My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 869 Wanting a Whole Corpse, Dreaming

Chapter 869 Wanting a Whole Corpse, Dreaming

The dog barking in the direction of the garden in the early morning was naturally heard by someone on the back building.

When Brother Nine came over, Shu Shu was falling asleep.

But he still told Mrs. Uncle and Jue Luo Shi about this, just because he was afraid that Shu Shu would ask Shushu back and worry.

When Shu Shu woke up, she knew that her house had been burglarized and almost lost the bamboo, and she also knew that it was someone from Xinjun Prince's Mansion.

Xinjun Prince's Mansion belongs to Zhenglan Banner, which is separated from Shu Shu's mother's family, and the two families have no contact.

But they are all from the clan, Mrs. Uncle also knows some of the situation there.

King Xinjun is not young anymore, one year younger than Kangxi, 46 years old, and also a restrained wife. His original wife and stepmother are gone, and now his wife is the third successor Fujin.

The four sons under his knees were all concubines, the second son, third son, and fourth son all died one after another, only the eldest son survived, his health was not very good, he was about the same age as the king of Zhijun, he had been married for more than ten years, and only a few years ago Movement, gave birth to a grandson.

In recent years, I have never heard the news of the county prince's mansion asking for a son.

As for Prince Xin's third successor Fujin, Shu Shu had met at Da Fujin's funeral, and looked younger than the grandma of the palace, 25 or [-] years old.

The two families originally had a relationship between well water and river water, but asking someone to steal bamboo in the middle of the night is too much.

Especially after Brother Jiu went to the palace to file a complaint, it was a slap in the face.

Now, after hearing what the mother of Kang Wang's mansion said, Shu Shu didn't hide anything, she told about the arrest of the thief at home, and said: "I'm sent to the Punishment Department, and I will wait for the palace to deal with it. Even if she comes, I won't be able to see her. It's just that I'm hurting my aunt, and I have to deal with this kind of person."

In terms of seniority, Tai Fujin is the concubine's wife; in terms of superiority, Tai Fujin is Prince Heshuo Fujin.

It is also rude for Xinjun Wang Fujin to block the door like this.

The mother of Kang Wang's mansion got the letter of approval and went back to report.

The west courtyard of Prince Kang's mansion, the upper room.

Tai Fujin glanced at the clock, another half an hour passed.

Xinjun Wang Fujin hesitated, but he still didn't tell the truth.

Tai Fujin was impatient.

She glanced at the stomach of Prince Xinjun Fujin, before she was only begging for a child and bewildered again.

After all, it is difficult to be a stepmother, and it is even more difficult to be a stepmother than a stepson who is younger.

Tai Fujin himself is also a stepmother, so he had some sympathy for this next door sibling before.

But it's also disgusting if you don't say a word like this.

Xinjun Wang Fujin is between 25 and [-] years old, of medium stature, with a slightly plump body, and his eyes are a bit wandering.

She dared not tell the truth for fear of being kicked out.

But she didn't dare to go back like this, at the palace, she was still crying and waiting.

There are several brothers in her natal family, but Xikui is the only one who has the same mother. This time, she went to steal bamboo for her business again. There was a mistake, and Enie Neng tore her up.

At this moment, the nanny who was going to the Ninth Prince's Mansion came over, came to Tai Fujin, and whispered about the "thief" of the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

Tai Fujin fell on his back in anger.

If she hadn't been cautious, she would have brought Xinjun Wang Fujin to the Ninth Prince's Mansion in a daze, what would others think then?
It's as if she doesn't distinguish between closeness and closeness, and she favors outsiders, intervening in the lawsuit between Xinjun Prince's Mansion and Ninth Prince's Mansion.

She looked at Prince Xinjun Fujin, her expression lost, she looked up and down a few times, and said: "It seems that you have not been wronged, does this mean that you know that your brother is a thief?"

Xinjun Wang Fujin hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, it's all a misunderstanding, it's because my brother was fooled by others, and he did something stupid after drinking..."

Tai Fujin sneered and said: "Jiu Mengzi can wander from the south city to the north city? He can also enter the prince's mansion with a wall one foot high. Who are you fooling? Don't worry about the prince's mansion. I'm sent to the Punishment Department. I want to ask for it." Love, please go to the imperial court!"

After hearing this, King Xinjun Fujin's body softened, he slumped in his chair, and slipped down.

Seeing that she was about to fall, the nuns beside her hurriedly stopped her.

"Fu Jin, Fu Jin..."

When she saw clearly the appearance of Prince Xinjun Fujin, the nanny was frightened out of her wits.

It turned out that Xinjun Wang Fujin's complexion was pale, his teeth were closed, his eyes were closed, and he had passed out.

Tai Fujin caressed his chest, he was startled, and quickly asked someone to tell the doctor.

She is not young anymore, there is a doctor here in the palace, who takes care of her on a daily basis.

When the doctor came over, after the diagnosis, the result was speechless.

Xinjun Wang Fujin is pregnant for two months, and her slippery pulse is showing.

Now she is in a state of confusion, and she passed out when her fetal gas moved.

Tai Fujin let out a long breath, and told the nanny: "Go to the front and tell the prince about this, and let the prince send someone to invite the county king!"

It is a big matter when it comes to children and heirs. If it is not handled properly, it will become unreasonable if it is reasonable.

Tai Fujin was so depressed and regretted.

For this kind of uninvited guest, they should be rejected directly, and they should not show good looks.

Now it's causing trouble for his son, and Prince Naxin is not a generous person.

I have never had any children by concubine in my life, and now my step-wife has made a move. If there is a mistake, I am afraid that I will hate my family...

Clan mansion, prison.

Elder Brother Shi came over and first looked at the details of Shi Gui found in the clan mansion.

