Chapter 885 Consolidation
After lunch, Shu Shu started to sweat a little.

Ten Fujin and Jiu Gege had to go back to Changchun Garden, so they got up and said goodbye.

Gui Zhen didn't delay either, and walked along with her.

Shu Shu lay half down, drank half a bowl of dendrobium water, and then fell asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, it was already Shen Chu.

Only walnuts on the side.

Seeing the quietness for the next time, Shu Shu became refreshed all of a sudden.

This morning Ernie went back to Dutong Mansion!
Her old man is the head of the house, the whole family, and a young son who is less than one year old. It is not easy to stay here for seven days.

Ah Mou is not there either, after all the elderly people have been here day and night for several days, they are already tired, and today they are going back to Ning'an Hall.

Shu Shu stretched her waist, and said to Walnut, "Is the ginger water called Shuifang Shao ready?"

Walnut nodded and said, "It's ready..."

There is a boiling water room in the back cover room.

The three little babies didn't do the "three-bath" ceremony before, but they did "wash three", and now they have to wash their little buttocks every day.

Here at Shushu, I soak my feet every morning and evening.

She has endured until today, and finally she couldn't bear it anymore.

Seeing that the two elders had left in the morning, she ordered Walnut in private to prepare hot water.

Walnut hesitated now, and said, "Fu Jin, do you want to ask the imperial physician again?"

Shu Shu waved her hand and said, "No need, I don't take a bath, I just wipe it, if I don't wipe it, it will stink!"

Walnut said: "Fu Jin doesn't smell bad, it's milky and milky..."

Shu Shu hummed softly, not believing these words.

What is milk fragrance?

Just think about it, it doesn't smell good.

After a while, the outer smoke cage was brought in, and the screen was set up.

After two quarters of an hour, when the temperature in the room was high, the boiling water was almost dried out.

Shu Shu went behind the screen, and put a chair inside with cushions.

Xiaochun and Walnut took off her clothes and wiped them off.

Xiaosong next to him helped them twist the towels.

There are a lot of clean towels next to it.

There are not one but three hot water basins on the ground.

Wipe each one once, three times from the beginning to the end.

Then dry the moisture on the skin with a dry towel, and put on clothes.

Shu Shu can just sit the whole time, and in a quarter of an hour, the body will be wiped off.

From the hairline to the crevices of the fingers, it's all wiped.

She felt that she was half a catty lighter, and there was no faint smell of blood and milk anymore.

It was only halfway through, and then Shu Shu's hair fell loose.

Xiaochun and Walnut took turns wiping her hair with a half-dry towel. Although it was not as good as washing her hair, it still felt much more comfortable.

Finally, use the grate to "dry-clean" her with the dry-cleaning powder prepared earlier.

Then he wiped his hair with a towel again, from the inside out.

At this moment, Xiaosong was not idle, and went to change the bed sheets, quilts, and pillow covers on the kang.

Even the curtain above was replaced with a new one.

Shu Shu's hair was loose, and when she sat back on the kang again, she was satisfied.

There were hurried footsteps outside, and she felt a little guilty on her face.

Mrs. Bo got the news and came over.

She walked in a hurry, gasping for breath, holding on to the door, staring at Shu Shu speechless.

Shu Shu hurriedly brought some to please, and said: "Amu, I didn't take a bath, I just wiped it. There is no bathtub, how can I wash it? The same goes for the hair, just wipe it to avoid itchy scalp..."

Mrs. Uncle glanced at the washbasin on the ground, and then looked at Shu Shu's hair. It was indeed not wet, so she breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "This is not a joke. When the time comes, I will have a headache, and it will be cured by taking medicine." not good!"

Shu Shu pulled Mrs. Uncle's arm, and said affectionately: "Don't worry, Ah Mou, I'm obedient, but my body smells bad, it's too uncomfortable, so I asked someone to clean it, and now I feel comfortable."

Mrs. Uncle shook her head and said, "You shouldn't let brother Jiu come here..."

