Chapter 884 Reciprocate
Hearing what Ma Qi said, Kangxi pondered.

Is the incident in Xiaotangshan really dangerous?

It seems to be true.

There are mountain forests over there, which is different from Haidian.

The land in Haidian is expensive, but compared with Tongzhou and Daxing, it is only a few percent more, not doubled.

It is because the land in Gyeonggi is more expensive than in previous years, and it is an increase in decades, not in a few years.

Why is everyone still rushing to buy even if it has risen?
That is because these Zhuangzi also have benefits.

Especially here in Haidian, there are many lakes, which can be converted into paddy fields, and the income is very rich.

Xiaotangshan is not suitable for farming, what else can be done besides building another courtyard?
Ma Qi is old, you are right, after these two years, the land over there will come down.

No wonder Brother Jiu didn't ask someone to cover the ground, he shot very happily.

Kangxi shook his head and said: "A person who is frizzy, always thinks about it, and if he has no patience, he can't think about some errands steadily..."

Last year, when the Mongolian princes on duty in various ministries came to Beijing, they brought down a large amount of wool and cashmere, and now they have installed two warehouses in Tongzhou.

As a result, Brother Jiu didn't ask a single question, but only asked Guangchusi to discuss the matter with Jiangning Weaving Yamen.

Hundreds of boxes of medicines from the imperial pharmacy have been released year after year, and more than 6000 taels of silver have been brought in.

There are also red-burning amulets made by Neizao, which are about ten times the weight of gold, and with the red-burning process, the price doubles.

The addition of these bits and pieces of income made the internal treasury a lot of surplus.

Kangxi was a little moved, thinking that the Ministry of Accounting has been short of money in the past few years, so he should let Brother Jiu go to the Ministry of Accounting to learn errands.

After hearing Ma Qi's words, he let go of this idea again.

Too young and not steady.

Brother Nine can be bold enough to do the related errands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and if he makes a mistake, he will be responsible for him, Khan Ama.

The household department is related to people's livelihood, but it is a major matter, and the burden is not something that Brother Nine can bear.

Kangxi let go of this thought, started chatting with Ma Qi, and said, "How old is Aiqing's youngest son?"

Usually when the family is divided and no eldest son is left, it means that there is a youngest son in the family.

Ma Qi said: "Same Geng with the Sixteenth Master, and also opened this year..."

Kangxi did some calculations in his mind, brother sixteen was born in 34 and is six years old this year.

No wonder Ma Qi separated the eldest son, and he was able to stand still at the age of six.

Kangxi glanced at Ma Qi and said: "Your family, your brothers are good for the first generation or the next generation, but you stick to the old customs of Manchuria..."

Ma Qi showed his helplessness, and said: "The population is too large, there is no way to do it, if it is only a son, there is no need to worry, don't listen to the lesson, and just settle the matter, but it is different when the daughter-in-law is married, and everyone has it." Be careful, if you stir in the same pot for a few years, the upper teeth will grind the lower teeth, and the relationship between father and son and brother will also be hurt, so don't worry if you split up early..."

Because of the separation of Ma Qi's family, two impeachment papers were published on the Yushi Yamen.

One is to impeach Ma Qi for "rudeness" and separate the eldest son and grandson.

According to the law of etiquette, the eldest son and grandson are the main branches of the family.

It is against the rules to discriminate between young and old.

There is also the impeachment of Ma Qi for "violating the law". According to the "Law of the Qing Dynasty", the division of the family, regardless of whether it is divided into concubines, concubines and maidservants, should be divided equally, and the outside house will be halved.

Ma Qi did not "equal share", the legitimate son got more than the concubine.

Kangxi asked someone to inquire about it, and then rejected the two papers.

The Eight Banners are dominated by Manchus, and they are willing to follow Manchu customs and Han customs, and there is no reason to force them.

There is also the branching, that is the private affairs of the Fucha family.

Besides, Ma Qi, as a bachelor, doesn't know the law yet?
His eldest son's share was Mrs. March's private property.

It was private property, not a sequence of family division, so it was naturally according to Mrs. Ma Qi's wishes.

Don't the sons and grandsons give it to the concubine?

There is no such reason.

Kangxi didn't ask this matter again, but changed to something else, saying: "Recently, the atmosphere in the Metropolitan Procuratorate is not right, what does Ai Qing think?"

Although it has been more than ten years since Kangxi reopened the way of speech in the 26th year of Kangxi and allowed the censor to "play things with rumors", the censor has also been testing these years.

In this case of imperial examination fraud, Yushi Luyou was not prosecuted for the crime of false impeachment, but it was like a bloody blow to Yushi.

Otherwise, Ma Qi wouldn't have been given two orders after dividing the family once.

Ma Qi pondered: "It's a good thing that Yushi dares to impeach, but we have to guard against too many empty bullets, which will consume the court's manpower and material resources..."

Speaking of this, he remembered that this year is the year of the Jingcha, and the evaluation of Beijing, Chinese and military officials has already had corresponding standards.

He thought about it and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to set a reward standard for the Metropolitan Procuratorate as well? It will be used as a reference for promotion when it comes to the Beijing Procuratorate..."

If the performance is not true, even if the demerit is not recorded, the assessment can still be recorded.

In that way, those who spend all day trying to impeach impeachment will be empty-handed and get no favors.

