My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 878 The Kind Brother Nine

Chapter 878 The Kind Ninth Brother
It seems that the back cover is full.

Brother Jiu sat on the edge of the kang, touching the car.

The southern kang is full, and the northern kang is on duty at night.

In the Dongci room, it was Jueluo who took the girl on duty at night.

There is no place for him.

Does it take a whole month for husband and wife to settle separately?
Or two months?
Brother Jiu felt troubled, as if his wife had been robbed.

On the other side of the main room, it was deserted.

After two months, it won't be that the relationship between husband and wife is estranged, and the wife will put a few cubs first, right?
At that time, I will be biased, not him.

He was feeling sour when He Yuzhu came over, raised the curtain and whispered: "Master, the uncle and the third master are here..."

Brother Jiu got up, went out of the back building, and went to the front living room.

The third elder brother leaned over, looked at it, and said: "Is this used as medicine? I'm blind, but it can be used as a pearl if it is polished well, or cut off the blemishes and leave half of the head flower."

But in front of the broken-mouthed third elder brother, I can't mention this.

There is no hostess in Zhijun Palace, and naturally there is no one else to prepare for the birthday ceremony.

Ninth brother shook his head and said: "I guess it won't work in the next year, and it will take another two years. It will take the thirteenth and fourteenth brothers to get married. It's not like you don't know that Khan Ama loves you." Wave after wave, my brother reckons that this wave of knighthood among us should end up with Brother Fourteen..."

Nine droughts in ten years.

The third elder brother listened.

too close!
I don't want to be so close to Lao Jiu!
The ninth elder brother didn't see the third elder brother's reaction, so he hurriedly said to the eldest elder brother: "No, no, elder brother, don't worry about me, the younger brother intends to intercede with Han Ama, and share the same flag with the tenth elder brother, so there is a care. Don't worry about me if you are not old, and I don't worry about you either..."

If the younger brothers were all separated from the rank of title, then his majesty as an older brother could be restored.

Ninth elder brother immediately became interested, and went directly to look through it: "Is there any sea pearl? This is not common, my brother even asked someone to inquire about it a while ago."

As for the authenticity of this number, no one doubted it.

If a heavy snowfall froze the cattle and sheep to death, the hungry would be ordinary herdsmen, and the empty wallets would be the Mongolian princes.

This is still reducing the manpower by half, and the manpower in the other brothers' houses is doubled, and the various chewing expenses will be doubled accordingly.

The third elder brother nodded and shook his head again: "That was the white disaster of the winter of the previous year. Most of the animals died. Most of the food last year was allocated by the court. Last winter, the snow was fine. If this winter is also warm, then there will be another year." , Two years have passed."

It would be great if the fourth, fifth and seventh sons followed suit.

While talking, Brother Jiu found Haizhu and opened the box. Although they were not round beads, they were not those rice beads in the pharmacy either. Looking at the big thumb cover, the luster was good.

After the court meeting was over, Kangxi asked someone to pass the prince to the Qianqing Palace.

After all, it's not easy for twins to stand up, let alone three.

It turns out that the money and food allocated by the imperial court can also be their own!

According to the rules of their brothers entering the flag, the ninth elder brother will follow the eighth elder brother to enter the Zhenglan flag.

Big brother still didn't answer.

Brother Jiu was thinking about these brothers who are not economical, and he didn't think that he would worry about them in the future, so he said a few more words.

When I came back today and heard it, he was also very upset.

"Besides, the money, food and silver are fixed. If there are fewer guards, the rest will be put on the account, which is also a sum of money. When there is a need to reward and pension later, there is no need to prepare additional money..."

In a few years, it might be necessary to borrow money from the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Although the ninth elder brother in the palace wants to be named jointly by all the princes, Khan Ama must be aware that [-]% of the credit is due to the ninth elder brother.

It's nice to hear.

There are not many masters in his house, there are about a dozen people, big and small...

Kangxi glanced at him, and said: "Taizong vowed not to take away the prince's Niulu. Marhun's younger brother will be turned into an idle clan, and the assistant leader under his name will also be returned to the owner according to the law."

The third elder brother was also very helpless.

The third elder brother looked at the eldest elder brother and said: "If it was my slave, he would have been kicked out a long time ago, and it would be the same if I replaced the elder brother's slave..."

What's the use of ostentation?

The eldest elder brother looked at the third elder brother, noncommittal.

Otherwise, everyone will get used to being extravagant, and the family will multiply and there will be more people around, and there will be a deficit.

Eldest Brother is not in the capital for the past two days and has gone to Nanyuan.

With their identities, they don't need to talk about ostentation. Instead, they should think about the future...