She knew that Shu Shu was a beautiful and clean person, and she didn't like to meet people with unkempt appearance.

But women survive confinement in this way, and it will be fine.

It's because the two of them have sticky mouths and can't separate them, so they feel dirty and uncomfortable.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Not only because of Lord Jiu, I can't bear it myself either. I won't be able to eat well or sleep well, but my height will be the one who suffers. Now I feel refreshed, eat well, and sleep well , and this recovery is also good."

Mrs. Uncle had nothing to do with her, she put her ugly words first, and said: "No matter how young you are, this time is different from ordinary births. You will definitely have a full confinement, don't think about it!"

Shu Shu said obediently: "Of course, when the time comes, even after two months, I will have to take good care of myself for a year or so."

Mrs. Uncle couldn't be cruel to her, and regretted: "I shouldn't have let you go back today!"

Shu Shu can't wait to swear, so Mrs. Uncle can feel relieved.

After Shu Shu lay down again, Mrs. Uncle gave instructions to Walnut and Xiaochun, and went back to Ning'an Hall.

Brother Jiu noticed the difference in this house when he came over from the front yard.

Changed curtains.

He looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu lay lazily on the kang, while Xiao Song was rubbing her arms.

Brother Jiu said with concern: "Is your arm sore? Did you hug the child? Stop hugging and sit back and get sick..."

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu, and said: "Ernie outside, the child can still be hugged when he is five or six years old, and he can be picked up from four to five catties. If he is young, he will not be used to it." Already!"

Brother Jiu sat next to him and said, "Then don't hug, how can there be someone who always hugs, isn't there a nanny?"

Shu Shu didn't argue with him, just said: "The Longevity Day will be half a month later, and this is the first year after we leave the palace to prepare a birthday gift. Did the Lord send someone to Sibeile Mansion to ask about last year's example?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "No, Brother Four has already sent someone to send over last year's gift list. It's not a birthday gift, but a birthday gift. Eight kinds of gifts are fine. Goldware, cultural toys, and decorations are all fine."

Whether they are princes who have not been knighted, or younger brothers, they must not go past their elder brothers.

Brother Jiu said: "There are two to four pieces of gold wares, but it's not easy to make them internally. For the rest, I can search among the antique calligraphy and paintings at home and make up a few."

Shu Shu said: "Let's make the gold wares from the Shun'an Silver House. Make them practical, such as gold jugs, gold teapots, etc. A set is also decent."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "There is no mistake in the wine vessel in the gold vessel, it can be counted as the same, just add a Ruyi handle, that is also practical."

Since it is practical, it is not a decoration inlaid with gold and treasures, but a wishful one that is really used.

Brother Nine had sent Jin Ruyi to Qianqing Palace before, but he just put it on display for a few days and then took it away. It was a decoration and it was not practical.

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "The emperor is frugal and doesn't like extravagance. Jin Ruyi is also in the warehouse. I remember last year's gift, I sent a piece of agarwood from outside. It was as long as an arm. Beads, as envoys for the holy birthday festival, if you want to send the emperor as you wish, you can use that carving..."

Brother Nine became interested and said: "Then try it with your own hands. This is something for close use. If the master honors it personally, Khan Ama will be even happier."

Shu Shu really wanted to speak up to object.

That's agarwood!

Don't waste it!

However, when she got to the point of her mouth, she still turned into support, and said: "Then you should be more careful, don't scratch your hand..."

Brother Jiu proudly said: "Don't worry, my master is very skillful. When I was a child learning to paint, I also learned seal cutting for a few days. I am very talented, and I can hold a knife steadily..."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Shu Shu doesn't care about Chen Xiang any more, she just hopes that Brother Jiu will save a few cuts.

Brother Jiu also knew that agarwood seeds were precious, so he didn't directly use a knife on agarwood seeds.

He asked someone to find a material with similar hardness and began to practice his hands.

