Chapter 867 Rebuke
Shu Shu sighed and said: "Anyway, it's not the same as usual, it's not like me anymore, not only because of grievances, but also because of courage..."

Speaking of this, she took a look outside, and whispered: "I dare to quarrel with Er Nie, it's the first time I've grown so big..."

Hearing this, Shi Fujin covered his mouth with joy.

Si Fujin also smiled, looked at the clock, and said: "It's okay for others, the fifth and seventh siblings are probably coming soon."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Alright, I've seen everyone I can see today, so I'll thank you behind closed doors, or I'll just turn around and bury them, and I'm not happy to meet people."

Si Fujin said: "They are not outsiders, if you are tired, just say so, and you don't have to be stubborn."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Don't worry, sister-in-law..."

As she said that, she handed one of the pillows beside her to Si Fujin, and said, "Sis sister-in-law is also crooked, don't get tired..."

Ten Fujin was beside him, looked at Sifujin's belly, and said: "Then, if you go to Changchun Garden this year, will the fourth sister-in-law and the fifth sister-in-law not be able to go?"

Sifujin nodded and said: "It's hard to move."

There is only a month difference between the two of them, and it will be a big month by then.

Shu Shu immediately said: "I'm definitely going, don't talk about double confinement, it's almost a hundred days..."

Compared with the inner city, Haidian is of course cooler.

Also, at that time, Shengjia probably went on a tour outside the Fortress again, and no one restrained him from living in Haidian, so he was free and could visit the new garden of the Empress Dowager.

As for Ah Mou, there are three younger ones, and she wants to accompany her if she doesn't want to.

The ten blessings immediately said happily: "That's good, I will follow the past in the first month, and there will be no companions, so it's no fun..."

At the gate of the Ninth Prince's Mansion, San Fujin got out of the carriage and let out a long breath.

She was ashamed for a while last night, she didn't rest well like baking pancakes in the middle of the night, and finally got the news from the Ninth Prince's Mansion in the morning.

The third elder brother came to the main room, like a normal person, he seemed to have no memory of humiliating her last night, and urged her to come to the Ninth Prince's Mansion to see what "Xiangrui" is like.

As for the third elder brother, he returned to the palace first.

Triplets, two boys and one girl?
Sanfujin felt uncomfortable again.

It was only yesterday that she realized that if she didn't care about her sister-in-law, she wouldn't be able to stand it today.

Not only Brother Jiu loves Fang people, Shu Shu also loves Fang people.

Before Shu Shufang's person was the Eighth Fortune, but now Fang himself?

Otherwise, how come there are not many births, many births, and three births?

After six years of hard work, I gave birth to two sons and a daughter, and became the only son of the prince Fujin. As a result, within two years, Shu Shu was able to stand shoulder to shoulder with me, and directly gave birth to "Xiangrui" ?
Sanfujin didn't even bother to tidy up his clothes, so the homely dress was over.

When she got out of the carriage, she saw two more carriages coming up ahead.

It's Wufujin and Qifujin who have arrived.

Seven Fujin got out of the car first, and helped Wu Fujin get off.

When the sisters-in-law met each other, they stroked their temples.

It has been three and a half months since Wu Fujin changed into loose clothes.

Sanfujin took a look and said with a smile: "This time you will be pulled far behind by Shushu..."

Wu Fujin glanced at San Fujin, wondering about her dark circles, smiled and said nothing.

Each family lives its own life, and I really don't understand what is comparable to it.

Qi Fujin laughed beside him and said, "Except for the third sister-in-law, who is not behind? Can't compare, can't compare..."

San Fujin said proudly: "Our Dong E family is different from other families. For several lifetimes, there are more men than women, and the family is very expensive! At this time, it is useless for outsiders to inquire."

Qi Fujin said: "On the Dutong Mansion, the nine younger brothers and sisters are alone, I guess the noble family should go to Shu Shu's family to inquire..."

