Chapter 868 Blocking the Door
Unlike the elder brother who took a few mouthfuls just now, the second elder brother has been breastfeeding for a longer time.

Quiet in the house.

Shu Shu himself was all smiles, and it was hard for everyone to persuade him, otherwise it would be like cursing the second elder brother for his poor health.

It took a quarter of an hour before the second elder brother finished eating, and was carried down by Nanny Qi.

Shu Shu here also put away her clothes and opened the curtains.

Shi Fujin turned around and didn't want to talk anymore.

She knew in her heart that Shu Shu's choice was right, but she still felt sorry for her elder brother.

The big brother who can cry has milk to eat, and the weak second elder brother also has milk to eat, only the eldest elder brother is pitiful.

It really made Master Shi talk, in the future they will be uncles and aunts, but they will love Big Brother more.

Sifujin's chair was right next to the Kang, seeing Shu Shu breastfeeding, her forehead was sweating, she sighed in her heart, and handed her a clean handkerchief.

Shu Shu thanked her, took it over and wiped it. Seeing that everyone was bored, she smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, I have always been physically strong, and I will do what I can... It will be fine when I am out of confinement, and the child will make up for the shortfall." , I also regained my vitality, when the time comes to form a game of cards, I can play for half a day..."

Sanfujin snorted softly and said: "Anyway, you should think about it yourself. With our status, our surname is not Aixinjueluo. If you don't cherish yourself, you will be a cow and a horse for your children, and no one will feel sorry for you..."

Before the words fell, there was movement in the yard.

Xiao Song, who was standing by the door, heard the movement and went out.

It was Nanny Xing who brought Pei Lan and Nanny Bai.

Except for Shu Shu, everyone else got up.

Bai Momo came to visit Shu Shu on behalf of the Empress Dowager, and said: "Your Majesty said, Fujin has made meritorious service this time, and he has also suffered a serious crime. He should be raised well. It's okay to be fat, but it's not good to be too thin."

Shu Shu leaned over and listened, looked down at her waist and abdomen, and said: "Thank you, Grandmother, for thinking about it, but the other side is worth it, I'm not afraid if I have meat, if this stomach can't be taken back, I'm going to cry!"

Here, Nanny Bai also brought the "Three Baptisms" and "Centenary Ceremony", but the eunuch who followed behind carried many boxes.

"There are quite a few copies in total, besides the empress's, there are also those of the two concubines, Jiugege's..."

Bai Nanny said.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Turn around and wait for the three little ones to crawl all over the ground, then bring them over to greet the emperor's grandmother, and let the emperor's grandmother see it..."

When Nanny Bai finished speaking, it was Pei Lan who sent the message.

"Your Majesty said that Fujin should not be allowed to only care about the little ones, but also cherish himself. This is the long-term truth..."

Shu Shu's eyes turned red, and said: "Please tell your mother, auntie, I am fine, Jiuye is fine, and the three younger ones will be fine too. The emperor is kind and has already given a nickname, and will definitely bless the little elder brother, the little brother All evils do not invade..."

In addition to sending things to pass on the message, the two have another task, which is to see the little babies with their own eyes on behalf of their respective masters.

The news that Jiufu Jin gave birth to a third child has spread, but since the "washing three" and "full moon" have been canceled here in the Prince's Mansion, there are some bad speculations outside.

In private, it is not a blessing to say that the three children are less than one month old, and they may not be able to stand still.

Although no one mentioned the empress dowager and concubine Yi, they were worried.

Accompanied by Sanfujin and Shifujin, the two went to Xishaojian.

Because of the milk just now, all three children fell asleep.

After seeing the appearances of Big Elder Brother and Big Ge clearly, Nanny Bai and Pei Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the second elder brother, although he is a little smaller, he can eat and sleep, and he can catch up with him.

When the two left, Sanfujin and Shifujin were also sent out...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

As the son of a long-distance business trip, the third elder brother came to report the errand, got a seat, and carefully explained the journey to Bahrain.

The eldest princess has a spring and autumn, and the mausoleum has already been built.

