My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 855 If Khan Ama Doesn’t Protect Me, Let The Law of the Qing Dynasty Protect Me

Chapter 855 If Khan Ama Doesn’t Protect Me, Let The Law of the Qing Dynasty Protect Me
It's sticky, Shu Shu doesn't know what to say.

It's been less than two years since they got married, but it seems like they've lived together for a long time, and they've gotten used to each other's existence.

Brother Nine said something and changed the subject.

He didn't mention the eighth elder brother, nor did he mention that he could listen to the voice, but he talked about the bamboo sent by the fifth elder brother.

"This can be regarded as a gift of apology, no matter how nice and angry I am tomorrow, if he refuses to let me go, it will not be my fault..."

Brother Jiu said, with a bit of apprehension.

Prince Zhuang's arrogance, but he had seen it himself, it was the same gesture to ask him for help, not to mention his apology in the past.

Shu Shu also saw his timidity, she couldn't bear him to look at his face, thought for a while and said: "When the master passes by tomorrow, go to see Tai Fujin first, and pay his respects to Tai Fujin, seniors and young are orderly..."

That was Brother Nine's uncle and grandmother, one of the few remaining elders in the clan, as a nephew, no matter how respectful he should be.

The status of Prince Zhuang can be arbitrary here, and he doesn't take the bald prince, Brother Jiu, seriously, but Tai Fujin, as a parent, understands what it means to be "good for a son with dysentery", not only will not embarrass Brother Jiu, but also Protect Brother Jiu and prevent Prince Zhuang from embarrassing him.

Brother Jiu understood the meaning of Shu Shu's words, and suddenly became stunned.

"That's right! Seniors and youngsters are orderly, and there is a difference between seniority and inferiority. Why did you forget Tai Fujin?"

In fact, he is not a stingy person, but he was not angry with Prince Zhuang's attitude before.

"This old ancestor didn't come out, I really didn't think about it for a while, it's not surprising that there are many people, so let's prepare some gifts?" Brother Jiu said.

This one is the side Fujin of the late Prince Heshuo Chengze. His mother valued his son. After his son inherited the prince, he was promoted to the next Fujin according to the regulations that the first Fujin was deceased and the mother of the heir king could establish the first Fujin.

In the early years, Tai Fujin was also in diplomacy, and he also went to the palace to pay his respects like Tai Fujin in other palaces; later, when the two sons broke up, the old man fell ill and couldn't leave behind closed doors.

Otherwise, on the first day of the new year, the princes would not skip this one when they greeted the elders.

Shu Shu nodded, thought about the things in the house that are suitable for the elderly, and said: "Pack two boxes of red ginseng at home, and two boxes of high-quality bird's nest, plus two boxes of sea cucumbers, two boxes of donkey-hide gelatin, and a handle of red sandalwood Ruyi, a pot of precious peach tree bonsai..."

Brother Nine listened, but he didn't feel distressed very much. He still respected the elderly in his heart.

Tai Fujin has prepared so many kinds of gifts, decent ones, as for Prince Zhuang, he already has two pots of bamboo, so let’s send two more baskets of vegetables. Dedicated to the palace.

Shu Shu was listening, just thinking about the four pots of green, feeling inexplicably happy.

"There are still a lot of red ginseng, add two boxes of red ginseng, add two boxes of deer blood, and make up four..."

She still suggested that she didn't want Brother Jiu to touch the taboo.

The deer blood here is the kind of dried deer blood clots that can be brewed in wine or used as medicine.

Brother Jiu hesitated and said: "It's okay to use red ginseng, it's for warming and nourishing, can deer blood do it? Don't make any trouble eating it, after all, it's getting old..."

Shu Shu reminded: "In front of the elders of the clan and the emperor, don't mention 'old' or anything, no one likes to hear this, whether you can eat or not is your nephew's wish, for the benefit of your children..."

Brother Nine stopped talking.

The next day, the couple got up early.

The gift was prepared earlier, Brother Nine told Shu Shu, "If the legs are still swollen, ask the black girl to massage for you, or ask Doctor Jiang to ask what's going on."

Shu Shu responded, tidied up the purse on Brother Jiu's waist, and said: "If Prince Zhuang is pissed, don't talk back, that's the uncle, he is a few years older than the emperor, isn't the uncle training the nephew?" Ordinary? Ordinary people don’t talk about training, and they can’t make sense of it even if they kick it twice.”

Brother Nine said: "Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry about Grandpa, it's okay, Grandpa has learned how to speak."

Shu Shu was inconvenient to move, but she didn't have to send it out.

Brother Nine came out full of fighting spirit.

At the gate of the Prince's Mansion, Elder Brother Ten is already there.

Brother Jiu was taken aback when he saw it, and said, "Why didn't you go to the clan mansion? Didn't I say, you go by yourself today, I won't go to the yamen..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Brother Ninth, don't talk too much, get in the car!"

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "What do you have to do with such a shameful thing?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Who doesn't know that our brother beats the younger brother in and out? At this time, the younger brother can't bear Brother Ninth to be scolded alone. If you lose face, you will lose face. One half is better than one."

