Chapter 893 Groundless rumors

Coming out of Qingxi Bookstore, Brother Nine still looked triumphant.

The elder brother snorted softly, hooked his shoulders, and taught him a lesson: "Don't be so wordy in the future, just give gifts if you give them well, don't talk too much!"

The gold mountain and silver mountain of the older brothers are no match, which made the prince look at it several times.

It is too easy to offend people, there is no need.

Brother Jiu stretched out his left hand, showed the scar on his finger, and said, "Your brother is right, the big guy's things are all for people to find, no matter how much money you spend, they are not as precious as the ones made by your own hands!"

The elder brother did not deny this point, but persuaded him: "The filial piety is here, Khan Ama knows it well, you should also pretend to be honest in the future, learn to speak nice things, and don't always think about talking back."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Well, in the future, my younger brother will also learn from my brothers. It can't be too affordable, and I have to keep up with the work..."

The eldest brother laughed twice, glanced at the third elder brother, and let go of the ninth elder brother.

Thinking of Chen Xiang Ruyi's slender figure, coupled with the embarrassment of Jiu elder brother's hands, the third elder brother felt a little distressed, and said: "How big is Chen Xiangruyi, and such a big Ruyi is carved?"

You must know that agarwood, also known as "Agarwood" or "Water Agarwood", is not simply wood, but "knotted" from an incense tree, and has been listed as the top of all incense since ancient times.

That Ruyi is a foot and a half long, how many years must it be agarwood seeds?
On weekdays, material the size of a fist takes two to 30 years.

A material as long as Ruyi would take at least a hundred years!

Brother Jiu gestured and said: "The length is about the same as Ruyi, otherwise I wouldn't be able to think of making Ruyi. The thickness is quite thick, and there are still some scraps..."

Among the annual gifts received last year, this was the most precious one.

The third elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother eagerly, and said: "I ran a trip to Mongolia in the first month. I guess I was tired from the journey. Some cold air entered my body. Recently, my legs and waist hurt. Some can't sleep well, and I can't sleep at night. Chenxiang Sleep aid, if the ninth brother still has agarwood left, can I..."

Brother Jiu glanced at him.

Since last year, the third brother has been quite decent, and the relationship between the two governments has also looked decent, and he can be a good brother again.

He said: "There are quite a few pieces of agarwood, and some materials. If you can engrave a few small signs, but they are not big, how about I give you one?"

The third elder brother nodded hurriedly and said: "Okay, okay, it's agreed, you don't need to engrave it, I will send someone to get it later!"

The fourth elder brother glanced at the ninth elder brother, and the ninth elder brother hurriedly said: "I also left a piece for you, and I will send it to you with the agarwood crumbs later?"

The fourth elder brother nodded reservedly.

The fifth elder brother came over, looked at the ninth elder brother and said: "It's fine just once, filial piety is not about this, the Han people say that they should cherish the body, hair and skin, otherwise it is unfilial, you should do your job well and don't talk to me. Khan Ama talking back is filial piety!"

Brother Nine said: "Oh, fifth brother, just now Han Ama bared a bit, and you still said, don't you listen..."

After all, he walked a few steps quickly after talking about ten elder brothers.

Then he thought of Elder Twelve, looked at Elder Twelve and greeted him: "Twelve is in my car, I'm going to the House of Internal Affairs too..."

Except for the prince who was left in the imperial court, the other princes came out to celebrate their birthdays.

Those who study should go to study, and those who work on errands will go to work on errands, and they will be separated.

The ninth elder brother instructed the tenth elder brother: "When I write to Ji Hong again, I would like to mention that if there is any outside food and ingredients, I will send it to the capital. I want to ask for what is not available in the market..."

Ten elder brothers agreed.

Brother Jiu said: "How long will Sheng Jia live here?"

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said: "It's probably mid-April, when the time comes, Shengjia will patrol the Yongding River. Before that, the Queen Mother will be sent back to the palace."

As for the Palace Examination and Passing Lu Ceremony in a few days, Sheng Jia should go back and return on the same day or the next day.