How many heirs are there in Dong E's family?
The government's mansion is better, while the Dutong mansion and the second house are also a little weak.

This inner city is full of people who know their roots, who doesn't know who?

Shu Shu gave birth to this "auspiciousness", and the clan would inquire about Dong E's family's unmarried character, which is the next best choice.

Who told Shu Shu's natal family to be Aixinjueluo?
People with the same surname are not married.

But the honorable family is fine, just don't have to wait for the three-year Eight Banners draft.

The marriage of Shu Shu's cousin didn't go well before, so this time it's time for a hot sale.

The sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law went straight into the Prince's Mansion while they were talking.

They are not foreigners, and there is no need to wait in front.

But the concierge also sent someone to send a message in.

When the sisters-in-law were halfway there, Shi Fujin came out to welcome them.

After seeing the gifts for several sister-in-laws, Shi Fujin explained to Sanfujin with a smile: "Sisao heard that you were coming, and wanted to come out to greet her, but was stopped by Jiusao, saying that you are her own sister-in-law, not a foreigner, no I will choose the gift of the fourth sister-in-law..."

San Fujin didn't like it, and all of them were gold-guided.

But the heir is a big one, so it's a joke for her to argue at this time.

She nodded indiscriminately, and said: "Don't worry about it, you have a big belly, no matter how careful you should be."

A group of people were led directly to the back building, where Si Fujin was already standing downstairs.

She nodded to Wufujin and Qifujin, then took Sanfujin's arm, and said with a smile, "Good sister-in-law, let me be lazy for a while..."

Sanfujin chuckled lightly, and said, "Yes! Just bully me for my temper."

The sisters-in-law came in warmly, and Mrs. Uncle and Jue Luoshi also met with each other.

These are all Shu Shu's relatives and sisters-in-law, and it's not Mrs. Uncle's turn to be the master of Jue Luo's family.

After meeting the princes Fujin, the two hid in the west room, leaving the east room for their wives to talk to.

Shu Shu watched everyone come in with a smile, and said, "I won't move anywhere..."

Sanfujin said sourly: "You are so precious, you gave birth to 'Xiangrui'..."

Shu Shu proudly said: "There is no way, isn't this a blessing? Both feel that they have made a profit, who would have thought that hiding one would save a lot of trouble!"

Her ugly face actually blocked San Fujin.

Shu Shu knew that the sister-in-laws were in different situations now, two were pregnant and one was just confinement, they both gave way to the kang, and asked Xiaochun and Xiaosong to move the chairs.

For a while, Sanfujin was allowed to sit on the kang, pregnant Sifujin and Wufujin sat on chairs, Qifujin and Shifujin sat on stools, and the sisters-in-law sat in a circle, gossiping.

San Fujin looked at Shu Shu with doubts, and said: "Didn't you say that Jiang Nanxing was on night duty at your house last year? To be honest, I really didn't diagnose three?"

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help but smile, and said: "The third sister-in-law will know when she sees the doctor Jiang, and the old doctor Jiang shaved her beard again! She said that he is not good at learning, and he has to learn it again! But it's not bad for Jiang." The imperial physician, even I, who is an eunuch, did not expect that there would be three in my stomach. The one was very noisy before, as if wishing to punch, and the other was obedient, and I could tell it was a child with two different personalities before he came out..."

Just as he was talking, the voice of "Wow" came from far and near.

Shu Shu smiled wryly and said: "This loud voice, it's because we have arrived..."

When Nanny Qi came over with her baby in her arms, it really was Da Gege howling dryly.

Sifujin and Shifujin had already seen each other, and it was the first time seeing the other three.

I thought it would be difficult to have three babies in one birth, but it was still less than a month old. I didn't expect it to be such a baby.

Qi Fujin took it and hugged it, looked at it several times, and said, "It's about the same age as our San Gege when he was a child."

Da Gege is a mother who has milk and is a pupa in her arms.

