Brother Nine was curious about Shu Shu's reaction, and said, "Aren't you annoyed? It's a good restaurant, and the business is good, but it's doing these again..."

The restaurant is a place to eat, and they all went to the theater, and the food was slow, taking up the tables, not to mention increasing business, it might reduce business.

Shu Shu rubbed her stomach and said, "I was negligent, I didn't think of it before."

Teahouses and restaurants now have this kind of storytellers. Sometimes not only do they not need to spend money, but they can also earn a land occupation fee.

About my baby brother...

A layman guides an expert without talking about it, and if you haven't asked yourself for instructions, that is your own opinion.

"I used to think about saving face for Nanny Lin, but now it seems that I just forget it, it will only add to the chaos..."

Shu Shu frowned.

What is external management, it is to patrol a shop, similar to supervision, to act as Shu Shu's eyes and ears, or to show the signboard of the Ninth Prince's Mansion when encountering other troubles, and to come forward to solve it, not to let him participate in the management.

She doesn't like the current trend of emphasizing breast protection.

In her opinion, nursing is just a profession, and so is babysitting.

The reason why she values ​​Nanny Qi is also because of her love.

Before she kept this family as companions, it was more for the sake of the grandmother, who was her big girl when she was young.

When it was lunch time, the couple had lunch,
Shu Shu is already in the third trimester, so she is more restrained.

Brother Nine saw this and said, "You won't lose your mouth, right?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "A bowl of bird's nest every morning and boiled eggs at night is enough..."

Brother Jiu said: "Tell Caimai to go out and search for a change, and prepare more food. When the birth is over, make up for it."

When the dining table was down, He Yuzhu came in and said, "Master, Manager Lin has called, do you want to pass it on?"

Brother Jiu didn't answer, looked at Shu Shu, and said: "If you can't save your face, will you clean it up for me?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No, I'll listen to what he has to say..."

The current people in the Prince's Mansion are divided into three parts, one part is the elderly from the second school, the other part is the population assigned by the House of Internal Affairs, and the other part is the population of several households accompanying her.

Before I moved, I started to raise babies, and after the Chinese New Year, I haven't sorted out these people.

It's time to set the rules.

He Yuzhu went down.

For a while, Steward Lin followed He Yuzhu in. He was 25 or six years old and looked decent, but his expression was nervous.

"Fu Jin, Lord Jiu..."

Steward Lin bowed his body and said.

Brother Nine looked away, displeased.

Shu Shu looked over, and said calmly: "Who asked you to intervene in the business of Baiweiju?"

Steward Lin hurriedly said, "The slave didn't interfere..."

Shu Shu said: "What happened to Qing Deban?"

Steward Lin's eyes flickered, and he said, "Nowadays, shops in the capital are in fashion..."

Shu Shu became impatient, and said: "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it, you will be fined a year of money and rice, go home!"

Steward Lin was shocked, and said, "Fu Jin..."

Shu Shu sneered and said: "If the restaurant's business is deserted, you decide to hire a theater troupe and a storyteller, and I'll take you to do your best; but this restaurant is doing well, there are a bunch of people waiting in line outside, you ask people to wait in the restaurant Are you stupid for singing a big show, or do you think I am stupid?"

Steward Lin's face was stiff, and he was still hesitating: "This, it's the slave who was confused for a while..."

Brother Jiu saw that he was still stubborn, and said to Shu Shu: "What are you talking about if you don't understand human language? Just ask people to beat dozens of boards, and you will recruit everything!"

Steward Lin was startled, and knelt down with a "thud".

Brother Jiu looked at He Yuzhu and said, "What are you doing standing there, pull it down and beat me up!"

Steward Lin hurriedly kowtowed and said: "Your servant said, my servant said, it's because I'm confused, I drank wine with Shi Gui twice and accepted his tricks before I agreed to arrange this matter."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Shi Gui's theater troupe came here to make money, how much money can you earn by acting in a restaurant? Why do you miss Baiweiju?"

Steward Lin's forehead was covered with sweat, his lips were trembling, and he said, "The Huibin building next door is Shi Gui's business..."

