My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 900 Who is weak and who is reasonable

Chapter 900 Whoever is weak is right
Four Baylor Mansion, the upper room.

Sifujin has been pregnant for four months and is showing signs of pregnancy.

She calculated the date in her mind, and she was going to give birth in September.

She looked down at her stomach and smiled wryly.

When she was pregnant with Honghui back then, she was pregnant with Li Gege's front and rear feet; this time she was pregnant again, it was also her front and back legs.

The last month was still three months away, and this time it was almost the same time.

The husband and wife who had a partial birth were much closer at that time.

This tenderness and sweetness, when I think about it now, I always feel inexplicable.

She rubbed her belly to calm herself down.

Don't worry, don't worry.

Even if Li Gege had another elder brother, he would still be a bastard.

She would rather have a side Fujin in this mansion in the future, a side Fujin who would be honored for her merits in having children, rather than a concubine who would be "valued by her mother".

Thinking of the prince next door, side Fujin, Si Fujin warned himself to know how to measure.

Just as she was thinking, the little eunuch in front came over and told: "Fu Jin, Jiu Fujin sent someone to bring things over..."

Si Fujin said: "Bring it in..."

In the early days, Shu Shu often sent someone to bring some Dongzi vegetables.

It is already early summer, and there is nothing left in the conservatory of the Prince's Mansion. The ground inside has been raised with ash and manure, waiting for autumn to be used.

In this way, Sifujin couldn't guess what Shu Shu would give.

Xiaotang brought a little girl in, and blessed the four blessings and said: "Our master told us that the vegetables prepared by Fujin were for the fourth and thirteenth masters, and there is also a copy for your respect. brought..."

As she spoke, she took a brochure and said, "There are eight side dishes in total, four kinds of food, and eight sweet and salty pastries..."

Si Fujin signaled the girl next to him to take the brochure, then asked someone to move a stool for Xiaotang, and said with a smile: "You Fujin didn't tell me?"

Si Fujin also knew about the quarrel between the ninth elder brother and the fourth elder brother.

She didn't take it seriously, so the fourth elder brother behaved as if he saw anyone, who wouldn't run away?

But it's like a joke, and it's not really annoying.

When something really happens, should it be a brother or a brother.

Xiaotang sat next to the chair, and said: "Our Fujin asked the servant to tell you that our master said it, and it was for your sake, and by the way, it was prepared for the fourth master..."

Si Fujin couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile: "Okay, go back and tell your Fujin that my sister-in-law appreciates it."

After all, she asked how Shu Shu's body was.

Xiaotang said: "It's been 42 days, Fujin took a bath today, and his spirit is much better."

After hearing this, Si Fujin felt relieved, and said: "Then I will go to see you Fujin some other day..."

In the past, she didn't go there because she also had confinement and knew the hard work and embarrassment involved, and didn't like to see people.

Now that I can wash my hair and shower, it should be fine.

It was already evening, and when it was almost late, Xiaotang got up to say goodbye.

Sifujin asked someone to reward the purse, and then asked someone to send it out.

She took the brochure at hand and looked at it. The handwriting was neatly written, saying that every food should be eaten within a few days after opening the altar, and that it should not be eaten after that time.

It's just a few small dishes with signs, which were made today and put in jars.

Looking at the names of the dishes, Si Fujin felt his mouth watering, and said to the nurse beside him: "I'm so hungry..."

Before the words fell, someone answered, "What do you want to eat?"

It's the fourth elder brother who is back.

Having been an ama for three times, the fourth elder brother already knew that pregnant women are easy to hurt, so he was afraid that Si Fujin would bear it, and persuaded: "Don't think about saving trouble, ask someone to buy it for you, don't lose your mouth..."

Si Fujin swallowed, and said: "You don't need to buy it outside, you have it at home..."

As she said that, she handed the brochure to the fourth elder brother, and said with a smile: "Today, the Lord has touched me all..."

