My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 891 Dedication

Chapter 891 Dedication

Ahead, the eldest elder brother also greeted the fourth and eighth elder brothers.

The brothers are back on the road.

Although the official road is broad, there is no reason to run rampant.

So, the eldest brother and the fourth elder brother walked together, and the eighth elder brother fell behind.

"I've handed over the errand of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and returned to the Ministry of Household Affairs?"

Big Brother asked casually.

"Hmm..." The fourth elder brother responded and said, "Big brother is here, are you going to Yongding River again?"

Big Brother nodded and said: "At the end of the month, I have to run..."

The river work on the Yongding River is a major event this spring. There are many people gathered there, and many people from the Ministry of War have also been dispatched to take care of the errands.

The eighth elder brother followed behind, listening intermittently, unable to express what was in his heart.

He looked back.

The third elder brother got off the horse at some point and got into the ninth elder brother's carriage.

There was more haze in his eyes.

When did they reconcile?

Didn't you have a grudge the year before last?

But it's like nothing's wrong now.

Ninth elder brother has always been cautious, but he didn't mean to care about third elder brother, why did he care about himself?
It would be fine if none of the brothers were married, but now that they are all married and have jobs, they always feel separated.

He wanted to bend down to make amends, but he didn't know where to start.

I always feel that Dong Eshi seems to have no kindness towards him.

Is it because the Guo Luoluo family angered him, or is it because he claims to be a noble daughter?
In the carriage, the third elder brother was pouring bitter waters with the ninth elder brother.

"The old man gave me two pots of bamboo five years ago. I asked someone to take good care of them, and they all came alive. That's great, I grabbed them..."

Thinking of Wang Gege's rotten eyes, the third elder brother also felt sympathetic, and said, "They are all my family members. This Fujin is precious, and Wang Gege can't ignore it. The fourth elder brother who gave birth to me a few years ago died on the same day. , it’s too pitiful, it’s also an old man who served me early..."

Brother Nine felt awkward, and said, "That's not right, isn't your best friend named Tian? The one who followed the Northern Tour the year before last, why did you change?"

The third elder brother glanced at him, and said: "What kind of pet is not a pet, that is, the elder brother is a man, and these are weak women, and they are under my name, so they must be responsible."

Who is like an old nine, soft-footed shrimp, without the stalwart appearance of a man.

There were only two princesses in total, and one was sent to the Punishment Department. What is this?
It is simply speechless.

Brother Jiu said: "That's the second domestic favorite. What's the matter? Don't worry about the few but the unevenness. You send both pots to the third sister-in-law. How dare they compete with the third sister-in-law?"

Third Elder Brother: "..."

He glanced at Brother Jiu, it didn't seem like he was telling a lie, it seemed that he really didn't care about their having a son-in-law.

The third elder brother said: "Isn't this too close birth, three times in four and a half years, afraid of hurting the body, like a sister-in-law..."

Speaking of this, he paused, and said: "Your third sister-in-law is so competitive that she wants bamboo, so she brought back the bamboo from Wang Gege..."

Brother Jiu doesn't like Sanfujin's sharp teeth, but he also knows the ways of the world.

One is that outsiders are less likely to get involved in the couple's affairs, and it is easy to be wrong inside and outside.

The second is, after all, San Fujin came from Dong E's family, so you can't hit San Fujin in the face.

He looked at the third elder brother and said: "Third brother, do you want bamboo? Then the younger brother can only be stingy, if I really want to give it, the third sister-in-law will not blame me for not being able to tell the distance? If you want to help that princess Son, don’t use bamboo, why add fuel to the flames? First, for half a month, recharge your energy, and then try ‘Yanziwan’, it’s almost done..."

He has read medical books for the past two years, and he can understand some principles of yin and yang.

The third elder brother is 24 this year, which is the time when he is in the prime of life.

In the past, many wives and concubines in the Sanbeile Mansion were pregnant, and it was not difficult to conceive a child.