The son-in-law passed away many years ago and was buried long ago. This time when the ashes of the eldest princess passed away, a blessed place was opened, and the bones of the son-in-law were picked up, and the husband and wife were buried together.

The king of Bahrain and the concubine Bahrain thanked the emperor for his kindness.

Sandaiji will keep a filial piety in Bahrain, and come to the capital after the grandmother's anniversary.

As early as after the eldest princess passed away, Kangxi saw Santaiji, thought that this was the princess's young grandson, and appointed him as the first-class guard.

The guards in the palace, in addition to the guards of the upper three banners, there are also such favored Mongolian guards and clan guards.

In this way, Santaiji can stay in Beijing in the future.

It can be regarded as giving Aling'a face.

It's just that Santaiji will have to visit the house in the capital by himself, and can't continue to live in the princess courtyard.

The Princess Courtyard will be taken back and repaired by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then it will be used as a temporary residence for other Fumeng princesses when they return to court.

Seeing that the third elder brother's chin was sharp, Kangxi calculated the distance in his mind, asked a few words, and disapproved: "It was still a normal schedule when I went, and I rushed too fast when I came back..."

The third elder brother was full of admiration, and said: "I just want to come back sooner, and I don't feel hard on the road. I am far away from the capital, and I am far away from Khan Ama. My son is not at ease."

Kangxi said with disgust: "Okay, how old are you? Are you still acting like a child?"

The third elder brother thought about the treatment of the younger brothers, and said sourly in his heart: "My son hopes that he is still young..."

That was the time when the eldest brother in the palace was precious, and the food, clothing, study and daily life of this wave of princes were all taken care of by the prince himself.

Instead of being like now, Prince Wuyang and Wuyang are all sequenced to the eighteenth prince, and older sons are no longer rare...

Because of Brother Jiu, Kangxi was also worried about Kaifu's sons.

These few people are old and care about face, even if they are really slighted, they probably can bear it, and they won't be ashamed like Brother Jiu.

"You and the boss are in the Xianglan Banner. How have you been in the past few years? Are there any nobles in the clan over there who are arrogant and disobedient?"

Kangxi pondered and asked.

In addition to hearing the "auspiciousness" from Brother Jiu's mansion this morning, Brother San also knew the reason why Fujin gave birth prematurely.

Brother Jiu was bullied, went to the palace to sue, and made himself so angry that he gave birth to Fujin prematurely.

A worthless thing will be in the nest!
The third elder brother pinched his eyes and looked down on him.

He thought for a while, and said: "There are few clans in the Xianglan Banner, except for the lineage of Prince Jian's Mansion, which is their offshoot, there is no second family, it seems peaceful..."

The offshoots of Prince Jian's Mansion are the descendants of Shuerhaqi's other sons, including the descendants of the former banner owner Amin's sons.

Kangxi felt relieved when he thought of Prince Jane.

Prince Jian was born as a concubine, with a mellow personality, he always treats his superiors respectfully, and is also close to the princes.

"If something offends you, don't bear it. Even if you are enshrined and opened a mansion, you are still the princes of the dynasty. No one can be rude..."

Kangxi was categorical.

The third elder brother nodded and said: "Don't worry, Ama Khan. Although my son has studied and learned the etiquette all these years, he has not forgotten the blood of the people. If there are slaves who come to his son, the son will not bother Ama Khan." Don't worry, just cut it off!"

When he said this, Kangxi thought of Brother Jiu.

Although they have been adults for several years, they have never seen blood on the battlefield, but they are not as good, and they are indeed a little less bloody.

But brother Jiu is so courageous and cowardly, if he is really sent to the battlefield to see blood, he will be frightened.

He rubbed his forehead, and glanced at the third elder brother from the corner of his eye, not missing the smile on the corner of the third elder brother's mouth.

Since I was a child, I love to be competitive.

This is after hearing that Brother Jiu had three children, he changed his ways to belittle Brother Jiu in other ways.

Kangxi was angry and funny.

He also said that he knows how to read and understand etiquette. With such a small belly, he is not much better than Brother Jiu.

"Okay, this trip has been exhausting, take a good rest for half a month, and then go to the Ministry of Rites for a walk..."

