My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 881 Pleading

Chapter 881 Begging
Fude wanted to speak again, but Ma Qi waved his hands and said, "You go back first, the boss stays..."


Ford didn't move.

Fu Qing drags Fu De down.

Ma Qi rubbed his eyebrows.

Fulton was worried, and said, "Did Amma rest too late recently?"

The lights in the study room have been on until midnight recently.

Ma Qi said: "Just for a while, it will be fine after this."

He oversees the household department, and allocated a lot of money from last year to this year.

The workers of the Yongding River are the big ones, and the pensions for the people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are also the big ones.

Fulton said in shame: "My son is so old, and I still need to worry about it."

Erhe greeted Fusong, and borrowed a second courtyard at the back.

Fuqing was very proud of his foresight, happily called a carriage, and the whole family moved to the back room of the prince's mansion, and became neighbors with Erhe.

Fulton is the eldest son, and the father and son have always talked about everything.

Originally, I thought that the two families were next to each other, and they would see each other when they bowed their heads and saw each other when they looked up.

Erhe's family also separated a while ago, and Erhe also divided the property, but the house is some distance away from the prince's mansion.

Except that Fulton's house is still in the north city, on the border of Zhenghuangqi, the other two houses are all in the south.

Ma Qi glanced at the eldest son and said, "Separation is not a bad thing."

"Why is the family separated at this time? Is it because Fulton and Mr. Fu Deqi are angry?"

Fuqing is clever, he thought of Erhe.

It's just that in recent years, the family of officials and eunuchs has become more and more Sinicized, and it's too late to separate families with their children and grandchildren.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "The teacher has always been a civil servant and has no military merits. Where can he get a title? The title of their father and grandfather is on Li Rongbao. The teacher is neither the eldest son nor the youngest son. There is nothing in turn, but their family has a family position. Zuo Ling, it was the grace given by Khan Ama, and now it is on the boss, and when the boss becomes a serious errand in the future, this should be given to the younger one..."

Fude frowned and said, "I didn't say anything else, I just mentioned something about Master Ba. Third brother, you didn't see it. Today Master Ba was being taught a lesson by Master Jiu and Master Jiu at the gate of Master Jiu. Master Jiu didn't Give me a good face, Master Ba looked very pitiful, so I wondered if Ama could be a man and persuade Master Jiu..."

At that time, his prince Fujin and the other side Fujin will not be in a convenient relationship, so it will be embarrassing.

Ama is the emperor's confidant and close minister, Ama doesn't seem to be optimistic about Yuqing Palace...

Fulton was not self-pitying, and said openly: "Ama doesn't have to worry about my son, he can't do anything beside him, it's still possible to protect myself."

In that case, he would let his son take the exam for the writing test early, or send him to the Imperial Academy, and avoid Yuqing Palace to select candidates.

Fu Qing said disapprovingly, "That's why it's called Manchurian old customs. It's old, and we should change it. If we follow the old Manchurian customs, we two brothers should have been servants to our eldest brother. If we want to have a future, we should take the imperial examination by ourselves like Tong Fahai. , how can I stand in the front..."

Brother Nine stopped talking.

Fu Qing waved his hand and said, "No, no, don't worry about it."

If Fuqing gets a family split here, it doesn't matter where the allocated house is. When he arrives at the Prince's Mansion the next day, he will go directly to Fu Song and say that he wants to move to the back of the Prince's Mansion.

Now his two younger brothers have gone out to serve as bodyguards, but he has been walking in the East Palace for more than ten years and has not officially filled the vacancy.

Fu De said awkwardly: "But this is not in line with the old customs of Manchuria..."

Shu Shudao: "This is good for the stomach and promotes body fluid, and it is also suitable for the body of the master. It is because it is rare. I didn't think about it the year before last. Besides, it is cold in nature. It can be used in an appropriate amount during the puerperium..."

He also looks forward to a long life.

The Fucha family's second bedroom splits up the property and proceeds very quickly.

Brother Jiu glanced at Fu Qing and said, "Then you won't suffer, right? Why don't you join in the fun and be a witness, so that you don't suffer?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "I guess not, or someone should mention it..."

It's too late to avoid suspicion.

After all, it is not popular for high-ranking officials and eunuchs to separate their families now, and if Ma Qi splits up rashly, it will also attract attention.

Now, taking advantage of this time, you can be vague, and the intention is not clear.

He was curious about why the Fucha family split up at this time, but he didn't ask because it was a private matter after all.

As for Fu Qing, he has a soft temper, and he is more respectful and filial to his parents on weekdays.

Shu Shu didn't say anything else.

There was no fanfare, but the Fucha family also invited several in-laws to witness and separated the three sons.

Ma Qi looked at the eldest son, and said: "I don't have time to look at the accounts, so you can just look at the distribution with the steward. Divide the property in the company into nine shares, and each of your brothers will have one share; the property under your mother's name was divided into seven shares before." You take one; the house you live in, yours is closer to home, and when your wife brings the child back, please be safe..."

"Laws of the Qing Dynasty" mentions "Where the grandfather and parents are present, the children and grandchildren shall not share the wealth and live apart", but there is another sentence at the end of the sentence "If the parents give orders to analyze, listen."

Dendrobium also nourishes yin and clears away heat, so it is also good to use after fever.

The couple ate their meals, and after two quarters of an hour, each of them drank a bowl of dendrobium water, and Brother Jiu began to gossip about the separation of Fucha's family.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Perhaps Mr. Ma is also embarrassed, after all, their family is the population of Eighth Brother's banner..."

Fu Qing reached out and touched Fu De's forehead, then touched his own, and said, "You don't have a fever, why do you start talking nonsense? How about the princes, that's what Ama can interrupt?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I am afraid that you will be unfilial and angry with the teacher. In that case, I will not look at it in vain!"