The third elder brother's eyes flickered a little, and he lowered his volume and said, "'Yanzi Pill'? That ninth brother tried it?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Of course, the effect of the medicine is fine, so don't worry..."

The year before last, I tried it once. When I was on the northern tour, I spent half the night anyway, and my waist was sore for two days.

"En!" The third elder brother nodded, but turned his eyes away, opened the curtain of the carriage, and looked out, his face could not help showing sympathy.

What kind of man needs "Yanzi Pill"? !

No wonder Lao Jiu is not tough in front of Fujin, and the backyard is also deserted, there is nothing to do about it.


Otherwise, seventeen or eighteen years old is the time to be full of energy.

This man needs to be tougher.

The third elder brother was faintly proud.

It's not surprising.

I am a man of gentleness and martial arts, and I am in good health; I am like a weakling chicken, and it is not unusual for me to have a weak waist...

When I was about to reach Changchun Garden, there was another commotion behind me.

It's the fifth elder brother and the seventh elder brother who have arrived.

Brother Jiu gave way again, and several people merged into a team and arrived at Changchun Garden.

The chief historians and chief ceremonies of all the prefectures followed, and when the princes entered the garden, they handed over birthday gifts to the people in front of the emperor.

It's still early, less than the beginning of the morning.

Everyone was waiting at the duty room outside Qingxi Bookstore.

Sheng Jia is not in Qingxi Bookstore, he went to pay his respects to the Empress Dowager in the North Garden.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother all came to the ninth elder brother, and the fifteenth elder brother and the sixteenth elder brother also came over.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, when will the wine be served? When can I meet some nephews and nieces?"

Brother Fourteen asked impatiently.

Brother Jiu took a look at him and reminded: "It doesn't matter whether the wine is served or not, etiquette is a must!"

Brother Fourteen nodded happily, and said: "Don't worry, there will be no less, just curious, why is our eldest niece ranked third, shouldn't it be the boss?"

Brother Nine said: "It's okay to be born the latest. Being a younger sister is more enjoyable, and being an older sister has to take care of younger brothers..."

He was thinking of his wife. There was a cousin who was not suitable for use, and there was a cousin who was outside, and there were younger brothers in the family.

How much to worry about.

The thirteenth elder brother saw that the ninth elder brother's face was full of red, and he didn't have any worries. He knew that the mother and child were safe, so he also laughed and said, "I don't know if my niece will follow the ninth sister-in-law..."

Brother Jiu thought of Da Gege's appearance, and was a little tangled.

Elder Brother Fifteen said from the side: "If we don't serve wine, can we go to see Sister-in-law Jiu? The princess and concubine are also thinking about Sister-in-law Jiu..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said, "Your sister-in-law Jiu will rest for two months, and after these two months, come whenever you want..."

The sixteenth elder brother said from the side: "The first niece is called Niguzhu, what is the name of the second niece in the future, is it Danzhu?"

Niguzhu is sixty, and Nadanzhu is seventy, both are common little girl names.

Brother Nine touched Brother Sixteen's head, and said, "I'm afraid it's inappropriate, it's almost the same name as our empress..."

But if they rested for ten years and they had a little daughter like a wife, that would be really a blessing.

A few small ones here are chattering.

The big elder brother and the others next to him also watched the excitement here.

The eldest elder brother and the fourth elder brother praised: "It's different when you become an Ama, and you look like an adult."

The fourth elder brother nodded and said: "I am more patient than when I was a child, and I have grown a lot."

If it weren't for being kind to the younger brothers, the younger ones wouldn't all be around him.

In addition to these four, sitting next to the smiling tenth elder brother and the silent twelve elder brother.

He never expected that Brother Jiu, who was hated by people in the early years, has now become the most popular prince.

The third elder brother looked around and said: "The sixteenth elder brothers are here, why don't the grandchildren come?"