The fourth elder brother was ignorant, took the brochure, saw that he hadn't reacted yet, and when he saw the eggplant, he knew it was sent by the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

This is a side dish that is prepared every year there, it is cumbersome, and there is no place to buy it outside if you want to buy it.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and when he saw the end, he said: "This is too much, where can we use it? We will follow Khan Ama, and we will go to the mausoleum after patrolling the Yongding River. There are palaces along the way..."

Si Fujin smiled and said: "Siblings and sisters have already said that the ninth brother only sent three copies for my sister-in-law's sake, otherwise it would be as if there is no master's share..."

"This bastard..."

The fourth elder brother blamed, sensed something was wrong, and said, "Why are there three shares?"

This time the holy driver was patrolling the Yongding River, and the three princes accompanied him, but he and the thirteenth elder brother were on the same road, and the elder brother was on the same road, so they did not travel together.

Si Fujin said: "There is another copy for 'Sincerely'..."

The fourth elder brother looked better, nodded and said: "Finally there are still some advantages."

You should prepare a copy, otherwise the three elder brothers and younger brothers will take care of it and forget about Yuqian, it will be bad.

Si Fujin felt in his heart that it should be due to Shu Shu's carefulness, and Brother Jiu was not that Zhouquan.

But in front of my brother, it's hard to say this.

Couples who do not know who.

Don't look at the fourth elder brother complaining, but if you really want to say that one of his younger brothers is not good, he will have a black face.

The fourth elder brother said: "Since you want to eat, open it and taste..."

Si Fujin really wanted to eat it, so he told people: "Just take a five-inch plate, and put it in half a spoonful to taste, it doesn't need too much."

Since the food prepared for the road is salty, some is enough.

The food here in Sibeile Mansion is the example from the palace before, and the dining room provides fixed dishes for the upper and lower masters every day.

Then Si Age and Si Fujin, the little masters, Li Gege, Song Gege, and Su Shi and Zhang Shi.

Sibeile's female relatives, in addition to Sifujin and the two Gege, there are also two beautiful women from the Ministry of Internal Affairs bestowed in 34 years, namely the Su family and the Zhang family.

After the fourth elder brother stayed in the Ninth Prince's Mansion for a few meals, he discussed with Si Fujin, and gradually changed the dining room here in the Sibeile Mansion.

For example, their husband and wife used to have a six-course dinner, and the amount will be reduced later.

Now that I have changed it, I have started to order food, and I eat more to my heart's content.

It was also time for dinner, and the dining room had prepared dishes.

After the fourth elder brother washed up briefly, the dining table was also set up.

The meals prepared in the dining room are boiled cabbage balls, lying eggs, toon tofu, shredded radish mixed with sugar, served with millet steamed bread and sesame sauce flower rolls.

Both of them ate little at night, so this meal was always simple, and they didn't have much appetite, it was just a deal.

But when a few side dishes came up, it was different.

The spicy beef sauce tastes very overbearing and tangy.

Braised bamboo shoots and chicken diced look at the thick oily red sauce, which makes people's index fingers move.

There is also red pepper in the fried pickled melon with turtledove, and a layer of red oil floats on it.

It is eggplant. It should not have been made for a long time. The eggplant in the greenhouse is used. The eggplant has a strong flavor.

And because of the salty taste, the two unknowingly ate a plate of corn bread...

When the CD came out, the couple looked at each other.

Si Fujin smiled and said: "No wonder the ten brothers and sisters go to eat every now and then, I'm afraid I can't find such delicious food in restaurants outside..."

The fourth elder brother snorted softly: "They are all eighteen or nineteen, and they are eating, drinking, and working hard all day long..."

And what's going on, big brother?
Did you have this problem before?

Why did you start to be greedy and even take the initiative to beg for things with your brother?

Don't think that he didn't see the elder brother's hesitant appearance...

Zhijun Wangfu, the main house.

Eldest brother is going to go out tomorrow morning, so he came back early today.

When Sun Jin delivered the food, the elder brother immediately ordered the dining room to add another noodle in the evening.

