My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 894 Evil Wind

The kids were all asleep in the U-car, and there was nothing to see.

Brother Nine knew that his wife was most worried about the second elder brother, so he took a second look at the second elder brother and saw that he was sleeping peacefully, so he felt at ease.

Afterwards, he took the twelfth elder brother out of the back building, went to the main courtyard, and sat in the Xici room.

After the two of them had washed up briefly, the meal was already prepared in the dining room, and Xiaotang brought someone over to set the meal.

Because of the rush of preparation, they are all convenient dishes.

Two side dishes, assorted cabbage rolls, dry fried small river fish.

Two small stir-fries, dry-stir-fried beans, roasted eggplant with minced meat.

Two soup dishes, beef radish, chicken soup yuba.

Two staples, red bean rice and steamed buns with millet noodles.

There is no big meat, and there is no big chicken or big fish. It seems that they are all home-cooked dishes, and they are not eight dishes and eight bowls of noodles.

Brother Jiu pointed to the cabbage roll and said, "You want to try this recipe? Try it, does it taste the same as Wu's..."

The twelfth elder brother nodded, and waited until the ninth elder brother moved his chopsticks before picking up a cabbage roll.

The outside is blanched cabbage leaves, and the inside is filled with carrots, carrots, cucumber shreds, and coriander segments, and the outside is also poured with blended soy sauce.

Brother Twelve dipped it and ate it.

After he swallowed it all, he said, "It's still delicious from brother Jiu's place."

Elder Brother Jiu said proudly, "Of course, I changed it a few times later, and I will ask the kitchen to fill you with a few bottles of sauce. This is vegetarian, and it tastes good with any vegetarian dish..."

Brother Twelve originally wanted to decline politely, but changed his mind when he heard the last sentence, nodded and said, "Thank you Brother Nine..."

To bring something back to my brother, I can't really just pack a bottle of sauce.

Brother Jiu ordered He Yuzhu to go to the dining room to send a message to prepare more food.

After a while, when the two brothers have a meal that is neither early nor noon, the dining room will also be installed.

It is a bamboo basket in total, several jars inside, and several oiled paper bags.

Inside the jar are all kinds of side dishes and cooked sauces, all of which are durable.
Oily paper packets contain fried noodles, lotus root starch, almond tea, black sesame paste, etc. There are also several packets of roasted pork jerky, pork floss, small dried fish, and dried chicken.

Brother Twelve was a little embarrassed to see him.

This is even eaten and taken.

And it seems to have eaten alone.

"Don't you need to set aside some for the thirteenth and fourteenth brothers?"

Brother Twelve asked.

Although the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are in the garden now, when Sheng Jia returns to the palace, they still have to come back with him.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "No need, they are greedy, they won't lose their mouths, they will figure it out by themselves."

Only at the five schools, there seems to be no precedent for adding things from the imperial dining room.

The same elder brother, the twelfth elder brother is only one year older than the thirteenth elder brother, but the money savings in his hands are several times that of the thirteenth elder brother, which shows that he is thrifty.

Brother Jiu didn't say anything, but ordered He Yuzhu privately to put a box of small silver ingots in the bamboo basket for food.

When the two brothers arrived at the Shenwumen, the ninth elder brother told the twelfth elder brother: "You send these back first, and then go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I will go to the Xihuamen."

Brother Twelve agreed, got out of the carriage, and took two accompanying eunuchs into the palace through Shenwu Gate.

Brother Jiu's carriage passed through the imperial city, arrived at Xihua Gate, and entered the palace here.

He pinched his pocket watch and looked at it. It took a quarter of an hour less time than walking around the imperial city before.

When they arrived at the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, everyone congratulated Brother Jiu again.

It's just that, unlike yesterday's congratulations from the guards, today everyone was a little deliberate.

Brother Nine sensed something was wrong, and always felt that the taste of "congratulations" was weird, and the eyes of these people were a bit treacherous, and they kept looking at their faces, as if their expressions were a bit complicated.

He told Xinghe and Baoshan to say: "Go out and inquire, if there is any news, pay attention to what is related to the Lord..."

Xinghe followed Baoshan and went.

Brother Jiu looked at Sun Jin again.

Sun Jin has many connections in the palace and is a well-known friend.

Sun Jin also said: "The slave also went out to talk to his fellow countrymen."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Be generous, don't be stingy about tea money."

When Sun Jin went out, Brother Jiu looked at He Yuzhu and said, "Your face is blooming, why did you look at one or two more?"

He Yuzhu was served by his side. The master and servant got along day and night, staring at Brother Jiu up and down, but couldn't tell the difference: "Master, he looks very good, neither thin nor fat..."

It happened that Zhang Baozhu came over to deliver the official documents, and he also took a second look at Brother Jiu.

This is not considered an outsider, Brother Nine stopped him and asked directly: "What is Mr. Zhang looking at? Is there something wrong with this face?"

Zhang Baozhu was embarrassed.

He is an honest man.

I don't know how to lie, but I don't know how to imitate others.

Brother Twelve came in just in time, and when he saw Zhang Baozhu's difficulty, he rescued him and said, "Brother Nine, I know, brother, let me tell you!"

The ninth elder brother knew that there was indeed something wrong with it, and it was not a trivial matter, so he sent Zhang to keep him. Seeing that the twelfth elder brother was not good, he said: "Okay, if the master doesn't ask Zhang to keep it, why don't you say yes?" ? Someone outside said bad things about you? What did you say?"