The room fell silent.

Everyone looked at San Age.

The third elder brother felt uncomfortable being looked at, and said: "Aren't we all studying in the garden? It's also convenient!"

As he spoke, he looked at Big Brother.

The elder brother looked away and didn't answer.

The third elder brother looked at the fifth elder brother again.

The fifth elder brother said: "The rules of previous years are not counted as the emperor's grandson!"

Whether the emperor's grandson celebrates his birthday or not depends on the law.

According to the example of Yuqing Palace.

Who is the emperor and grandson of Yuqing Palace so old...

But the emperor's grandson of Yuqing Palace is the concubine's son, and the emperor's father gave the princess and concubine a face, which has never been passed on.

Without the precedent of the emperor's grandson celebrating his birthday, everyone will naturally not look for trouble.

Children who are five or six years old have not learned all the rules, which may not be a good thing in your opinion.

If you accidentally make a mistake in the rules and displease the emperor, it will be uncomfortable.

The third elder brother glanced at the fifth elder brother and stopped talking.

He felt that the fifth child had selfish motives.

Wu Fujin is pregnant, and the fifth child doesn't like to flatter the eldest son anymore.

Otherwise, if you don't get ahead in everything, isn't it a time for Bai to study in the palace?
After a while, there was movement outside.

Kangxi was wearing an auspicious suit and crown, and walked from the south, followed by a string of eunuchs and guards.

All the princes got up, went out of the duty room, and waited outside one by one.

Kangxi approached, slowed down his pace, and looked at the dozen or so sons.

Except for the prince and the seventeenth and eighteenth elder brothers who did not enter the study, the other princes are here.

The fifteenth elder brother and the sixteenth elder brother are still immature, and the remaining princes, even the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, are similar in stature to their elder brothers, and they look like young men.

Twelve elder brothers and above, ten princes who became adults, and nine princes who got married.

Except for the eighth prince and the tenth prince, the other prince's mansions have grandsons and granddaughters.

The first wave of emperors and grandchildren were also enlightened.

Kangxi felt inexplicable.

At this moment, the crown prince arrived late, and also arrived in a shoulder chariot.

The princes must see the prince again.

Kangxi nodded to his sons and entered Qingxi Bookstore.

After a short time, Liang Jiugong came out to pass on a message, saying: "The crown prince, the county prince, everyone, the emperor has uploaded..."

Only then did everyone file in.

Kangxi sat cross-legged on the kang, looking at everyone with warm faces.

Headed by the crown prince, all the princes stood in two rows, knelt together, and said in unison: "My son, I wish Khan Ama Shoubi Nanshan and blessings like the East Sea..."

The same birthday greetings are repeated every year, but Kangxi finds it harsh this year.


Without showing his face, he raised his arm and said.

Next, the princes will present their birthday presents.

Start with the prince.

Wei Zhu took the gift list and read from the side: "One piece of coral, one piece of lapis lazuli malachite, one piece of Qinan Fragrant Mountain, one piece of Baiyu Mountain, one volume of Water Control Map, one volume of Shanyin Map, one volume of Tang Yin Calligraphy and Painting, one volume of Dai Jin Landscape Map Two volumes, a golden tripod, a golden birthday star, a golden stove, a golden plate, a pair of golden pots, a pair of golden tea barrels, a pair of golden cups, two golden saddles..."

There are sixteen birthday gifts in total.

As Wei Zhu was chanting, some young eunuchs brought birthday gifts in and showed them to the imperial court one by one.

Kangxi looked at Qinanxiang Mountain, which was smaller than the four-foot-high coral and three-foot-high Malachite Mountain in front of him.

But the price is not less than those two...

Yuqing Palace has a lot of silver, but there is no shortage of rare treasures, and the inner treasury is rich.

Not only the rewards from Kangxi in the early years, but also the dedication of the local governors and governors over the years...

(End of this chapter)

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