Brother Nine felt sore, and said, "Stop rambling, get in the car!"

But when he got into the carriage, his breathing became short of breath.

He felt aggrieved and panicked, wishing to go to the imperial court and say that he was not the one who was rude to Bogoduo first!

It was Bo Guoduo who came uninvited and gave himself a face when he came to his prince's mansion first!
As a result, he didn't tell others because he felt ashamed, and now it seems that it is all his fault!

He shouldn't have asked He Yuzhu to come to the door, but Shi Gui was the one who went to look for it. Could it be that he was bullied by a servant, can't he send someone to ask a question?

His chest was panting, and his eye circles were red.

The business of my own Fujin Restaurant is doing well, if I don't provoke anyone, I will be plotted against.

The father-in-law of the prince's little wife is precious?
Isn't my bald brother tall?

Now I'm going to make old ten lose face with him!
And make Shu Shu worry with a big belly!

"Ninth Brother..."

Elder Brother Ten noticed something was wrong, he jumped in fright, and hurriedly said, "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand to open the curtain of the carriage, and said viciously: "Turn around and enter the palace!"

"Ninth brother, don't be angry..."

Elder Brother Ten stroked his chest and said, "Take a slow breath..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help it, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

"Ninth brother, what's wrong with you..."

Elder Brother Ten brought a crying voice, tears were about to come out.

Brother Jiu glanced at him, exhaled slowly, and said, "It's nothing, I just want to sue!"

The carriage entered the imperial city from Di'an Gate, and instead of going through Shenwu Gate, it went around the palace city and walked outside Donghua Gate.

The two brothers got off the carriage and went directly to Qianqing Palace.

Brother Nine pursed his lips, still panting a bit, but his mind became clearer, and he glanced at Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Ten was worried, but he didn't intend to stop him.

Brother Nine clenched his teeth even tighter.

After a while, when we reached the gate of Qianqing Palace, Brother Jiu directly told the eunuch, "Speak to the emperor on my behalf, just say that Brother Jiu Yinzhen is begging to see you!"

Elder Brother Ten said from the sidelines: "There is Elder Brother Ten!"

Brother Jiu looked at him and said, "No need, you wait for me at the door!"

Brother Ten wanted to say more, but Brother Nine said seriously, "Be obedient!"

The eunuch on duty sent a message in.

Brother Ten looked at Brother Nine and said, "Brother Ninth, why don't you think about it..."

Brother Jiu looked at him, frowned and said, "Don't worry about it!"

In Xinuang Pavilion, just after the dining table was removed, Kangxi was taking a walk to digest food.

As he walked, he rubbed his stomach.

Seeing that the eunuch was whispering to Liang Jiugong, Kangxi stopped and said, "What's wrong?"

Liang Jiugong bowed and said: "Your Majesty, Master Jiu is here and asked to see the Emperor. Chen Gui said that Elder Brother Jiu didn't look right, and Master Shi was also here. He wanted to see him, but Master Jiu stopped him."

Kangxi couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

Did you come back from Prince Zhuang's mansion to pay for it? Did you get scolded?

He glanced at the clock, it was only three o'clock, and felt something was wrong again.

too early.

That is not going yet?

His face darkened, and he said: "Tell him to get out, I want to hear why he didn't go to Prince Zhuang's mansion, but came into the palace!"

Liang Jiugong didn't dare to delay, so he went out to spread the message.

He still wanted to say something to Brother Jiu, but seeing Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and suppressed his grief and anger, he didn't dare to persuade him.

"Jiuye, the emperor uploaded..."

Brother Jiu glanced at him, then strode into the palace gate and turned to Xinuang Pavilion.

When he saw Kangxi, the tears he had held back all the way finally rolled down.

Kangxi just wanted to reprimand him, but he was taken aback when he saw this.

Brother Jiu burst into tears, his breathing became short of breath, his chest was panting heavily, his face became paler and his body was shaking.

"Yinzhen, don't cry!"

Kangxi saw that he was wrong, hurriedly supported him, and scolded him.

Liang Jiugong was at the side, but he was too scared, so he hurriedly asked the eunuch at the door to go to the imperial doctor to be on duty.

"Khan Ama, this is wrong..."

His words were not complete, he was breathing desperately, like a fish off the shore, his face turned from pale to blue.

Elder Brother Ten was waiting at the door anxiously, seeing the eunuch trotting out, he hurriedly asked, "Isn't Brother Nine not good..."

The little eunuch didn't care to speak, so he ran to the imperial doctor's room.

Elder Brother Ten was in a hurry, and was about to rush inside regardless of the summons.

The guard at the door hastily stretched out his hand to stop him: "Master Shi, no!"

The guards here are the guards of the Qianqing Palace selected from the guards of the Shangsanqi, and they are all tall and strong.

But Elder Brother Shi didn't give it for nothing, he couldn't stop him for a while, and he was about to rush in when he saw him.

