Among the sixteen birthday gifts, Kangxi pointed to Baiyushanzi and the water control map, and told Wei Zhu: "Leave the water control map, and Baiyushanzi also put it away, and put it in the Qianqing Palace..."

Wei Zhu agreed, and signaled the little eunuchs to carry other things down.

Except for the ordered items, the others must be filed together and put into the large warehouse of Qianqing Palace.

When I turned around and waited for the reward, I selected it from the booklet, and then dug it out for use.

If you can't remember it, you'll just put it on hold and never see the light of day.

Next is the twelve items of the elder brother. In addition to the decorations and goldware, there are also two medicinal materials, a box of Cordyceps sinensis, and a box of 20-year-old Polygonum multiflorum.

Everyone looked at Big Brother.

This is the first time medicinal materials appear in the Longevity Ceremony. Although they are good things, are they medicinal materials? Are you afraid of making taboos?

Sending medicinal materials doesn't sound good, it's like cursing people to get sick.

Kangxi was also a little surprised, looking at the elder brother.

The eldest elder brother looked at Kangxi, without any other explanation, just said softly: "Ama Khan, my son is weak in the relationship between husband and wife, and I only hope that the relationship between parents will last for a long time, and be a blessed person..."

Kangxi's heart softened, and he shook his head and said, "It's Yi Ergen who feels that Luo's blessings are poor, you don't have to belittle yourself, you will grow up in your life, so where is this..."

The prince was beside him, but he felt his teeth were sore and itchy.

Who taught this?
Boss is shameless!
I didn't see him being mean when I was young or in my teens. I'm already in my thirties, and I'm still acting like a baby. Is it disgusting? !
Dafujin has been gone for a year and a half, why is it still selling here?

Still looking forward to the long-term fate of parents, is it fake?

Could it be that he was not afraid of fulfillment, and died in a short break?
The third elder brother looked inexplicable.

The boss stole his words!
Kangxi looked at Wei Zhu, pointed to the two boxes of medicines and said, "Enter the pharmacy."

Wei Zhu also wrote it down.

Next is the gift of the third elder brother, which is reduced to eight.

It looks mediocre, but there is also the unshakable "Book of Filial Piety".

Others are fine, Brother Jiu is watching and feels that he is at a loss.

I didn't notice it before, it turned out that the goldware from others was sent like this!

A pair of cups is the same!

What about an inch-by-inch gold box? !

According to this, his set of gold wine vessels used several catties of gold, can it be divided into three pieces?
Golden plate, golden pot, golden cup?
The third child is really picky, the two sets of gold-plated ones are fine, what happened to the two sets of silverware?

Everyone also felt strange and looked over.

One is a silver candlestick, the kind with five seats, it looks very delicate and not shabby.

One is an engraved silver fruit plate, which looks very different from common silverware.

But for this birthday gift, it is not advisable to give silverware, most of them are silver and gilt.

The third elder brother said: "Khan Ama, these are two sets of antique silverware that my son bought and exchanged, both came from the palace in Europa, they are not common outside."

Kangxi took a few glances, nodded and said, "I'm sorry..."

Go ahead, he pointed to the silver fruit plate and told Wei Zhu, "Keep this one, and file the others..."

This is the older elder brother, always show some dignity.

Wei Zhu agreed.

Next is the fourth elder brother, also eight kinds.

Kangxi also pointed out that one of the crystal snuff bottles was left behind.

When it comes to the fifth prince, the gift is a bit strange.

In addition to the four gold wares, there are four other ones, a pot of Guanyin bamboo, a blue and white jar of Baizitu, a pomegranate bonsai and a peach bonsai.

"Khan Ama, the bamboo son next to me doesn't know what to do, but the one in my son's house is very effective..."

The fifth elder brother said sincerely.

His thinking is relatively simple.

It's too eye-catching for my mother to have three princes, and she is also raising the seventeenth elder brother.

