My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 859 Be Careful

Chapter 859 Be Careful

Guessing it was noon, Shu Shu also set up lunch.

A fist-sized multigrain rice ball, and the rest is a fried chicken ball, a cold lettuce, and a seaweed egg drop soup.

Because of her belly, she sat at the floor table in Xici's room.

Brother Jiu came back and sat next to her. After seeing the flimsy look, he felt a little unhappy, and said, "Once I don't look at it, you will be fooling me again."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "It's just eight dishes and eight bowls, and the food is only a few mouthfuls. Besides, I recently discovered a truth..."

"What's the reason?" Brother Nine said.

"Three meals a day may not be as good as two meals a day..."

Shushu said.

Disease comes from the mouth, and it doesn't just mean eating something dirty or corrupt.

It's a good thing, but it's too much.

She had internal heat and stomach fire before, which was also caused by eating meat.

Brother Nine was silent.

He couldn't turn his mind, what did Fujin mean by these words?

In the past two days, he just felt that he could listen to the voice, but he was not sure at the moment.

He didn't disturb Shu Shu's meal, and just quietly accompanied her.

There are eight pieces of chicken meatballs, and there are crispy chicken bones inside, which taste springy.

There are soaked shrimps and walnuts in the lettuce salad, which is refreshing and not greasy.

The egg drop of seaweed egg drop soup is not the kind of sporadic egg flakes, but an egg that is broken up, loose but not loose.

The miscellaneous grain rice balls are made of sticky sorghum, millet, brown rice, kidney beans, red dates, etc., and they are chewy when eaten.

Shu Shu ate a CD.

This is to order the kitchen to prepare according to the corresponding quantity.

Brother Nine helped her change the house, went back to Dongci Room and sat down, thought for a while, and said: "This kind of frugality is frugality, I'm afraid the servants below will make a joke of it."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and said, "Master, you are very concerned about what Unexpected Head said?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid, I just don't want them to say bad things about you."

Xiao Chun brought the barley tea for digestion, Shu Shu handed it to Brother Jiu, and said, "What will others say about me? They say I'm stingy, and I eat one meat, one vegetable, one soup and one meal, and I don't look like a master?"

Brother Nine nodded and said, "Almost."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "That's not very good. Believe it or not, sir, if it really spreads to the outside, no matter how many people say I'm bad, but whether it's Yuqian or Empress, they will only praise me."

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "Well, yes, it's because you are virtuous, frugal, and not extravagant."

Frugality and stinginess are not the same thing. Both Han Ama and Niangniang know that Fujin is loose and not stingy.

It is a virtue not to waste money.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Our family is not short of money, and we can afford to eat swallow's wings and abalone belly, but it's not necessary. It's more important to keep in good health, and there is no need to be associated with luxury."

Even if her physical foundation is better, but who knows what it will look like after giving birth, she still needs to take care of it early.

To live a long life, the mentality is supplemented, and the body is the foundation.

Brother Jiu stopped trying to persuade him, and said: "That's right, if a family with a poor family is afraid of others' jokes and ostentatiously put on a show, our family doesn't have to be like this, just do what you want."

Shu Shu didn't speak, but looked towards the door and waved her hands.

Seeing this, Xiaochun and Walnut retreated.

Now Shu Shu's situation is inseparable from others, there are two people in the main room to order, but there is nothing for them to look at when Brother Jiu is here.

After the two of them went out, Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand, looked into his eyes, and said, "Do you want to be as you wish, or as you wish?"

Brother Nine felt anxious and said, "What is Shunxin? What is Shunxin?"

Shu Shu didn't answer and asked instead: "Then ask me what you care more about, power and wealth, or parents, brothers, wives and children..."

Brother Nine wanted to curse and swear, and said, "Don't worry, of course the master cares more about the family members, and won't get dizzy and miss that position!"

The emperor is lonely and lonely, and the heights are extremely cold.

Not to mention that in his current preface, if he really wants to miss that chair, even if he matches up with the brothers in front, there will be no brotherhood at that time, only you will live and die.

Khan Ama treats his son differently. He has been divided into two groups since he was a child, one group is before the eighth prince, and the other group is after.

These are the people who followed the imperial driver to conquest, and these are also the people who sent the sub-lords to the flag.

Otherwise, according to the rules, the prince was knighted at the age of 15, and he and the old ten were both old enough the year before last, so they could be knighted together with that group.

But Khan Ama held back, and obviously still put the two brothers in the younger elder brother.

In his opinion, even if the crown prince's position is unstable, only the elder brothers in the front can fight for it, and the younger elder brother in the back will follow along, that is, to make up for the support.

Shu Shu looked at him and said: "In this world, except for the emperor who can not look at people's faces, even the one in the East Palace is often sullen."

Brother Jiu said with a guilty conscience: "You know?"

Shu Shu nodded and shook her head again, said: "I guessed some, but not many, I thought I'd better wait for the master to tell me."

