My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 861 Auspiciousness

Chapter 861 Auspiciousness (the fourth asks for a monthly ticket)

After Brother Nine was persuaded to go out, Shu Shu began to prepare to eat.

Pancakes with braised meat platter, sesame seed cakes with eggs, and chicken patties that are charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

Shu Shu eats deliciously.

Although she is a mother for the first time in her two lifetimes, she still has basic childbirth knowledge.

That is, colostrum is good for children and enhances the baby's immunity.

Since the babies are filial and sympathetic to her hard work, if they start at this time, then is she a mother who is cruel?
Not to mention, the current medical situation is not friendly to premature babies.

She plans to breastfeed for a few days to increase the immunity of the child, and the mother and child will get through this together.

Thinking of this, her eyes turned red and she ate hard.

It's not like rolling meat in pancakes, it's like biting people.

Mrs. Uncle was so distressed, she said: "Don't be afraid, it's okay, Ah Mou is with you..."

Shu Shu nodded and smiled again: "I'm not afraid, these two children are blessed, and I am also blessed..."

Isn't it just holding your breath and luck?

What is she afraid of?
Replenish your energy and store up your strength.

Brother Nine stood at the door, listening to the voices inside, worried.

But he didn't dare to make trouble at this time...

It is the boundary of the red flag.

"Drive, drive!"

The coachman whipped his whip very fast, and the carriage also drove very fast.

Seeing the neighbors in the neighborhood, they couldn't help talking about it.

"Which palace's carriage is that?"

"The one following on horseback is someone from the Dutong Mansion, who should be from the Ninth Prince's Mansion..."


After a while, an unintelligent person whispered: "Could it be that the Ninth Prince is bad?"

There was a moment of silence, no one dared to speak.

In front of the Qianqing Palace, Su Peisheng took the fourth elder brother's badge and entered the Qianqing Palace, and went directly to the East Waifang.

When he entered, Su Peisheng immediately took the sign and said, "Where are the imperial physicians from Pediatrics and Dafang? Master Jiu ordered the imperial physicians from these two departments to go to the Ninth Prince's Mansion. Jiufujin is activated!"

There were only eight imperial physicians on duty in the room before, and there were really two pediatricians and two generous physicians.

But their identities, without request, how dare they all go out of the palace?

The official on duty stepped forward and said: "Go to the prince's mansion for a doctor, this one has to go to the imperial hospital to call someone, the imperial physician on duty in the palace, there is no imperial edict, so you can't leave lightly."

There are also young masters in the harem, if the imperial physician on duty goes out of the palace, no one will be able to afford the delay.

Su Peisheng was dumbfounded, he never thought that he should go to the Tai Hospital to call someone.

Where is Tai Hospital?

It seems to be outside the imperial city, in the southeast corner.

But who knows how many imperial physicians there are in the imperial hospital now.

After all, imperial physicians treat people, and most of them are away from home.

There is no such thing as a value-for-money in the palace.

Su Peisheng made a decisive decision and glanced at the Qianqing Palace.

It's just that he knows his own weight, so he can't speak at all, and it's a joke if he really wants to make a fuss.

He immediately ran to the study room, ignoring the master still teaching there, and raised his voice: "The Thirteenth Master, the Fourteenth Master, the Jiufu Jin has been activated, and the Imperial Physician is needed, please trouble the two masters to ask for orders..."

Before the words were finished, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother had already rushed out.

Seeing that it was Su Peisheng, the two couldn't help being taken aback.

Fourteenth elder brother hurriedly said: "Who started it? Is it really the ninth sister-in-law, not the fourth sister-in-law?"

Isn't this the fourth brother's eunuch?
But I seem to be confused, it is the ninth sister-in-law who is pregnant, not the fourth sister-in-law.

Su Peisheng didn't care about explaining, and said: "You two masters, please don't delay, please ask for an order..."

Elder Brother Thirteen was by his side, without any delay, he immediately went to the Qianqing Palace, and directly ordered the eunuch on duty: "Go and report to the emperor, Jiufujin is launched, and the imperial physician is needed..."

Su Peisheng and Brother Fourteen also followed.

"Use the pediatrician and the imperial physician from the Dafang Department..." Su Peisheng added from the side.

"I want the pediatrician and the imperial physician from Dafang's department..." Brother Thirteen learned it once, and urged the eunuch to go quickly.

The eunuch had seen Brother Nine's Jingui in the morning, and he didn't dare to delay, so he went to report it immediately.

Here in Xinuange, Kangxi is talking to Prince Jane.

What was mentioned was not only about Shi Gui's offense against Brother Jiu, but also about the situation of the exiled clan.

It’s okay to have leather yellow belts, or some ancestral property to chew on, or some uncles and cousins ​​to take care of;

The poor couldn't take it anymore, so they sent their boys and girls to other people's homes as maids and servants.