Seeing Brother Nine hesitating to speak, Elder Ten smiled and said: "My brother will be back in a few days, and when the time comes, let my brother Fujin go to accompany Sister-in-law Nine..."

Brother Jiu nodded, and said: "That's what I was thinking about, but I don't need to be with you all the time, your sister-in-law Jiu is still mainly resting now..."

At that time, I will go to the Yamen by myself for half a day, and Shifu Jin will come here every other day, and there will always be someone to take care of him.

The county head is old and has to look after the three children.

Brother Jiu said: "It's just a matter of letting the younger siblings practice their hands and see how to take care of the children..."

Elder Brother Shi was filled with anticipation, and asked, "Has Fengsheng bloomed now?"

Although the couple talked about taking their nephew there in private, it was not at this time, it was almost the first year of life.

The triplets are born on February 28, which is about [-] days away, and the full moon will be ten days away.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Except for the second child, all of them have grown..."

Brother Twelve was by the side, listening to the two talking.

He came here on horseback in the morning and brought some guards with him.

When the guards saw Brother Nine, they all greeted him with a thousand greetings, and then congratulated him repeatedly.

Everyone knows that "Xiangrui" was born in the Ninth Prince's Mansion, but the Ninth Prince did not show up, and there was no treat at the mansion, which made everyone catch up with the opportunity to congratulate.

Brother Nine beamed with joy and said: "Thank you, thank you, although we don't hold the full moon wine, but the cakes are still going to be scattered, and when the time comes, I will send someone to send it to you..."

Everyone thanked me again.

Only then did Brother Nine take Brother Twelve into the carriage.

Brother Twelve is still taciturn.

Brother Jiu felt a little uncomfortable.

The imperial father kept everyone's things, but didn't keep Twelve Elder Brothers, and didn't say a word.

Not only this time, but if you think about it carefully, the emperor's father would also skip Elder Brother Twelve before.

But this can't be said in the open, otherwise it will embarrass Brother Twelve even more.

He came here at this age, and he has been treated like this before, so he naturally knows how it feels.

He changed the subject and praised: "These days the official business is handled well, and there is nothing wrong with it. The officials are also well stuck, and everything related to the relatives of the harem is marked..."

He didn't just stay idle, if he insisted on going against those relatives, that would be to find trouble for nothing, and make grudges with others for nothing.

He just wanted to make the environment for filling vacancies relatively fair, so that those relatives with insufficient qualifications could fill the vacancies of others.

So the standard of Elder Brother Twelve is useful.

If it is verified that the other party has enough qualifications, Brother Jiu will not insist on changing candidates.

Elder Twelve looked at Elder Ninth and said: "I have orders from Brother Ninth, and there are other established rules. Mr. Zhang will also go through it for younger brother..."

Brother Jiu thought of Zhang Baozhu, but he had no choice.

This is not easy to push up, and the fifth-rank doctor here in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is basically over.

If Zhang was allowed to return to the sixth department, his experience in handling official affairs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs would not be an advantage.

What's more, Brother Nine is thinking about the long-term now, and he knows that the marriage that Khan Ama pointed out to his fifth brother should also have intentions.

What you want is not a high-ranking official.

The current situation is fine.

However, Zhang Baozhu has been a doctor of his own school for three years, and he is really conscientious and has done a good job, which saves himself a lot of worry.

He said: "You and Mr. Zhang have really worked hard these days. Later, I told Bi Tie Shi that my Lord's Tan Jing and Bing Jing will be divided into two this year. You and Zhang will keep one share...

Elder Brother Twelve heard this, blinked his eyes, and said, "Brother Ninth, what about Brother's silver salary?"

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said: "What beautiful things are you thinking of? You didn't fill the vacancy so how can you get a salary? Brothers add up, which one didn't start to get money after being knighted? Even if the ministry is walking, get a salary. They don’t take money for errands, and besides, the salary of officials is low, and the salary of a first-rank official is only 180 taels..."

Elder Brother Twelve showed disappointment on his face.