Qifu Jin hurriedly handed it to Nanny Qi and said, "Are you hungry, go find Nanny!"

Nanny Qi didn't move, but walked to the side of the kang instead.

Shu Shu stretched out his hand and took Da Ge over.

In front of so many people, she was embarrassed to put down her clothes, so she turned around.

Sister Qi was beside her, helping her put down the curtain.

The room suddenly fell silent.

No one thought that Shu Shu would breastfeed a child by herself.

San Fujin's face was full of anger, and he didn't care to wait for Shu Shu to finish feeding, so he cut through the curtain, yelled in a low voice, and said: "Even if 'Xiangrui' was born by you, can it be more expensive than you? Don't want your body? "

What is it like to be their prince Fujin?
No matter how precious the emperor's grandson and granddaughter are, they can't use their own mother as a nanny?
Sifujin and Qifujin had given birth to two, and their faces were not good-looking.

Those who have suffered, know the hardships of pregnancy and childbirth, and know that childbirth is just the beginning, and after that, they need to take care of their bodies in order to ensure their health.

Shu Shu heard that she had misunderstood, and hurriedly said: "It's my own idea. Neither Er Nie nor A Mou stopped me. It's what I heard from others. The milk that just came out after giving birth nourishes others, and the child ate the body. Zhuang, I just want to feed them for a few days to make up for the deficit of their brothers and sisters..."

Sanfujin was startled, and said: "Is there really such a saying?"

Shu Shudao: "Anyway, I've heard it said, not to mention other people, but to say that the children of common people are fed by their own mothers, and there are more established ones. Maybe there is some truth in it!"

After hearing this, everyone was thoughtful.

Shi Fujin nodded in agreement and said, "It must be so. We don't use wet nurses very much, and they all feed the children by themselves. I haven't heard that those who died when they were young are mostly sick when they grow up."

It's true that everyone is the prince Fujin. It's true that the mother's family is mostly upper-middle-class, but every family has a small number of people, and there are also some old relatives and old friends who live in ordinary times. Thinking about the retention of children of those families, this is really the truth.

It's hard for everyone to say anything more.

After a while, Da Gege hugged him down, and changed the elder brother to come over.

This is obviously pleasing.

Such a delicate and tender appearance, coupled with a good temper that can be hugged by anyone, makes people reluctant to let go.

Wu Fujin also wanted to hug her.

But she didn't dare, so she got entangled.

Qi Fujin directly stuffed the swaddle into her arms, and said: "Learn from Shu Shu, and give birth to a little brother like you. It seems so relieved, unlike my Sangege, who can't find a place with me." Like come..."

Wu Fujin hugged her carefully, but couldn't move her eyes, and said, "You look really good."

Shi Fujin was beside him, and boasted: "The bridge of the nose is also high, and the hands and feet are long. I praised Shi Ye for a long time yesterday."

After being passed around by aunts and aunts, the elder brother is still good-tempered and not noisy.

But Shu Shu didn't dare to delay, she still has a mistress.

She took the elder brother in, fed him a few mouthfuls, and then sent him out.

The elder brother pouted, looked pitifully, and was carried down.

Shi Fujin couldn't take it anymore, and said: "Sister-in-law Nine, it's only been a few feedings, can you get enough?"

Shu Shu turned her head and said, "I can't help it, I have to take care of Xiao Er first..."

At this moment, the second elder brother finally arrived late.

Wrapped in swaddling clothes with the swastika pattern, the little face was flushed, like a little old man, full of wrinkles.

Everyone didn't dare to hug it anymore, it looked really weak.

Sanfujin was a little bit aggrieved at first, but he couldn't get jealous when he saw this.

It's also bad enough, and it needs to be careful.

No wonder he didn't even care about the status of the prince Fujin, and wanted to feed the child by himself.

If you don't want to think about it, the fate of this child and his parents is really hard to say...

(End of this chapter)

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