This is also why the coated servants like Yaqibu and Shi Gui dare to despise the prince despite their humble background.

Kangxi's complexion was heavy, knowing that this was a hidden danger.

If it is not resolved, people will lose awe of the clan, and then lose awe of the imperial power.

Liang Jiugong was shocked when he heard the eunuch's report, and immediately told him: "Your Majesty, Jiufujin is mobilized, Lord Jiu wants to use the imperial physician, the pediatrician and the imperial physician from the Dafang Department..."

Kangxi's expression also changed, he got up immediately and said: "Who sent it, pass it on!"

Prince Jane was beside him, and his expression became more dignified.

Something big is going to happen...

Who doesn't know that Jiufu Jin is pregnant with double sticks...

If there is nothing wrong today, it's fine, if there is an emergency, maybe Prince Zhuang will have to change.

Liang Jiugong strode out, saw the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were startled, but he didn't care to ask each other, looked at Su Peisheng and said: "Your boy came to report the letter, the emperor uploaded it!"

Su Peisheng bowed and followed Liang Jiugong in.

When he arrived at the Imperial Palace, Su Peisheng didn't dare to delay, he kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty, the Jiufu Jin has launched, and our master and Fifth Lord are right there. We are worried that the ninth master will not be able to bear it, and we are also afraid that the little elder brother will be born prematurely and become weak, so we send our servants to invite the imperial doctor." Stay in the past..."

Although Kangxi had a lot of things to do every day, he knew the neighbors around his son.

He didn't care about asking carefully, and ordered Liang Jiugong to say: "Go to the duty room and send a message. The pediatrician and Dafang doctor will go to the Ninth Prince's residence immediately to wait."

"Hey..." Liang Jiugong responded and sent a message.

Kangxi looked at Su Peisheng and said, "Okay, how did Jiufu Jin start?"

Su Peisheng told the truth, and said: "I don't know, my slave master went to visit Jiu Ye, but Jiu Ye fell asleep and didn't see anyone. Later, I saw that there was something wrong with the prince's mansion, and there was a carriage going to the Dutong mansion, so I realized that it was Jiu Fujin who launched the attack." It's..."

Kangxi frowned, not only worried about his grandson, but also worried about Brother Jiu.

Couldn't it be that Brother Nine was feeling uncomfortable, so he took a nap and didn't come out to meet people?

Then he, Fujin, was worried, so he moved his tire gas?
Thinking of this, how could Kangxi bear it?

The imperial physician just checked the pulse of Brother Jiu in the morning, and his heart, liver and lungs are not good.

It would be fine if his Fujin gave birth safely, but if something goes wrong, he might not be able to endure it.

No wonder the fourth son sent the eunuch into the palace in a hurry, he was here to ask the imperial physician to guard him.

Kangxi couldn't sit still anymore, he raised his head and told Ma Wu: "Prepare the carriage..."

Ma Wu responded and went down.

After a while, the carriage was ready.

Kangxi left the Qianqing Palace.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are still guarding the door.

The two also realized what was going on.

Sister-in-law Jiu gave birth prematurely...

Brother Nine is not in good health either...

The two of them scratched their hearts with claws, how could they feel at ease?
Seeing Kangxi come out, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother stood on the left and right.

Brother Fourteen said: "Ama Khan, my son is worried about Brother Ninth..."

Brother Thirteen also said: "Ama Khan, my son wants to visit Brother Nine..."

Kangxi glanced at the two of them, but didn't care.

It is a good thing to love brothers, but there is also a time.

At this time, don't add to the chaos.

"Go back to class honestly, don't mess around!"

As Kangxi said that, he walked down the steps in big strides, and headed towards Qianqingmen in strides.

The carriage was waiting outside Qianqing's door.

Su Peisheng followed Liang Jiugong and also headed towards the carriage.

Elder Fourteen wanted to say more, but Elder Thirteen held him back.

"Khan Ama is going to sit in town, brother nine and sister-in-law nine will be fine..."

The thirteenth elder brother said.

The fourteenth elder brother had a droopy face, looking at Prince Jane who came out of it unhappy.

Prince Jane didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Brother, how did I offend you?"

Brother Fourteen pouted and said, "Uncle Wang, how will Shi Gui be sentenced?"

Prince Jane pondered and said: "If the crime is true, it should be murder..."

Brother Fourteen frowned and said, "It's so light, isn't it 'disrespectful'? Isn't it a twist?"

Prince Jian smiled wryly and said: "The crime of 'disrespect' is also divided into several grades. Those that have nothing to do with the holy car should be given a lower grade. Shi Gui is still a coat-coated bannerman..."

The fourteenth brother said angrily: "It's just a trick, what's the use of that? Don't others dare to follow suit in the future and offend the majesty of the prince?"

