Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu.

The couple wanted to go together.

She lowered her head and read all ten characters, and picked up a pen to exclude "Sheng" and "Kang" from the front, and "Mei", "Chun", "Xi" and "Yuan" from the latter.

Brother Jiu leaned forward to look at it, and said, "What's wrong with the first two words?"

Shu Shudao: "'Sheng' has a bad sound, but 'Kang' forget it, the aunt's and cousin's Wang titles are renewed..."

Brother Jiu twitched the corners of his mouth.

He only thought about the year number and forgot about it.

He is not afraid of others saying that he is flattering and flattering. These two words have good meanings, otherwise he would not have been chosen as the title of the year.

Shu Shu pointed to the first four and said: "These sound like little princesses, forget it, they're not tough enough."

Brother Jiu quit, and said, "Can't you still protect her? Why are you so tough? Just be a squeamish little princess."

Shu Shu pointed to herself and said, "I'm also a squeamish little Gege. Ama probably thought that way at the beginning, but now Ama can worry about it."

Brother Nine: "..."

After a while, he stretched out his hand and gently stroked Shu Shu's belly.

The little baby above was motionless and unresponsive.

There is a small bulge slowly in the lower position.

It looks like a small fist, very delicate, not much bigger than Thumb.

Brother Jiu's expression softened.

Seeing this, Shu Shu also smiled...

Faintly, but also a little jealous.

She restrained herself.

Competing for favor is not about this, nor is it this time.

This is the flesh and blood conceived in her belly, not picked up.

There was movement outside, and it was Cui Baisui who came over and said: "Master, the chief history officer of Zhijun Wangfu is here, and he followed the prince's order to see you."

Brother Jiu was stunned for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief, and said to Shu Shu: "I haven't seen my eldest brother for a while, I guess the news about Prince Zhuang's mansion has spread over there, my eldest brother is worried, so I sent someone to ask, master, go and have a look Look."

Fortunately, it was only Chang Shi who came, and not the eldest brother who came in person, or else I reckoned that I would be talked about again.

After talking to Shu Shu, he got up and went to the flower hall in the front yard.

Chang Shi is waiting here, he is about the same age as the big brother, and he is also from the big brother's Haha Zhuzi, a child of Shangsanqi.

When the elder brother travels, he always brings people with him.

When the elder brother opened the mansion, this person was already a second-class bodyguard, and he was recommended by the elder brother as the history of the county prince's mansion, the third grade.

Seeing Brother Jiu coming in, the man hurriedly got up, hit Qian'er, and said: "My servant Yuan Song has seen Master Jiu, please be safe."

Since he is the elder brother's old man, the ninth elder brother is also familiar with him. When he was called to stand up, he directly called out: "Old Song, why are you running errands? What orders does elder brother have?"

The man took out a pouch from his sleeve, took out a few banknotes from inside, and said: "Our master said he wanted to buy the land in Tangquan, so he sent his servants to give the banknotes to Master Jiu."

Brother Nine laughed "haha".

This is because I heard that he sold 15 taels per mu to Zhuang Wangfu, worried that he would be picked on by his clan, so he came to be a "marketer" for himself.

What a great brother!
Brother Nine nodded and said: "Okay! Wait until the master goes to see Eldest Brother tomorrow and see which piece of land Eldest Brother chooses."

Chang Shi said: "Our master said, don't choose a place, Jiu Ye, you can arrange it according to the price of Prince Zhuang's mansion. It doesn't have to be low. If the bank ticket is not enough, we will make up."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, thank you on my behalf, brother."

It was getting late, and Chang Shi got up to leave after finishing his errands.

Brother Jiu hadn't left yet, but there was another commotion.

Su Peisheng is here.

It also means the same thing.

"Our master said, compared to the price of Prince Zhuang's mansion, if others ask, brother will just say that the market is unified, and there is no need to be picky..."

In that case, there would be no suspicion of taking advantage of the fire to rob and blackmail Prince Zhuang.

"Our master also said that the clan respects the relatives, how should the master collect the money and return the money, and also return some gifts, such as lake stones, flowers and trees, it looks decent..."

This is the meaning of "a horse for a favor, and a needle for buying and selling".

Brother Jiu looked at Zhuang Piao and was speechless.

Others don't know, doesn't he know?

Last year he "borrowed" the money once, and the savings of the various prefectures were exhausted, so this was a gift of several thousand taels.

It seems that the pressure of human affection is increasing.

However, brother Jiu also appreciated it, nodded and said: "Tell fourth brother for me, just say that I know how to deal with it, thank you for your concern."

Su Peisheng didn't wait too long, so he got up and left the house.

As a result, at the entrance of the Prince's Mansion, he happened to bump into the fifth and eighth elder brothers head-on.

"Fifth Master, Eighth Master..."

Su Peisheng beat Qian'er in a hurry.

Fifth elder brother signaled him to get up, and said, "Fourth elder brother sent you here?"


Su Peisheng responded, but he only responded, his mouth was like a clam shell, and he didn't mean to say much.

The eighth elder brother looked at Su Peisheng twice.

I didn't realize it earlier, but now I realize that the fourth brother is a person who can regulate people, and the rules of the people around him are strict.

The fifth elder brother waved his hand and said: "Okay, go back and return to your life..."

Fifth elder brother and eighth elder brother entered the mansion directly.

Brother Jiu just came out of the flower hall, and greeted the two of them again.

