and eyes, so she knew it was a match.

She said: "Your elder brother loves you the most, and the person he chooses can't be wrong."

Zhang Wanyi nodded and said, "My daughter knows."

The situation of the third sister scared the eldest brother.

Even she didn't expect that the life of the third sister-in-law's family could be like that.

Before, she thought that she would be like the first three older sisters. When she was old, her parents would choose a son-in-law from among several old relatives, and then, like the older sisters, she would be a good housekeeper, serve Wenggu, caress children, and wait The husband is successful in his career, and his career is skyrocketing.

As a result, the eldest brother-in-law and the second brother-in-law stopped raising others, and the third brother-in-law was hopeless.

Now the eldest brother-in-law and the second brother-in-law are working as petty officials outside, and the third brother-in-law is still studying in the government school.

The third sister's husband's family originally belonged to Zhizhou's family, but after the third sister was married for a few years, the in-law's master died of illness in office.

The Yao family is poor and self-sufficient, and the livelihood of the whole family falls to the third sister and his wife. There are grandma, grandpa, and mother-in-law on the top, and a pair of children on the bottom. They are living in extreme embarrassment.

The two sisters are 19 years apart. When the third sister returned to her hometown, Zhang Wanyi was not yet born, but she had heard her parents and elders praise the third sister many times for her intelligence and wisdom. She taught herself poetry and was full of knowledge.

If he is a man, his achievements will not be inferior to his brothers.

Zhang Wanyi whispered: "Mother, my daughter seems to be a bit snobbish. After hearing Elder Fusong's rank, she already agreed in her heart. She is a fourth-rank official, with a salary of one hundred and five taels of silver and one hundred and five dendrobium of rice. It is very unnecessary." Worrying about making a living..."

The Zhang family is already a first-class family, but life is not luxurious.

In terms of raising their children, they are not as "rich" as other high schools, and they are still similar to before.

The upbringing of the son is to read a lot to establish the world, and the upbringing of the daughter is to read and know the etiquette.

Mrs. Yao sighed, and said, "I shouldn't tell you about your third sister. That kind of situation is also rare."

Life is alive, ups and downs, nothing.

But being too arrogant is a bit annoying.

Many sufferings are unnecessary.

Are local officials and gentry fools?

Knowing that it's the son-in-law's family of a court official, but still don't know how to take care of it?

Zhang Wanyi said: "If the third brother-in-law is responsible for the whole family's livelihood, then it is admirable to be arrogant, but only Xiao Xiao reads behind closed doors, pushing respect for the elders and taking care of the livelihood to his wife, what kind of arrogance is it?"

Mrs. Yao smiled wryly and said, "That is the Yao family, which used to be the No. 1 family in Tongcheng."

It was the Yao family who left the palace first, and the Zhang family's father and son had also been supported by the Yao family when they first entered the official career.

However, with the death of several pillars of the Yao family's officialdom, the positions of the Yao family and the Zhang family in Tongcheng have been reversed.

It is also for this reason that the exchanges between the two families have become more cautious and cannot directly subsidize.

Zhang Wanyi shook her head and said: "This is the etiquette of a famous family? The pride is not on the body, but on the face. For the sake of face, the whole family suffers. It's really ridiculous..."

Outside Xi'an Gate, a group of people left the city gate.

Fu Song looked at Gao Bin, restrained his urgency and said, "What do you see?"

Gao Bin said: "Brother, don't worry, it's done. Mrs. Zhang Xiang doesn't need to say it here, she looks satisfied with Brother Zhang; Xiang Zhang seems to be picky, but don't worry, the one who picks the goods is the one who buys the goods." Yes, Mr. Zhang should bring good news tomorrow..."

Fu Song thought of the elegant Zhang Tingyu, and said, "Where is Second Master Zhang?"

There were only a few people in the class, and Gao Bin naturally paid attention to them.

He didn't answer right away, thought for a while, and said, "It's weird, I can't see how Second Master Zhang reacted..."

Fu Song murmured, "Maybe this is 'emotions and anger are invisible'?"

Gao Bin said: "Isn't he too old? That means he's not old-fashioned. Otherwise, standing there, he looks calmer than Mr. Zhang."

It's just that the two brothers are clearly of an age difference.

Fu Song compared the father and son, and said: "Master Zhang is more like Zhang Xiang, the father and son seem to be less talkative..."

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