My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 857 Does Brother 9 Want That Position?

Chapter 857 Do Brother Nine Want That Position?

Brother Jiu is in a particularly complicated mood.

Khan Ama is still biased towards him, but Khan Ama is also right, his trouble today really worried everyone.

His face was hot and he felt ashamed, he glanced at Elder Brother Shi and said, "I'm fine, don't worry, I just didn't think about it for a while..."

Elder Brother Ten looked at him with cold eyes and didn't answer.

Brother Jiu saw that he was annoyed, and hurriedly said: "It's brother who made a mistake, okay, if you encounter someone who is aggrieved in the future, I will tell you first, and let you vent your anger on brother's behalf!"

Elder Brother Ten's expression became better now, he nodded slightly, and said, "There will be no next time!"


Ninth elder brother responded quickly.

Kangxi: "..."

Why do you feel so awkward?

He coaxed him nicely, but he was thinking about coaxing Elder Brother Ten.

I, the Khan Ama, told him the principles of human relations, but he didn't enter Yanjin, so the old ten would be honest if he gave him a look? !

"Okay, go back to the prince's mansion, copy the "Book of Filial Piety" for me for a month, and learn how to be a son of man!"

Kangxi's tone turned cold.

Brother Jiu heard the voice.

There is no need to go to Prince Zhuang's Mansion!

A month later, times have changed!

Even if I have to go through a formality when the time comes, and go to Prince Zhuang's mansion to make amends, it will be after Shi Gui is dealt with, and I won't come to the door in such a wimpy manner like now!

Brother Nine grinned, hugged Kangxi, and said crisply: "My son obeys Han Ama's instructions!"

Kangxi didn't notice for a while, he was hugged upright, immediately pulled his arm, pushed him away and said: "Be honest, you don't look serious!"

Brother Jiu smiled and said: "My son not only copied the "Book of Filial Piety", but also copied the "Sutra of Infinite Life", and prayed to the Buddha for Khan Amama's longevity and heaven, and my son will be a prince for a lifetime!"

Kangxi glared at him angrily, and said: "I don't know how to learn, and if you hear the word "shou", you should copy the scriptures for birthday celebrations? Go back and ask you, Fujin, what scriptures you copied to pray for your parents, and don't make jokes again. "

Brother Jiu was spoiled, but he didn't feel annoyed.

Because he heard it, Khan Ama praised him Fujin.


It's really not easy. Khan Ama has always been derogatory towards their children, so it's not easy to praise them indirectly.

Kangxi looked at Elder Brother Ten again.

Elder Brother Ten's eyelids drooped, and he looked like a creditor.

Kangxi gritted his teeth.

No wonder it is said that "sons and daughters are debts", this is another grudge.

One by one, their minds and eyes are like needle noses.

But thinking of the tenth elder brother who lost his mother, the only one closest to him is the ninth elder brother, so today's concern is chaotic.

He swallowed the scolding on his lips, and said: "Okay, let's send your ninth brother back, don't disturb your sister-in-law, think about how to say it well on the way."

"Hmm!" Elder Brother Ten only responded.

Kangxi turned and left.

Seeing the death of Elder Brother Ten, he was afraid that if he didn't leave, he couldn't help but teach this unfilial son a lesson.

As Sheng Jia left, Ma Wu also brought a group of Qing palace guards to follow behind.

Although the emperor has not retracted the oral order, but those close to them are not fools, they will always look at their faces.


The guards looked at each other in blank dismay.

It is true that a crying child has milk to eat.

No wonder Brother Nine is favored, it's really relaxing.

It's someone else, I feel aggrieved, I can't help but play my temper, shouldn't I be angry?

Then there's a lot of fuss and stuff.

However, if he dared to go to the Qianqing Palace to make a scene, let alone being coaxed by the emperor, he could not just ask someone to whip him twenty lashes.

Brother Nine is really sad here...

Is this smart, or is it smart...

Not to mention, this sounds heartbreaking...

What's the matter with just "deficiency of qi"?
It seems that you can't be angry, and when you get angry, you will hurt your liver and lungs.

It's not a big deal from the beginning to the end, it's just that the elders of the clan showed their faces, and the servants of the elders are a bit arrogant, so they can explode in anger?
In this way, who would dare to provoke Brother Nine in the future...

