My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 845 The Slave Got into Trouble

Chapter 845 The Slave Got into Trouble

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the upper room.

Shu Shu was talking about the Zhang family with Brother Nine, and said: "There are so many scholars in the country, one out of a hundred in the provincial examination, one out of twenty in the general examination, the father and son of the Zhang family are now two Jinshi and one Juren, they are very good... ..."

What's even more powerful is that this is the beginning, and starting from Zhang Tingyu, there are still a few brothers in this generation who are Jinshi, and there will be more Jinshi in the next generation.

"Father and son are both prime ministers, a family of six generations of Hanlin", this is his family.

Brother Nine felt a pain in his head, and said: "This is good luck. If the luck is not good and you are not on the list, why don't the whole family go drink the northwest wind?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "I heard that Zhang Xiangzhong's life was really difficult before he was promoted, and he barely survived because of his wife's management."

With Zhang Ying's entry into the cabinet, the prime minister's past was also revealed for a round.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "Students like to be poor, as if the poorer they are, the more decent they are. This is not true. If you really have to be poor, you can still study and have a bunch of children?"

Shu Shu didn't think so, even though the Zhang family was a local rich family before, the influence of the change of dynasty was still great, and it was not uncommon for the family to fall.

When the father and son became Jinshi one after another, they were all officials in the capital.

A Hanlin, a Ministry of Rites, are notoriously lackluster places.

Sending children back to their hometown to study is also because of the difficulty of living in the capital, right?
Shu Shu thought of the betrothal gift, and said, "I'd better find someone to inquire later, and see the rules of other families in Beijing for marrying daughters-in-law."

Brother Nine said: "What do you worry about, the more the better, just give Fusong a good face!"

Shu Shudao: "But if the Zhang family is noble, wouldn't it be embarrassing to have too much dowry?"

After all, according to the current rules, the dowry is not the big prize in extravagant marriages, but the dowry.

At the beginning, you have to compare with the bride price, and the upper limit is more than that.

Brother Jiu said in surprise: "Impossible, Zhang Ying is already a bachelor, and the family is still short of money?"

Shu Shudao: "The higher the position, the more actions are seen in the eyes of the world. You can't be reckless. Besides, scholars like to be decent. Even if there is a 'respect for the year', it should be the most important thing. But the cost is also high. Not to mention, but also to support relatives and old friends..."

Brother Nine thought about Zhang Ying's annual salary, and it was indeed very little, which was nothing.

Zhang Tingzan usually came to the Prince's Mansion or the Hanlin Academy in a mule cart and a boy, and his daily clothes were also made of ordinary fabrics.

"Then what should we do? If the dowry is thin, wouldn't Fusong lose money?"

Brother Nine felt a little regretful.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and was speechless.

Is this still thinking about the dowry?
The majestic prince, can't his vision be higher?
"How can there be a perfect marriage? Just think about it." Shu Shu said.

Besides, even if the dowry is not rich, it depends on who you compare with if you are a prime minister.

If you really want to talk about relatives in the small surnames of the Eight Banners, you may not be able to compare with the Zhang family.

Shu Shu said: "Master, don't worry about Fu Song's livelihood. I have prepared a copy from Ernie. The money given by his natal family over the years is also collected. There is also a house given by us. Some people live in it, and some shops collect it." The rent and a salary are enough..."

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "Forget it, the family is weaker, take your time..."

At this moment, there was movement outside.

Fu Song and Gao Bin are back.

Shu Shu glanced at the clock, it was not yet at Sizheng.

It took less than an hour from departure to return, and the time spent in Zhang's house was not long, excluding the cost of the journey.

She was a little worried.

But when Fu Song and Gao Bin came in and saw the expressions on their faces, she was relieved.

"Ms. Zhang is here too. I met Mr. Zhang, Mrs. Zhang, Mr. Zhang and Miss Zhang..."

Fusong Road.

Gao Bin added from the side: "The Prime Minister's wife is very satisfied with Elder brother's appearance, she told Elder brother to sit in front of her, and asked about the division of the elder brother's household..."

Shu Shu and Brother Nine looked at each other and smiled, knowing that the matter was done.

If you don't agree with each other, you won't ask these questions.

Fu Song hesitated and said, "Is there any dislike for Zhang Xiang..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Don't worry, if Mr. Zhang opposes this matter, Mr. Zhang will not speak up."

The rules of a scholarly and distinguished family are strictly guarded by father and son.

Fu Song felt relieved.

Brother Nine said: "Then the rest is to hire a big media..."

He was a little confused, the most decent candidate was naturally his teacher Ma Qi.

Bachelor to Bachelor.

But even if he didn't enter the court, he knew that above the court, there was a clear distinction between Manchu officials and Han officials.

In this way, even if they put down their face and approached Ma Qi, it would not be appropriate.

He looked at Shu Shu, if he was looking for someone from the Dutong Mansion, there shouldn't be anything suitable for him.

In the middle is not only the Man and Han, but also the civil and military, which is another layer farther away.

Shu Shu also has no direction.

If it is a marriage in the Eight Banners, it is much simpler, whether it is the elders of the clan, or the elders of the in-laws, there are many decent people.

But with the Zhang family, I really have to think about who to hire as the big media.

Usually, the big media means to act as a middleman, and they have contacts with both of them.

Between their family and the Zhang family, the one who can act as a middleman is Brother Jiu.

Shu Shu pointed at Brother Jiu, and said, "It seems that only Master is still close."

