My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 858 He is still a child

Outside the Qianqing Palace, Prince Zhuang handed over a sign to see you.

He was furious in his heart, but his face was expressionless.

At this time, he showed resentment, when the emperor inside was a vegetarian.

Monkey boy Lao Jiu, he remembered it!
He sold him a hot spring village at a high price, and he hadn't had a seizure yet, but Brother Jiu bit back.

There are so many tricks to play.

He really hated his teeth itching.

But after living half of his life, he also realized a few truths, that there is no close relationship between estrangement and deep bond of flesh and blood.

He has suffered and learned a lesson.

He exhaled heavily, looking at the lonely clouds in the sky, feeling somewhat lonely.

He also wants to protect the calf, but where is this little calf?
In the Xinuang Pavilion, Kangxi looked at the signboard of Prince Zhuang and fell into deep thought.

This is Prince Heshuo who was enshrined at the age of five.

Although the military exploits of this branch are not comparable to other meritorious kings, not even the leader of the small banner, but they are still counted among the princes in the clan.

Back then, he was as arrogant as a little rooster. When he entered the palace, he didn't put their brothers in his eyes.

He was not polite until he was enthroned.

Thinking about it now, it's just a failure to teach.

The second-generation king is the eldest son when he lands.

When Chengjue was born, there was only one biological mother, no other elders to discipline him, and he was flattered and raised by slaves since he was a child, and no one taught him the principles of human relationships.

Kangxi sighed inwardly, looked at Liang Jiugong and said, "Come in, Prince Chuanzhuang!"

Liang Jiugong responded and went out.

He was the one who went to Prince Zhuang's mansion to arrest Shi Gui just now.

He didn't send guards directly, just to let him explain the reason to Prince Zhuang.

How to talk between uncle and nephew, but don't allow that slave to instigate in the middle.

"My lord, the emperor uploaded..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and said.

Prince Zhuang nodded and followed in.

"Your majesty, this slave is pleading guilty..."

After entering the Xinuang Pavilion, Prince Zhuang knelt down.

Kangxi sat cross-legged on the kang, and when he saw this, he got off the kang immediately and helped Prince Zhuang up: "What did my cousin do, am I that stupid person? It's all the fault of Brother Jiu. It's seventeen or eight. He, Fujin, lost face in front of him, and made a fuss in Qianqing Palace to die or live. If it were someone else, I would have ordered someone to beat him up long ago, but brother Jiu is weak, and I have to favor a little bit, so I let him go more and more It's getting worse and worse, after two years his body has recuperated, I can't spare him..."

Prince Zhuang followed and said: "These days, the slaves are all focused on building the Xiaotangshan courtyard, and they don't care about others. Even Shi Gui didn't pay much attention to it. They thought Qingdeban sent Du Tong Yamen, let’s forget about this matter, I didn’t expect Lao Jiu to hold a grudge..."

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "Cousin knows about Shi Gui?"

Prince Zhuang looked at Kangxi and said, "The emperor said that he introduced a troupe to act? This slave knows."

Kangxi was not in a hurry to speak, but asked Prince Zhuang to sit by the kang, and then sighed: "Brother Jiu is narrow-minded, and he found out that his slaves were having dinner with Shi Gui. It must be that Shi Gui has a bad heart and wants to mess with Fujin." After the business, he pretended to be dead and didn't go to plead guilty to him, so he was wronged, and he insisted on suing Shi Gui for 'disrespect'... It's not the best to call the clan's court, if there is such a thing , Such a slave who deceives his superiors and his subordinates should also be taught a lesson."

As for Qing Deban's performance in "Legend of Tong Tian Bang", it's hard to bring it to the table.

The show stopped just after it started, and the diners, restaurant staff, etc. who had heard the show were all registered in the Dutong Yamen.

This matter is suppressed.

If that was used to hold Shi Gui accountable, it would be a big fuss, and it would make other people pay attention to Qing Deban again.

Prince Zhuang sat on the edge of the kang, his face flushed and he was also depressed.

Although before coming here, he knew that he would lose face this time, but he was still annoyed after hearing this,
The one who protects the calf, the one who wants to die over there, wants to slap himself in the face to appease his son?

How can there be such a rule?
Even if there is something wrong with my slave, shouldn't I be punished as my own master?
If you have to go over there, send it directly to the clan mansion!

How could Prince Jane's pug go against the emperor's wishes?
Shi Gui's charge of "disrespect" is about to be confirmed.

Even if there are some business frictions, don't they still treat the boss as the boss?

As a result, Brother Jiu didn't know how to respect him, so he ended up on his own, and the emperor was still here.

Prince Zhuang wanted to say something else, but Kangxi had already said: "Cousin, don't worry, after all, it's your slave. Even if you really offend Brother Jiu, it's just a small punishment and a major punishment, and you will send it back to the owner; if Jiu A Brother recklessly wronged people, then I will not watch in vain."

Prince Zhuang looked a little stiff.

He came here to plead guilty in person, just wanting to send people back to punish him himself.

Now it seems that the emperor is determined to judge Shi Gui.

What else can Prince Zhuang do?
As early as the 23rd year of Kangxi, he had seen what imperial power was.

The emperor treats the clan leniently, but only looks at the lenient.

Over the years, the palaces have changed a few hats and transferred a few.

The prince of the Eight Banners is like being kneaded into dough by the emperor.