In the imperial physician's on-duty room, several imperial physicians looked at Brother Jiu, all holding their breath, for fear that blowing out their breath would make him uncomfortable again.

If this man made trouble unreasonably, the emperor would not condone him like this.

This is what I'm afraid of, those who are not strong, don't be touched.

In the eyes of the elders, seniority and inferiority are irreversible, so Brother Jiu's sulking is very unnecessary.

If others were wrong three points, brother Jiu asked for seven points.

Measure too small to be a man.

The imperial physician has already prescribed a prescription to soothe the nerves and regulate Qi, and also asked someone to prepare ten packs of medicine.

Brother Ten followed Brother Nine out.

He Yuzhu and Wang Changshou carried the medicine bag and followed behind.

He Yuzhu was also tearful.

Although he didn't follow into the Qianqing Palace, he followed at other times and saw everything.

My master has been greatly wronged.

That is to say, he is the master's servant, and he has to represent the master's face outside, otherwise, he must go to Shi Gui desperately.

Brother Nine followed, his face had already been wiped clean.

Looking at the guards and guards all around, Brother Jiu involuntarily quickened his pace.

ah ah ah...

Within two or three months, he didn't want to come to Qianqing Palace again!
I'm afraid that after today, the story of me crying in front of the imperial court will spread throughout Shangsanqi!
In the future, I am afraid that my name will be related to "Crazy".

What a shame!

Brother Jiu wanted to cover his face.

But there was also a hint of joy in his heart.

In the end, Khan Ama missed him, and no one would dare to stab him in three to five years.

The two brothers returned the same way, arrived outside Donghua Gate, and got into the carriage.

Elder Brother Ten was still gloomy all the way, looking straight at Elder Ninth.

Brother Jiu brought a beg for mercy and said: "Don't be annoyed, didn't the imperial doctor say that, I didn't make trouble on purpose, it was because I was not feeling well."

Brother Ten was speechless all the way.

When they arrived at the Ninth Prince's Mansion, Brother Nine hesitated and dared not get off the carriage.

"If you can't hide it from your sister-in-law, your sister-in-law should be annoyed, she can't stand it now..."

Brother Jiu felt a little uneasy, and said cowardly.

Elder Brother Ten raised his eyelids, and said: "Brother Ninth knows how to be afraid now? I'm fine today, if I really want to get mad at myself, do I still expect Mrs. Ninth to be peaceful?"

It's been seven and a half months, it's a big month, and I really want to move my fetus, which makes people dare not think about it.

Brother Jiu's face was tensed into a ball, a little anxious, and said: "Then what should I do?"

Elder Brother Ten snorted softly, got out of the carriage, called He Yuzhu and said: "Go in and tell Sister-in-law Jiu, and say that I won't let Brother Jiu make amends, and take Brother Jiu to Qianqing Palace to file a complaint. Now Brother Jiu is here Coax me up front."

He Yuzhu responded and went in immediately.

He understood that if Shi Ye took this matter over, even if Master Fujin was worried, it would be lighter than worrying about Master directly.

Then turn around and tell the master well, so you won't be surprised.

Brother Jiu didn't hear right, so he got out of the carriage and wanted to stop him.

He Yuzhu has already entered the mansion.

Brother Nine looked at Brother Ten and said disapprovingly: "How can you say that? If it spreads outside, others will take it seriously. It should be said that you are ignorant, and Prince Zhuang will make a note of it."

Elder Brother Ten said coldly: "This is what my younger brother is willing to do. My younger brother said it in the morning, and I will bear half of Brother Jiu's burden. Isn't that good?"

Brother Nine wanted to say more, and Brother Ten said: "Think about Sister-in-law Nine, if she knew directly that Brother Nine would hurt her liver and lungs with anger, how anxious would she be?"

Ninth Brother fell silent.

He dared to act bravely, and he didn't want his younger brother to take the blame and offend others with him, but it was the lesser of two evils, Shu Shu's current situation, it was really inappropriate to get angry.

The two brothers silently entered the Prince's Mansion and went to the study.

Brother Jiu cried hard, his mouth was dry.

