Shu Shu snorted softly, and said to Xiaotang: "I'll ask you next time, and you just tell me what I said, all of you will be ordered to order, and the son-in-law has to choose talents..."

So don't cling to those crooked melons and dates at home.

If you really want to, you can choose an excellent nephew.

Xiaotang nodded and said: "This servant understands."

Shu Shu looked at the girls and was reluctant to take them.

But she also knows that in the eyes of people nowadays, women's flowering period is limited, and they can't be delayed for too long, at most twenty or twenty-one, no matter how old they are, there will be problems in marriage.

After a short time, Brother Nine came back.

When he passed by the second room, he saw Ruyi on the table, so he slowed down and turned his head to take a second look.

When he saw Ruyi's appearance clearly, he widened his eyes, held it in disbelief, put it under his nose to smell it, measured the length with his fingers, and then took Ruyi into the room with surprise.

"Is this a great change? Is this really the handle carved by my grandfather?" Brother Jiu was shocked as he sat on the edge of the kang.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "It's still the same? It's just that the luster is more restrained."

Brother Jiu took her hand, looked at the fingers carefully and said, "Is it not hurt?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I didn't use the carving knife, it was just sandpaper..."

Brother Jiu rubbed her wrist lightly, and said: "The appointment is also exhausting and my hands are sore."

Shu Shu let him rub it, and said, "Ruyi hasn't engraved characters yet? What kind of characters do you engrave?"

Brother Jiu also practiced handwriting at a young age, and it's not ugly when he writes seriously.

It's just Brother Jiu's handiwork, Shu Shu really can't believe it, and plans to stare at it.

Brother Jiu thought about the comparison between Ruyi before and now, and admitted that he was not good at carving.

He pondered for a while, and said: "I think it's not good to engrave the word 'Shou', as if it reminds Ama Khan that he is old. If that's the case, forget about the patterns of bats and peaches..."

What are the other auspicious characters?
Others are looking forward to wealth, wealth and longevity, but the emperor seems to have everything...

Brother Jiu's eyes fell on Shu Shu's hair.

Shu Shu brushed her hair today, and now she has braided hair with a lucky hairpin on it.

For this hairpin, he practiced his hands seven or eight times before, and he has also engraved the word "Fu", which is relatively fluent.

He said: "Why don't you just use the word 'blessing'? The Lord will give half of the remaining blessing to Ama Khan?"

Shu Shu glanced at him.

Okay, I'm promising, and I'm starting to serve water.

But Brother Jiu's blessing is indeed well engraved.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "The meaning is good, this is it..."

Brother Jiu touched her half-new clothes and said, "Why do these clothes look like they were from the year before last?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It's the clothes from the year before last, and it's the right clothes for this season, so I asked someone to find them."

Brother Nine said unhappily: "This is too frugal, how can I wear it for three years?"

Shu Shu flipped through her cuffs, showed him, and said, "It's a bucket of pearls, soft and warm, and I haven't worn them a few times in total, so I haven't asked anyone to change their appearance..."

The leather clothes are not changed every year, most of them are replaced with silk and satin on the outside, so as not to be bright.

This kind of leather clothes does not go into the water, unlike other clothes that fade after several times in the water, Shu Shu also prefers the half-worn look, so she doesn't ask anyone to refurbish it.

Brother Nine said: "Do you like this material? Then ask someone to make a few more pieces, and change them when the time comes."

This kind of small wool clothes can be worn in spring and autumn, and can be worn under big wool clothes in winter, and can be worn three seasons a year.

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "I don't like it, I just wore it by coincidence, and I still have the ermine one. When the cashmere comes out this year, I can use that to cut the clothes..."

This bucket of pearl skin is the lamb's skin that has not seen the light of day.

I just wear the clothes I got before, and I just go to find this material.

Hearing her mention of cashmere, Brother Jiu said: "Jiangning's official ship has arrived, and this batch of materials is going to be put into the Guangshu warehouse. Master Huihui wrote to Cao Yin and asked him to order a few for you. The color is good, it will be worn in autumn..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "There's no need to order it, just ordinary colors will do. We'll all be wearing it by then. In the future, cashmere will be common, and even if it's not exported, it can still be sold at a higher price."

In this way, it becomes a virtuous circle, and the trade with Mongolia will continue.

Brother Jiu is careful about Shu Shu's food and clothing, and still wants Shu Shu to dress better.

Shu Shu seems to prefer foreign goods...

Brother Nine feels that, in addition to the Gongyu of the provinces, he also needs to send people to pay attention to the Gongyu of the foreign domain...

A few days passed by in a hurry, skipping it.

This day is March eighteenth, the day of Longevity Day.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu woke up early.

Brother Jiu put on the golden prince's auspicious clothes, took a few mouthfuls of breakfast, and stepped out.

He Shou was in a hurry rather than late.

They want to step out of the city by stepping on the open city gate.

He still asked people to prepare a carriage, and there was another carriage for the Longevity Ceremony. Apart from He Yuzhu, Sun Jin and other close attendants, he also brought Fusong, Erhe, Chunlin and others.

The tenth elder brother and his wife are still in Haidian, so there is no movement at the gate of the tenth prince's mansion.

There are chariots and horses at the gates of Sibeile Mansion and Babeizi Mansion.

The fourth elder brother has come out and is talking to the eighth elder brother.

