My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 854 Afraid They Know Your Goodness

Chapter 854 I'm Afraid They Know Your Goodness (Second Monthly Pass)
In the front yard, when the meal was served, the fifth elder brother was beaming with joy.

This stuffed pepper is delicious. It is filled with half-fat and half-lean pork stuffing, then dipped in flour, and fried twice in oil pan. It is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and fragrant in the mouth.

I didn't order the sausage, but it was obviously his taste.

It is said to be five points thin, but because the air is dried, the lean meat is swollen, and the fat is not swollen, it looks like it is all fat.

After steaming, it becomes transparent and oily, and the taste is also strong.

You don't need to think about it, you know, this mouthful will be full of oil.

He also ordered fried pork and stewed beef.

The small fried pork is made of fatty pork belly, braised beef, tripe, etc., and it is directly made into a pot, and only some fried tofu is put in it.

Next to the spring cakes, there are two small stir-fries, fried shredded pork with coriander and chili, leek eggs.

The eighth elder brother was also looking at the two vegetarian dishes in front of him, feeling a little complicated.

Even though he had repeatedly picked on Dong E's in his heart, he still had to admit that Dong E's was a good helper, the kind of prince Fujin he had expected.

If Bafujin could be half as meticulous as Dong E's, the couple would not be in the situation they are today.

Brother Jiu didn't think too much about it. He has a small appetite, so he only had to deal with a few mouthfuls at night.

The spring cakes are hot noodles, and the taste is good.

If it wasn't for hot noodles, Fujin wouldn't let him eat it, for fear that it wouldn't be easy to digest.

When the fifth elder brother and the eighth elder brother raised their chopsticks, the ninth elder brother rolled a burrito and ate it slowly.

The fifth elder brother ate it too smoothly.

It seems that every bite of meat has been cast to his liking.

Stuffed peppers are deep-fried, and the eighth elder brother didn't touch them, and the ninth elder brother didn't touch them. The fifth elder brother finished most of the plate, and his mouth was full of greasy food.

When the fried pork was rolled up with spring pancakes, he was even more delighted to eat it.

He couldn't bear to see Jiu elder brother eating like taking medicine, eating in one bite and not swallowing for a long time.

After swallowing the food in his mouth, he said to Brother Jiu: "Why do you eat like this? How old are you and you are picky eaters, can you be worthy of your brother and sister's thoughtfulness?"

Brother Jiu also swallowed the spring pancakes in his mouth, took a sip of water, and said: "It's the right way to eat, fifth brother, it's wrong for you to swallow jujubes like that, you don't know how hungry you are, and you get full by accident, I'm just listening According to Fujin, chew fifty times at a time, so as to restrain and nourish the stomach..."

Fifth elder brother: "..."

Don't say it, don't think it, it's really a bit over the top.

However, because of the fried food and stewed pork pot, there are also two refreshing side dishes, chili pickled radish and mustard lettuce.

After taking two mouthfuls of side dishes, the fifth elder brother felt more comfortable in his mouth.

Eighth Brother looked at the cabbage on the chopsticks and felt that it was not so sweet.

Brother Nine lifted his chin, not hiding the pride on his face, and said: "Your brother is different from Fifth Brother, you are not so rough, Fujin is a bit more talkative, and he keeps telling you, hey! What should I do? I don't listen to her and keep chattering nagging..."

Fifth elder brother took a hard bite of the stuffed pepper.

My younger brother is getting more and more in debt, and he should have hit him twice when he was a child.

Hit your brother as soon as possible!

The eighth elder brother glanced at the peppers on the fifth elder brother's chopsticks, smiled but not a smile, and said: "My brother and sister know how to keep in good health, and they are considerate to the ninth brother..."

Brother Nine glanced at Brother Eight.

Strangely enough, he actually heard the meaning behind myna's words.

Does this count as "speaking the opposite"?
This means that Fujin, who is picky about himself, shouldn't follow Fifth Brother's instructions to prepare food, and the prepared meals are not healthy?
Can you be picky?
Brother, if you don't come back once in a year or so, can't you be complacent when you come?

Ninth elder brother complained, but didn't show it on his face, but moved the burrito plate away from fifth elder brother's hand, and said, "fifth elder brother eats a lot of meat, so eat less pasta..."

Fifth elder brother showed reluctance on his face, but he still pushed the plate away and said, "Well, listen to my younger siblings."

The eighth elder brother was by the side, feeling as if he was cut off.

As if there was something he didn't know.

But you can probably guess.

Xu Shi Dong E had some advice on the fifth elder brother's obesity before.

When eating meat, it is not advisable to eat more pasta and the like...

The eighth elder brother lowered his head, hiding his stiffness.

This is the kind of prince Fujin he had hoped for, a brother who is respectable in front of his elders, outstanding among his sisters-in-law, and who loves his husband...

Brother Nine saw Brother Eight's reaction and felt a little regretful.

You shouldn't show off.

He hopes that everyone thinks that his Fujin is good, but he doesn't want anyone to really pay attention to his Fujin.

Starlings have always been stronger...

Ninth elder brother didn't want to think about it, so he quickly changed the conversation, looked at fifth elder brother and said, "How is fifth sister-in-law? Are you still talking? If you are short of something to eat, just send someone here to pick it up..."

The fifth elder brother shook his head and said: "It's too much, it's all right, now I have a big appetite, and the taste has changed. I didn't eat fat meat before, but now I can eat pork belly."