Shu Shu looked away and stopped looking at him.

Brother Nine looked at Steward Lin and sneered, "Okay, I didn't expect Fujin to give you face, but I raised a white-eyed wolf. It's not stupid, it's eating inside and out!"

Speaking of this, he looked at He Yuzhu and said: "Send this servant directly to Prince Zhuang's mansion, meet Prince Zhuang, and ask Shi Gui what happened to that servant on behalf of the Lord, so he made his shop!"

Walking the way of Prince Zhuang's mansion will make Prince Zhuang nowhere to go.

He also took the lead and blocked Prince Zhuang's mouth.

With this antecedent, looking back at the matter of Qing Deban, there is no shame in sending someone to ask, right?


Steward Lin brought his prayers.

Shu Shu was too lazy to look at him, Brother Nine raised his chin at He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu pulled Steward Lin down.

Shu Shu instructed Walnut, "Go to the sewing room and call Mrs. Lin!"

Earlier, I cared about my childhood affection, but can two different people sleep in this bed?

Steward Lin doesn't come to the Prince's Mansion to do business, but Sister-in-law Lin works in the mansion every day.

When Sister-in-law Lin came in, she looked a lot thinner, and she was a little cautious, which was different from her usual crispness.

She is the head of the sewing room, and she manages a lot of women who are dressed in clothes. The monthly money is also generous, but why has it been like this for half a year?

When I first took office last year, I was very complacent.

Shu Shu's last sliver of expectation also came to nothing, and said, "Do you know that your man is not suitable?"

Sister-in-law Lin smiled wryly, "He raised an outhouse at the front door a few years ago..."

Shu Shu's face darkened.

Wealth and sex are irrelevant.

Unexpectedly, there was a moth growing under my nose.

She looked at Xiaosong and said, "Take a few wives to check the Lin's yard to see if there is anything inappropriate!"

The Lin family also allocated a set in the annex at the back of the Prince's Mansion and entered the courtyard.

Sister-in-law Lin's heart was haggard, and she didn't ask for mercy.

Shu Shu couldn't bear it, but she thought that sister-in-law Lin gave birth to three children, and there was only one family over there, so she didn't show kindness, and said, "You can go with me, if Nanny Lin wants to come to see me, Just tell her on my behalf that you don't need to see her anymore, I told you repeatedly last year, it's only been a few days, and it's meaningless to talk about other things..."

Sister Lin smiled wryly and went on.

Shu Shu sighed.

Brother Nine said: "Don't worry, just send it out."

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

It's her nanny and her personal girl. If she is really released and turns around to play tricks, it won't hurt her bones, but she will also be disgusting.

Maybe she is a pessimist, always thinking of the worst.

So this family still has to keep it in their hands, and won't let it out to leave hidden dangers for themselves.

"Go to Daxing to grow watermelons, there are a lot of people there..." Shu Shu thought for a while and said.

Xiaozhuang in Daxing has been completely dominated by fruits and vegetables.

After one year, there is a lot of promise, but there are more manpower needed...

When Xiaosong came back, the people behind also came in, and brought back four boxes of things, as well as an account book.

"There were two banquets for the shopkeepers of various shops outside, one time was for his birthday, and the other time was for his concubine's joy. With the addition of 'Nian Jing', three and a half months received three gifts from outsiders... "

Xiao Song was speechless and said: "Nurse Lin still has the face to cry, don't you think that the money from outside is not Fujin's money?"

Manager Lin's exploitation, the wool comes from the sheep, and the shopkeepers below will go to the shop to exploit it, and the business will be ruined at that time.

But after all, it's her own territory, so the matter is smaller than what Shu Shu thought.

It's just the usual way of asking for money.

Fortunately, I found out, otherwise I would have the courage to grow up, and I would dare to reach out.

She thought of Xiaoyu's rouge shop, and said, "You didn't invite Xiaoyu? Otherwise, we should have known about it..."

Xiao Song nodded and said: "Sister Xiao Yu was released by Fujin's side, and she often came to the mansion to pay her respects, so he probably wouldn't dare to blackmail her..."