The two brothers were dressed in similar clothes, standing there, looking very serious.

Seeing this, Brother Nine hesitated a little, whether to step forward.

For the fourth brother's sake, it's time to step forward.

But for the sake of Eighth Brother, he didn't want to go.

At this moment, the fourth elder brother had already seen him and waved to him.

Ninth elder brother had no choice, so he took a few steps forward and said: "Fourth brother and eighth brother also came out, they happened to be together..."

When he saw the appearance of the eighth elder brother clearly, he wondered in his heart.

It seems to have lost a lot of weight.

The eighth elder brother was not fat at all, but now he looks a little off, with both cheeks shriveled.

Since the last time we met, it has only been about twenty days, and it is estimated that they have lost more than ten or twenty catties.

Brother Nine hesitated and said: "Brother, are you... ill recently? Looks like it's gone..."

Eighth Brother smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just because of the change of seasons, some diet is not adjusted, it's almost recovered."

Brother Jiu nodded.

Since the eighth elder brother said so, then he just listened to it.

It's just that he feels a little strange in his heart.

The eighth brother lost weight because of the judgment of the Yazib couple?

It's just too coincidental.

That's true, and it doesn't seem surprising.

The people who are with you by your side don't have flesh and blood, but they also have flesh and blood.

In that case, it can also prove that the eighth brother is not cold-hearted, and there are times when he is warm-hearted, but this kind-heartedness is not for brothers.

The fourth elder brother glanced at the ninth elder brother, his eyes passed over his hand, and he swallowed the words of reprimand.

Originally, I called someone over to order him to change horses.

The weather is neither cold nor hot, and it's not seven or eighty, so what kind of carriage should I take?
But when the person came to him, thinking that his hand was still injured, the fourth brother changed his words and said: "Since Khan Ama allows you to come to celebrate your birthday today, then the 'foot restraint' is also relieved, and it is time to work hard."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "My brother understands."

Anyway, there are twelve elder brothers in the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so there is nothing for him to bother about for the time being, and he just spends half a day every day walking around.

And he also found a new route, no need to go around the imperial city.

Go directly through the imperial city and enter the palace through the Donghua Gate, and you still need to walk two miles on the road...

Seeing that it was getting late, the three brothers went to the city gate without delay.

A group of people went directly from the city of Deshengmen, followed the official road, and headed towards Changchun Garden.

After walking for a while, there was movement on the official road behind.

He Yuzhu separated the curtain and said, "Master, it's Zhijun Wang and Sanbeile..."

The mansions of the two brothers are next to each other, and they came here together now.

Brother Jiu ordered: "Give way and stop..."

He Yuzhu complied and went.

There was some movement here, and the fourth and eighth elder brothers who were riding horses ahead also got a report, and also rode their horses to make way.

The eldest elder brother and the third elder brother came riding together.

Brother Jiu picked up the curtain of the carriage and greeted directly: "Big brother, third brother..."

The eldest elder brother reined in the reins, looked at the ninth elder brother, nodded and said: "You look good, it seems that you have rested!"

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "I would also like to thank big brother for the dendrobium. I drink it every other day. It strengthens the stomach and spleen, and my appetite has increased by half a bowl."

The elder brother said: "It's good if it's useful, and I'll ask someone to buy some for you later."

Brother Jiu was not polite, and said: "That's a good relationship, and the dowry money of the nieces will be covered by my brother!"

The elder brother didn't take it seriously, and urged the horse to go forward to talk to the fourth and eighth elder brothers.

What dowry is not dowry?
It's not a good thing, I can't hear this...

The third elder brother was at the side, but he heard everything.

Yo ha...

This Xiaotangshan has seen a profit, is this ready to divide the money?

The third brother's face was full of joy, he reined in his horse and approached him, and said, "What did the ninth brother say just now? Dendrobium? Isn't it easy? The third brother sent someone to help you find out, and the third brother also has a disciple outside... ..."

Ninth elder brother glanced at third elder brother, and said: "Third elder brother, are you getting more and more generous? Are you not like you anymore?"

It's just that people who are courteous for nothing make people feel uneasy.

The third elder brother smiled and said: "My brother is afraid of suffering. He was raised in other people's homes when he was a child, and the palace sent pastries to eat, but he was fooled by others. If less than two yuan out of ten, he became a guardian." The habit of eating children, I'm afraid I will suffer a disadvantage, this normal courtesy and reciprocity, what's so stingy?"

Brother Jiu heard this, but couldn't bear it, and said: "Then why are the nanny and nanny watching?"

The third brother snorted softly and said: "The worst is them. They also have their own flesh and blood. They always feel that they are working as errands. They nursed me and took care of me. It seems that they have treated the one at home badly. They just take advantage of the master and make up for it. Grandpa At that time, they were young and late in learning how to speak, and they couldn’t speak out when they were bullied, so they got worse, and even the material of my grandfather’s clothes was covered with more than half of the material, and the new cotton was replaced with old cotton..."

Brother Nine is also Ama's person now, he couldn't hear this, and said angrily: "Then what happened later? Did you clean it up?"

Brother San nodded and said: "Later, I started talking, so I told Ama Khan about it, and Ama Khan ordered someone to beat them with a board and drain them..."

After hearing this, brother Jiu felt relieved.

But those servants in the palace are really real, since they have learned from the past, why don't they have a long memory...

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