When it was later, he asked someone to call all his daughters over, and the family had a reunion dinner.

In addition to the food prepared by the dining room, there are a few small dishes sent by the Ninth Prince's Mansion, which are just right for eating with white noodles.

The princesses have a small appetite, even if they think it is delicious, they put down a small bowl of noodles for each person.

The elder brother looked at Da Gege, and said: "Ama went to Yongding River, and it will take two days to come back. Yuan Song is at home, what's the matter at home, you can make the decision, tell Yuan Song directly, and send someone if you can't be the master. Go ask Uncle Jiu..."

Yuan Song is his haha ​​bead, which is linked to the history of the county prince's mansion.

Da Gege got up and listened, hesitated for a moment, and said: "In a few days, if Aunt Ninth has a visitor, can we go and visit Aunt Ninth? I also want to go to say hello to Aunt Fourth..."

In the past two years, they lived in filial piety at home and were mostly taken care of by Si Fujin and Shu Shu.

Those who gossip outside will naturally reach the ears of their sisters.

With Da Fujin's precedent, they were very worried.

There are also Sifujin here, who cannot go out because they are pregnant, so they should also go to pay their respects.

The elder brother nodded and said: "Go if you want, but you have to send someone to send a post in advance, and ask your fourth aunt and ninth aunt if it is convenient for you to entertain guests..."

Speaking of this, he saw Da Gege's uneasiness, and comforted him: "Don't listen to the nonsense of outsiders, what you said about your ninth aunt is not serious, if it is true, the imperial physician in the palace will have passed away..."

There is also Lao Jiu, who is above Seven Emotions, if he, Fujin, really feels uncomfortable, he has already put down his burden and stayed at home.

However, he should not be that healthy. Seeing that Lao Jiu seemed to have grown up, he calmed down a lot.

He thought he was still the same as before, but everyone could see that he was different after all.

Not only their brothers could see it, but the emperor's father could also see it.

Brother Nine is pretending to be innocent, unable to hide his worries...

Big Ge glanced at Big Brother, but didn't answer.

Not all diseases can be widely advertised, especially the symptoms of women.

When she was sick in Ernie before, she also hid it from the outside...

Next to Sanbeile Mansion, the main house.

The third elder brother was so upset that he couldn't sit still and paced the ground.

"Tell me, what's wrong with Lao Jiu? I've coaxed him for the past two months, so I didn't offend him, right? In the end, the same elder brother lived next to each other and gave things to the boss, but not to me? What does he mean he..."

Sanfujin looked at his nails, feeling a little impatient, and said, "What do you want to do so much, maybe some niece's birthday..."

The third elder brother shook his head and said, "No, half a load of stuff, it must be for the boss!"

San Fujin said: "Then, why don't you just go to the yamen of the House of Internal Affairs tomorrow and ask?"

San elder brother took a look at San Fujin, and said thoughtfully: "Could it be that Lao Jiu is annoyed?"

Wang Gege in his backyard is pregnant.

I heard what Lao Jiu said before, because of his Fujin, he still favored San Fujin, his cousin, wouldn't it be because of this?

Sanfujin frowned and said, "Okay, what are you upset about? Really, that's my younger brother. If he's upset, let him go, just don't talk to him!"

The third elder brother took a look at San Fujin, and warned: "Han Ama can watch from above, you have to pretend to be a good sister-in-law! Especially don't offend Lao Jiu... His body is covered, I can't save you..."

The most important thing is that he is a narrow-minded person. If he gets angry, he will lose money if he finds an excuse to withhold the money.

And bear him, and bear him.

The third elder brother feels that he is becoming more and more self-cultivated, he is really a good brother.

I hope brother Jiu will behave well and be a good brother.

San Fujin curled his lips and said: "There is really no place to reason. Whoever has weak feelings is right? According to the master, Lao Jiu will still run rampant in the future, and his body is fragile. No one dares to recruit him..."

Thank you allies.

The next update will be at 3:8 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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