More than ten years ago, a South Study Room was added, the Prince of the Eight Banners, who seemed to be the same as in the early years of the Kingdom, and still supervised the government affairs of the Ministry, but it was different after all.

Now it seems to be respected, but it is only respected within the emperor's mind.

Prince Zhuang bowed his body, and begged: "It's nothing more than a slave. Since he offended the prince frivolously, he should be killed. It's just that he is the ancestor of Sangege. Please let the emperor spare the life of that slave..."

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the upper room.

Shu Shu put her hands on her stomach and exhaled gently.

When He Yuzhu came to deliver the message, she heard something was wrong.

But not too worried.

The person has already returned to the Prince's Mansion, well, it is enough to know these two points, the others are not important.

Nothing matters except life and death.

Brother Jiu's identity is here, not to mention going to the Qianqing Palace to file a complaint, even if he really went there to make a scene, he would be banned at most.

Tiger poison does not eat children.

And it's not a matter of principle.

Compared with other emperors, Kangxi can be described as a loving father.

The crown prince was suspected of military remonstrance, but Kangxi also gave a lot of leeway, just abolishing the position and confining him.

Where the eldest elder brother was, to throw stones at the crown prince and to slaughter his younger brother in front of the emperor's father was only a confinement.

The thirteenth elder brother, the prince's little follower, was only locked up for half a year, and the rest just ignored him.

Now it's just petty disputes between clansmen, it's not a serious matter, even if Kangxi disposes of his son, it's just petty trouble.

Shu Shu believed He Yuzhu's message, and asked Walnut to pass the message to the dining room to prepare food and drink for the front, and also warned: "Don't prepare wine, just warm up some wine to borrow the taste..."

Wait until He Yuzhu and Walnut go down.

Xiao Chun looked at Shu Shu, hesitated, and said, "Why don't you follow me and ask He Yuzhu privately?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No need, Master Jiu will tell it by himself."

Now half-truth and half-false, to be a buffer.

This is because she was afraid of startling her, moving her fetus or something.

Shu Shu's heart was extremely clear.

Maybe it's because the Ninth Prince Fujin has been the Ninth Prince for the past few years, and the Ninth Brother is the most important thing in everything, and others will restrain her emotions by acting as the Ninth Brother.

Actually not.

Shu Shu bowed her head, no matter how she behaved, she was still a selfish person in her heart, always putting herself first.

Just like now, everyone is worried that she will be emotionally agitated because of worrying about Brother Nine. In fact, even if her heart is not calm, it is to the extent that there are small waves, and she will not be angry.

There are naughty little hands and feet on the belly.

This time it is not the lower part that moves, but the upper part, and the strength is stronger.

Stretched belly tight.

Shu Shu couldn't help frowning.


Xiao Chun was by the side, worried.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's okay... how do those nannies look?"

Because she is a month old now, the four pacifiers she picked out from the coat under the mansion before, and the two from the Dutong Mansion, all entered the Prince's Mansion, which is in the back room at the back of the main courtyard.

Xiao Chun said: "Nurse Qi is staring at it, she is acting obediently."

If you are chosen as a nanny, if you don't look back and say you are decent, your husband and children will have a future.

Thinking of this, Shu Shu's expression became solemn.

She worked hard and was pregnant for ten months, but she was not a baby for the nanny.

Nowadays, there are many noble families who are alienated from their biological mothers and only want to be close to their wet nurses.

Shu Shu can't stand this.

A wet nurse is not a foster mother.

The adoptive mother has a nurturing grace, and it makes sense to stand shoulder to shoulder with the biological mother or to respect the biological mother more than the biological mother.

The nurse is here, forget it.

Shu Shu plans to keep these six nannies and take turns.

It will not be kept until the age of six and then released, and it will be used for one to one and a half years at most.

Otherwise, she couldn't stand the child really getting close to the nanny.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but startled, feeling guilty.

Comparing my heart to my heart, when I got close to A Mou and Nanny Qi, E Nie's heart was probably also sore.

This time when Er Nie comes over, she has to act like a baby...

Front yard, guest room.

Walnut brought people over for food and drink.

Sweet shredded gingko, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, sweet and spicy diced chicken, pot-wrapped meat, the four dishes are all sweet, plus two clear side dishes, tiger dish and colorful facelift, and a brown sugar milk stewed egg, drink What is warm sweet-scented osmanthus sweet wine.

Brother Jiu didn't care about the dishes, looked at the walnuts and said, "Is Fujin okay?"

Walnut said: "Fu Jin is fine, but he is a little worried about Master Shi, so he asked the dining room to make some sweets and bring them over, so that Master can persuade Master Shi to stop being annoyed."


Brother Nine responded, and said: "Tell Fujin that it's all right, the old ten here is also persuaded by the master, let her not worry about it, the master will be there in a while."

Walnut agreed and retreated.

The tenth elder brother saw it in his eyes, and seeing that the walnuts were not messed up in the slightest, he knew that everything was fine with the nine sisters-in-law.

Although this was what he was looking forward to, but it was true, he still felt a little bit uncomfortable.

Concern is chaos.

Sister-in-law Jiu seems to be not as caring about Brother Jiu as before.

Wouldn't it be to put all your energy on the child?
In that case, looking back, Brother Nine might cry.

Although there are relative nephews and nieces conceived there, but in the mind of Elder Brother Ten, they are naturally inferior to brothers.

If you love a house and a bird, the "house" must come first.

I hope Sister-in-law Jiu is the same, otherwise Brother Jiu should be sad...

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