The prince's mansion, go to the room.

Shu Shu is showing Mrs. Uncle a batch of gold ornaments just sent from the silver building. There are twelve zodiac versions, four auspicious beasts and four fierce beasts.

In addition to these complete sets, the rest are kittens, puppies, and two hollowed out puppy tags.

Shu Shu held one of them, with the word "Ruyi" written on it, and said, "This is a birthday present for Ruyi, hang it up first..."

Mrs. Uncle couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm pretty much prepared."

Shu Shu smiled and held up the other piece, "Xiao Shunxin also has..."

She thought of Xiaolu at home, and said: "Huahua and Xiaohua are not prepared, they will be sent to Zhuangzi."

This refers to the two deer, a doe and a fawn, given by the fifth elder brother years ago.

Shu Shu is a bad name, the mother and son became the big flower and the little flower.

It was raised in the garden before, but now that the weather is warmer, the garden has to be tidied up, so it is not easy to raise.


It happened that the fawn was about to be weaned, so it had to be sent to Zhuangzi.

As for killing?

It is impossible to kill, after all, it has been kept for two months.

Mrs. Uncle said: "If you want to use deer milk to feed people, you can ask people to raise a few on the Zhuangzi."

Shu Shu touched her face, she was still thinking about it, it's hard to say now whether she will support someone or not, this nourishing skin has witnessed it once.

She doesn't like the taste of deer milk, Brother Jiu also stopped drinking it after drinking it twice, and Mrs. Uncle doesn't drink it either.

The deer milk, let her make facial masks and hand masks for skin care, which is smoother than milk.

Shu Shu also asked someone to try deer milk soap, which is more moisturizing than milk soap.

When the deer farm is really opened up, the rouge shop over at Xiaoyu can add these two things, deer milk cream and deer milk soap.

The couple were gossiping, and there was movement outside.

Jue Luo and Fu Song are back.

Seeing Jue Luo's smiling, Fu Song also had a smile on his face, Shu Shu knew that everything went well today.

"He's a good boy, he looks like Qingru in character..."

Jue Luo said to Mrs. Uncle: "I thought that girls from Jiangnan would be petite, but I was wrong. She is tall, about the same size as Baqi Gege."

Mrs. Uncle nodded with a smile, looked at Fu Song and said, "Our elder brother is blessed."

Fu Song blushed, looking like a child.

Jue Luo looked at Shu Shu and said: "Mrs. Zhang said, don't worry about changing posts. We will talk about it after the Dragon Boat Festival."

Shu Shu looked at Fu Song and said, "It will be justifiable to study with Zhang Xueshi in the future."

Fu Song nodded with a smile.

I didn't think so before, but if I really want to read, I will find that the more I read the book, the more I learn, and the knowledge becomes less and less.

He used to be a little proud of his homework, but now he feels that he is lacking.

That is to say, here in the township examination, the Eight Banners are separated, otherwise, he will compete with other scholars, the chance is not great, at least at this age, the chance is not great.

The children of the Zhang family, at the age of five, started three, one hundred, and one thousand. They finished learning the Four Books before they were ten years old, and then sent them to their hometown to start learning the Five Classics.

After studying for more than [-] years, I passed the provincial examination with a solid foundation.

He has already planned that he will have children in the future, and he will also take the imperial examination. If he can't study well, he will go to the martial arts examination and earn his own future.

Seeing that Fusong's temperament is alive, he is obviously happy with this marriage, and everyone is also happy...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi was not happy.

He passed on Kong Shangren's opinion.

As a young fifth-rank member, Wailang, he has no chance to go to the imperial court unless he is summoned.

However, Kong Shangren was born here. In his early years, Shengjia accompanied him when he came to Qufu. He was appreciated and was awarded the doctorate of Guozijian.

Therefore, when he came to the imperial court, he was much better than those officials who came to see the majesty for the first time, and he was not afraid.

In his heart, he is grateful to the emperor.

Kangxi looked at him, Kong Shangren already knew the year of his destiny.

This man has a refined appearance, with a pair of smiling eyes, and he is amiable.

If not, Kangxi wouldn't have had a good impression of him, and gave Qiancheng special grace.

It has been 23 years since Jian Ba ​​entered Beijing in the 16rd year of Kangxi.

In the 34th year of Kangxi, he was the head of the household relocation department, and he was a sixth grade.

In February this year, he was promoted to Yuanwailang, from the fifth grade.

Compared with other people, his official career is somewhat disappointing.

Recalling the first time I met, this person was still in his prime, and he spoke freely, with the calm demeanor of a descendant of a saint.

Looking at it now, it is no different from other officers.

Kangxi sighed inwardly, and said, "Aiqing, sit down!"

Liang Jiugong knew the trick, and brought a round stool over.

Kong Shangren bowed and said, "I am terrified..."

The day before yesterday, Kangxi received an excerpt from the fourth elder brother. When he saw the script of "Legend of Tongtian Bang", Kangxi was very angry.

He uplifted the Kong family, not to embarrass himself.

He was also worried that there were other plans behind him.

But after seeing Kong Shangren, he knew that he was thinking too much.

This is an old Confucian.

I am afraid that in Kong Shangren's heart, he is not spreading rumors and slandering the courtiers, but because of his scholarly anger and justice.

Kangxi didn't ask any more questions, and said: "Jimaoke Township Examination Fraud Case is now under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. You go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to help Sibeile and thoroughly investigate the case!"

Kong Shangren was a little apprehensive, and said, "Your Majesty..."

Kangxi looked at the "Legend of Tongtian Bang", and said in a deep voice: "If you catch a thief and seize the stolen goods, you must not judge the crime without proof! When it is confirmed that there is such a thing, I will write a preface to Qing's "Legend of the Tongtian Bang"; if this is not verified, You should also introspect yourself, you must know that three people become tigers..."