Seeing that he didn't even draw the blueprints, Shu Shu was speechless, so she asked someone to bring out Zhu Ruyi for him, and said: "The way is as simple as it is, and I want it to be practical, so just do it like this, and then see where to add the auspicious characters. "

Only then did Brother Jiu realize that he hadn't drawn the design yet.

He took Zhu Ruyi, and said with some hesitation: "Is it really according to this? The usual itchy look? Is it shabby?"

Shu Shu said: "Don't you want to choose the objects used by the emperor? If it is for collection and display, the carvings should be exquisite and grand, but we have given it to the storehouse before if it is as good as it is; for daily use, it is practical ?”

Brother Nine thinks about it, this is indeed the truth.

He took a look at Shu Shu and knew it.

Shu Shu had already ordered Zhou Song to go to the Shun'an Silver House to make a set of gold wine vessels with swastika patterns, which consisted of a gold tray, a gold wine pot, and four gold wine cups.

Then she asked Xiaochun to take last year's annual gift booklet, and selected a few antique ornaments from it for preparation.

This is the superficial longevity ceremony.

There is also a piece of filial piety from elder brother Jiu, which is based on the "three festivals and two longevity" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The real and affordable one is a box of gold ingots...

Within two days, Brother Jiu brought a brocade box over as if offering a treasure, handed it to Shu Shu and said, "Open it and have a look, what is this?"

Shu Shu stared at the brocade box which was only six or seven inches long.

Could it be that the agarwood was almost ruined, leaving only a mini tickle?
When it was opened, Shu Shu froze.

Inside is a very simple agarwood hairpin with the word "Fu".

Apart from the rounded Fu characters, there are no other patterns.

Brother Nine coughed lightly, and said with a bit of coyness: "I don't know what to give you, so I will give you my blessing. I am a blessed person, and you are also a blessed person. That one, everything will go well..."

West Garden, Douyuan Bookstore.

The prince came to look for the princess, and also asked about the preparations for the Longevity Ceremony.

It has long been a practice, and the crown princess also drew up the gift list and handed it to the crown prince.

There are sixteen pieces in total, eight of which are gold objects, and the other eight are antique curiosities.

It's like this every year, it's the same, it can't go wrong, but it's not very brilliant.

Holding the gift list, the prince murmured, feeling dissatisfied, and said, "I don't know what Lao Jiu and Lao Shi will give..."

The crown princess glanced at the prince and was surprised.

It seems that every year the prince will say something, what will the elder brother give, but this year, he asked about the ninth elder brother.

It seems that the "auspiciousness" of the Ninth Prince's Mansion made the Crown Prince uneasy.

But the two are not as good as one.

Shu Shu has always been respectful in her actions, and she will not go out of her way when arranging the gift list.

The princess lowered her eyes.

Because the Ninth Prince's Mansion doesn't hold the "Three Cleansing" and "Full Moon", she sent people over to give gifts.

It was prepared in double portions before, but this time it is not troublesome to add a portion.

She envied Shu Shu in her heart.

For a woman, it is really a blessing to suffer once and have three children, including two elder brothers.

The prince was also a little stunned.

The personality of Dong E's family has the appearance of being a man.

Sanfujin gave birth to two sons, and Jiufujin also gave birth to two sons.

It's a pity that these two are no longer waiting for Gege in the boudoir.

The prince remembered a person.

Prince Yu's cousin, the imperial father's baby brother Kari.

That is also one of the concubine of Dong E's family, but it is not the descendant of Princess Wenzhe.

There is also Dong E's mansion in Zhengbai Banner, the natal family of Empress Xiaoxian, which is also Dong E's family.

Empress Xiaoxian is blessed, but she also gave birth to Prince Rong.

The prince glanced at the princess.

I want a side Fujin who comes from a high-ranking family, but the emperor's father is afraid that he won't allow it.

However, if you choose someone from among the beautiful girls in the coat, it is no different from Li's, and the emperor's grandson will not be valued by Han Ama.

What is the best way to get the emperor's father to point out a handsome side Fujin to enter Yuqing Palace...

(End of this chapter)

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