Chapter 849 Love Is Too Much
When he reached the gate of the palace, Brother Jiu noticed the difference.

It seems that the standing posture of the guard is more upright.

Sheng Jia returned to Luang so soon?
That should be going ashore, and returning by boat will not be so fast.

Brother Twelve is already here, and so is Gao Bin.

Seeing Elder Brother Jiu, Gao Bin said: "Master Jiu, Sheng Jia entered the palace a quarter of an hour ago..."

Brother Nine nodded: "Well..."

Speaking of this, thinking about going to Changping, he said: "Go to Changping the day after tomorrow, you go with me..."

Gao Bin agreed.

Brother Twelve stood quietly, but now he was a little moved, he looked at Brother Nine and said, "Brother Ninth..."

Brother Nine looked over, saw him staring eagerly, and said with a smile: "What? You want to go too?"

Brother Twelve nodded hurriedly.

He has grown up now, and it stands to reason that he should be able to make his own decisions in and out of the court.

But the prince jumped out alone, who would dare to let him go?

You have to go to the bodyguard office to report first, and the bodyguards and guards will be arranged there before you can leave the palace.

Once this file is recorded, there must always be a reason for leaving the palace.

Elder Brother Twelve didn't have a proper reason, so he never left the palace.

Brother Nine said to Brother Twelve: "Don't be as silent as a log, a crying child has milk to eat, just say it if you want to go."

Brother Twelve said, "I want to go!"

This appearance of cherishing words like gold can stand shoulder to shoulder with Seventh Prince.

Brother Jiu shook his head mercilessly and said, "Next time!"

Brother Twelve was very disappointed, and also had a little resentment.

Brother Jiu continued: "Forget it this time, you've bumped into the clan's assessment for a day, and then you can shoot well and give a proof to those unworthy clan dudes!"

The age of the clan assessment this time is from 16 to 20 years old, not only the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are among them, but also the twelfth elder brother.

Elder Brother Twelve heard this, and his eyes widened.

Go to Changping on the day of the exam?
Isn't this skipping the exam?

Brother Jiu coughed lightly and returned to his seat.

Gao Bin understood, and couldn't help laughing.

Brother Nine glanced at him, and said: "It seems that we should talk to Fujin and choose from among the disciples of the assistant leaders in the mansion. If there are promising ones, just point to the girl next to her, and be an imperial wife directly!"

Gao Bin's smile froze, and he immediately arched his hands and prayed.


Brother Nine just sat down and began to deal with today's business.

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the upper room.

Mrs. Uncle and Jue Luo are both there.

Jue Luo had asked someone to inquire about it, and said: "I heard that the prime minister's wife is good-tempered, and she treats her daughters-in-law kindly. The second daughter-in-law has been married for more than ten years and has no children, and never intervenes. Now, except for the eldest son of Ren Jingguan and the second son of Bei Chunwei, Cheng Huan in the capital is the son of this concubine..."

Mrs. Uncle said: "It's rare."

But the youngest son who is younger than the eldest grandson really has nothing to worry about.

Shu Shu knew more, and said: "The younger one is only eight years old this year, and the younger one should be sent back in two years. Their children are in the capital, taught the rules, and sent back to the old family to learn , the Zhang family over there is a scholarly family that has multiplied for several generations, and there are only seven brothers in Zhang Xiang's generation..."

Jue Luo nodded and said, "That's fine."

If a swarm of bees are all in the capital, those who are talented don't have to worry about it, and those who are not talented don't have to worry too much.

In this way, one of them went to Beijing, and the other stood up.

Otherwise, the ups and downs of the imperial examination are hard to say, and when Zhang Xiang becomes an official, the Zhang family will be an ordinary family, and then there may be troubles for Fusong.

Today, apart from Jue Luo, Fu Song will also accompany him.

It is estimated that at the beginning of Sichu, Jue Luo took Fu Song and left the Prince's Mansion.

Shu Shu couldn't help complaining to Mrs. Uncle: "It's not comfortable being a mother-in-law, this son is considered to be raised by others."

Mrs. Uncle took a look at her stomach and said, "Mother-in-law is better? They are all the same, so look away as soon as possible and cherish yourself more. Don't be like others, who can be tied to the child after giving birth."

Shu Shu smiled and looked down at her stomach.

