Coming out of Qianqing Palace, Brother Jiu frowned.

In the end, I still have to bend down to pay for it.

I was too hasty at the time, if I wait and see what happens, then maybe the situation is reversed now.

Even if Khan Ama won't let Prince Zhuang make amends for him, he won't suffer this training.

Sending Qing Deban to the Yamen of the capital of the infantry, so that the play "Legend of Tongtian Bang" was stopped as soon as it started, isn't that credit?
As a result, Khan Amati didn't mention it because he had something wrong.

I'm not good at expressing myself...

In the future, I plan to use this to change Gao Yanzhong's future.

Even if it's not good to push Gao Yanzhong out directly, he still has to plan to boast a few words indirectly to impress Han Ama.

Gao Yanzhong is still under the coat of the House of Internal Affairs, not the Prince's Mansion, and his future future depends on the face of the imperial court.

Khan Ama is too chicken thief...


The fourth elder brother happened to come over to see him, and saw the ninth elder brother drooping and in a trance.

The ninth elder brother looked at the fourth elder brother, sighed, and said: "Khan Ama asked my younger brother to go to Zhuang Wang's mansion tomorrow to apologize, and also taught my younger brother to handle the official affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs too bluntly..."

The fourth elder brother listened and pondered for a while.

The former should be taught, seniors and juniors are irreversible, otherwise the rules will be broken.


He looked at Brother Jiu and said: "In the future, you should not be the first to offend people, just express your intentions and let Ma Qi and Hayaltu deal with it."

There were four former directors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but now that He Yi has been dismissed, there are only three left.

Although Ma Qi joined the cabinet, he was still the head of the House of Internal Affairs.

Har Yatu is the censor of the left capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and also the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Both of them are senior veterans, both are Jiuqing, and the former is still a bachelor.

Ninth elder brother looked at fourth elder brother, hesitated and said: "Not good, no matter how high the rank of those two are, they are ministers after all. If Bao Yi of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dares to resent even the prince, those two adults will not be able to run away, why don't you?" Recruit villains for them!"

The fourth elder brother couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

It's just a coating from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, why is it here?
But it's not right to say that brother Jiu's scruples are unreasonable.

Baoyi is too close to the Imperial Palace, plus the concubines in the harem, if someone really slanders, it will accumulate over time, and it will indeed be bad for the two adults.

Seeing the chaos of the ninth elder brother, the fourth elder brother said: "Khan Ama hopes that you will be more lenient in dealing with things, because you are afraid that you will hurt the dignity of the prince's family and affect the brotherhood."

Brother Jiu was not happy, and said: "If there is such a foolish elder brother or younger brother who thinks that the uncle of the foreigner is closer than his own brother, then let him go, I am too lazy to talk to him!"

The fourth elder brother turned black, and scolded: "Who are you talking to? Are you still young, can't you talk well?"

Brother Nine immediately patted his mouth and said: "It's easy to say, I don't usually say that!"

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "I didn't say that in front of my elder brothers. How about in front of my younger brothers? You are also an errand, and you are learning "Book of Rites" from Master Ma Qi. Train you!"

Brother Jiu felt his head was "buzzing", and begged for mercy: "Did you come to see me? Go quickly, don't delay, brother really understands..."

After saying that, there was wind under his feet, and he ran away in a hurry.

The fourth elder brother stretched out his hand, wanting to call someone, but he was already far away...

The guards in the Qianqing Palace Square witnessed the speed of Brother Jiu's "moving like a rabbit" today.

But brother Jiu, what kind of trouble did he make?

First the imperial heir, and then being blocked by the fourth elder brother to teach him a lesson?
Everyone is curious...

Nine princes walked out of the Qianqing gate wheezing and panting, and then slowed down.

This is cause and effect? !
It came pretty fast!
I just trained two people, as if training a grandson, but was trained by the two, as if being a grandson.

But elder brother Jiu was still secretly happy.

Has my image of "just and fair brother nine" been erected? !