Brother Twelve shook his head and said, "It's not about Brother Ninth..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated, and said: "Some say that sister-in-law Jiu is not in good health..."

Brother Jiu heard this, and immediately raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows: "Which bastard is spouting dung and cursing your sister-in-law?"

Elder Brother Twelve shook his head and said, "I don't know, there is also a saying that myna Fujin doesn't show up in front of people, because he has a serious illness..."

Brother Jiu became more and more impatient and said, "Who is so worried, it's over if you don't like to go out?"

Elder Brother Twelve was silent for a while, and said: "It is also said that the Crown Princess of the Eastern Palace is in poor health, and that it is difficult for her heirs..."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said: "This nonsense is getting more and more unreasonable. The princess is in charge of the palace, why is she not in good health? Little Princess is born, why is it so difficult?"

"It is also said that Seventh Sister-in-law's heir is poor, and that's why she gave birth to an inappropriate little princess..."

Brother Jiu couldn't bear it and said, "It's not over, is it? How do you arrange it one by one? When did the evil wind blow?"

Elder Brother Twelve thought for a while and said, "Not before, but after the next year..."

He glanced at Brother Jiu and said, "It seems to have started at the end of February..."

Brother Jiu's face turned cold, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Where is the villain causing trouble? I want to turn this gutter mouse out of my wife's tongue!"

He was very angry, but it was not easy to discuss this matter with his wife.

He was worried that Shu Shu would get angry after hearing these gossips.

These words are too vicious, and they are all aimed at the female relatives of each family.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and then left the palace to go to Luan Yiwei to be on duty.

Brother Seven is here sometimes.

It just so happened that the seventh elder brother just came back from the garden, and the ninth elder brother blocked him.

Ninth elder brother sent someone out, like beans poured out of a bamboo tube, and told the gossip that twelfth elder brother mentioned just now.

After hearing this, Brother Seven remained calm and his face did not change.

When Brother Nine saw this, he almost jumped and said, "Brother Seven has heard of this?"

Brother Qi glanced at him and nodded.

Brother Nine was so angry that he almost slapped the table, and said: "Then why didn't you tell my brother? Which bastard is looking for trouble for nothing, and making up these words is disgusting?"

Brother Seven didn't answer right away.

Brother Nine pointed at him and said: "Brother later, I will file a complaint with Sister-in-law Seven. It seems that Brother Seven has disliked Sister-in-law Qi, so I let others make up the mess!"

Seventh Brother glared at him and said, "Don't add to the chaos, it has nothing to do with us!"

Brother Nine frowned and said: "Why doesn't it have anything to do with us? Husband and wife are one body. What's the difference between Fujin who cursed his younger brother and cursed his younger brother?"

Brother Seven rubbed his forehead and said: "The gossip is directed at the Crown Princess..."

Brother Jiu was surprised, and asked for a long time: "Who did the princess offend? To make up this vicious slander?"

That is the princess of the East Palace, and the prince has no sons.

Say the princess can't give birth, what do you want to do?
"It can't be that Li family jumping around?"

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "What kind of spring and autumn dream did you have again, thinking that you can promote that Li Shi to be a nobleman or a concubine?"

The palace regulations of Yuqing Palace are filed, and they are also prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

That Li Gege has not been officially canonized, but because of "mother is more expensive than a child", the supply has long been waited on.

There was no classification of female family members in Yuqing Palace before, only the concubine and the women in the palace under the name of the prince had two classes, Li Gege became the first class alone, the same as the nobles in the harem.

But that's already happened before. Last year, Akton got into trouble one after another, and this Li Gege was also downgraded. Now she is an ordinary court lady.

The members of the Li family were dismissed as early as July last year.

Brother Seven didn't speak.

Brother Jiu looked at him dissatisfied, and said: "You don't protect Seventh Sister-in-law and let others talk, but younger brother wants to protect Fujin. If you don't say it, younger brother will investigate by himself and point the sword at the princess. Except for the family surnamed Li, most likely the Hesheli family, there is no one else..."

Seventh elder brother looked at ninth elder brother and said helplessly: "Since you know you are going to Yuqing Palace, what are you doing with it? Can't you honestly watch from the side?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "No! Who told them to be idle and drag so many people into the water? I'm Fujin Jingui, so it's their turn to talk?"

Speaking of this, he was a little confused, and said: "What are you doing to attack the Crown Princess for no reason? That is the Crown Princess selected by Khan Ama herself. She comes from a noble family and has a noble character. Can she still be pulled down because of slander?"

Seeing him confused, Seventh Brother reminded: "Next year is the year of the Eight Banners draft, and in the second half of this year, the local Eight Banners will leave for Beijing..."

Brother Jiu frowned, but still couldn't figure out the reason.

Seventh elder brother said: "If the succession of the crown princess's heir is not going well, Khan Ama Xu will choose another handsome and beautiful girl to be the side Fujin of the East Palace..."

After hearing this, Brother Jiu's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, which one is thinking about how the chickens and dogs will ascend to heaven? Just go after their wealth and status, why do you want to use our brothers to grind your teeth?"

He also read "36 Strategies" in the upper study room, and he knows what is "fishing in troubled waters", what is "striking from the east and attacking the west", and what is "false way to attack the country"...

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