Kong Shangren's face was pale, his lips trembled and he said: "It was a joke by the minister, I don't want to alarm the imperial court..."

Kangxi looked at Kong Shangren and sighed: "Jiang Chenying is also a disciple of a sage. In the 19th year of Kangxi, he entered the Ming History Museum as a editor and compiled criminal law annals. If he knew the law and violated the law, I would not believe it. Haoshou Jinshi is a rare book." If Ling was humiliated and hanged himself, if he was innocent, wouldn't he be pitiful?"

Kong Shangren's face turned red and white, and he couldn't say a word of excuse.

From the fraud case, there is no evidence.

There are all kinds of rumors, and they are summarized into a piece of propaganda.

He was too indignant at the time, and in just a few days, according to the content of the call to action, he wrote "Legend of Tongtian Bang"...

When Kong Shangren retreated, Kangxi's face fell.

This person is not suitable to stay in the official position in Beijing.

If you are still an old Confucian student in Qufu, even if you write such a play, the common people will watch it lively, and the scholars will laugh it off.

After all, this drama is too exaggerated, not to mention almost all the prime minister Jiuqing, but also to describe it vividly, as if seeing and hearing it with one's own eyes.

If there is any bribery, it must be a matter of privacy. How can such details be revealed?
You can tell it's made up at a glance.

But Kong Shangren is an official in the capital, so others have to think about it, is it because he is a well-connected and well-informed person, that's why he got news that others don't know.

The impact is different...

There are so many children in the Kong family, this is just a signboard, if you change it, you can change it...

On the other hand, Brother Nine, if you don't tell me for a few days, something will happen.

Kangxi rubbed his forehead and told Wei Zhu, "Go and sneak Brother Nine to me!"

Wei Zhu responded and came to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs.

The Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is here.

Brother Nine has two doctors here, one is from Du Yusi and the other is from the local doctor.

The former is responsible for the selection of military officials, and the latter is responsible for the selection of civilian officials.

Yesterday, brother Jiu's approval continued, and the two of them were completely at a loss.

You must know that Brother Jiu has been the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since September 36, Kangxi, and has been involved in the selection of officials for the first time for three years now.

The two were trembling, so they came to see and listen to the training.

Brother Jiu put on a straight face, and first said to Nadu Yusi Langzhong, "There is obviously a more suitable candidate, but the concubine's children are placed at the forefront. What do outsiders think of this? Is it the emperor's favoritism, or Sibei Le's favoritism?"

Nadu Yusi was very awkward, not knowing how to answer the conversation.

Brother Jiu said seriously: "You are also an old man from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you don't need to talk about it, everything is done according to the rules! If anyone is dissatisfied, let him go to the imperial court to break it up! The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the emperor's Ministry of Internal Affairs, it does not belong to any family or surname. The Ministry of Internal Affairs! If the official is not an official, the Lord will not intervene, but the official must have enough qualifications. Besides, even if there is a vacancy in the palace guards, it is not said that anyone has a first-class guard vacant. Just make up for a first-class guard, don’t you still have to be a third-class guard?”

The Langzhong listened with his hands down, only a wry smile in his heart.

Elder prince, of course, does not care about the face of others, but they are subordinates, and no one can afford to offend them.

Brother Jiu seemed to see through what he was thinking, and snorted coldly: "If you are afraid of offending others, then tell me, I will transfer you to another yamen for the elderly, and change to someone who is not afraid of offending others!"

The doctor hurriedly said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the slave's duty lies in it, and he dare not abolish the public for private reasons."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's fine, I know that there are only decent people in the House of Internal Affairs, they are either relatives or friends, or old friends, but if you want to sell favors, you must have a limit. If the candidates have similar qualifications and abilities, You have some small selfishness, and you put people in front, and the master will not make you uncomfortable, but this discerning person thinks it is wrong, what do you think the subordinates think? You always hurt the reputation of the fourth brother and the concubine, who will take care of it?"

The doctor bowed even harder, and hurriedly said: "I know now, I don't dare anymore!"

Brother Jiu looked at the doctor in the hall again, and his tone became more severe, and said: "A guy who was demoted and fined for repairing money because of his greed for ink, why is he promoted to the front? Are you deliberately digging a hole for me? If you don't Pay attention, directly responding to your recommendation, and circled this person as the chief executive, what do other people think of you?"

The doctor in the hall hurriedly said: "I don't dare, I don't dare!"

Brother Nine said: "Let's not talk about other people, even when I see you, I have to wonder if Brother Wu greeted you, but Brother Wu will greet you over my father? All right! You are quite powerful, and you are a scapegoat." Two princes and elder brothers!"

The doctor in the hall knelt down and said, "I am a slave who is confused..."

Brother Nine snorted coldly and said: "It's just muddleheaded! Do you think this is helping the master to take care of his family and share his worries? You underestimate the master, let alone the surname Guo Luoluo, so what if the surname is Aixinjueluo? A moth, grandpa Do you still have to flatter him and wait for him to be more greedy?"

The doctor in the hall kowtowed and said, "I don't dare to make up my own mind anymore!"

Brother Nine said: "Do your job well, don't just think about evil ways! One more time, you both get the hell out of here!"

The two escaped, cursing and swearing.

Wei Zhu was at the door, watching the second half.

He didn't go in right away, he waited until the two doctors came out, and then walked in.

Brother Nine spoke so dryly, he picked up the teacup, drank a few sips, and moistened his throat.

Well, no wonder Han Ama and the fourth brother love to teach others, Shu Tan!

Wei Zhu didn't delay any longer, and said with a smile: "Jiuye, the emperor asked the servant to carry Master Liu over..."

Brother Nine: "..."

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