When they arrived at the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the ninth elder brother looked at the twelve elder brothers and said, "In the future, there will be civil and military officials to fill the vacancies, so you can help the master to keep an eye on them. If it involves concubines and relatives, go through it first. Check out whether the qualifications are sufficient and the ability is strong, and don't ask others to make up for it; they are treated equally, not only the natal families of concubines and concubines are watching, but also the nobles who gave birth to princes and concubines, and the natal families of concubines. Uncle Guo is here, and we have lost the dignity of our brothers and sisters!"

He was afraid that he would be left behind.

Elder Brother Twelve heard this, took out a booklet from the drawer, and said: "There are fifteen relatives in the House of Internal Affairs, and twelve households of princes and daughters..."

Brother Jiu took it over and looked at it.

It's true, apart from Hefei, Wang Guiren, Concubine Gao, and the promises of Han girls in Qianqing Palace, most of the concubines in the harem are encased concubines.

No wonder the coating is so bullish, it can be seen that compared with the Eight Banners, Han Ama trusted the coating more in the early years.

But this moment, that moment.

At that time, Khan Ama was young, and he had to check and balance the four ministers, but also guard against the clan and princes, so he naturally trusted the coated population in his hands.

It is different now.

The better days of coating are almost here.

Brother Nine thought about going to Prince Zhuang's Mansion tomorrow, and said to Elder Brother Twelve: "Master won't be coming tomorrow, if you have urgent business that needs to be dealt with on the same day, you can send someone directly to the Prince's Mansion..."

Speaking of this, he thought about the gate control in the palace, and said: "Where is your haha ​​bead? If there is one that can be used, hand over the name, register with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then you can get the palace card later. Think about it in the future." It’s more convenient to send someone out.”

Brother Twelve glanced at the official document on the table, and said hesitantly: "My younger brother is in the yamen all day, and he doesn't go out. Asking them to be servants is also idle?"

Ninth elder brother also came out at this age, of course he knows that the younger elder brother is aggrieved and it is inconvenient to go out of the palace.

He thought for a while, and said: "It's okay, call here. Later, if you want to leave the palace, you should go to Xiaotangshan to inspect the progress of the palace. It is also a famous teacher, but you can't stay overnight, you have to go back and forth on the same day."

Elder Brother Twelve had surprise on his face, and said: "The younger brother will write about two people now. They have no errands and are free."

When the twelfth elder brother wrote his name, it was three generations with his ancestors, the ninth elder brother read it, and couldn't help thinking.

Both of them are the children of Wanliu Hashi, they should be cousins ​​of Twelve Elder Brothers.

This is also the usual practice for the prince to choose haha ​​beads.

Brother Nine thought of Gui Dan, looked at the names of these two people, and was worried, and said to Brother Twelve: "How is the character of these two people? Have you swaggered outside because of your identity as Haha Zhuzi?"

Brother Twelve said: "No, they are all honest and taciturn people."

Brother Jiu said: "You are their ladder to the sky. Of course you are honest in front of you. Who knows what's going on behind the scenes? That's all right, I've made a note of it. I'll ask someone to go outside to inquire about it later. It will work." Say more."

Brother Twelve feels very subtle.

Except for Madam Su Ma, no one has ever worried about this for him.

Brother Nine seems to have become verbose...

It's not a bad feeling...

The Metropolitan Procuratorate was on duty, and Kong Shangren sat for a long time, reading all the files involved in the case, and his back was dripping with cold sweat.

There are Li Pan's statement, Xu's statement, and Xu's nephew's statement.

Confession of a student member of the Yigan Mansion who went to Jiang Chenying's mansion to make trouble.

To pass on falsehoods is to pass on after all.

After pulling away the cocoon, I traced it to the Imperial Academy.

Xu Tianyi's suspicion is correct, there is indeed a dispute between the old and the new Hanlin.

The chief examiner and deputy chief examiner of the Shuntianfu Township Examination are fat jobs in the Hanlin Academy.

There is no need to make money at all, just waiting for the thank-you gift from the new student, which is also a huge profit.

In addition, those who can take the exam in Shuntian Mansion, besides the local students, are the Yin students of the Imperial Academy.

There are many high-ranking officials and eunuchs.

At that time, I will be more famous as a teacher and student with these powerful children, and the road in the officialdom will be opened in the future.

Unexpectedly, two new Hanlin were given.

What is the champion?
What's the deal?
The three tripod armors in the Hanlin Academy have come and gone every three years.

