Chapter 880 Separation
The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the back room.

Shu Shu has already woken up, looking at the boxes in front of her.

Unlike Brother Jiu who values ​​Haizhu, she values ​​another kind more.

"Dendrobium Huoshanense, the first of the nine kinds of fairy grass!"

Shu Shu looked at this and said: "This is very precious, this time I have inherited the favor of my elder brother."

Nine kinds of fairy herbs are mentioned in "Tao Zang", namely Huoshan Dendrobium, Tianshan Snow Lotus, Sanliang Ginseng, 20-year-old Shouwu, Sixty-year-old Poria, Wild Ganoderma lucidum, Sea Pearl, Cordyceps sinensis, and Cistanche.

Today, big brother gave four of them.

That cistanche is the goblin in the big brother's mouth.

Ninth elder brother said thoughtfully: "The elder brother probably thought of the elder sister-in-law, so he gave these, and said that the adults wanted it."

Shu Shu sighed, "It would be great if my sister-in-law was still here."

Brother Jiu thought about the names of the three children, complained softly, and said, "Fengsheng and Akdan are fine, what is Niguzhu?" Cheesy..."

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "I didn't say anything else, I just think that Han Ama is biased, and the grandson's name is pretty good. When I come to my granddaughter, I'm a little confused."

"Then what should we do? Still placed in the back building?"

That is to divide Fulton out.

What she wants now is to make the second elder brother fatter, so that he can quickly catch up with his elder brother and sister in weight.

Everyone looked at Fu Qing.

As early as when Fuqing and Fude got their errands, Ma Qi warned his sons that the guards are the guards, don't get involved with others, and don't try to encourage the princes they serve to compete.

The only one who can help the eighth elder brother out of the predicament is the ninth elder brother.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "Let's see when the time comes, or else we'll just stay in the back building and let Nanny Qi and Xiao Chun lead people here!"

Ma Qi said: "The tree has a big branch, the fifth daughter-in-law has been getting started for more than a year, it's time to separate..."

Shu Shu said: "It's just a few days, I don't need you to help me, if you have time, you can help me see a few more children and make notes."

Shu Shu pointed to her lips and chin again, and said, "This is more like a lady..."

For girls, it is a great blessing to live a long and honorable life like the Queen Mother.

Fu Qing is a concubine, and he will be separated sooner or later, so it doesn't matter, he also nodded and said: "My son also obeys Ama's orders..."

To be honest, the older ones of them have already borrowed the family's strength and won a future, and they are not at a disadvantage compared to the younger brothers.

There were ten sons under Ma Qi's knees, the second, fourth and eight sons died young, and seven sons stood still.

The daughter should be pampered, so that she can raise her tolerance.

It happened that the second elder brother finished eating the milk, opened his eyes, looked at Shu Shu's direction, and looked a little dazed.

In addition, because they spread the word here, they will not hold "full moon" and "hundred years old", so it is not easy for people who are more distant to give gifts, and they can only wait for "catch the week" in the future, or when they see each other. Preparatory ceremony.

If the ninth elder brother is more magnanimous at this time and reconciles with the eighth elder brother brothers, then the eighth elder brother's dilemma can be solved.

Several people sat down.

Ge Ge, who was raised pampered by her elders, has a sharper temper and will not be bullied.

Just as she was thinking about it, Nanny Qi said at the door: "Fu Jin, the second elder brother is awake."

Shu Shu was a little hesitant, whether it's better to cover the building at the back, or the east and west wing rooms in the main courtyard.

Shu Shu snorted softly: "Is it okay if I'm shy? Could it be that if you become nirvana, you won't be precious, and you can't be ashamed if you open your arms?"

Although Da Gege's appearance made him not very satisfied, a daughter is a daughter, not the same as a son.

Brother Jiu was troubled in his heart.

Gege, who hadn't been spoiled much by the side, looked dull and disturbing.

This is not only seen from his wife, but also from his sisters.

She looks like Yifei...

Fulton was not surprised. Most of the families outside who have changed the rules are those with titles and lineage inheritance.

That is to say, Khan Ama is filial, otherwise, it depends on the faces of his children and grandchildren, isn't it very pitiful?
It's just these words, he was afraid that it would be unlucky to say them, and he was also afraid that Shu Shu would be worried, so he changed the subject and said: "Wait for the three little ones for a hundred days, then the little eighteen will be 'catch the week', their uncle and nephew are one year apart , and there will be a care in the upper study in the future."

The Fucha family's title and post belonged to his fourth uncle's house, and they had nothing to do with their house, so it didn't matter whether the eldest son stayed at home or not.

Brother Jiu felt that his throat was a little dry.

Hearing this, Brother Jiu hesitated and said: "There is a difference between men and women, why don't we take Da Gege to the front? When the time comes, move the study to the West Room, tidy up the Dongshao Room and Nuan Pavilion for Da Ge..."

Brother Nine doesn't need to go to the Yamen now, it's time to cultivate parent-child relationship.

Shu Shu looked over and said, "I should be hungry, I ate for half an hour at noon."

Nanny Qi put the second elder brother in Shu Shu's arms, glanced at the ninth elder brother next to him, and hesitated whether to put the curtain on or not.

Speaking of Brother Nine outside, they can only praise him.

If a few young ones were placed in the Westinghouse, eating and drinking all day, surrounded by a bunch of nannies and nannies, the study room would not be usable, and the people in the room would be too chaotic.