Shi Gui was originally a commoner, his family ran a grocery store, and he was an old householder in Nancheng, so he was used to making money.

His girl was married once, and she was also married to a well-matched family. She came from a small family and had very prosperous children. She had two children in three years.

Later, he got acquainted with a foreign steward of Prince Zhuang's mansion, knew about Prince Zhuang's begging for a son, and also knew that the first two Gege's biological mothers were not of high status, and that the other one was chosen from among the wrapped women in Wangzhuang, who was a good heir. , I had a thought, made peace with my daughter, and sent the money to Prince Zhuang's mansion.

Sure enough, his daughter gave birth to Sangege, and became Shu Fujin in a flash, becoming the second member of the female family in the backyard of Prince Zhuang's mansion.

Sangege also entered the palace to be raised, more respectable than her two older sisters.

Shi Gui also took advantage of his relationship to join the Baoyi Banner, became a coat under the banner of the Wangfu, and moved from the south city to the inner city.

Over the years, he has successively held all the shops in Prince Zhuang's Mansion in his own hands, became the chief steward of the Prince's Mansion, and even performed ceremonies.

Elder Brother Shi sat down in the hall and asked someone to drag Shi Gui up.

Shi Gui's wrists and ankles are covered with iron chains as thick as a child's arm, and he looks very embarrassed.

San Gege is fifteen years old this year, and Shi Gui's grandfather is certainly not young, he is also in his fifties.

He has been pampered and pampered for more than ten years, and he was locked up in this big prison for two days. Now he is kneeling on the ground, he looks a little old, his hair is also gray, and he looks a little cringing.

He was going to be scared to death.

Unexpectedly, with my identity, how could I be able to enter the clan's prison?

Having lived in the inner city for more than ten years, he certainly knows who is locked in the prison of the clan mansion.

Not to mention that he is an old man, even if Prince Zhuang came in, he might not be able to get out completely.

The tenth elder brother saw his shyness, and sneered and said, "Are you timid now? You are jealous of the 'Baiweiju' business, aren't you quite courageous when you plot against my ninth elder brother?"

He was wearing a royal blue uniform with a yellow belt around his waist. His age and his address made it easy to guess his identity.

That Shi Gui kowtowed and said: "Master Shi, I am wronged, I am wronged, it is all a misunderstanding!"

Elder Brother Ten snorted softly, and didn't bother to listen to his sophistry, so he directly ordered the guard next to him, saying: "This slave has no rules, first beat twenty boards to learn the rules!"

The guards immediately pulled Shi Gui down, pulled up his trousers to reveal his buttocks, and gave him a "crackling" beating.

Shi Gui was already dumbfounded, struggling to shout, his jaw was taken off and a rag was stuffed in his mouth.


When the real board went down, Shi Gui's tears and snot flew around.

Brother Ten was unmoved.

Next door, Prince Jane and Sunu looked at each other, but they didn't intend to stop them.

Everyone knows that the tenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother have a good relationship, so it is normal to let go of your anger first.

When the twenty boards were finished, the guard pulled the rag from Shi Gui's mouth and pushed his chin up.

Shi Gui inhaled in pain.

"Let's talk? Why did you have the guts to plot the business of 'Baiweiju'? But what did Prince Zhuang say?"

Elder Brother Ten asked coldly.

Prince Jane and Sunu next door changed their faces when they heard this.

Elder Brother Ten is going to involve Prince Zhuang?
If it really got involved, then it wasn't the slave who offended Brother Jiu, but Prince Zhuang who "bullied the little with the big" and bullied the prince.

Shi Gui's face changed, he saw that Elder Brother Shi was speechless.

Elder Brother Shi sneered and said: "Don't think that you can take on this matter by yourself. If you are 'disrespectful' to the prince, you should be hanged! If you want to die with a whole body, it is a dream. I will feed your rotten meat to the dogs, and call this capital city Your servant knows who can be offended and who cannot be offended!"

Shi Gui's teeth chattered.

This is the prince elder brother, so don't scare him.

He didn't want to be buried in the dog's belly.

He hurriedly said: "The servant is confused. He was instigated by others and felt that Jiufujin opened next to our restaurant. He didn't pay attention to our lord, so he wanted to stir up trouble..."

So not only did he bribe Steward Lin to let the Qing Deban go to Baiweiju to sing, but he also arranged a lot of local ruffians to go to Baiweiju to occupy seats.

As a result, because there were many scholars in Tianjing City, Baiweiju's business was good, and before their people passed by, the place was full.

Elder Brother Ten's face became even more gloomy, and he said, "Then you didn't inquire, whose property is that restaurant originally? It was a wedding gift from the master to Brother Nine, and Brother Ninth gave it to Sister-in-law Nine. , have to avoid your Prince Zhuang's mansion?"

Shi Gui flinched even more, if he inquired about it, wouldn't there be nothing to do later?

He let out a long breath, not daring to delay, and said: "It's Yaqibu, the steward of the Babeile Mansion, the shop that his daughter managed before, was involved in the business of porcelain Jiufujin, and was smashed by Jiuye's people, and even closed the shop. , I kept my grudges in my heart, so I provoked the younger one, and said a lot of small things, and the younger one was obsessed with ghosts at the time, so I came up with these methods..."

Elder Brother Ten looked at the pen note style recorded next to him, and said, "Let him draw the note!"

Responding in a pen and post style, he took the confession and asked Shi Guihua to charge him.

"You really don't want to do Prince Zhuang's affairs?"

Elder Brother Ten continued to ask, his expression was like a statue, unable to distinguish between emotions and anger.

Shi Gui shook his head like a rattle drum, and said: "I really don't want to do it, my lord has never bothered about economic affairs, and I didn't even know that the two restaurants are next to each other..."

(End of this chapter)

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