Eldest brother pointed to several boxes on the table opposite, and said: "Here are some herbs, some of which you can eat, and some of which your younger siblings can eat. You have asked the imperial doctor how to use it, so you can make good use of it." Bu, compared with the little ones, adults are more valuable."

The prince was wary of Prince Jane.

Except for Zhijun Prince's Mansion, the congratulatory gifts for the other prince's mansions were all delivered yesterday.

The elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, remembered the business, and said: "How about I tell Han Ama that you will fly the inlaid blue flag later?"

Too forbearing.

If the salary is not enough, it depends on the income from the property.

Not only was he worried about these clan daughters, but he was also worried about the wallets of the Mongolian princes.

The old nine chicken thief really knows how to hug money.

That's what I said, but when a blind cat meets a dead mouse, Lao Jiu is so thick-skinned?
He complained in his heart, but he agreed with a smile on his face, saying: "Yes, it is because the ninth younger brother is filial to the elders, respectful and friendly to the brothers, and that's the blessing."

The Meteorite of Dong E's family was in Jingshan before, but later it was sent to Nanyuan.

It's better in Shengjing, but the income in Zhili is not good.

Brother Nine frowned and said: "Just looking after the house and guarding the courtyard, the current guard is enough. What do you do to support so many idlers? I will fill it up later, so it is not easy to delete it. When my younger brother pays for the money himself, the one-year The annual salary was given to them..."

"It's all the old eight's fault. No matter how close the servant is, can he still be close to his brother? I'm so confused, this Baylor is not wronged..."

Before Shu Shu gave birth, she had a period of internal dryness, and her eyes were dry and uncomfortable. Brother Jiu asked someone to inquire about Haizhu, but couldn't find a good one for a while.

It's not good to hear, some people say that "auspiciousness" may not be auspicious, but they don't know whether it is "dragon lives and phoenix dies" or "dragon dies and phoenix lives".

In the living room ahead, the third brother and the eldest brother are complaining.

Royal blood, not to be confused.

Their industry, Huangzhuang is the big one, and other bits and pieces are the small ones.

The third elder brother saw the ninth elder brother looking at him, and said with a smile: "I should have come yesterday, but after all, I went out with an errand and returned to the Qianqing Palace, so I delayed until today."

To return it to the owner is to return it to the head of the branch, Marhun.

Third Elder Brother: "..."

Brothers and sisters, one is honored and the other is humiliated.

According to Materia Medica, in addition to whitening and beautifying the skin, sea pearls also calm the nerves, calm the mind, improve eyesight and remove cloudiness, and are suitable for use as medicine.

People without thought, he must worry about.

Why hasn't he thought about this!

He thought of the matter of Brother Nine entering the flag.

The prince struggled and said: "Why did Ama Khan only give the king of Anjun a favor?"

In fact, he really misunderstood Brother Jiu.

It's too cruel.

Brother Nine felt relieved after hearing this.

Brother Jiu said: "If it's ginseng, it's fine. There are a lot of ginseng at home. The imperial doctor said that my younger brother and Fujin are young, and the ginseng is dry, so I don't need too much. It's better for my elder brother to take it out and supplement it. It's a bit older than us... ..."

He was away for the past two days, so he didn't know that Brother Jiu had a lawsuit with Prince Zhuang's Mansion and Prince Xinjun's Mansion.

Xinjun Wangfu and Anjunwangfu, the elder brother thinks that it is better for the ninth elder brother to change the color of the flag.

And with him and the third child, Brother Nine came over to be a leisurely little banner owner, and no one would bully him.

The third elder brother was beside him, his face changed.

The clan of the Xianglan Banner is relatively simple, mainly the family of Prince Zheng, because it is not a descendant of the Taizu, it can be regarded as a distant branch of the clan, and has always been relatively close to the royal family.

Brother Nine thought of Princess Shuhui, and said, "Has the Bahrain Ministry slowed down? Didn't you say that there was a white disaster last year, and many animals died?"

He was also curious about what happened to Nanyuan, and wanted to ask a question or two.

Eldest brother thought for a while, and said: "That's fine, Khan Ama's [-]th birthday will be presented in the palace next year, can we exchange it for grace?"

Big Brother wanted to kick him, so he snorted softly, "It's not ginseng, it's Dendrobium, Poria cocos, Goblin, and sea pearls..."

Or if you stop being a prince in the future, and become a brother or uncle of the emperor, if you do something wrong, you will be demoted to a noble or something, life will be difficult.

Eldest brother nodded and said: "A man from the family sent him to Shandong. He came here last year as a filial piety. It happened that there was no one at home. Half of the filial piety was given to the empress, and the rest can be given to younger brothers and sisters..."