Kangxi became impatient and waved his hands.

The third elder brother stood up, reluctantly said: "The son will go back first, and come back to pay homage to Ama Khan..."

If you hit a small problem, you can't change it.

At such an advanced age, it is always necessary to show some dignity.

Kangxi soothed his face, nodded and signaled the person to leave.

The third elder brother left the Qianqing palace, but did not leave the palace immediately.

He hesitated for a moment, and went to Yuqing Palace.

This time, I'm afraid the prince is making trouble.

The old nine was already favored, and the legitimate children became "Xiangrui" again, but the prince was deserted under his knees. There were only a few concubines, and their backgrounds were not high.

His younger brother can also go over to comfort him.

But when he reached the gate of Yuqing Palace, the third elder brother paused, took a deep breath, wiped off his sweat, and headed towards Jianting.

Almost did something stupid.

There is still 15 taels of silver in the hands of Brother Jiu, why bother to offend him at this time?

Deduct him a few points from the profit later, but there is no place to cry.

Lao Jiu is happy and angry as he pleases, but he can do anything.

He has heard that the price of hot springs has doubled compared to a year ago.

Especially after the news of the construction of the palace came out...

Even if the old nine is unscrupulous, it is very promising to only share [-]% to [-]% of the profits with everyone...


Clan mansion, prison.

Brother Ten came over early in the morning.

Whether it's Prince Jane or Beizi Sunu, they are all exquisite and don't like to offend others.

If he didn't stare at him, maybe the two of them would directly sentence Shi Gui to "exorcism" and then "quasi-redemption".

If that's the case, Brother Ninth would be a joke. He got angry and fell ill for a while, but in the end, the slave who caused the trouble was unscathed.

This has become a rule, and no one will dare to offend Brother Nine next time.

"My lord, I plan to personally interrogate Shi Gui..."

When the tenth elder brother came to the yamen of the clan's mansion, he went directly to Prince Jian, looked at Prince Jian and said.

Prince Jane is actually in a dilemma.

He is the owner of the Xianglan Banner, and Prince Xin is the owner of the Zhenglan Banner. If they really match up, they will end their enemies.

King Xinjun has various temperaments.

But brother Jiu was wronged, the emperor urged him, and even passed on the matter to him, this is not to be taken lightly or seriously.

Seeing Elder Brother Shi coming to the door, Prince Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Not only Shi Gui, but Master Jiu also sent a few people this morning, let's interrogate Elder Brother together!"

Elder Brother Ten came directly to the Clan Mansion in the morning, but did not go to the Ninth Prince's Mansion, and he just heard about it.

When he asked why, his face was gloomy, and he said: "Thank you, my lord, I really want to interrogate these two, why are you just staring at my ninth brother to bully me..."

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the back room.

Several princes Fujin talked with them for a while, and then they left.

Shu Shu then ate.

She now eats five or six meals a day, all of which are soup and water.

In the past few days, I still have to focus on lochia discharge and lactation, which is relatively light, so I don’t feel very hungry.

Since she couldn't eat eggs all the time, Shu Shu told Xiao Tang to make some meat floss to serve with porridge.

After falling asleep, Shu Shu sensed something was wrong, and muttered to Mrs. Uncle: "Why hasn't my aunt arrived yet?"

With Prince Kang Taifujin's love for her, when he got the news, he should come here.

But the lunch time has passed, and there is still no movement.

Could it be that elder brother Jiu was being cautious again and didn't send someone to deliver the letter there?
That would be so rude.

Shu Shu was still hesitating whether to send Nanny Xing over there, but there was movement outside.

It was Prince Kang Taifujin who sent the nanny over here.

"The master packed up and was about to come out, but was stopped by Prince Xinjun Fujin, who came here uninvited, and did not leave after drinking tea for half an hour. He was going to come with the master to visit Look at Fujin, the master didn't answer the conversation, and sent the servant over to ask, is there any relationship between Fujin and Xinjun Prince's Mansion..."

Thank you, the boss, the other bosses will add more updates, and they will be added as soon as possible, thank you.

The next update will be at 2:27 noon on February 12th, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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