It would be best if other concubines and concubines in the harem also add a elder brother, princess or something.

Whether it's Zhang's concubine or Wang Guiren's place, or He's concubine...

If it wasn't for Concubine De...

Kangxi looked at Fifth Elder Brother, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Last year you gave a circle of bamboo, you didn't honor the palace, just to see if it works or not?"

The Fifth Elder Brother nodded and said: "Yes, it has come to fruition now, Han Ama, there has been movement in his son Fujin, and the fourth brother's house is also..."

Having said that, he looked at the fourth elder brother and said, "Is that right, fourth elder brother?"

The fourth elder brother looked at the fifth elder brother and was speechless. Is this something convenient for father and son to say?

Are these objects for begging children suitable for birthday gifts?

Why is Fifth Brother more stupid?
Kangxi laughed loudly, nodded and said: "Okay, okay, I have received this filial piety!"

Then, he pointed to those four things and told Wei Zhu, "Keep these four things!"

Seventh elder brother followed behind, feeling his scalp tingling.

There are so many tricks in Wanshou this year?

Isn't it your birthday this year?

Can't it be similar to previous years?

Kangxi listened to Seventh Elder Brother's list of gifts, looked around at the birthday gifts, and pointed to a pen holder made of gold silk sandalwood and kept it.

The rest is the eighth elder brother.

Eighth Prince's gift list was originally drawn up according to last year, but when he was demoted, he took out two and only six remained.

When the gift list was read out, the fourth elder brother frowned.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten looked at each other.

Forgot about this one.

They wanted to compare it with their brothers before, and then reduce the gold equipment.

As a result, there are six kinds in the middle!

But the gift list has been handed over, and it's too late to change it now.

Right now, it's not a big dynasty, only my own family, so it's okay.

Kangxi looked at the eighth elder brother twice, and finally, among the six rituals, he pointed to a Zijin Xuande furnace to stay.

Brother Nine is next.

Brother Jiu couldn't help but cracked his mouth, and came out with pride.

Just by looking at his expression, everyone knows that there is something good, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Only the fourth elder brother, who knew the inside story, was a little embarrassed looking at the floor tiles.

Wei Zhu had already taken the gift list and said: "One handle of aloes, one set of gold jug, one jasper pen holder, one end inkstone, one plate of coral beads, one plate of small beads, ten pieces of colored satin, four horses..."

This gift, also brought a strange thing, there are still living things.

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu.

The ninth elder brother came out and said: "My son is weak, he is afraid of the cold and heat, so he can't ride a horse. It's a pity to keep a good horse. Give filial piety to Khan Ama, Khan Ama rewards envoys..."

Kangxi was very satisfied with Brother Nine's performance, and he did not compete with his brothers for presents, and only prepared one set of goldware.

Although it was a little selfish to send the horse, it was still hard to bear, but he still explained the matter of taking the car.

Just as he was about to give a compliment, Elder Brother Jiu had already stepped forward two steps, calling the little eunuch from the etiquette department to come forward, carefully holding the agarwood Ruyi, and said in a tone of offering treasures: "Ama Khan, look at this , even if it is the other brother who sent gold and silver mountains, it can't compare with my son's heart!"

Seeing Brother Jiu's upturned tail, Kangxi swallowed his praise again, and looked at what Brother Jiu was holding in his hand.

The thin version of Ruyi has no style, and the Ruyi head does not even have the simplest auspicious cloud pattern, it is just a perfect circle.

Brother Jiu offered it with both hands, and said: "This is Ruyi carved by my son himself. It's not for decoration, or for Khan Ama's day..."

"bring here……"

Kangxi said.

Nine princes stepped forward and folded their hands.

Kangxi took it over, and it was quite subdued. It was a submerged water-grade agarwood, with a faint fragrance and a cool smell.

Although the style is a bit simpler, it feels smooth to the touch, which shows that care has been put into it.