This principle is almost the same as eating empty wages.

"What does the Crown Prince think about Brother Anjun?" Kangxi asked.

But Zhenglan Qi was too messy.

Since the 37th year of Kangxi, he wanted to promote the county king back, but he was powerless and had no chance.

After seeing the two elder brothers, he sat down first, and looked at the third elder brother, which was a bit of an eyesore.

Until today, when Prince Jane bared his fangs and gave the case such a serious sentence, everyone remembered the old grudge between Prince Jane and Yue Le.

The prince pondered and said: "My son is a little puzzled, why did Khan Ama keep the Duke of Zhen, the two younger brothers of Prince An?"

How did the third offend the ninth?
The third child is already stingy enough, but you want to take the third child into the ditch?

Brother Nine came in and said, "Big Brother, Third Brother..."

He is in charge of the House of Internal Affairs, and now he still lives in the Prince's Mansion, so of course he knows that a few thousand taels of silver can't beat the maintenance of this mansion.

"When it's like Prince Gong's Mansion, with princes and grandchildren, and more people to order, then make up the manpower. Now there are only a few masters, and two or three hundred people are too many. If it is doubled, Isn't it a loss that everyone is leisurely like a gentleman?"

Most of Huangzhuang is in Zhili, and the other half is in Shengjing.

He hoped that all the tribes in the grassland would be prosperous, there would be less friction and disputes, and more economic exchanges.

Their brother's Zuo Ling was separated from the Zuo Ling under the name of his father Yue Le.

Therefore, in the same color flag, the banner owner is the head in name, but in fact, what he really manages is the Zuoling population under his own name; the banner owners of other small banner owners belong to the population, and the banner owner has no right to discipline.

The eldest elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother fooling the third elder brother, feeling baffled.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

If he changed his servant, it would be impossible to offend the prince.

In this way, there is no need to lead down from the upper three flags.

Brother Jiu nodded proudly, "That's right, that's right, my younger brother didn't believe in gods and Buddhas earlier, but now I can't say it well."

The third elder brother heard this, shook his head and said: "Where is this going? This money and food is given by the imperial court. Whether you use it or not, it is all supported by the imperial court..."

He is also in the blue flag!

"At that time, we will still have to choose Biding Jia, then there will be more people, and the job is easy to get, but it is not easy to get back. If you don't change to a similar job, they can't bury me as the master behind their backs, then don't want me myself Do you send them other errands out of your pocket?"

The third elder brother said from the side: "Late seals are better than late seals, how good it is, you don't have to pay for it yourself, everything is provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs! You are the same, you don't take advantage of the advantages, what are you doing with your frugal staff at this time? It's not about begging for money yourself, it's better to make up for it later, as I said, this time you recruited a thief, maybe it's because outsiders know that your mansion is short of manpower..."

The third elder brother didn't refute, nodded and said: "Well, yes, the younger brother and sister have made meritorious service this time, and the outside world also said that Khan Amarende, 'Xiangrui' fell to the royal family..."

Now it is different from the past. Now the banner is in the hands of the capital, not the banner owner.

This is true for bureaucrats, guards, and guards.

It's rare that the "auspiciousness" in Lao Jiu's house has all landed, and Lao San has not felt sour.

He doesn't like to act with such a character as Prince Jane.

Brother Nine felt awkward hearing this, and said, "Shouldn't I be praising my younger brother? It's because my younger brother and I have accumulated virtue that the heavens send 'auspiciousness' right?"

Earlier, he had talked about the "Noni case" with his confidants, and he suspected that the emperor was the one behind the scenes, in order to make preparations for the lowering of the flag by Brother Nine, the leader in the hands of the Anjun brothers.

Brother Jiu said: "No matter how precious you are, can gold be more precious than your younger brother Fujin?"

Ninth elder brother glanced at third elder brother, and said: "My younger brother knows this, but my house is full of vacancies, and the turning back flag belongs to the population division, let everyone go to drink the northwest wind..."

Kangxi looked at the prince, a little disappointed, but he still said patiently: "Although King Xinjun is the owner of the Zhenglan Banner, he was a young prince, and his Ama was a young prince, and the flag affairs of the Zhenglan Banner are in Yue Le's hands. , has been in control for more than forty years, Yue Le's name is Zuo Ling, and most of them are the Gongzhong Zuo Ling who was added and embezzled later..."

These assistants cannot be taken back now, but they need to be figured out gradually...

There are [-] characters in the third update, and I will read it tomorrow morning in the next update.

Thank you for your monthly pass, thank you, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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