Ninth elder brother drooped his head and said: "I just want to prepare an apology ceremony for Prince Zhuang's mansion just because I see you are uncomfortable, and I also need my brothers to worry about it, and then I can't bear to see the old ten want to be scolded with me. It's..."

"Half of it was because I couldn't hold it back, and half of it was intentional. I just wanted to 'kill chickens and scare monkeys' and clean up that precious stone. Most of the business outside our house is for making money, and there are a lot of jealousy. How can I deal with it?" These little calculations..."

"But after seeing Khan Ama, I couldn't bear it. If it wasn't for his selfishness, he blocked the titles of the master and the old ten, making our place a nondescript prince's mansion, and the servants outside would not dare to do this..."

"I know that I can't mention this, so I think of the days when I was ignored when I was a child. You are not someone else, and I am not afraid of losing face. If I really want to talk about it, then I am not much better than the twelve elder brothers now..."

"Will you be happy to go there then?" Shu Shu said softly.

"Well, well, it's great!"

Brother Nine's face lit up when he mentioned this, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, saying: "Ama Khan said he was wrong, that he shouldn't be treated differently, and that he would protect Grandpa..."

Speaking of this, he let out a heavy breath, and said: "Master knows that he is not talking about things from his childhood, but... he is also satisfied, and feels that he can turn the story..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "That's a good thing today, but we just have to have fun secretly, we don't need to show it, otherwise it will fall into the eyes of others, and it will appear that the master is arrogant and rampant."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, my master restrained his feet at home and copied the "Book of Filial Piety"..."

Speaking of this, he thought of the "Infinite Life Sutra", and said: "Isn't the "Infinite Life Sutra" used for birthday celebrations, so what scriptures should be copied for birthday celebrations? Khan Ama plans to take advantage of these days when he is at home during the Wanshou Festival. Copy more scriptures..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "The "Infinite Life Sutra" is about the great vows of the Buddha of Infinite Life. The people who copied this scripture mainly wanted to eliminate delusions and relieve sins. This is a book for saving oneself..."

Brother Jiu said with annoyance on his face, "I'm ashamed again, I thought it was for birthday celebrations, and said I would copy this for Ama Khan."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "The emperor will not blame the master."

Although last year, the princes on the southern tour were all influenced by Buddhism, went to the famous temples along the way, and followed the Queen Mother to light lamps to make meritorious deeds, but there are no real Buddhists.

Brother Jiu couldn't help but also laughed, and said: "He taught the master to be ignorant, but he didn't wrong the master, he praised you, let the master come back and ask you what scriptures to copy..."

Shu Shu said: "The "Diamond Sutra" is good. It can increase merit and eliminate karmic obstacles. To be honest, it is also a crossing of oneself. However, when copying the scriptures, praying quietly can pray for the elders. Ever since the Empress Wu Zhou celebrated her mother's birthday After using this sutra, later generations will copy more of the "Diamond Sutra" to celebrate the birthdays of their elders.

There are other kinds of scriptures that are not as good as this mass.

Copying the scriptures is not a simple matter, it should be done in one go without distractions.

Brother Nine has a temperament that likes to be active or not to be quiet, so this book is enough.

Brother Jiu also knew some rules about burning incense, and said: "From tomorrow on, I will fast for three days, and then start copying scriptures..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "I'll be with you."

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "No, no."

I did something wrong and was punished, so I was willing to copy the scriptures. I copied this one more because I felt ashamed. In addition to celebrating my birthday, it also means doubling my self-punishment.

He didn't want his wife to "share the suffering" with him.

Shu Shu looked down at her stomach and said, "I also want to pray for Ama, Ernie and Amu..."

If you are not in charge, you don’t know that chai rice is expensive.

It's not easy being a mother in this world.

Father said two.

Unlike mothers who are pregnant for ten months, the kinship with their children is inherently thinner.

The rest is up to the day after tomorrow.

Like my old Ama, who took care of and raised his children when he was a child, this fatherly love is heavy.

As for Amu, it is not easy to love other people's children as if they were his own.

If it was Shu Shu, Shu Shu felt that she couldn't do it.

Don't talk about other people, let's talk about Xiao Qi from the Dutong Mansion, a brother of the same mother and compatriots, Shu Shu met, and it's just Ai Wu Ji Wu.

Even before Xiao Qi landed, she was secretly displeased, fearing that he would affect Jue Luo Shi's health or make Jue Luo Shi suffer from childbirth.

Brother Jiu saw her like this, so it was hard to stop her, and said: "Then copy the scriptures, just copy the scriptures, forget about fasting, you don't eat alone."

Shu Shu's remonstrance is fluent, and she also feels that the heart is more important than the form...

By the afternoon, the news about Brother Nine's rioting in Qianqing Palace began to spread.

Shi Guidu was sent to the clan mansion, so this matter is real.

No matter what happened to the rift between Prince Zhuang and Brother Nine, it was the only one who could be so angry that his heart, liver and lungs were damaged.

Brother Jiu's nicknames of "Crispy Nine", "Beauty Lamp", and "Nine Donkeys" have spread among Shangsanqi and clan relatives...

(End of this chapter)

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