Ma Wu was originally guarding the entrance of Xinuang Pavilion, when he heard the movement, he stopped Elder Brother Shi, and said in a low voice: "Master Shi, this is the Qianqing Palace, don't let Master Jiu worry!"

Even if it is the prince elder brother, he has to wait outside to see him, there is no reason to force his way.

At this moment, the little eunuch who was on duty at the imperial physician had already come back at a gallop, with an old imperial physician behind him.

Elder Brother Shi knew not to make trouble at this time, so he clenched his fists tightly.

When the imperial physician arrived at Xinuang Pavilion, seeing the situation of Brother Jiu, he didn't care to pay Kangxi a favor, so he poured the things in his hand into Brother Jiu's mouth.

The pungent Ninth Brother rolled his tongue, and the imperial doctor took the opportunity to fall under his tongue again.

Brother Nine had a bitter face, wanting to bow his head and vomit.

The imperial doctor hurriedly said: "Master Jiu, please bear with it, don't vomit..."

Brother Nine exhaled more air and inhaled less, he couldn't hear the words clearly and wanted to vomit.

Seeing this, Kangxi stretched out his hand to cover Brother Jiu's mouth, and said, "Be obedient!"

Seeing his concerned face, Brother Jiu looked straight at him, his heart became more sour, and his tears flowed more fiercely.

Kangxi felt sullen in his heart, and told Liang Jiugong, "Call ten elder brothers to come in!"

Liang Jiugong was busy.

Elder Brother Ten was summoned at the door, and trotted in immediately.

Seeing Brother Jiu's face pale and ashen, his hands and feet were cold, he stepped forward to help him, and hurriedly said: "Brother Jiu, think about younger brother, think about sister-in-law Jiu, think about nephews..."

Brother Nine heard Brother Ten's voice, turned to him and said, "I don't want... you... to lose face with me..."

"It's my brother's fault. I shouldn't have followed you. Don't be angry..." Elder Brother Shi took his hand, never expecting it to be the reason, and he regretted it to death.

Kangxi glared at Elder Brother Shi's bad behavior, and asked, "What's going on?"

Just as Brother Ten was about to speak, Brother Nine pulled Kangxi's arm and said, "It's none of Old Ten's business, it's my son who is going to die of anger..."

As he spoke, his breathing became rapid again.

Kangxi said with a dark face: "Why are you angry? You don't want to apologize to Prince Zhuang?"

What kind of stomach is this?
He still promised himself!

Brother Jiu said: "Go! Why don't you go! My son has prepared six gifts for Tai Fujin and four for Prince Zhuang... If the son is reckless, he will pick up his decency... But what about the son's decency? He came uninvited, looked straight at his son when he came up, and said, "Brother, there is a good way to have a child." When the son said "bamboo", he was annoyed, and asked the fifth sister-in-law what was going on. The son said Hongluo Temple, but he didn't believe it, he said that Jiang Nanxing was working in the prince's mansion, and his son even praised Le Fengming, and found a good prescription...The son really didn't have a prescription to submit, so he mentioned Tangquan..."

"In the eyes of Prince Zhuang, he neither respects his son as a prince nor gets close to him in front of his nephew. Isn't that impolite?"

"That Shi Gui is also here to provoke his son..."

"According to the regulations, the untitled prince's schedule is still ahead of the prince's, so what about his son's dignity as a prince's elder brother? A servant of the palace dares to plot against his son..."

"If you keep the etiquette, can't it be fair? Everyone can't keep the etiquette..."

"Nowadays my son is rude, it is right to apologize and make amends, but Shi Gui's slave hurt his son's dignity, "Great Qing Law" mentions 'heinous evil', and the sixth evil is 'great disrespect', which offends the majesty of the emperor and the clan Yes, it's 'big disrespect', my son has to correct his mistakes, why is he not punished at all..."

"Can't it be the same? Why are they different..."

At the end, he looked straight at Kangxi, with tears streaming down his face: "In the eyes of Khan Ama, the cousin's decency is decent, but the son's decency is not decent? Then tomorrow will it be this uncle or uncle?" His servant, that brother's steward, can bully his son..."

Seeing him like this, Kangxi was also annoyed, and said: "Are you complaining about me?"

Brother Jiu closed his eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "My son knows that if he is not successful in literature or martial arts, he is not an elder brother who can give Khan Ama a face, but he doesn't want to be a coward, someone who will be looked down upon by everyone and dare to be dared by anyone." The bullying elder brother..."

At this point, he stopped crying, looked at Kangxi, paused every word, and said: "If Khan Ama doesn't protect Yinzhen, let the "Great Qing Law" protect Yinzhen, and Yinzhen will ask He Shuozhuang The crime of 'disrespect' against the majesty of the prince's majesty by the coat Shigui under the name of the prince's mansion!"

The previously designed plot was "Prince Zhuang, the concubine in charge", but it was replaced by Brother Jiu, who was about to get angry from a heart attack. I don't know if it is the sequelae of impotence. I really didn't have this problem before. I just took Suxiao Jiuxin Pills. I calmed down, I was scared to death, and I woke up from the fright, and went to bed after coding, thank you for your tolerance, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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