The thirteenth elder brother was beside him, and his face was also heavy.

They also listened to the general idea during their lunch break. Apart from worrying about Brother Nine's physical condition, they were indeed not feeling well.

After all, they are also princes and elder brothers, and they will go out of the palace in a few years, and they will face all kinds of people at that time.

Injury to its kind.

Prince Jane looked at the angry little brothers, and his heart was complicated.

Prince Zhuang was confused. He thought he had only offended a ninth elder brother, but in fact he offended not only a ninth elder brother.

The thirteenth elder brother lowered his eyes, and now he doesn't care about being annoyed.

Other things are not important, I just hope that Sister-in-law Jiu will give birth safely, and Brother Jiu will be fine too...

Ninth Prince's Mansion, the front yard.

Hearing the movement at the gate, the fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother came out, and saw Jue Luoshi dragging Qi Xi along.

The fourth elder brother frowned, somewhat displeased, but not surprised.

It has long been known that the clan's daughter is tough, and it seems that the retired clan's daughter is no exception.

The fifth elder brother remembered the ten-strength bow of his younger siblings.

It seems that it is not from Dong E's side, but from the mother's side.

Think about it, too, among Taizu's four great Baylors, Amin Baylor is famous for his bravery.

Jue Luo Shi had already seen the two princes, let go of her husband, nodded to them, and hurried to the inner courtyard.

Qi Xi still wanted to follow, but he couldn't use his strength to walk, and almost fell over.

Sun Jin, who was still following, stepped forward to support him cleverly.

Both the fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother looked at Qi Xi's legs and feet, and saw that the shoes and boots were normal, and there was nothing wrong with them.

Qi Xi smiled wryly and said, "You made fourth and fifth masters laugh at me, the servant is either with leg problems or weak legs..."

The fifth elder brother was considerate and said: "Master Qi is a kind father, I guess Lao Jiu can't stand upright in it..."

The main courtyard, the back building, and the East House delivery room.

Shu Shu, who had enough food and drink, broke her amniotic fluid without any delay, and was immediately helped to lie down in the delivery room.

Mrs. Uncle took her hand and said, "If it hurts, just call it out..."

Shu Shu pursed her lips and smiled.

She is gathering strength.

When there was movement at the door, she looked towards the door, and the moment she saw Jue Luo Shi, the smile on her face grew wider.

Mrs. Uncle stepped aside from the seat next to Shu Shu, and Jue Luo stepped forward.

Seeing that Shu Shu was in good spirits, Jue Luo breathed a sigh of relief, then saw her hair that wasn't completely dry, gritted his teeth and said, "It's a mischief again, hurry up and wipe it off!"

Xiao Chun happened to come over with a pack of new towels, knelt on the kang, and wiped Shu Shu's hair.

After changing a dozen or so towels, although they are still not completely dry, they are much better.

Jue Luo's brows relaxed, and he glanced at the smoked cage in the room.

There are two on the kang and one in the corner.

This is just right, it's cold in spring now, I would rather be hot than catch a cold.

Nanny Qi took Xiaosong and Xiaotang with them, and the three of them specially watched the two midwifes.

These two people were invited by the Dutong Mansion, not from the Ministry of Internal Affairs as usual.

But even so, it can't make people feel at ease.

The three of them had already received Shu Shu's order, so they did nothing but stare at them.

Xiao Chun has helped Shu Shu arrange her hair.

Because it is not dry, it is directly redistributed, not compiled and then redistributed.

Shu Shu held Jue Luoshi's hand and said with a smile: "Before lunch, my daughter was still thinking about acting like a baby with Ernie, but in the end, she saw Ernie in the afternoon..."

Jue Luoshi glared at her, and said, "It doesn't make people worry even for a moment."

Shu Shu smiled and refused to speak.

She closed her eyes for strength.

It's not time to exert force yet.

"Four fingers open..."

The midwife checked the situation and said.

Shu Shu squinted her eyes, but she could still estimate the time.

If the opening time of the ten fingers is even, it will be less than half an hour.

Production shouldn't be slow...

Brother Nine was standing on the porch, already unsteady.

He Yuzhu was clever and brought a chair over.

Brother Jiu sat with cold sweat on his forehead.

Seeing this, He Yuzhu hurriedly handed over the handkerchief, and persuaded: "Master, you must not be sick at this time, you are the backbone of Fujin and the little brothers..."

Brother Jiu gave him a sideways look, and said, "Shut up, I'm so annoying..."

As he spoke, he honestly took the handkerchief from He Yuzhu's hand and wiped two handfuls on his forehead.

The slave He Yuzhu is right, he must be strong.

"I have no eyesight, quickly bring me a cloak!"

Brother Jiu scolded.


He Yuzhu responded, and rushed to the upper room to get the cloak.