Fu Song looked over.

Brother Jiu immediately nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will be your great matchmaker..."

Fu Song hurriedly said: "Don't worry, it's best to wait until after the Dragon Boat Festival, when my sister is confinement."

Brother Jiu said: "Let's see what the Zhang family means, hurry up sooner rather than later, or it will appear that we are not sincere!"

In addition, with the matter of Niu Hulu's family ahead, he thought it would be better to change the post as soon as possible.

At this time, getting engaged is almost like getting married, and it is not easy to regret the marriage.

At Niu Hulu's house before, although Da Gege's character was flawed, but if he really wanted to change the post, he probably wouldn't think about anything else.

Gao Bin looked at Fu Song with envy.

He is one year older than Fosong, already eighteen!
He has already gone to his aunt's house, and asked his aunt to ask for him.

Miss Walnut didn't refuse, but she also said that she would work as an errand for two years before talking about marriage, and even if she got married, she would still work in the Prince's Mansion.

Regarding this, Gao Bin has no objection.

The women of the wrapping family also served in the palace to earn a share of money and food.

In this case, it will take two years to wait.

The atmosphere in the room was just right, and there was movement outside, it was Cui Baisui who had arrived.

"Master, Mr. Gao is back, and I need to see the master urgently!"

This is Gao Yanzhong.

Brother Jiu glanced at Fu Song, and said to Shu Shu: "Master, go ahead and have a look..."

After all, he got up and walked out.

He just ordered Gao Yanzhong to go outside in the past few days to inquire about the temperament and preferences of the Zhang family. He wanted to know himself and his enemy. It took him half a day to find out what was wrong?

Seeing this, Fu Song and Gao Bin stood up and followed suit.

Brother Jiu waved his hands and said: "It should be the official business of Xiaotangshan, and it has nothing to do with you. You should carefully learn from Fujin about the Zhang family's affairs, and talk about Mrs. Zhang's temperament..."

After Fu Song and Gao Bin listened, it was not good to follow.

Shu Shu knew that something was wrong, so she didn't show it on her face, and followed Brother Jiu's words, and said to Fu Song: "How does Second Master Zhang look, he's going to end this year too..."

In the front yard of the Prince's Mansion, Gao Yanzhong stood there with sweat on his forehead, with a sincere and fearful face.

Seeing Brother Jiu come in, he immediately knelt down and said, "Master Jiu, this slave seems to have gotten into trouble..."

Brother Nine's face drooped immediately, he glared at him, and said: "If you have something to say, don't make a fuss about it, you're being bullied?"

Otherwise, Gao Yanzhong's temperament is calm, how could he be involved in causing trouble or not?
Gao Yanzhong got up, and said in an embarrassing way: "The slave falsely passed on the order of Lord Jiu, and sent the 'Qing Deban' to the yamen of the infantry capital!"

Brother Nine blinked, a little confused, and said, "What is this 'Qing Deban'?"

Gao Yanzhong said: "It's an opera troupe from Nancheng, and it's performing in 'Baiweiju' this ten days..."

Brother Jiu's face became more and more gloomy, and he said angrily: "Are they playing tricks in Fujin's restaurant?"

Although he doesn't listen to opera very much, he has heard it mentioned by others.

There is no separation of actors and actresses. Some theater troupes raise some boys and earn a dime everywhere.

Gao Yanzhong hurriedly said: "No, today the restaurant opened a new drama called "Legend of Tongtian Bang", which is about the matter of the imperial examination lawsuit. I just passed by, wondering if I could inquire about some news from Zhang Xiang’s hometown, but when I saw a new play, I was so frightened that I was so frightened that I asked the shopkeeper to take off the cover and close the restaurant. The matter got involved with the master, so in the name of the master, the troupe was sent to the infantry to be ruled by the yamen..."

Brother Jiu's face looked better now, looked at Gao Yanzhong and said: "Old Gao, you are dishonest, what kind of disaster is this, isn't this merit?"

Gao Yanzhong said in a low voice: "The servant is still directly using the banner of the master to shut down all the guests in the restaurant. In the future, the master is afraid that he will bear the name of domineering, and it may affect the business of the restaurant..."

Brother Jiu glanced at him angrily, and said: "I just wanted to praise you for knowing the seriousness, but it's useless to talk about it this time, don't worry, when the restaurant is short-lived, I will ask Han Ama and Fourth Brother to make up for it... "

Originally, the investigation of the lawsuit was about the same, and with countermeasures, it was time to re-examine the new recruit.

When the results come out, the rumors will naturally dissipate.

But at this time, the big drama started, and the material debate was about to rise again.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to find the right master..."

He was afraid that Shu Shu would be worried, so he called Cui Baisui, and said, "I'll tell Fujin in a while, and I'll tell you that I'm going to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, don't wait for me for lunch..."

Before Cui Baisui went down, there was movement outside the gate, the sound of horseshoes.

Brother Jiu raised his chin and said to Cui Baisui: "Go and see who is here."

Cui Baisui responded and trotted out of the gate.

It was the fourth elder brother who came, and there was also an unfamiliar old man in cloth armor.

"Fourth Master..."

Cui Baisui beat Qian'er in a hurry.

The fourth elder brother got off his horse, looked at the old man, and said, "Master Kai, this is..."

The old man said humanely: "I've seen Si Baylor, the servant is about the 'Qing Deban' matter, come here to ask Master Jiu..."

(End of this chapter)

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