When Xiaosong took the people to carry the things down, Brother Jiu looked thoughtful.

Shu Shu looked at him and said, "What are you thinking about?"

Brother Jiu whispered: "Master is thinking, father-in-law is very good at grasping people's hearts!"

Shu Shu listened in a daze, and said, "Why is it so powerful?"

Nine princes said: "The gifts surnamed Lin receive from outside shopkeepers are similar to the filial piety I receive from the doctors and principals of the House of Internal Affairs. If I put them all in my pocket, I'm afraid Khan Ama will feel uncomfortable..."

He listened to his father-in-law's admonition, and made his head filial to the imperial court, and the rest will not be eye-catching.

Shu Shujiong.

Like how petty she is.

If Manager Lin was an honest person who only accepted the normal human relations from the shopkeeper outside, would she still be harsh?
But people really can't help the temptation. Before, they looked honest and responsible, but now they have the opportunity, they show greed...

Prince Zhuang's Mansion, front yard.

Prince Zhuang's face drooped, he looked at He Yuzhu and Steward Lin who was kneeling on the ground, and said impatiently: "The slaves in your house are not suitable for use, just knocking on the board, what are you doing to send them to the Lord?"

He has already returned to Beijing from Huairou Bieyuan for several days, and now he is being raised in the palace, he is already a little upset, and it is even more unpleasant to be found at the door by Jiu elder brother's people.

Maybe I'm used to being quiet in the mountains, but when I return to Beijing, I find it very noisy.

He Yuzhu said: "Our master is afraid that this slave will bite me randomly and hurt the relationship between the two families, so I asked the slave to send this kid over to confront Shi Dianyi..."

Prince Zhuang waved his hand and said: "There is no need to confront, you take care of your servants yourself, and your master's slaves are cleaned up by yourself!"

What's the matter with this brother Jiu?
Even if the subordinates use some means to trade and compete, what's the point?
Is it worth comparing like this?

Could it be that the two of them, a prince and a prince, are still arguing about the three melons and two dates in the shop?
He Yuzhu came here just for this sentence, but with a bit of reluctance on his face, he dragged Steward Lin away...

The infantry is in charge of the yamen, and the fourth elder brother has read the confession of the leader of the Qingde class.

Editor, Wailang Kong Shangren, a member of the Guangdong Qingli Department of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

This person is also the 64th generation grandson of Confucius.

The fourth elder brother felt sullen in his heart.

Earlier, he thought it was the sour scholar who failed to make trouble, or there was some kind of conspiracy, but it turned out to be this person.

Not only the imperial court ordered officials, but also the descendants of saints.

What do the scholars think of this?
I'm afraid nine out of ten will believe that "Legend of Tongtian Bang" is true, and they must praise Kong Shangren for his courage.

It's hard to say whether Kong Shangren is a scholar or has other thoughts.

The fourth elder brother returned to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

He didn't ask anyone to pass on Kong Shangren.

The Kong family is different after all. When it comes to the children of their family, what to do next is still a matter of request.

The fourth elder brother wrote about today's unexpected incident, the ninth elder brother's response, and his own investigation results, and attached the script of "Legend of Tongtian Bang" at the end.

Then they sent it to the South Study Room, and sent it to Yuqian along with the official documents.

Shengjia was in Bazhou, two hundred miles away from the capital, and the official documents from the capital did not arrive at Yuqian until early the next morning.

The thirteenth elder brother was accompanying him, and saw that the emperor's face turned dark, extremely ugly.

Elder Brother Thirteen knows that what is going on in the capital is the imperial examination fraud case caused by scholars, and he is still thinking about what happened unexpectedly.

Could it be that Li Pan also hanged himself?

If that is really the case, in the eyes of outsiders, it is like "suicide in fear of crime", and the court may not be able to explain it clearly.

Kangxi had already read the script of the play, looked at the thirteenth brother and said: "Send a message to Erlundai and Fushan, come back to Luan today!"

Brother Thirteen complied, and went down to spread the word...

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