He has been in Yuqing Palace for too long, and he has already been labeled a prince as a human being.

Nine elder brothers visited his wife in the morning. He had nothing to do, so he strolled to the front, and heard Fu Song say that Fu Qing wanted to use the yard, so he came directly to find Fu Qing.

It took less than two days to deal with it.

Fu De looked at Fu Qing and said, "Third brother, are you afraid that your future will be affected?"

From the same mother, they are different in the end.

The courtyard at the back of the Prince's Mansion was originally prepared for the staff.

Fu Qing nodded and said: "Of course, Ama has already said that we each have our own errands and have our own positions. According to you, the emperor does not need to choose ministers from the lower five banners. Isn't it more worry-free to only choose the upper three banners? Otherwise, which level of master would you listen to?"

Fulton nodded happily, but his heart sank.

However, because the eldest daughter of the concubine was also raised by Dai Jia's side before, when she got married last year, Dai Jia took part of the dowry as a gift for the eldest daughter, so Dai Jia divided it into seven shares before her dowry.

Shu Shu said: "Master Ma's concubine sons, are there any brothers from Fucha Fujin?"

Shu Shu said: "Master Ma doesn't have a title?"

Ma Qi's wife Dai Jiashi, the couple had six sons and one daughter together, four sons and one daughter.

Fusong naturally has nothing to say here.

Even if he seeks to release him abroad, he is still the prince's disciple.

Fulton nodded.

After moving house, he had to thank Fu Song again.

"Tell me, why did the teacher's family split up at this time? The eldest son was also separated. Could it be that the teacher is not optimistic about Yuqing Palace?"

He knew this truth and was not in a hurry.

Brother Nine, here is also a plate of chopped chicken legs, a plate of fried cabbage, and meat dragon, which is also a bowl of dendrobium water.

Fude disapproved and said: "But our family is the banner of the Eighth Master. This one is both honored and humiliated. Ama doesn't touch anything. It's not the duty of a slave..."

Fu Qing couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this, and said: "Just be your servant, don't worry about Ama, the rules of the Eight Banners are different from the past, if the rules of the past, Ama and Ernie would have to enter the Eighth Banner every New Year's festival Greetings from the Lord's house, serving as a servant, and now a university scholar is in front of him, a big gift during the New Year and holidays is just a good thing, wouldn't it be ridiculous to insist on putting yourself in the position of a domestic slave?"

Brother Jiu took a look at the Dendrobium water and said, "Didn't you say this is precious? You can use it yourself, and you don't need to drink this..."

In front of Shu Shu is a plate of stewed shrimp with vermicelli, a plate of shellfish and cabbage, a bowl of clam and egg custard, a plate of chopped chicken thigh, a bowl of red bean rice, and a bowl of dendrobium water.

There is also the practice of the Eight Banners, where older sons have to separate households when they start a family.

Guessing it was lunch time, elder brother Jiu went to the back building again, and came to have lunch with Shu Shu.

At this moment, he was a little silent.

Brother Nine asked straight to the point.

According to the rules, this job will mostly be given to the child who keeps the stove.

Just as Fuqing expected, the houses assigned to their brothers were bought one after another by the family over the years, so naturally they bought them wherever they encountered, not all of them were in the boundary of the Yellow Banner.

Shu Shu stopped asking.

At the entrance of the courtyard, Fu Qing looked at Fu De and said, "What did you say to Ama? Forcing Ama to separate?"

Now the court is looking at peace, but since Suo'etu's indictment last year, it is still different.

The emperor added officials of Zhanshi's mansion to the ministers, but did not let them, Yuqing palace officials, make up for the shortage.

Ma Qi glanced at him and said: "Remember what you said, I will raise you for a long time, I don't ask you to be filial, I only ask you to be like a man, do what you say!"

Unexpectedly, within half a year after moving here, she hadn't even met the Fucha family face to face.

Ma Qi took a long breath and said, "Ama delayed you, and should have forced you to study."

She felt that Ma Qi should have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Fu De wanted to speak again, but Fu Qing had already sternly said, "When you want to be loyal in the future, you can do your best, and you don't have to worry about others!"

This Fucha side Fujin is really a wonderful person.

In this way, each of the six children will have one copy, and keep one copy for themselves.

When the family was separated before, the eldest son was also separated out. It can't be said that it gave people the impression that Brother Jiu mentioned it before, and felt that Ma Qi was not optimistic about Yuqing Palace.

If it weren't for the collar at home, he would be white.

Brother Jiu not only regulates the spleen and stomach, but also suffers from overheating. Drinking this is beneficial and harmless.

Brother Nine blinked his eyes, stroked his chin and said, "Master forgot this, what does the teacher mean, because he is not optimistic about myna's future, so he scattered the sons?"

Dendrobium water looks like rice soup, a little viscous.

It was hard for Fu Qing to talk about Fu De, so he said: "Last year when the fifth daughter-in-law came in, Ama mentioned the matter of splitting up the family, and now it's time to split up after a year, or the big family gets mixed up , it’s not good if there is a suspicion, my Ama and uncle, third uncle and the others also broke up early..."

He was only a third-class guard, even if he applied for a room allocation, he would be treated as the first courtyard at the back, but Fu Song asked someone to clean up the second courtyard at the front for him.

"Let the adults bother, tomorrow the adults will come over to drink warm pot wine..."

Fu Song said: "The Fu guards are polite, even if I didn't ask someone to tidy up the front, Lord Jiu would give orders when he turned around. They are not outsiders, so naturally we should live in a spacious room..."

Fude is the fifth child, and the fourth child is also dead. The previous chapter has been revised.

(End of this chapter)

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