Brother Nine smiled and said: "That's my nephew following Fifth Brother, it's my nephew who wants to eat it; I, Fujin, too, didn't like bitter taste in the past, but now I'm thinking of Liu Ya and Grandma Ding..."

Fifth elder brother said with emotion: "Being Ernie is not easy, you have to be more considerate to your younger siblings in the future, don't let your younger siblings worry about you."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Don't worry, fifth brother, my younger brother is going to be Ama's man too, can't he stand up?"

The eighth elder brother pinched the chopsticks in his hand and glanced at the ninth elder brother.

Is it showing off on purpose?

Still mocking him for not having a son...

It has been five years since Gege was bestowed by his backyard, and he has no children.

There has been some gossip outside.

Perhaps in the past, it was unexpected that the offspring would not be abundant, and it was only because of the jealousy of the eight blessings that they did not give birth to themselves and did not allow others to have children. What about now?
With Brother Nine's poor health, the outside world also knows that not all elder brothers raised in the palace are healthy.

If elder brother is not in good health, then it is justified to have no children.

What man can stand this?
Year after year, he took turns resting in the yards of Fucha and Haitang, but nothing happened yet.

Thinking of this, the eighth elder brother glanced at the fifth elder brother.

Does he have to go to Hongluo Temple in person like Fifth Prince?


The eighth elder brother had a haze in his heart.

He asked someone to raise the bamboo that the fifth elder brother gave him years ago in the greenhouse, and also arranged for special staff to take care of it, but he still didn't keep it.

Could it be that the fifth elder brother was careless and dug up the bamboo roots...

Since there are guests at home, Shu Shu eats by herself.

She called Xiao Chun to the table to accompany her, and said: "The children of the three family leaders and internal management leaders, do you have a crush on them?"

She still remembered Xiaochun's words, she would be ordered to die.

Xiao Chun shook her head and said: "No, those are all family members who have a job in the family, and they call themselves the yamen. They wish they had eyes on their foreheads. Even if there are two wives who talk to each other, they are still putting on airs. Why bother to think about it... "

Having said that, she paused for a moment, and said: "This servant is in the light of Fujin, not theirs, so I don't want to be a little daughter-in-law..."

Shu Shu listened to the words, it didn't seem like she was aimless, she thought about the personnel affairs in the mansion, and said: "Xing Jiang?"

Xiaochun nodded generously and said: "This servant thinks he is good, and he is also at the guard's place now. Although he has not formally replaced the guard, seeing what Master Jiu means, he will definitely give him a future in the future."

Among the three sons of Nanny Xing, the eldest son, Xing Hai, is a bit dull-tempered, so he just fights beside Xing Quan, and he should also be in charge of the village in the future.

The second son was Xing Jiang, who was tall and mighty, so he was placed in the guard's office.

The youngest son, Xing He, is quick-tempered and quick-witted, and follows Brother Nine as a long-term follower.

Although Xing Hai is the eldest son, his appearance is five points similar to that of Xi Zhu's mother and brother, so it is not good to praise him too much.

On the side of the Xing family, the second child will support the family from now on.

It is also a good candidate.

Shu Shu gossiped: "Has Madam Xing talked in private?"

Xiao Chun shook her head and said, "Nurse Xing is an old man, she respects rules, she never thought of us."

According to the rules of the old life, the maids in Fujin's house are all prepared to be concubines and masters in the future, and they are not something they can think about.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Then I'll go back and say hello to her, Xing Jiang is also seventeen, I guess we need to meet each other, don't get confused..."

Among the three brothers, she had a deeper impression of the eldest and third, and didn't pay much attention to the second.

But she believed in Xiaochun's vision, since she chose it herself, she didn't have to worry about it.

Xiaochun also knew that the walnuts would be released in two years, and said: "The ginkgo can be lifted, but the age is also here, and it can't be used for a few years. There is still a difference in age, and pick some little girls in their teens to come in and teach the rules. , otherwise there will not be enough people to handle in the future.”

Shu Shu listened and took a look at her stomach.

Not only is it necessary to prepare the manpower around oneself, but also to put people around the children in the future.

If it's elder brother, you don't have to let the little girl go. If it's Gege, you have to pick a few companions.

Just like Xiaochun and the others, who are one or two years older than themselves, and grew up with them.

After all, the current world is different from the later generations. Women spend most of their lives in the house, and it is very important whether the people around them are orderly or not.

Shu Shu said: "Don't worry, wait until the fruit is ripe, and then draw out your hand to pick someone..."

Because of the curfew, the fifth elder brother and the eighth elder brother left after eating.

Brother Jiu returned to the upper room, looked at Shu Shu, and remained silent for a long time.

Looking at it like that, it is different from the usual jumping, and the mood is a little depressed.

"What's wrong?" Shu Shu asked directly.

Brother Nine held Shu Shu's hand, lowered his eyes to look at her pink fingertips and said, "Master, I feel uncomfortable today..."

Shu Shu glanced to the east.

The fifth elder brother is a brother-in-law, and only the ninth elder brother is partial; so what did the eighth elder brother say?
She squinted her eyes, but said: "Today, the eldest brother and the fourth brother sent people, and the fifth brother and the eighth beile came in person. Isn't the master moved?"

Brother Jiu nodded, then shook his head and said, "I'm moved, not because of the discomfort, I'm just thinking, I'd better praise you less when I'm outside..."

Shu Shu didn't understand what it meant.

Brother Jiu continued: "I wished to tell everyone how good you are before, but now, I am afraid that they will know how good you are..."

(End of this chapter)

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