My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 877 Auspicious and Unlucky

Chapter 877 Auspicious and Unlucky

Zhenglan flag is unlucky.

After listening to Kangxi's dictation, the clan and Xungui couldn't help but think of this sentence.

This is what Prince Yutong Duoduo said.

The first three flag owners of the Zhenglan Banner, Mang Gurtai, De Ge Lei, and Hao Ge all died suddenly.

The fourth flag owner was Doduo, the original owner of the inlaid white flag. At that time, in the fifth year of Shunzhi, Dorgon was in power. He used the pretext that Duo Duo snatched Mrs. Fan Wencheng, took away his fifteen cattle records, and changed the color of Duoduo's inlaid white flag. Zhenglan flag.

Duoduo became the new flag owner of the Zhenglan Banner. At that time, he was so angry that he complained to his clan in private, but in the end he really complied. After a year, the smallpox was gone.

The next successor, Dhoni, also died in a short break.

Even Yue Le, the small banner owner, did not end well.

Only Prince Xin is left...

Brother Jiu was not happy when he heard this, but rather tangled, said: "From Yue Lexie, it's different..."

Brother Jiu went to the second room, and after hearing the excitement of the people inside, he was very interested and retreated, and went to the west for a while.

Prince Rao Yu's lineage, now known as An Jun's lineage, is the first prince among the meritorious kings to attack.

Jue Luo looked at her and reminded her: "They are all the same flesh and blood, don't treat them differently just because of their looks!"

In the past half a year, there is no other obvious feeling, the skin is indeed firmer and finer...

Prince Kang Taifujin hugged his elder brother, reluctant to let go.

Nanny Qi brought two ginkgo fruits and kept watching.

The tenth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, and said: "It's not a bad thing, and we have thought about it well. If the Qing Dynasty is unstable, we can't be an idle prince; as long as the Qing Dynasty is stable, so what if the real power is not real? This world The rights of the emperor are like a big cake. Since the emperor Taizu, the royal family has been sharing the cake with the clan. First, it was the Four Great Baylors, and then the Eight Banners discussed politics. Now it is Khan Ama Gangang who decides arbitrarily..."

There were three leisure carts on the kang next time, and they were not empty now, with tiger pillows placed on each of them.

Brother Jiu whispered.

Seeing Brother Jiu come in, Nanny Qi and Bai Guo both got up.

After a few days, she stopped breastfeeding, and she will treat the babies equally.

The back building is slightly east.

Jue Luo said: "Anyway, even if there is a partiality in your heart, you can't show it, otherwise the servants below will be used to watching their faces, come and go, and troubles will arise in the future."

Every time there is a game between the royal family and the clan, the Eight Banners will be in chaos for a while, and the clan and nobles will also be affected, bleeding to death.

Brother Jiu also laughed, pointed to his own room, and said proudly, "Baile started, if you try harder these few years, you might be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with you. At that time, the starling was shameless... "

Mrs. Uncle sat beside her, looking at the infant elder brother, her face was filled with kindness, and she said, "I've never seen such a worry-free child..."

Shu Shu also thought of kelp because of seafood, which can expel lochia, and today she also started to ask people to cook kelp soup.

"Brother Fengsheng, the name is also good..."

There is no woman who does not love beauty, even a woman without a man.

Otherwise, children will be the most sensitive to facial expressions, and if they have something to rely on, it will be difficult to manage.

Yesterday a few princes Fujin came over, Qifujin and the others were envious when they saw the elder brother's appearance, because their elder brothers, whether they were born elder brothers or princesses, were all better than their father.

Tai Fujin said: "Eating bird's nest is also popular in the capital now. I also eat it. It's sweet and tasteless. I feel it's not as effective as donkey-hide gelatin."

It's not that I'm worried about being rejected, but that I can't bear it either.

