Chapter 860 Activation
The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the upper room.


Brother Nine was soundly asleep.

I didn't sleep well for a few days, and cried again in the morning, which was also exhausting.

When the couple finished talking, he couldn't sit still, and his eyelids became heavy.

Seeing this, Shu Shu said that she was going to rest, and pulled him to lie down together.

After half a cup of tea, Brother Jiu fell asleep and started snoring.

Shu Shu sat up, walked to the door, called Walnut, and whispered: "Go and tell He Yuzhu, if there are princes coming to visit the Lord, stop them first, and tell the Lord to drink the medicine and rest."

I was scolded yesterday, and some people are thinking about it; if it is like this today, everyone will definitely visit.

But looking at Brother Jiu's appearance, he was also very sleepy.

Besides, the ones who came to the door now probably wanted to scold my younger brother, let them take a break and avoid scolding for a while.

Walnut agreed and went to spread the word.

Shu Shu felt a little guilty.

These days, she was so worried about herself that she didn't even notice that Brother Jiu was wrong.

Look at this, it should have been a while.

Shu Shu closed her eyes, rubbed her belly, feeling faintly afraid.

She doesn't want to lie to herself.

She felt like she couldn't last that long.

Now my stomach hurts every day, and my lumbar spine can hardly support it.

In another month, she dared not think about it...


Seeing Walnut going out, Xiao Chun came to Fang Zhiying, and saw Shu Shu standing at the door with a pale face, and quickly stepped forward to help her.

"Go to the delivery room..."

Shu Shu grabbed Xiaochun's hand, sweat profusely on her forehead, and felt the pain in her abdomen.

It must be pain.

The delivery room is located in the back building, and it will be ready after the next year.

Xiao Chun helped Shu Shu, her teeth began to chatter.

Seeing this, Shu Shu smiled instead, and comforted in a low voice: "It's okay..."

Although there are also worries, but the matter has come to this point, I can only think about it.

Did the child feel her fear...

Don't think bad, just think good.

This is the baby caring about her...

Shu Shu closed her mouth to calm herself down.

The master and servant came out from the main room.

Xiaosong was at the door of the wing room, saw this and rushed over to help Shushu on the other side.

The master and servant moved halfway, and Walnut also came over after delivering the message, and immediately sprinted down.

When they got to the back building, Nanny Qi also heard the movement and came out.

She took Shu Shu's hand, forced herself to be calm and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's ripe..."

In the surrounding rooms on the left and right at the back, several nurses who were placed as candidates also came out when they heard the movement.

Xiao Chun squinted her eyes, waved her hand and said: "Everyone go back to the house and stay, don't disturb Fujin!"

Although I have watched it for a while, I will not allow these people to make trouble at this time.

Several people bowed their knees and went back to the room.

Walnut said: "Servant, go and call the midwife..."

The midwife has already been hired and placed in a small courtyard to the west.

Xiaosong said: "Your maidservant, call Madam..."

Shu Shu felt a throbbing pain in her stomach, but she knew that giving birth would not happen overnight, it might take some time.

She said to Xiao Chun: "Ask the dining room to bring up hot water, I want to take a shower and wash my hair..."

This is extremely important.

She was thankful again that the labor pain came first and the water didn't break, otherwise, she would have to lie down immediately and couldn't take a bath.

In addition to bathing and shampooing, we also have to eat.

"Prepare to eat again, chicken cakes, sesame cakes with eggs..." Shu Shu said.

In order to slow down the growth of her stomach, she has controlled her intake of rice and noodles these days. Now that she mentions it, she can't stand it anymore: "Two more pancake rolls..."

There were two nuns on duty in the back building, so Xiao Chun beckoned to them and gave some instructions.

The two nuns hurried forward.

At this moment, Mrs. Bo followed Xiaosong out of breath.

Seeing that Shu Shu was still circling on the ground, she refused to sit still.

She was startled and said, "You child, lie down quickly!"