The fifth child is referring to Fu De, the third-class guard of Ba Age's mansion.

Shu Shu said: "Remember, how many times did you sleep, how many times did you wake up, how many times did you eat, and how many times did you stretch? In this way, there is a comparison. If there is any irregularity that day, you can also know that something is wrong. Call the imperial doctor to see it." Look, otherwise, they are still young, and they don't know if they are uncomfortable..."

"Come in..."

As she said that, she looked down at the second elder brother in her arms, and said, "It's fine for now. If they grow up in a few years and realize that we treat them differently, they will feel wronged."

Shu Shu felt that she couldn't figure it out.

When he arrived at Lao Wu Fude's place, his temper was a bit straightforward, and he asked, "Is it because of my son's previous request that Ama split up?"

Brother Nine came and said excitedly, "Is it time for breastfeeding? Or what?"

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu, and said, "Master, let's be an unbiased Ama..."

The west room is Shu Shu's study, and it is also the inner study of Brother Jiu. On weekdays, couples spend most of their time here.

Ma Qi pointed to the stool opposite the desk and said, "Sit down!"

Brother Jiu said.

It was also the first time that elder brother Jiu saw the way the second elder brother opened his eyes. He didn't nod immediately. He glanced at Shu Shu, then at the second elder brother, and said, "Like a lady, and also like you..."

Shu Shu said: "I think this name is better, it sounds better than the common flowers and plants."

As the elder brother, he will inevitably have a second wife in the future, but it is different from the first wife.

Brother Nine was at the side, and began to calculate the small accounts again, saying: "Have birthday gifts been given everywhere? Has anyone dropped it?"


Ma Qidao

Shu Shu thought about it, but she couldn't tell Brother Jiu to be idle.

Shu Shu said again: "When the confinement is over and moved back to the main courtyard, how will the three children be placed, have you thought about it?"


Shu Shu pinched Brother Jiu's waist, and said: "Don't be cheap and be good! There are so many families, there are about twenty grandsons and granddaughters in the front, and we are the only ones who give nicknames. ..."

The moral is also good.

Brother Nine smiled and said: "Isn't this following the father-in-law? It's a good tradition in our family that daughters are more precious."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's not convenient."

Shu Shu said helplessly: "It's only the third day, only the gifts from relatives, and the gifts outside are only delivered when the 'full moon' comes."

Inlaid yellow flag, Ma Qi's mansion.

It's too long.

Shu Shu put down her clothes, picked up the curtains, and said, "Master, come and see if you look like a lady..."

In addition, the child's grandfather's name sounds like "Seventy", and the granddaughter's name here is "Sixty", which always feels weird.

After hearing this, Brother Nine took it for granted, and said: "This method is good, and I will remember it well. The imperial doctor's Ping An pulse is also requested once a day now, so don't worry about it..."

At that time, she will just take a few more trips.

Brother Jiu looked at it several times, but couldn't tell the difference...

Nanny Qi lowered the curtain to cover Shu Shu.

If others don't want to "come", then they won't "go" here.

The three people in front of them are the oldest among them who have already married.

Brother Nine shook his head honestly and said: "I never thought about it, but it's also like this side, and also put the west side of the house?"

They responded outside, and several people came in one by one, they were the Fulton brothers.

After a while, there was movement outside.

Now it's not only the emperor who has punished the eighth elder brother, but the other princes are also dissatisfied with the eighth elder brother.

Shu Shu took a closer look, her eyebrows resembled Brother Jiu's, but her eyes were bigger than Brother Jiu's, following her apricot eyes.

Speaking of this, Ma Qi looked at the eldest son Fulton and said: "Nowadays, many families outside have changed the rules, the eldest son stays at home, our family does not change, and still follows the old customs of Manchuria..."

Fulton said: "My son obeys Ama's orders."

Today is already the third day of birth, and the second elder brother's brows and eyes are finally stretched.

Is the Queen Mother lucky?
Became a widow in her twenties!
She doesn't have any flesh and blood of her own.

Shu Shu looked up at her and urged her.

Shu Shu said: "It's not about this, but try to be the same on the outside."

In terms of distance, the east and west rooms must be close, but in terms of living comfort, the north room like the back building is better.

He really wanted to make a joke, but he couldn't say anything in front of Nanny Qi, so he coughed lightly and said, "I didn't say anything about you, isn't it because I'm afraid that your arms will be sore from holding the child, and you want to help? "

opened up...

In the study, Ma Qi sat behind the desk.

Brother Jiu felt uncomfortable when he saw this, and complained: "There is no one else, what are you doing with this trouble?"

"Notes? Take what?"

Since last year, he hesitated about one thing, and today he finally made a decision.

When Fu De came back today, he went to the study to look for Ma Qi, and talked about the difficulties of the eighth elder brother.

That's a win-win situation.

Fude felt that Ama, as the prince's teacher, could just be a mediator.

Ma Qi didn't say anything at the time, but after only half an hour, he called everyone over again.

Ma Qi glanced at his sons, and said: "You are getting older, and you will be on your own errands in the future, and you will have your own standpoints. If you want to be safe, you can maintain the golden mean. If you want to have a future, it's not all wrong. You don't have to be tied together. ..."

It's the seventh time, and the first eighty or ninety years haven't been pulled away, so I'm begging for a guaranteed monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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