Elder Brother Ten thought for a while, and said, "If because of Fifth Brother, Khan Ama keeps suppressing Ninth Brother's title and refuses to give it to Gao, then Ninth Brother will blame Khan Ama and Fifth Brother?"

Mrs. Uncle and Jue Luo took a closer look at Tai Fujin, and found that she looked better than last year, not only her complexion was rosy, but the fine lines around her eyes were less, and her hair was black and shiny.

"He has a good temper, and his temperament can be determined by him..."

Both Tai Fujin and Madam Bo laughed.

"The starling has surrendered his beizi, and the Anjun king brothers have lost a county king and a beizi, and they are all the Duke of Zhen..."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement, and said, "Don't worry!"

Brother Ten said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Now because Xiao Er is weak, I feel pity, and it is only for this period of time.

Elder Brother Shi smiled, and said, "Don't worry, Brother Khan will not suppress you if you just say so."

It is true that they are princes now, and they will also be clansmen in the future.

Mrs. Uncle said: "It looks like it's really well prepared, you can eat it..."

Prince Kang Taifujin came here today, and he also brought a lot of supplements, including ginseng, bird's nest, sea cucumber, and donkey-hide gelatin.

After a while, there was movement at the door.

Brother Nine nodded without hesitation, and said: "Resent! If I live in chaos, I will definitely not complain, but I have worked hard to make contributions, and Khan Ama still treats it as if I can't see it. I must complain! The same mother and brother What's the matter? Back then, the Duoduo brothers were also from the same mother, and they didn't delay being crowned king..."

"After the confinement period, you can take a bath, rub it with sea salt, and then use this scraping therapy, once every two days, the belly lines will be lightened, otherwise it will look ugly, and it will make people disgusted if you look at it carefully."

Thinking about it is too impatient.

This is a car from Dutong Mansion. It looks very simple and simple, and it has been passed down from generation to generation.

After giving birth, I don't know how to get rid of it.

Brother Jiu took a few glances, then tiptoed to the next room.

At that time, there were several brothers, three county kings, and one Baylor. There were many flowers and flowers, but now there is only one county king.

But the fifth elder brother was obviously raised by honor, and the ninth elder brother didn't intervene in court affairs, so the rank of the title was not so important.

Tai Fujin nodded, and said to Mrs. Uncle and Jue Luo: "I brought three boxes of donkey-hide gelatin this time. It's best to take it on an empty stomach in the morning. It can be used after Shushu has discharged her lochia. It can strengthen the body, nourish the blood and adjust the blood. Shushu can be used, it’s good to use it at our age, our government has a flag belonging to Shandong, and I asked someone to give it as a New Year’s gift last year. I started eating it in the twelfth lunar month. After eating for three months, my complexion improved a lot. I slept soundly at night, sister-in-law and second sister-in-law will also try it out, and ask someone to send money over later, and buy more..."

There are two swaddling babies on the kang, they are Big Gege and Second Elder Brother.

When the tenth elder brother left and the ninth elder brother returned to Houmalou to accompany the guests, the topic of the mother and his wife had changed from health preservation to beauty.

The tenth elder brother left the palace, did not return to the clan's mansion, and went directly to the Ninth Prince's mansion.

"Same as Shu Shu when she was a child, snow-white and snow-white like dough..."

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing when she heard this, and said: "Ernie, don't worry about it, I'm a pro-Ernie, not a stepmother, so I can pick and choose!"

Prince Kang Taifujin looked at Shu Shu's food, and said with some distress: "Is it too dull?"

In the west room, Da Gege and the second elder brother were falling asleep.

Brother Nine tiptoed over to the kang.

In addition to supplements, Tai Fujin also brought Shu Shu a box of ivory scraping boards and two jars of sea salt.

Even if this sentence was not added when conferring a king, the previous rules cannot be denied.

You must know that in the Taizong and Shizu dynasties, it was mentioned that Prince Heshuo and the king of Duoluo County would not be relegated to the nobility, and would not be hereditary. Class attack.