Because of jealousy, and some old friends' children failed the ranking, but the son and nephew of the new second place were all on the top list, which further proves that there is a problem with the number one scholar and Tanhua.

From suspecting fraud to swearing that fraud has been committed, there are not many people in between.

There is no conspiracy and no insider information.

It was the slanderous rumors caused by the jealousy of colleagues in the Imperial Academy, which spread to the outside world, which made the fallen scholars have extravagant thoughts, thinking that they could make a fuss and retake the exam.

Looking at the elegiac couplet left by Jiang Chenying before she hanged herself, "This time I have suffered a lot, just because I entered the Kong family's prison, sat on the bench, and became an old hozen. I only said that the limit expired...", there is a lot of self-mockery and regret in the middle I mean, but what does it have to do with closing Confucianism?
It is obvious that he acted indiscriminately and attracted jealousy, which led to this disaster.

Kong Shangren was troubled in his heart, but he knew that human life was at stake.

If there were no evidences found by the fourth elder brother, even if Jiang Chenying died, she would have committed suicide in fear of crime; but with these evidences, the imperial examination case would have become a farce.

He was very lucky. Fortunately, "Legend of Tongtianbang" stopped after only half of the performance. If he really wanted to perform many performances in the capital, then he, the Yuanwailang hat, would not plan to take it...

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the upper room.

Shu Shu is looking at Xiaochun's needlework, all of which belong to the baby.

There are small bellybands, small bibs, small socks and so on.

It looks small and cute.

The rubbed and steamed Songjiang cloth is used.

The preparations began as soon as the good news was confirmed, and a lot of preparations have been made in half a year.

Shu Shu said: "You are not allowed to do work at night, and you are not allowed to do it too delicately. Children grow when they see the wind, and they can be changed quickly."

Xiao Chun said with a smile: "It's all simple work, and there is no embroidery."

Although there is no embroidery, it is also marked.

Half of it is embroidered with the word "Fu", and the other half is embroidered with the word "An".

They are all auspicious words.

This is because of the twins, and I added auspicious characters to distinguish them for fear of confusion.

Shu Shu fumbled, and said, "Isn't this the nickname? Xiaofu, Xiaoan..."

It sounds good when you call it Shunzui.

Xiao Chun hurriedly said: "Fu Jin, didn't you say that you are waiting for the queen mother and empress to give the little masters nicknames?"

How can you think that it's a one-off?

How could she be so blessed to give nicknames to the little masters?

Shu Shu said: "Prepare for it. If the palace doesn't give nicknames, it's good to use these two. It's easy to remember. Anyway, it's our own name, and that's not the name."

Walnut reminded from the side: "Fu Jin, Lord Jiu said that the word 'Fu' is not allowed, many people hate it..."

Shu Shudao: "There are not many auspicious characters in total. Isn't 'Fu, An' stronger than 'Auspicious, Xiang, Shou, Xi, You, Liang, Mei, Hao'?"

Brother Nine just came back, listened to it seriously, and said: "What is good and beautiful?"

Shu Shu took the little socks in her hand, showed them to Brother Jiu, and said, "I saw the marks made by Xiao Chun, using auspicious characters, and I thought these two are very good, if there is no suitable little socks The names are 'Fubao', 'Anbao'..."

Although the husband and wife say they are two little elder brothers, Shu Shu also knows that this is a blind box, and if you don't open it for a day, you won't know the final result.

These two names are unisex.

Brother Nine thought thoughtfully: "Auspicious characters? It's not just these, isn't there something better?"

Saying this, he got excited, took off his overcoat, went to the study to get a pen and paper, wrote a few words for Shu Shu to read, and said: "There are still these, come and circle..."

Shu Shu looked down, there are two rows, the upper row is five characters, "Jia", "Rui", "Sheng", "Kang", "Qing"; the lower row is also five characters, "Mei", "Zhao", "Chun", "Xi", "Yuan".

She raised her head and looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu lowered his head, took a look at her stomach, and said, "I won't talk about my little brother from now on, and you don't need to mention it either. If we're not my little brother this time, but my little Gege, we should be annoyed..."

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The next update is February 2, at 22:12 noon, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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