Footsteps came from behind, and the ten Fujin came.

"Ninth Brother..."

Shi Fujin greeted him, and without stopping, he lifted the curtain and entered the room.

The delivery rooms are all in the east room, and in the main room are small toon, walnuts and ginkgo that have been kicked out.

In the early days, Shu Shu didn't plan to keep these girls.

I'm afraid that they will be frightened, and they will think about dystocia when they get pregnant in the future.

According to the current rules, there is no yellow girl or unborn daughter-in-law in the delivery room, and the same scruples apply.

Xiao Song volunteered, she was always courageous, and she was not afraid of this.

Xiaotang doesn't plan to marry, and doesn't care about these things.

Knowing that the two of them had problems with childbirth because their biological mother died in childbirth, Shu Shu also thought that they could try "fighting poison with poison", so they allowed them to be in the delivery room.

But the few people refused to leave, so they met in the main room.

Seeing Shifu Jin coming in and going to the delivery room, Xiaochun hurriedly stopped her: "Shifujin, you can't go in..."

Ten Fujin didn't know the rules of the capital, so he didn't dare to break in, and whispered: "Then can you tell me what's wrong with Ninth Sister? Master Ten is worried, and there are Fourth and Fifth Masters ahead, so don't worry..."

Xiaochun nodded and said: "Fujin is all well, with his wife and the county lord here..."

Outside, brother Jiu waited for the cloak and Sun Jin.

"Master, the emperor is here, in the front yard..."

Brother Jiu wanted to get up, but sat down again.

He didn't move anymore, and said: "Then you go and plead guilty to the emperor on behalf of the master, saying that my legs are weak and I can't move for the time being. After a while, the emperor's grandson falls to the ground, and then go to announce the good news to the emperor..."

Sun Jin memorized it carefully and sent a message to the front yard.

Kangxi looked at Sun Jin and said, "Does your master have other discomforts?"

Sun Jin thought about the situation of Brother Nine just now, shook his head and said: "Master is fine, wearing a cloak and guarding at the door of the delivery room, there is no other discomfort."

Only then did Kangxi heave a sigh of relief, looking at Qi Xi who was standing next to him, he jokingly said, "Your Weng's son-in-law has weak legs, but it's been handed down from generation to generation..."

Qi Xi said embarrassingly: "The slave is timid, the emperor laughed at him."

Kangxi shook his head and said, "If you care about it, it's nothing but a loving father."

Qi Xi said: "It can't be compared to the emperor, who manages all kinds of opportunities every day, and even came to visit Master Jiu..."

Kangxi said helplessly: "There is no way, children are debts, I don't know when to save people's worries..."

The fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother sat on the chairs on the east side, watching the two old fathers exchange greetings.

Feeling slightly...

One cup of tea, another cup of tea.

Fourth elder brother and fifth elder brother looked at each other, unable to sit still.

You can't let Sheng Jia stay in the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

It's too eye-catching.

I'd better advise you to come back...

The two brothers are both Ama's, and they know that it takes a long time for this woman to give birth, especially for the first time.

It will take five or six hours if it is fast, and it will take two or three days if it is slow.

The two of them planned to get up, trying to persuade Sheng Jia to return to Luan.

There was movement outside, and it was Sun Jin who came over to announce the good news: "Fu Jin gave birth to a big brother..."

Fourth elder brother and fifth elder brother sat back again.

The fifth elder brother was overjoyed, and said: "Haha, it's the big brother, it's the big brother..."

This is the eldest son.

Whether the remaining one is male or female is a good thing.

Finally feel at ease.

Before, he was afraid of giving birth to two little princesses.

It's not that I dislike my niece, but I'm worried that there will be no next time.

Kangxi also had a happy look on his face, and looked at Qi Xi.

Qi Xi's eyes were red, his smile was a bit forced, and he was not happy.

When Kangxi saw this, he didn't feel annoyed, but rather touched.

For women, giving birth to a child is only the first hurdle, and after giving birth is the second hurdle.

This is the heart of a loving father. He is not happy for the addition of a grandson to the family, but puts his daughter first.

Kangxi looked at Sun Jin and said: "Go and watch, and report when there is news."

Sun Jin went in response.

Only a quarter of an hour later, he came again and said, "Fu Jin gave birth to a second elder brother..."

"Haha! What a double stick!"

The fifth elder brother couldn't sit still and jumped up.

The fourth elder brother also had a smile on his face.

Qi Xi let out a long breath, and his face was a bit more lively.

There were hurried footsteps outside again.

Qi Xi's smile froze, and he looked towards the door with fear.

It was He Yuzhu who came, and he said with joy on his face: "Announce the good news to the emperor, Fujin gave birth to Da Gege again..."

I wish everyone a happy heart, and what you see is auspicious.

The next update will be at 2:25 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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