Brother Jiu couldn't bear it any longer, and said: "You can help me now, how about this, I will give you a share here, according to what Zhang Langzhong said, 80 taels a year, don't be shy about accepting it..."

Before the words finished, Brother Twelve nodded and said, "Thank you, Brother Ninth!"

He was very happy to accept it!

Others see him as easy, but is he easy?
Every day in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a whole day, I am afraid that there are omissions that I will not see, and let others fool Brother Jiu.

Keep your spirits up, keep your spirits up!

The two brothers were talking, and the carriage entered the city.

Brother Jiu was worried about his family and ordered people to go to Deshengmen, so that he could go home and make a stop.

After getting out of the carriage and looking at the gate of the Prince's Mansion, Twelfth Elder Brother hesitated and said, "How about younger brother waiting for you in the carriage?"

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "What's wrong? This is my brother's house, not someone else's. Why are you pretending? It's only a few steps away. I don't want to see your nephew or niece?"

Brother Twelve pursed his lips, blushing, and said, "My brother didn't bring a meeting gift..."

Brother Nine tugged at him and said, "Let's go, if we can't fall, we will make it up with the 'Full Moon Gift' and 'Centenary Gift'!"

He Yuzhu took a step ahead and sent a message to the back building, fearing that Shushu would be inconvenient.

Elder Brother Twelve is an adult after all, not a child.

Shu Shu woke up just after a nap, wearing homely clothes, and added a vest on the outside, and ordered Walnut: "Ask the dining room to prepare some food, and make some quick dishes..."

They all go out of the city early in the morning to pray for birthdays, and now it's two or three hours, and they should be hungry.

Shushu went to Xishaojian to see some babies.

The three brothers and sisters all ate milk and lay quietly on the car, sleeping soundly.

Shu Shu backed out gently.

When Brother Nine brought Brother Twelve in, Shu Shu was already waiting in the main room.

"Sister-in-law Nine..."

Twelve Elder Brothers behaved politely, glanced at Shu Shu, and then lowered their eyes.

Shu Shu nodded in return and said, "Uncle Twelve..."

Brother Jiu came over, took Shu Shu's hand and said: "My family is not a foreigner, what are you doing standing here, don't get tired..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "I just woke up, my body is rusted, so I just stand there."

Nine Elder Brothers felt that their palms were wet and cold, so they helped Shu Shu back to the east to sit next time, and said: "Master, I will stop here and bring Twelve over to have a look at the little ones, then I will go to the House of Internal Affairs, and I will come back in the afternoon." .”

Shu Shu glanced at the clock, it was already the second quarter of the lunar new year.

She said: "I just ordered the dining room to prepare food. The master has seen the children and brought the twelve brothers back to the main courtyard for dinner before leaving."

Elder Brother Jiu made a few mouthfuls in the morning. Hearing Shu Shu's words, he felt a little hungry. He nodded and said, "Okay, I understand, don't worry about it, just stay well."

Shu Shu nodded, and then stopped talking.

Brother Twelve stood in the main room, a little uneasy.

According to legend, Sister-in-law Nine can pull a ten-strength bow, but now she looks sallow and weak.

The rumors outside are not necessarily groundless.

Nine sister-in-law seems to be really not well.

Is it true that as those people said, he will follow in the footsteps of Da Fujin?
Brother Twelve dared not think about it.

Brother Jiu came out, glanced at him, and took him to Xishaojian without saying anything else.

Looking at the row of three leisure cars, Twelve Elder Brothers understood what triplets meant.

Ninth Brother and Ninth Sister-in-law are amazing!
Other people's family gave birth to a pair, and they were directly three...

But after seeing the three nephews and nieces in turn, Elder Brother Twelve couldn't help but feel rejoicing.

Fortunately, these three faces can be seen, like Brother Jiu and Sister-in-law Jiu, otherwise, the child is different in size, and when he turns around, he looks different. Someone will suspect that this "auspiciousness" is fake... …

The next update will be at 3:6 noon on November 12th. Welcome to the Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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