The fifth elder brother pointed to the outside, and said: "I brought two pots of bamboo, you can go to Zhuang Wang's mansion tomorrow to apologize, take that over there, Uncle Wang can calm down, and there are two boxes, two boxes of tiger whips. "

Brother Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth, a little surprised, and said, "How did Fifth Brother know about this?"

At noon, he sent Sun Jin to Prince Zhuang's mansion to ask if Prince Zhuang would be there tomorrow, and he wanted to go over to pay his respects.

After all, if you pass by without saying hello, you will become an "uninvited guest", and you are afraid of rushing to nothing and wasting your time.

The reply over there is that I will be at home tomorrow.

It's okay for others to know, but be more informed, my fifth brother always stays at home these days and doesn't come out behind closed doors, so how did he know?

Brother Jiu had a bad premonition, and said, "Isn't it news from Prince Zhuang's mansion?"

The fifth elder brother nodded without hesitation and said, "It's the news from over there that you're going to come to make amends, and you already know everything you need to know."

Brother Jiu blushed.

It's not wrong to say that there, but why do you feel that you have become a big joke?
How many people are free here and want to see their own jokes?
He couldn't help complaining to the fifth elder brother: "What's the meaning over there? It's not a big deal, do you need to advertise it? It's too stingy..."

Fifth elder brother did not favor ninth elder brother this time, thought for a while, and said: "It may not be the intention of the uncle, it is probably arranged by the subordinates, who told you that you hurt the dignity of the uncle, this time they also want to Bring back Bo Wang's face."

Brother Nine was silent.

I can't do this stupid thing again.

It's better to be still than to move.

Otherwise, in the end, he would become shameless.

The eighth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, and said worriedly: "Uncle Wang has a bad temper, why don't I accompany you there tomorrow? In front of other people, the uncle is not easy to lose his temper..."

Brother Nine quickly waved his hands and said: "Brother, please don't intervene, it's because my younger brother is wrong, let him get angry like this!"

The eighth elder brother hesitated: "Is this okay? If the king really wants to have a fit, can you bear it?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Of course, my brother has been working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for three years, and there are uncles everywhere, and he has been a grandson for several years. How can he be so frizzy?"

What I said was unbelievable.

If he was really prudent, he wouldn't make a fuss about making amends tomorrow.

The fifth elder brother said to the eighth elder brother: "Let him go by himself, and he will lose face secretly. In front of us, he has lost his face twice, and he should be awkward when he turns around."

Ninth elder brother looked at fifth elder brother, dissatisfied, and said: "Why is fifth brother talking? It seems that my brother is too narrow-minded! It's just that there is no need to mobilize the crowd, so as not to fall outside, and someone will make up nonsense and gossip..."

Having said that, he thought about it.

People who spread nonsense and write small articles are too annoying.

You can't leave it like this, you have to find a way to deal with them.

There is an article in the "Law of the Qing Dynasty" called "False accusers sit back", but that is a punishment only after going through the government.

Wouldn't those villains just run away without going through the government?

Seeing his trance-like expression, the fifth elder brother thought that he couldn't wipe his face off, so he was ashamed, and coaxed him: "Okay, what you said is right, it's not narrow-mindedness, there's no need to make people laugh."

The eighth brother smiled, and couldn't say anything.

Brother Jiu glanced at the clock and said, "It's getting late, why don't the two elder brothers come back after eating here..."

Before the eighth elder brother could speak, the fifth elder brother nodded impatiently and said: "Okay, eat what you have, don't need to add too many dishes, the stuffed peppers, and fried pork, if there is stewed beef, beef offal, etc. Yes, let’s have one too, and eggplant…”

Ninth elder brother said "hehe" twice, and ordered He Yuzhu to go to the main room to pass the message.

Brother Eight laughed and said, "It's been a long time since I ate at Brother Nine's place..."

Brother Nine took a look at him and said, "What is Myna busy these days?"

The eighth elder brother said gently: "Look at some Shengjing cases at the Ministry of Criminal Justice."

Brother Jiu heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he thought of Gui Yuan.

Shengjing's "ginseng case" has been sent back for retrial, and there should be a result soon.

How about sending someone to Shengjing to see how Guiyuan is?

To avoid being escorted from Shengjing to the capital, there will be no one to take care of him at that time, and he will have to suffer.

The eighth elder brother was waiting for the ninth elder brother to answer, but the ninth elder brother lowered his head and remained silent.

Quiet in the house.

The fifth elder brother said again: "Let's have spring pancakes for the staple food, and eat with that rolled chili and fried pork..."

Brother Jiu nodded and sent Sun Jin to pass on the message.

The main room and the second room on the east.

After receiving the report from He Yuzhu and Sun Jin, and knowing that the two princes wanted to stay for dinner, Shu Shu ordered Walnut: "In addition to the few items mentioned by the fifth master, steam a plate of five-cent thin sausage and fry a plate of spicy shredded pork." , a plate of chives and eggs with burritos..."

As for the taste of Eighth Prince, she also knows a little bit, the taste is relatively light and restrained, and she doesn't like flavorful dishes.

She smiled and said, "Add another stir-fried Chinese cabbage and alfalfa cucumber slices, and put them at the Eighth Master's side..."

Walnut went down and ordered.

He Yuzhu and Sun Jin also bowed and retreated.

The two couldn't help but admire each other.

Others don't know, can't they see it by Jiuye's side?

Fujin's master doesn't like Ba Prince's behavior.

But that's the case, she is also respectful in front of people, and she is also thoughtful in front of people, to show respect to the master...

Yesterday, the single-day monthly ticket champion, ho ho ho ho, thank you for your kindness, and a bow.

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