My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 856 So Grandpa Is Sick

Kangxi's face turned even darker.

"Yinzhen..." His voice also turned cold.

What does it mean?
Intimidate the monarch?
Seeing this, Brother Nine moved his eyes away, his face blank.

What is he looking forward to?
Seeing him like this, Kangxi was about to get annoyed, and stared at Brother Jiu not knowing how to reprimand him.

Eighteen, already eighteen!
Is it eight years old?

Well, if you are annoyed, you will cry!
So angry!

I can't wait to kick my feet!
She's a mother, she doesn't look like a man!
Brother Ten pulled Brother Nine and said: "Brother Nine, my brother will send you to the clan mansion..."

As he spoke, he pulled people away.

Brother Jiu didn't struggle, and followed out with a wooden face.

Kangxi was so angry that he couldn't speak. Seeing the two younger brothers really go out, he felt his brain hurt.

Is this because I am afraid that there are not many news in the capital, so I have to make a joke for others to see?

An ignorant bastard who learns a book of "Great Qing Law" and then talks about the law, how can there be such a thing?
Human reason, human reason, and reason must also be human.

It cannot be black and white.

Life is alive, who can be wanton?

Even if you are the emperor, you can't do whatever you want.

What's more, he is still a half-prince...

"Take someone to stop those two bastards, and send them directly back to the Prince's Mansion for grounding!"

Kangxi shook his head, worried that they would really go to court, he didn't care about anything else, and ordered Ma Wu at the door.

Ma Wu responded, and immediately went out to order the guards.

Brother Nine is mournful.

He closed his mouth, but the tears could not be stopped.

Would Prince Zhuang be so rude when he went to Yuqing Palace?
Would it be so rude to go to Zhijun Palace?
The reason why he dared to be rude to himself was because he was a little elder brother.

In the eyes of others, his teeth are at the back, and he has gained a bit of dignity in front of the imperial court. He is also a dandy prince with a limited future in the future.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, he is such an incompetent and hopeless prince.

So during the draft the year before last, Dong E's family clearly knew that the batch of show girls were going to choose their own Fujin, but they didn't mean it or not.

So the eighth elder brother can treat himself as a fool when he was young...

So the empress only thought about her eldest son before, and she only hated and scolded herself...

So I was actually no different from Twelve now, he was the son who was disliked by Khan Ama and couldn't remember...

Ten princes held his hand, feeling cool.

He looked at the appearance of Brother Nine, and his heart was on fire, but he was more concerned about it.

This is obviously not a normal person's reaction.

Ninth brother is a bit willful, and he is more delicate when he was young, but he is also the most face-saving, not like now.

He didn't care about going to the clan's mansion anymore, so he took Brother Jiu and turned to the imperial doctor's office in the west enclosure of Qianqing Palace.

"Emperor physician, imperial physician, come and see what happened to Brother Nine..."

As soon as he arrived at the door, Elder Brother Ten kept shouting.

It happened that Ma Wu brought the guards to catch up, and stretched out his right arm to signal the guards to stop, and then whispered a few words to one of the guards.

The guard trotted to report to the imperial court.

The imperial physician on duty did not dare to delay, and came up to diagnose the pulse.

Brother Jiu was like a wooden man, allowing them to sit down at his mercy, and his arms were also lifted.

He knew that it was embarrassing for him to be like this, not like a man, but he couldn't stop it.

He himself felt weird, and he didn't feel like himself anymore.

The imperial physician on duty had already checked the pulse, but his brows were a little tight.

Elder Brother Ten was by his side, and his heart was also suspended...

In the Xinuang Pavilion, Kangxi was also worried, looked at the imperial physician and said, "My elder brother just had symptoms, but a heart disease?"

When the imperial physician was feeding Brother Nine with medicine, he helped him by the wrist.

The imperial doctor thought about the pulse just now, shook his head and said: "Master Jiu is not a heart disease, but a deficiency of heart qi. The heart is happy, and the qi will dissipate when you are happy. Don't overdo it. Master Jiu was happy before, and he was a little weak in heart qi. Recently, he became angry again Prosperous, suffocating, restless at night, the breath flows through the lungs, and the lungs govern sadness, so the tears will not stop..."

Before he could finish speaking, a guard at the door said: "Report to the emperor, the tenth master helped the ninth master to go to the imperial doctor's room!"

Kangxi was startled for a moment, then strode out, and quickly went to the imperial doctor's room.

The imperial physician here just put down his hand, looked at Elder Brother Ten and said, "Master Jiu has been a little angry recently, hurting his liver and lungs, and also a little weak in heart energy, he needs to rest his mind..."

Kangxi listened to everything at the door, and the two imperial physicians said much the same.

Of course he knew why his son was overjoyed. He thought it would be difficult for him to be an heir, but in the end Fujin became pregnant and had twins.

There is also the matter of Xiaotangshan, the brothers are all righteous, which made him proud for a long time.

"It turns out that Grandpa is sick..."

Brother Jiu heard everything, laughed and said: "I thought I was crazy..."

Elder Brother Ten put his arms around his shoulders and said: "Brother Ninth, don't be angry, I will vent your anger on you! Brother will punish Shi Gui for the crime of 'disrespect', kill chickens and scare monkeys, let's see who dares to neglect you again!"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "It's useless. Last year, my master asked someone to send Yaqibu to the yamen, and he also took myna's shop as an apology. I thought there would be no second time. I came here once..."

Elder Brother Ten persuaded: "Brother Ninth, don't think about these things, think about Sister Nine, Sister Nine is going to give birth next month, don't let Sister Nine worry..."