Shu Shu helped Mrs. Uncle's arm, with a smile on her face, she said: "It's just started, the amniotic fluid hasn't broken yet, move well, and the birth will be fast then."

Mrs. Uncle was confused when she was concerned. After listening to Shu Shu's words and thinking of Jue Luo's previous childbirth, she felt relieved.

Jue Roche...

"Have you sent someone to the Dutong Mansion?"

Madame Bo asked.

Shu Shu was startled, but she really didn't remember.

He only thought of Ah Mou coming to sit in town.

Seeing this, Mrs. Uncle didn't understand, so she patted her arm and said, "You really have a big heart..."

Shu Shu laughed, and told Xiaosong: "Look at Zhou Song and Sun Jin, and send them to the Dutong Mansion to pick them up."

Xiao Song responded, and ran away...

Front yard, living room.

The fifth elder brother and the fourth elder brother looked at each other in dismay. After hearing about the ninth elder brother, they came to visit.

In the end, he was stopped by He Yuzhu who had been ordered.

The two were not at ease, and sat in the living room without leaving.

When He Yuzhu was briefly interrogated, both of them were unhappy.

"Yesterday was fine, why are you sick today?" Fifth elder brother gritted his teeth.

If you don't want to go, just say it yesterday.

Or just sue for illness, and still have to go to Qianqing Palace?

Others believe in things like "beloved concubine and beloved son", but fifth elder brother doesn't.

That's Khan Ama, apart from the prince, which prince would dare to make trouble in front of the imperial court?

If Han Ama made a note, he might be lowered to a lower rank in the future.

The fourth elder brother felt sullen.

Prince Zhuang connives at the servants and despises the prince. It seems that he only looks down on Brother Jiu, but in fact he doesn't even pay attention to these princes.

Perhaps in his eyes, nobility is still used to judge people, except for the elder brother, other princes don't count.

The fifth elder brother couldn't wait for the ninth elder brother to wake up, so he told the eunuch beside him: "Go to the next door and ask the tenth elder brother to come over, and said that the master and the fourth elder brother are here..."

It's better to ask about the situation in front of the imperial court first, to see how many taboos have been violated, and to think of a way to make up for it.

He Yuzhu didn't know about this either, so he had to ask Elder Brother Shi.

The eunuch went out in response and found something was wrong.

A carriage stopped at the door, and Sun Jin was about to get into the carriage.

"Why go..."

Elder brother's servants are all familiar, and fifth elder brother's eunuch greets him.

Sun Jin cupped his hands and said, "Our Master Fujin is about to give birth, and the county master sent a message to pick up his wife..."

Fifth elder brother's eunuch said: "Then you are busy, don't delay..."

It was only when the carriage left that the eunuch realized something was wrong.

Isn't Sun Jin's "Master of Fujin" the same as Jiufujin?
Jiufujin is about to give birth? !
The eunuch didn't care about going to the tenth prince's mansion anymore, turned around and rushed back, saying: "Master, Jiufu Jin is about to give birth, the county lord asked Sun Jin to go to the Dutong mansion..."

The fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother stood up in shock.

He Yuzhu was dumbfounded, and murmured: "But it's not the end of the day, it was said to be in March..."

At this moment, there was movement in the yard ahead.

Someone came to invite the imperial doctor on duty.

The fourth elder brother was also in a hurry, but he knew how to avoid taboos, and immediately wanted to tell Su Peisheng to let him come over to support him, but then realized that Fujin was also on his upper body, so he immediately turned around, looked at He Yuzhu and said, "What are you doing standing there so stupidly? Hurry up." Go wake your master up, this is not the time to sleep!"

Turning around, the mother-in-law came and saw that her daughter was giving birth there and her son-in-law was sleeping soundly, she was probably going to die of anger.

He Yuzhu responded and ran away.

The fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother looked at each other, both a little numb.

