My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 848 Brother 4, My Brother May Offend Someone

Chapter 848 Fourth brother, my younger brother may have offended someone

Sheng Jia has not yet arrived in Beijing, and the fourth elder brother has received a reply first, so there is no need to touch Kong Shangren for the time being, and wait for the holy order.

The fourth elder brother knew that Sheng Jia was going back to Luan.

After thinking about it, he went to the House of Internal Affairs.

Brother Nine was looking at the official documents that Brother Twelve had processed initially, and praised while reading: "That's right, it's justified, just keep it like this."

Brother Twelve looked at Brother Nine, and really wanted to ask if you were too leisurely.


Brother Jiu sneered when he saw a familiar name.

People from Wu Ya's family want to replace the leader of Lan Ling's guards.


This is recorded in his little notebook.

Looking carefully at the three generations, no one was wronged, it was the family whose annual ceremony was reduced, and the one who wanted to make up for Lan Ling was the son of that person and the nephew of Concubine De.

Looking at the previous resume, Zheng Qidian Dianyi is also in line with the selection of candidates, but who said he should be selected?
Du Yusi was in charge of the selection of the military attache of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There is a vacancy for a military officer in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and this side proposes alternatives according to the conditions.

This candidate is not alone.

Brother Jiu only saw the second one, who was also a seventh-rank Dianyi. He was 38 years old and had worked in Dianyi for more than ten years.

He circled that person.

In terms of seniority, isn't this what it should be?

What a just and fair steward he is!

But it seems that Wu Ya's family has opened up the door of Du Yusi, otherwise, the children of Wu Ya's family are young and have low qualifications, so they cannot be ranked first.

According to the usual practice, this kind of candidate, the yamen of the hall does not interfere much, and mostly follows the list given by Du Yusi, and directly circles the front.

This is not only the case with the selection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also the selection of the ministry.

Brother Jiu added two strokes to the reply, "Don't be selfish, and choose the right person next time."

In this case, the doctor of Du Yusi should know how to choose a candidate in the future, right?

Elder brother Jiu took pride and put down his pen.

A true talent, he will not be dismissed.

He just didn't give these relatives a chance.

Moreover, he would treat everyone equally, and sent back Quanxuan, a candidate for the head of Guo Luoluo's family in the construction department, and added a sentence, "Those with bad records are not allowed to be nominated, and those who are capable should be selected."

Brother Nine was complacent, and there was movement at the door.

The fourth elder brother is here.

Ninth elder brother hurriedly got up and said: "Fourth brother, you came just in time, and I was thinking of going to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to find you later..."

The fourth elder brother nodded to him, looking at the official documents laid out in front of him, the ink on his fingers was fresh, and he was quite satisfied.

But he didn't speak in a hurry, but looked at Elder Brother Twelve with a more relaxed expression, and said, "Walking in the Ministry of Internal Affairs these days, what have you learned?"

Elder Brother Twelfth had already got up, glanced at Elder Ninth, and said, "Brother Ninth teaches younger brother how to handle official documents..."

The fourth elder brother couldn't help frowning when he heard this, looked at the ninth elder brother, and said with disapproval: "To encourage the growth of seedlings, we need to progress slowly."

Brother Jiu said: "It's useless to look at it in vain. You have to figure it out yourself. It's okay. With my younger brother watching, there will be no mistakes."

The fourth elder brother is even more worried about this all-encompassing effort.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes, remembered the business, found out the two official documents just now, and said with a smile: "Fourth Brother, I'm afraid I'm going to offend someone..."

The fourth elder brother looked into his hands and said, "What's wrong?"

Brother Jiu handed him the official documents of the two candidates for the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The fourth elder brother took it over and looked at it, and left Wu Ya's share, feeling that there was nothing wrong with it, but was a bit hesitant to take Guo Luoluo's share.

"Your grandfather is going back to Beijing, did Fifth Prince greet the construction department?"

The fourth elder brother pondered.

The three official security guards have been dismissed, and they want to return to Beijing with their family.

It is because of the cold weather that we have not set off yet.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, it is estimated that we will start our journey from Shengjing.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "No, in that case, I won't overstep my younger brother, I have to send someone to tell me."

The fourth elder brother thought about it for the same reason, looked at the ninth elder brother, and said with admiration: "Yes, it is very rare to employ people fairly."

Brother Jiu laughed and said, "My younger brother usually doesn't interfere with the civil and military affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but today I saw that the qualifications and abilities of the seventh-rank Dianli are not bad, but they are ranked behind, and the ones in front are only in their twenties. Yi is only a little over a year old, so she thinks more, one is that the person behind is pitiful, and the other is that people from Wu Ya's family are going to seek camps outside under the banner of your fourth brother. The post must have Khan Amma's intentions, it's best to postpone it for two years, there is no need to fill the vacancy at this time..."

Regarding the affairs of the concubine's relatives after the imperial dining room was cleared last year, the fourth elder brother knew more than the ninth elder brother.

He nodded and said, "It's very thoughtful, and it really should be."

Brother Jiu laughed.

He remembered what his wife said, "go straight on the road", comfortable!

The fourth elder brother said: "Shengjia will be returning to Luan in two days, you should work hard and don't stay at home..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "My brother is not idle either, isn't he practicing riding and archery?"

The fourth elder brother was also speechless, and said: "I shouldn't have sharpened my gun in front of the battle..."

Brother Jiu said "hehe" twice: "It was born by hand..."

But he also thanked the fourth elder brother for coming.