At that time, the reason given by the emperor was that in the first year of Shunzhi when he was canonized as the king of Raoyu County, he did not write about hereditary replacement. Similarly, when Yue Le Shunzhi became the prince in 14 years, he did not mention hereditary replacement, so the successor king descended.

Although they protect Shu Shu, they never interfere with Jue Luo's goddaughter since she was a child.

Looking at it now, it is not very auspicious for the descendants to wither...

In fact, this is a bit of a strong word.

Xiaotang came to deliver the morning extra meal.

Here's another one waiting to hear the news.

Now I guess I don't dare to see people anymore, and it will take a while to get up and hide my shame.

Although it was the first time to be an Ernie, she didn't want to be a eccentric Ernie.

Due to the lack of health, Shu Shu eats a lot now.

Jue Luo said: "I've heard people say this to nourish people, and I took it for a few days in the early years, but stopped when I didn't see any effect."

In fact, he really wanted to confess his feelings and tell the elders that he would never dislike Shu Shu, no matter what lines Shu Shu had on her body or anything else.

Shu Shu sat halfway, proudly said: "I was born once, if none of them look like me, then I will be ashamed!"

After all, Emperor Taizong and Emperor Shizu both mentioned Prince Heshuo and King Doro as hereditary successors.

"If King Gong is like this, Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang must be like this, and it will be the same when we arrive..."

Regarding the knowledge of stretch marks, she only knows to use olive oil to prevent them, which was applied before she gave birth.

If the fifth elder brother is also a powerful prince with outstanding abilities, then the imperial father will think about balancing it, and the title of the ninth elder brother will not be too high.

Fusong came back from Tianjin last night, bringing several buckets of live shrimp and a lot of scallops.

It's just that he also knows some ways of the world, and he knows that these are not just talking about it, and talking about it will not make the elders feel at ease, it depends on the future.

It's just supplements, not medicines, how can it take a few days to see results?

Kelp, sea prawns, and scallops are all salted, so there is no need to add other seasonings, and the taste is not bland.

Seeing the majestic clan kings who were once majestic, now they are all like dough, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Mrs. Uncle said: "I asked the imperial doctor to see it, and said that in the first few days, I can eat more, and it will also relieve lochia, and I will make it up in a few days."

Shu Shu is also worried about this.

Since Mrs. Uncle came to the Prince's Mansion last year, the small kitchen of Ning'an Hall was personally ordered by Shu Shu to serve bird's nest every day.

Brother Nine sighed and said: "I also know that King An is a special case, and the prince of Enfeng has no meritorious service, and it is fair to attack, but I still hope that Khan Ama will favor our brothers, just like brothers. , Highly sealed, even if the attack is made, it will be a matter of the emperor's grandson and emperor's great-grandson..."

As it is now, even though the competition in private has not stopped, but the face is also warm, isn't it good?

Right now is a bowl of seaweed soup with shrimp balls and a drawer of steamed scallop dumplings.

Although the Prince An's Mansion is still there, it is no longer the Prince An's Mansion ten years ago.

These two are edible during puerperium.

Since it was the method told by Tai Fujin, it is just time to try it.

The eighth elder brother also lost his biggest backer, and because of Yaqibu's lawsuit, he was exposed as incompetent and cowardly.

Neither Prince Kang nor Mrs. Uncle interrupted.

Shu Shu looked at the elders and said, "You can eat donkey-hide gelatin, and you should also eat the bird's nest every morning, which is also nourishing and beautifying..."

According to the custom of the Eight Banners, all newborns have to get on the car, and this one is given by the parents.

As early as after Shu Shu became pregnant, the preparations were made at the Dutong Mansion, and it was delivered yesterday.

After the seventh day, the children can get on the car, and then until the full moon, the car cannot be empty during this period.

When the full moon ceremony is also called "get off the car ceremony", when the time comes, there will be no taboos when the child is placed in or out of the car...

(End of this chapter)

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