He just wanted to praise a few words, but he saw Brother Jiu shy away, looking a little awkward.

"Hand out..."

Kangxi said.

Brother Jiu said with a sneer: "It's okay, everything is fine..."

Under Kangxi's gaze, he still stretched out his hand honestly.

The scar on the top has indeed healed a lot, but there are still marks of blisters on the right palm.

Kangxi took agarwood Ruyi and wanted to smoke someone!

This is Chen Xiang!

Not sandalwood, nanmu!
Carving an agarwood object can cause a hand injury, this bastard!
Thinking about Brother Jiu's copybook again, he looked at Brother Jiu dissatisfied and said: "Half a bottle of water to learn everything, fooling yourself, you will suffer when it is time to use it?"

Brother Nine's face fell, and he said: "Ama, today is a good day, don't scold your son! This is your son's filial piety, you just accept it, if you are filial, you will scold him, and you will not be filial later, you can Don't rely on your son!"

Kangxi held Ruyi and was lucky.

Teach your son behind your back!

Teach your son behind your back!

The elder brother and the fourth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother and felt that they deserved a beating.

Is filial piety done like this?
Come with the angry man?

Too much to talk back!
The prince looked reserved, looking at Brother Jiu, he was relieved instead.

It doesn't matter whether it's above the seven emotions, or it's fine to be happy and angry.

But anyone who is ambitious will not be so capricious.

Khan Ama should also be able to see this point, he is not very promising, so he will be favored twice.

In fact, the princes in the palace have been divided into grades many years ago.

Starting from the ninth elder brother, they all belong to the little elder brother.

It's just that brother Jiu has been jumping up and down in the past two years, making people forget this.

Brother Ten also gave eight kinds of gifts, all of which were Western objects.

"It's a good thing from my son Fujin's shop, so my son picked it up and kept it..."

Elder brother said.

Everyone knows that Ten Fujin opened a foreign goods store in the capital, behind which are the goods supplied by Jiangnan Ji's family, all of which are good items from the Hangzhou Customs.

But shouldn't that be considered Shi Fujin's private property?
Why is Old Ten eating so confidently?
Kangxi couldn't help but glared at Brother Jiu.

This is "the one who is close to ink is black"...

Aba Haitaiji has already returned to Mongolia, and it is reckoned that the reputation of the ten princes as "eating soft food" will also spread to all Mongolian ministries...

The eighth elder brother stood in the queue, his face turned pale.

He was very annoyed, why he lost two weights.

No one seemed to care, he had the wrong amount of gifts here.

But who knows what everyone is thinking...

Do people think that he should be lowered than his brother?

Did Brother Nine and Brother Ten do it on purpose?
Although they are bald princes, they are not little princes, so they also prepare birthday gifts according to eight things.

Ninth elder brother's prince's mansion is regulated by Baylor's mansion, tenth elder brother's prince's mansion is regulated by the county prince's mansion, but his own Baylor's mansion is to be demolished...

The eighth elder brother looked at the gold bricks on the ground, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and get in.

Next it's Twelve Elder Brother's turn.

Four rituals, jade vase, jade cup, paperweight and brush wash.

Kangxi glanced at it, but didn't speak.

Although the twelfth elder brother has grown up, in Kangxi's eyes, he is still a young elder brother, and giving birthday gifts is just a matter of making up the numbers.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are also four.

Fourteenth, here is an antique dagger from the Yuan Dynasty, which was carefully scoured from outside.

At the Thirteenth Brother's place, there is a tortoiseshell finger wrench, looking simple and atmospheric.

Kangxi pointed to these two things to stay.

When the fifteenth elder brother and the sixteenth elder brother are different.

The fifteenth elder brother has a pair of agate cups and an enamel stove; the sixteenth elder brother has a gold tea bucket and a string of small sandalwood rosary beads.

At first glance, it was prepared by the two elders.

Kangxi kept the enamel furnace and the small rosary...

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