They are elder brothers, and the brothers and daughters-in-law can't get involved in having children.

Next, what else can they do besides waiting for news?
The fourth elder brother is used to worrying, thinking more, took off his waist card, handed it to Su Peisheng, and ordered: "Go to the imperial hospital to be on duty, and call the imperial physicians from the pediatrics department and the Dafang department to wait...just say Jiufujin Started, Master Jiu said..."

There is an imperial physician on duty here in the Prince's Mansion, but he is good at gynecology and is reserved for pregnant women.

Now it is activated in advance, and the child is weak, so it must be sent to the pediatric doctor for preparation.

As for the imperial physician of the Dafang Division, it was prepared for Brother Jiu.

After all, along with Brother Jiu's rioting in the Qianqing Palace, there was also Brother Jiu's diagnosis of "deficiency of heart energy".

The fourth elder brother is worried.

Since ancient times, this woman gave birth in one pass, let alone Dong E's twins.

Just in case...

Dutong Mansion, main house.

With a worried face, Qi Xi was talking about Brother Nine with Jue Luo.

"Why is it getting sick again? I was recuperating the spleen and stomach for more than half a year last year, and now it's the heart, liver and lungs. How can there be any good place here?"

As a father-in-law, no matter how picky his son-in-law is, he will not expect his daughter to be a widow.

Not to mention, Brother Nine has been a son-in-law for the past two years, and he has nothing to criticize.

Respectful to their husband and wife, and gave Fusong a future, which solved the most worrying problem of their husband and wife.

There is nothing to say to Shu Shu.

Jue Luo said: "Master, don't worry too much. Maybe there is something exaggerated outside. I'll go and have a look tomorrow, and I'll just take a look at the girl."

Qi Xi thought for a while and said: "Let's go together, I'll see with my own eyes, if it doesn't work, I'd better persuade Brother Jiu to pick up the horse and shoot, his body is also strong..."

Just as he was talking, there were hurried footsteps outside, the porter trotted in, and raised his voice at the door: "Master, madam, Fujin has started, and the magistrate will send a carriage to pick up madam..."

Jue Luo immediately got up and walked out.

Qi Xi's legs were weak, and he hurriedly said, "I'll go too, Ma'am, wait for me..."

Seeing him like that, Jue Luo knew that he couldn't be stopped, so he held his arm and said, "Master, don't delay!"

"Yeah!" Qi Xi responded, following Jue Luoshi with a deep foot and a shallow foot...

Ninth Prince's Mansion, the main courtyard covers the room.

Shu Shu was taking a bath and washing her hair, because she didn't know when the amniotic fluid would break, so she didn't dare to delay, so she decided to fix it quickly.

Brother Jiu had already been called up by He Yuzhu, and rushed over, clenched his fists tightly, seeing that Shu Shu couldn't move his eyes, with guilt and remorse on his face.

Seeing this, Shu Shu knew that he was thinking too much, and said with a smile: "It has nothing to do with the master, it's a matter of course..."

Brother Jiu shook his head.

Nor is he a fool.

I still know the truth about being pregnant in October.

Shu Shu's stomach throbbed again, and she exhaled, "It's different, it's one melon, I'm two melons, I can't hold my stomach anymore!"

Brother Jiu listened and looked at her stomach, feeling bad.

Seeing that he was going to vent his anger, Shu Shu took his hand and put it on his stomach, saying: "This is all about filial piety, knowing that if you stay any longer, I will suffer, and you feel sorry for me, so you start now."

Brother Jiu looked into her eyes and said, "Are you comforting me?"

Shu Shu rolled her eyes and became impatient. She put aside his hand and said angrily, "I'm a pregnant woman, so don't you want me to comfort you? What can I do to comfort you, only if you are rich?"

Who is not yet a baby.

Why come here to make trouble?

Seeing this, Mrs. Uncle also said: "Brother, go out, Fujin will be entering the delivery room soon..."

(End of this chapter)

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