It's getting tighter and tighter, and it's uncomfortable to fall.

Is it the floating belly in the legend?
She waved her hand, sent Xiaochun and Walnut down, then hugged Mrs. Uncle's arm, leaned close to her ear, and whispered: "Amou, if it's two elder brothers this time, I don't want to have another..."

This is the question that Shu Shu has been thinking about since entering the third trimester of pregnancy.

It's just that there is no way to tell others.

After all, in the eyes of the world now, having more children means more blessings, and being able to live is a blessing.

Mrs. Uncle caressed her back and said: "Don't be afraid, it's the first time that it's uncomfortable, and you're uneasy because you have twins again. After a few years of good health, the second time will be easy."

If there were princesses and concubines in the Prince's Mansion, Mrs. Uncle would not talk about it.

But since the younger couple can't tolerate other people, the two children are a little thinner.

It's not easy to pull a child up now, if there is one who really has no place to cry, just in case.

When Shu Shu gets old and can no longer have children, the palace will not look on in vain.

Shu Shu hugged Mrs. Uncle's arm and sighed.

Anyway, she planned to try the safety period contraception after giving birth, otherwise, if she got connected, she would go crazy.

The feeling of being a mother is amazing. On the one hand, I feel that I am so powerful that I can actually conceive a baby. I have a sense of expectation of opening a blind box; on the other hand, I have hidden regrets and disgust, and I feel very wronged. rhythm of life.

Or this is the selfishness of human nature.

I don't know how deep a mother's love will be to overwhelm these.

Thinking of this, her eye circles turned red again.

Mrs. Uncle was so distressed, she hurriedly said: "Don't cry, don't cry, if you don't give birth, you won't give birth, let's talk about it in a few years when you are happy to give birth..."

Shu Shu leaned against Mrs. Uncle, and could only smile wryly.

There are no secrets in this world.

Just like Zhaojiagege in their house is a display thing, it can be hidden from the outside world, but it cannot be hidden from Yuqian and Yikun Palace.

She and Brother Nine are husband and wife, they love each other, and no one will question anything.

But if she doesn't want to have children, things will become more subtle, and the current peace and beauty may not exist.

But that was much later.

When Brother Nine is in his thirties, if the heirs under his knees are still weak, then the palace will probably interfere and reward the beautiful girl from the House of Internal Affairs.


Shu Shu lowered her head and glanced at her stomach, if she solves two problems this time, it will be just right to do it again in five or eight years...

In the carriage, Fu Song and Jue Luo Shi were talking.

"My wife is also from a scholarly family. She is a member of the late Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice. She belonged to the Zhang family at the age of 13 and grew up a male at the age of 15. Now she is sixty years old..."

Jue Luo Shi listened, for this lady, she was regarded as news in the early years, that is, she gave birth to an old man at fifty.

Before that, five sons and four daughters had been born, except for one son who died, the others were established.

With the addition of this old man, it can be called perfect.

A lot of sour words.

But as long as it's the first wife's main wife, I'm still more envious.

"The Yao family and the Zhang family belong to the township party, and they have married several times in recent years. The second son of Zhang Xiang hired the youngest daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and the eldest daughter of Zhang Xiang also belonged to the Yao family. Xu married his uncle's cousin; the third daughter is also from another branch of Yao. When it comes to the younger generation, Zhang Xueshi's second son is also a cousin of his aunt, but he hasn't married yet..."

Speaking of this, Fu Song did not hide Zhang Tingzan's reason for choosing a son-in-law for his younger sister in the capital, and said: "The second girl in the middle was also promised to the old family in Tongcheng, the Fang family of Zhang Xiang's mother's family. As a result, after more than twenty years, the eldest uncle and the second uncle Stop raising people, the third uncle is still studying in the government school, the people of Tongcheng are simple and simple, different from the capital city, they respect Confucianism and courtesy, everywhere is full of books, women regard virtuous and filial piety as their duty, life is hard..."

Jue Luo sighed, "An elder brother is like a father, but that's it. From now on, you must respect Zhang Xueshi."

People like Zhang Ying who choose relatives for their children are the only ones in the capital.

If it was someone else, they would all be descended from Shangshu's family, and they must choose the best for their children and marriages.

In that case, the daughter-in-law is okay, but the daughter's words will not be good in the future.

They are all married in the same village, and they will be in front of them in the future, and brothers and sisters can also take care of each other.