A censor who really does business can also stand out and be used.

Kangxi listened.

The censor's mouth can't be blocked, otherwise he, the emperor, will be uneasy, and he must guard against courtiers cheating.

But the censors can't open their mouths too much, like the impeachment of Ma Qi, couldn't the two censors not think of the reason?

It is true that the imperial court advocated ethics, but it did not intend to completely abandon Manchu customs.

Both can coexist.

There is also the dowry of the first wife, even if the Han people separate their families, the same is true. Why didn't they think of it?

They pretended not to know, just asking for a name.

Knowing that Ma Qi is a bachelor, in a high position, and attracting attention, even if he is impeached, he will not care about it, so he is so unscrupulous.

Kangxi nodded and said: "This proposal is very good, Ai Qing has drawn up a brochure and handed it over."

Ma Qi nodded without changing his face, and said: "The servant obeys the order..."

As soon as the brochure was handed over, he put a noose on the censor of the inspectorate, fearing that the censor would scold him to death behind his back.

That doesn't matter.

As a bachelor, he can't just be a display.

Even if you don't act as a power minister, you can't show your cowardice.

Kangxi didn't want to free-range on the side of Brother Nine.

Able people should do more work.

Eighteen or nine years old, how can I not work well?
It's not the age of guarding your wife, children, and hot kang.

Just don't rush.

Let's first look at how the Xiaotangshan Palace is being built. If it is done properly, Kangxi wants to send Brother Jiu a good job...

There is also Gao Yanzhong, who can be regarded as a talent.

Kangxi knew that Brother Jiu had been tossing around for half a year, but he had never been to Xiaotangshan.

The errands over there were all run down by Gao Yanzhong and his son.

I didn't notice it before, and almost buried it.

After two years, the Prince's Mansion is stable, and this Gao Yanzhong can also be called out to order.

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the outer study.

Brother Nine sat behind the desk, looking at Zhang Tingzan, who was facing him.

Zhang Tingzan was holding a copy of "Hanshu Shihuozhi" in his hand, reading it with gusto.

He went to elementary school with Confucian orthodox knowledge, and he also followed the way of ministers when he became an official.

For these economic articles, even if I read them when I was studying history in my early years, I just read them, but now I have gained something else.

Brother Jiu snorted coldly when he stared at him for a long time without any response.

Only then did Zhang Tingzan raise his head, looked at the article in front of Brother Jiu and said, "Master Jiu finished copying?"

Brother Nine put down his pen, rubbed his wrists, stood up, looked at Zhang Tingzan's accusation, and said, "Master Zhang, do you want to repay your favor?"

Zhang Tingzan put down the book in his hand, and said, "What does Master Jiu say?"

Brother Jiu counted on his fingers, and said: "I remember you mentioned the matter of begging for a son, and there will be Guanyin bamboo for the housewarming ceremony; I am worried that you have just moved out and the preparations are not complete, so ask the accountant here to directly prepare the firewood, rice, oil, salt and sauce for you." Vinegar tea; I was afraid that you would not be familiar with the neighbors, so I sent the boy next to me to take you to meet the neighbors, and the result? What did the adults reward me, copying books, writing essays, learning to write notebooks, Do you still need to learn the book?"

Zhang Tingzan showed gratitude on his face, and said: "Jiu Ye is careful, I am grateful, but as a ceremonial official, guiding the prince to do things is also the job of a lower official..."

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said: "No, no, this is my home, not outside, so how can there be any rules that must be followed? You see, Gao Yanzhong never talks about this!"

Zhang Tingzan was ashamed, and said: "The lower officials only know these books and articles, and they are not as good as Gao Daren who knows about economics..."

He was good at reading when he was young, and he also wrote a lot of flowers in the Hanlin Academy, otherwise he would not have been appointed by the emperor to follow Mobei three times.

But when he arrived at the Ninth Prince's Mansion, he felt a little subtle in his heart.

I really didn't expect that the small prince's mansion is full of talented people, which makes people introspect.

That's why he dug out economic articles and re-read them one or two times.

Seeing this, Brother Nine hurriedly comforted him: "This can't be compared with one another. You are a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, and you are good at writing articles. There is no need to exploit your weaknesses and avoid your strengths."

Zhang Tingzan said with a smile: "Before I became an official, I was still confused. I didn't know how to carry out my errand. I got Jia Yan's advice and found out that there were many incompetent officials. It has been delayed for half a year to read it to Master Jiu, and now it happens to be..."

Brother Nine: "..."

That's right, the emperor really meant that.

Brother Jiu said: "Why don't we be more flexible, these days I spend a lot of time in the mansion, so let's read a few more articles; after a while, go to the Yamen again, forget it; and the memorial, You don’t need to learn, isn’t there an adult here?”

Zhang Tingzan said patiently: "Jiuye is eighteen this year, but not forever. Now the book is incomplete. The emperor is kind and doesn't care about it. Just explain things clearly; but Jiuye is getting older every year. In the future Even if a special clerk is selected to be responsible for drafting the scriptures, Master Jiu must learn to read the scriptures and be familiar with the places that need to be avoided..."

Brother Nine listens to advice.

He saw Zhang Tingzan's good intentions, nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, I'll just learn..."

Did he treat his staff too well? !
Don't be so concerned!
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(End of this chapter)

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