He gave birth to gossip and said: "Fourth brother, is Qingdeban still closed?"

The fourth elder brother nodded.

Brother Jiu said: "Didn't you say that Shi Gui is the boss of the theater troupe? Has it been passed on? What's going on?"

When he said this, the fourth elder brother also remembered something, and said: "I heard that you sent someone to Prince Zhuang's mansion to ask the teacher?"

He was worried about the trouble that Prince Zhuang would go to Brother Jiu, but he didn't expect Brother Jiu to make the first move.

The capital is so big, many people guessed why the two families started chattering.

Mentioning this, Brother Jiu said angrily: "Brother thought it was a mess in charge before, so he invited the theater troupe to the restaurant, okay, Shi Gui arranged this question? What do you mean, brother?" I was also curious, so I sent He Yuzhu over to ask, but Prince Zhuang defended his shortcomings and never asked Shi Gui to show up, which made my younger brother confused, always worried that he might be tricked..."

The fourth elder brother looked at him, shook his head and said: "He is an elder, you are a junior, if you have any questions, you should come to the door yourself, how can you send a servant to come to the door?"

And it wasn't the master of ceremonies and Dianyi like Fu Song and Zhang Tingzan, but the eunuchs around him, Haha Zhuzi. It was already polite for Prince Zhuang not to ask someone to beat them out.

Brother Jiu got stuck.

Just thinking about preemptive strikes, etiquette is a bit incomplete.

The fourth elder brother said: "Okay, don't ask about this matter anymore, when Sheng Jia comes back, Khan Ama will deal with it."

Brother Jiu reluctantly nodded.

He still intends to wait and see Prince Zhuang's reaction, if he does not punish Shi Gui, then he will find a way to deal with it.

You can never suffer in vain.

When the time comes, others will see and follow suit, and you will be aggrieved to death? !
When they returned to the Prince's Mansion, Brother Jiu talked to Shu Shu: "It's really a great seniority! Huh! What's so arrogant? Among the founding kings, this one is not worthy of enjoying the Taimiao. It's all because of the big one out of the box!"

Shu Shu said: "Things will be smooth when things are slow. There is no need to confront Prince Zhuang at this time. Haven't people from other palaces talked to you recently?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly, and said: "That's also stretching, and when the palace is officially built, it will be another price..."

Speaking of this, he thought of what happened to the Zhang family, and said, "Mother-in-law is going to the Zhang family tomorrow?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It should be like this, bow your head and marry a wife."

Otherwise, she could have invited Zhang Tingzan's wife over, but it would be too much of a stretch.

If she is Fusong's aunt, it's fine, she's a senior, and she won't neglect her.

For a sister of the same generation, even if she is pregnant and it is inconvenient to go out, it is not appropriate to ask people to visit her like this.

Shu Shu invited Jue Luo to discuss it, and it turned out that the mother and daughter had the same idea.

In the end, it was decided that Jue Luo would come to pay a visit to the prime minister's wife.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's fine, settle down early and rest assured..."

Thinking of his free life, he said, "Master has to get up early again tomorrow!"

Shu Shu said: "Now that the sky is long and the dawn is early, I will get up early with my grandfather..."

Brother Jiu said: "The willow trees outside are green. Didn't you talk about willow buds and Quma vegetables before? There are none besides, now there are only willow buds. When I came back, I passed by Di'anmen and saw some for sale. Asked someone to buy it, but it will be eaten tomorrow morning at the earliest, and if you want to eat cold salad, you have to wait for two days..."

When Shu Shu heard this, his saliva almost flowed out, and he said: "You can't grow willow buds by yourself, but mother-in-law Ding and Qumacai can. When the time comes, ask someone to collect some seeds and plant them in the greenhouse in winter..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Listen to you."

Although it is a bit ridiculous to grow wild vegetables, but money is hard to buy and I am happy.

Eat as much as you want.

He responded, but Shu Shu hesitated instead, looked down at her belly, and said: "We'll talk about it after giving birth, if the taste changes back, I won't grow it."

She doesn't like bitterness herself.

Occasionally drinking a cup of Kuding tea is also used as medicine...

On the next day, brother Jiu resumed his morning trip to the yamen.

For the past half month, he took half a day off work, so Elder Brother Ten also took a break.

It's just different from Brother Nine's cat at home, Brother Ten was not idle, and took Shi Fujin with a light car, and wandered around the inner city and the south city.

Drinking tea, listening to operas, and eating out, although Shi Fujin has lived in the capital for a year and a half, this is the first time he has gone out for a walk.

The couple was so happy that they didn't want to go to Shu, and they spent half a month leisurely.

Now that Brother Nine has resumed his schedule, he will naturally notify Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Ten followed suit, and the two brothers went in and out together again.

He told Brother Jiu a news.

The time for the clan examination had already been set, and even three days later, the examiner also came out, leading the guards, Minister Fei Yanggu, University Scholar Ma Qi, and Zhengbai Banner Deputy Commander Wu Dachan.

Hearing this, Brother Nine regained his energy and said, "Aren't Khan Ama taking the test himself?"

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Even if Shengjia returns to Luan, he will be held back by the imperial examination case, so he probably won't be able to care about it for the time being."

Brother Nine suddenly relaxed, and said: "Khan Ama takes care of everything every day, so I don't have to do everything myself."

Elder Brother Ten knew him best, seeing his expression, he said, "Brother Ninth is going to ask for leave?"

Brother Nine nodded, and said confidently: "Yes, it's thawed now, and the palace is about to start work, I have to go and have a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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