When the tea was served, he drank several cups in a row before he felt better.

Elder Brother Shi waved his hand and sent the little eunuch at the door away.

Then, he leaned forward and approached Brother Jiu and said, "Brother Jiu, since you don't like to look at people's faces, you want that position..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the sky.

Ninth Brother stared wide-eyed, watching Tenth Brother without saying a word.

"If Brother Nine takes that position, he won't have to look at anyone's face anymore, and he won't have to be angry..."

Elder Brother Ten said solemnly.

Brother Nine had a picture in his mind.

He was sitting on the dragon chair in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, wearing a golden dragon robe.

There were a lot of people standing below.

Immediately, his wife's smiling face appeared again in his mind, from smiling like a flower to full of sorrow.

He quickly shook his head and said: "Thinking, that is, thinking about it, so that you don't have to worry about it. Besides, Khan Ama won't be angry? Now Gan Gang is arbitrary, but in the early years, didn't he also suffer all the way, Grandpa This small body, if you really want to be in the position, you will die of anger before you sort it out; besides, there is your sister-in-law, starting from the Taizu empress, the mistress of this palace has not ended well, too. The empress dowager has a long life, but she has been a widow for most of her life, struggling with her children and grandchildren..."

Elder Brother Ten frowned and said, "But, in that position, Brother Ninth can do a lot more..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "How come? The higher you climb, the heavier the burden on your body. I have to worry about the Ministry of Internal Affairs; Guan ruled the tens of thousands of Han people, if he didn’t become emperor well, he might be driven back to Shanhaiguan, Khan Ama is always starting at five o’clock now..."

Elder Brother Ten pursed his lips.

Brother Nine was excited, he held Brother Ten's wrist at once, and said in a low voice, "They are all the sons of Khan Ama, it's not a fault to have this idea, but don't be too concerned, go back and read the history books carefully, and read "History of the Tang Dynasty." ", those who actively jumped out to fight for that position will not end well..."

"Brother has been in the game for a long time, there is no way, and it is not something we can stop, we stand on our own, and when the time comes, we will try our best to take care of our nephews and nieces, that is, we will have full brotherhood...

"You married Mongolia Fujin, just like Fifth Brother, you are the farthest from that position..."

"Irreversible Khan Ama's wishes, if you are self-willed, I will definitely die with you, but I can't bear to part with your sister-in-law Jiu and the children, don't make things difficult for me..."

Brother Ten raised his head, looked at Brother Nine dissatisfied, and said, "Brother Nine is not allowed to mention the word 'death' in the future, and I don't know how to avoid it if I open my mouth!"

Brother Jiu nodded and said with a wry smile: "I don't want to mention it either, but I just don't dare to think about what will happen to you if something happens to you... I read those poems and words before, 'sorrowful spring hurts autumn', and thought it was sour for Confucians. I was full, but today I have seen it, and this... is it because of the change of seasons?"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "Stop thinking about scaring yourself, it's just that you haven't slept much these days, you've taken the medicine, and you'll be more energetic after a few nights of rest."

As for why she couldn't sleep well, it wasn't just because she was angry, but more because she was worried about Mrs. Jiu.

He hasn't seen Mrs. Jiu for some days, but Fujin is coming over in three or five days.

According to what Fujin said, Sister-in-law Jiu's stomach is appallingly big, and it's hard to say whether she can last until full term.

If you really want to give birth in August, it may not be a good thing...

Brother Nine didn't answer Brother Ten's words, but looked at him seriously, and said, "I didn't joke with you, I won't fight, and I don't allow you to fight! If you end up, I want my brother's life, and I want you too. Nine sisters-in-law's fate, when the time comes, your nephew and niece will also be affected by you, and they will become exiled clans, their descendants will have no ambitions, and their blood will be cut off at some point..."

The tenth elder brother quickly stopped the ninth elder brother's mouth, and begged: "Ninth elder brother, you dare to say anything! Is it okay if my younger brother is wrong, don't think about these things, and be our Taiping Prince..."

It was too late to go to bed in the early morning, so I went to bed early today, and wrote down what I owed in my notebook. Everyone should go to bed early and don't stay up late.

The next update will be at 2:24 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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