While the mother and son were talking, the carriage entered Xi'an Gate and arrived at Zhang's house.

The carriages in Bofu are all regulated.

Black wheel, green cover, green borders at four corners, soap curtain.

When the concierge saw the carriage, he knew it was Mrs. Hou's or Mrs. Uncle's carriage, and immediately sent someone to report it.

Mrs. Yao had been waiting for a long time, and when she got the message, she brought her eldest daughter-in-law to welcome her out.

Fu Song also supported Jue Luo Shi, and got out of the carriage.

Mrs. Yao stepped forward and was about to bow her knees and say blessings: "I have seen Mrs. Uncle..."

She uses clear language.

It doesn't matter whether it's going to the countryside to do as the Romans do, or knowing the current affairs, after all, it's the Qing Dynasty now, and they live in the imperial city, surrounded by banner people.

Jue Luo quickly stopped him, and said in Chinese: "You are too polite, you don't have to."

After listening to Mrs. Yao, she also changed to Chinese.

Then, Mrs. Yao introduced the eldest daughter-in-law to Jue Luo, saying: "This is the old eldest daughter-in-law Gu..."

Zhang Tingzan's wife died of illness in his early years, and now this stepwife is the daughter of his predecessor in the Hanlin Academy.

Mrs. Gu also wished Jue Luo a blessing, and Jue Luo helped him up, saying: "Mr. Gong, please stand up..."

Fu Song hadn't seen Mrs. Gu last time, and this was also the first time he saw her.

No wonder Zhang Tingzan is also thinking about seeking a son. This step-wife is not too young, probably in his thirties.

"Fu Song met Mr. Gong..."

Fu Song bowed his hands in salute.

Gu Shi looked at Fu Song with kindness on his face.

When she got married, her two stepsons had already been sent back to their hometown in Tongcheng to study. The wife was doing housework, and she was mostly taking care of the sister-in-law.

Looking at Fusong now, he also felt somewhat like looking at his son-in-law.

A group of people entered Zhang's house.

This time it was mainly to see the fourth girl.

After the guests and hosts were seated, Mrs. Yao ordered someone to invite the fourth girl in.

Seeing this figure and appearance, Luo Shi fell in love with him.

Mrs. Yao's age is here, even if she looks young, her youth is gone.

Fourth girl's place is at the time when the green onions are tender and juicy.

Jue Luoshi held Miss Si reluctantly to let go, said: "Looking at Miss Si, it's like seeing my little aunt. I guess Miss Si loves to read, right?"

The fourth girl nodded shyly, and said, "Does Fujin also like to read?"

Jue Luo said with a smile: "I have been a villain since I was a child. I have no other hobbies except reading. It's like a teacher. Fu Song and the others were all taught by their sister."

The fourth girl listened with a smile, and felt relieved.

Although the Eight Banners have promoted Confucianism in recent years, it is because of the officials. I heard that many female relatives can't even speak Chinese, let alone Chinese.

Dong E's family is different.

Jueluo took off the red coral blessing bracelet from his wrist, put it on the fourth girl, and said: "Not only sister Fusong loves to read, but the girl that Brother Fusong said also loves to read. Later, you sisters will get to know each other. Studying poetry and painting as companions to pass the time..."

After hearing this, the fourth girl felt a little yearning.

From the moment she landed, the Zhang family has been distinguished, and there are no friends of the same age to associate with.

Hearing that there is a boudoir girl who likes the same as her own, she is more concerned about meeting Elder Fusong.

Mrs. Yao herself is a talented woman, and she could not listen to those words that "a woman is virtuous without talent", and she did not humble herself, but went on to say: "The relationship is good, so you can't work behind closed doors. You should learn more from others and learn from others. Talented women of the Eight Banners..."

As a woman, Mrs. Yao also envied the life of the Eight Banners women.

Before leaving the court, she was wanton, but after leaving the court, as long as her natal family is decent and her waist is tall and straight.

She also likes to write poems and essays, but the manuscripts are all kept in boxes.

I can only take it out when my husband returns to his hometown and he doesn't have to care about things.

Eight Banners women don't have so many scruples, a separation is a separation, and they are all real headed mothers. The relatives are two families, and they don't interfere with each other, let alone the cousins. ...

The next update will be at 2:21 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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