Brother Jiu heard this, tears flowed even more fiercely, panting: "Just bully me alone, why do you still bully me, Fujin? Who can I protect? Back then, when Fujin bullied me, Fujin, he had to bow his head ;Now my grandfather has been offended, and I want you to follow me to make amends...My grandfather is really a waste, no one can protect me, I am ashamed to death, I am ashamed to death, when little Gege and little elder brother are born, they will also suffer I, this useless Amma, was involved and bullied..."

Elder Brother Ten regretted and hated in his heart.

When Kangxi listened, he also felt sad.

I thought he was willful and irresponsible, so he ran to the imperial court and cried. It turned out that he was not only sick, but also learned to be responsible. He wanted to protect his wife, children and brothers, which made him feel like this.

With a cold face, he said: "Okay! Shut up if you know it's embarrassing, don't cry anymore! Can't I let you make the decision?"

Brother Nine looked over with doubts on his face.

Kangxi instructed Liang Jiugong: "Take a few people to Prince Zhuang's mansion to bring Shigui to the clan's mansion for questioning!"


Liang Jiugong responded and ordered some guards to go down.

Brother Jiu didn't expect it to be true, he was a little confused, and murmured: "Khan Ama..."

That is not the leader of the Eight Banners, but also the Queen of Gong, or the close clan.

Kangxi couldn't see his face full of tears, so he turned his eyes away in disgust, and said to Elder Brother Ten: "Still watching, wipe him with a handkerchief..."

Elder Brother Ten had no expression on his face, and took the handkerchief and handed it over.

Kangxi looked at the imperial physician and said, "Prescribe a prescription to soothe the nerves and soothe the liver..."

The imperial doctor agreed and went down to prescribe a prescription.

Brother Jiu calmed down, wishing he could cover his face with a handkerchief, and whispered, "Isn't my son a 'ghost upper body'?"

This is too embarrassing!

He was unwilling to go to Prince Zhuang's mansion to make amends, and wanted to find an opportunity to file a complaint before the imperial court and talk about Shi Gui's offending him, but he didn't expect it to be this way!
He lowered his head, feeling ashamed to face people!
Can you take back those words?
It sounds sour, like a poor bug!

Kangxi glanced at Brother Jiu, wanting to reprimand him for 'silence, strange power and distraction', it can be seen that he wanted to dig into the ground, and finally held back.

For such a big child, this is the time when face is most important.

Before, I only thought about not asking the clan to pick on his shortcomings, so I didn't ask a few more questions.

Furthermore, Baiweiju is indeed not the property of Brother Jiu, but a dowry under the name of Dong E. As a man, Brother Jiu can't protect his wife's dignity, so his depression is justified.

He is Khan, but he is also Ama, his son is like this, what can he do?
He was very complicated in his heart. He had taught his son for so many years, reprimanded, praised, and scolded him. He never thought that such a day would come.

"Okay, don't be annoyed, it's my fault, I shouldn't treat you differently, since you are required to treat others with courtesy, you should also be treated with courtesy, Shi Gui is here, I will deal with it, you go back and take a good rest, don't make a fuss I'm sick, and I'm going to worry about you even if you have a big belly..." Kangxi softened his voice.

"Khan Ama..." Brother Jiu looked at Kangxi, his heart was in a ball, tears were streaming down again.

Kangxi also knew that it was because of his body, so he felt more pity, and said: "I am your Ama, if I don't protect you, how can I protect others?"

Brother Nine nodded, wiped his face carelessly, bowed his head and said: "My son will also apologize to you. It is my son who made a mistake. He is too narrow-minded and cares about face, which disturbed you..."

Although Kangxi took pity on Brother Jiu's body, he still said: "It's all up to you. You're bored in your heart. If you feel wronged, you told me yesterday, how can I not sympathize with you? I want to take a step back, but I will I'm so aggrieved, is this worth it? Your own body was carefully taken care of by you, Fujin, and you ruined it recklessly. Not only is it unfilial to me and your mother, but it also makes you, Fujin, worried..."

Having said that, he glanced at Elder Brother Ten who was standing behind Elder Ninth: "I will make Elder Ten worry about you..."

He also sorted out the introduction of today's accident.

Brother Nine was ready to apologize, and he had also prepared an apology ceremony, but Brother Ten was worried that he would get hurt in the past alone, so he insisted on going with him.

Brother Jiu didn't want his younger brother to be wronged, so he couldn't help it, and came to sue himself.

The two younger brothers beat up the little "Jiao Buli Meng, Meng Buli Jiao", the tenth elder brother was worried about his elder brother, and wanted to be with him because of loyalty.

Brother Jiu is also protecting his younger brother, which is not wrong.

Who is at fault?

It's him, Amma.

It was because he, Khan Ama, was careless, knowing that his son was a filial and respectful person, there should be a reason for his abnormal behavior towards Boguoduo.

But I only thought that he was arrogant and rude, so I thought about beating him hard and pressing him to apologize.

Bogoduo was also wrong!
Came to the door to ask his heir Fang Zi, but he was annoyed if he didn't ask...

The servant offended the prince's majesty, but turned a deaf ear to it.

Brother Jiu had already sent a post, mentioning that he would come to make amends today, but he still refused to let go, and everyone in the city of Jiujiu who publicized that Brother Jiu wanted to make amends knew about it, and threw his face on the ground and stomped on it...

Not to mention that brother Jiu is not in good health, even if he is in good shape, he will be very angry if he wants to have face and self-esteem...

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