My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 901 Reminder

Chapter 901 Reminder

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the back building.

Brother Jiu hugged Shu Shu in his arms and sighed.

Finally got it, it was really not easy.

Although the couple lived in the same room these days, they shared the bed.

The bedding in the middle is next to each other, and it's just next to each other, at most it's just pulling hands.

Because Shu Shu didn't take a bath before, she felt uncomfortable all over and didn't like to be close to others.

Brother Nine understands Shu Shu's irritability and doesn't bother her.

Today is different.

It's just that he is really skinny, and his back hurts. Brother Jiu is very distressed, and he is already thinking about finding a better food in his mind.

Shu Shu also hugged Brother Jiu back.

Not only did I take a shower today, but I even changed my bedding.

Shu Shu felt that she had come back to life, and she was not so repulsed to get close to people.

It's just that she is still in the confinement period, and the husband and wife are limited to hugging.

Listening to each other's heartbeat from fierce to gentle, and then fell into a good sleep.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, brother Jiu woke up early.

He still has to go to the palace.

He tiptoed out and went to the main room to wash up, without waking his wife.

But Shu Shu also woke up after half an hour, because she was woken up by starvation.

Seeing Maozheng, she also got up.

Every time Sheng Jia returned to the palace from Changchun Garden, he would hurry up in the morning. When the city gate was just opened, he was so vigilant and didn't disturb the people.

Now the Holy Driver team should be arriving in the capital soon.

After Shu Shu washed up briefly, she didn't call for a meal. Instead, she drank a cup of milk tea first, thinking that she would have breakfast together when Jiugege arrived.

What does Jiugege like to eat?
It doesn't seem to emphasize appetite, and there is no obvious preference.

Shu Shu asked Walnut to spread the word, made a plate of egg pancakes, and then made milk stewed eggs, sweet and sour poached eggs.

Children in the palace love to eat eggs.

Girls, there's nothing wrong with dessert.

Then she said to Xiao Chun: "Go to the door to meet me..."

Don't come here too early, Jiugege is not good at sending messages.

Xiaochun and Walnut both went.

Bai Guo took a brochure and came over from the west.

Shu Shu took it over and looked at it. This is the night duty record.

There are records of when the children woke up, when they nursed, and how many times they cried.

Shu Shu looked at it carefully and couldn't help frowning.

When one child cries, the other two wake up too.

This is also impossible.

It was okay before, the child was sleeping most of the time.

In the future, this sleep time will be reduced a little bit, and the mutual influence will be greater.

In order for the three children to rest better, they still have to separate rooms.

Here in the rear cover room, when she moves out, there can be one to the east and one to the west, with three hallways in between, and the sound can be covered even when the curtains are drawn down.

In this way, there will be one more.

If you want to move, you can only move the big grid.

Otherwise, moving the second elder brother out and taking it with him would easily leave hidden dangers.

The elder brother and the second elder brother have different future prospects, but they are still treated equally in front of their parents when they were younger.

Also, Shu Shu doesn't want to challenge her own humanity. If she brings her second son with her, the appointment will be partial in the long run, and the whole family will feel uneasy.

Shu Shu was planning to wait until Da Gege was one year old to send him to Ning'an Hall, and now it is the same plan.

Then ask someone to tidy up the west wing of the main courtyard, and then move Da Gege to the main courtyard.

As she was thinking, there was movement outside.

It's Jiugege.

Just as Shu Shu was worried, Jiugege's carriage stopped for half an hour.

She only thought about coming to visit Shu Shu before, and forgot about the time, but she arrived so early, so she couldn't help but hesitate.

It wasn't until Xiao Chun came out that Jiu Gege got out of the carriage and followed him in.

Shu Shu stood up and went to the door to meet her.

Seeing this, Jiugege hurriedly said: "You can quickly enter the house..."

Shu Shu didn't move, and waited until he took Jiu Gege's hand, then said: "It's already summer, where is it cold?"

Jiugege shook Shushu's hand and said, "Sister-in-law's hands are cold..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "This is a beauty, cool and sweatless!"

My sister-in-law entered the Dongci room and sat down on the kang. Walnut brought tea and brought it up.

Shu Shu poured her a cup of tea, pushed it over, and said, "Waiting for you to come over for breakfast..."

Jiugege smiled and said, "I used some before I came out in the garden."

Shu Shu said: "Then have a few more bites with me."

Jiugege nodded, looked at Shushu's face, put away the smile on his face, showing worry.

Shu Shu touched her face and said, "Now I have five meals a day, and I will make up for it soon."

Jiugege lowered his eyes, looked at the cup in his hand, and said: "I heard that there are some wives out there who are very virtuous. When the son and daughter grow up, they will take the initiative to arrange a concubine's room for the husband..."

So husband and wife can't stay together for a long time, can they?
After having a legitimate son and a legitimate daughter, is it okay to skip the childbirth and let other people live?

Shu Shu glanced at Jiugege, and said: "If someone says such nonsense in front of my sister, my sister can just ask the girl to spit on her, my sister's golden branches and jade leaves, this important court matter will not be left to my sister's control, but it's okay to live at home. Thinking of my sister, what is virtuous and not virtuous, here at the princess mansion, the status is reversed, if someone is virtuous, the forehead is also virtuous..."

After hearing this, Jiugege smiled "puchi".

Shu Shu is aware of Jiu Gege's uneasiness.

It can only be said that the current system in the palace is too weird.

Whether it's a prince's wedding or a princess's wedding, a trial marriage court lady must be arranged, also called "trial marriage princess".

Here with the prince, the trial marriage Gege directly became a court lady under the name of the prince, and became one of the prince's consorts.

This pit is the prince Fu Jin.

If the day of the palace man is close to the day of the big wedding, that’s fine, it’s not a problem; if it’s two years away from the big wedding like the fifth and seventh brothers, those who have children over there will have to wait a long time. After the love is separated, the good first wife will go over and become a cheap mother directly, making it like a second wife filling a house.

Not to mention others, just say that whether it is Yuqing Palace or the palaces of several princes, the favorites who gave birth to the eldest son are all those trial marriage court ladies.

For women, the first man is different; for men, the same is true, how much pity is there.

At the princess's place, when the day of the big wedding is set, along with the princess's dowry will be carried to the princess mansion, and there will be a "trial marriage princess".

That night, this "Try Marriage Gege" was going to have a bridal chamber with the forehead on behalf of the princess, and then check whether the relationship between the forehead and the bed is normal, whether there is any hidden disease, what kind of temper is and so on.

The next day, this "trial marriage princess" returned to the palace and described the situation of the forehead to the princess' elders.

Shu Shushi didn't know how to comfort Jiu Gege.

The formation of any system has its causes and consequences.

The court system of the Qing Dynasty was mostly inherited from the Ming Dynasty, or improved on the Ming system.

For the royal family, this can avoid choosing a forehead with hidden diseases.

As for the trial marriage Gege, as the princess's dowry, she will follow along and become one of the concubines of the forehead.

Shu Shu looked at Jiugege and said, "Everyone's life is made by themselves. My sister has to make up her own mind about what kind of life she wants, whether it is for the elders to worry about, or for herself, or for others Don't worry..."

"My sister's status is here, except for myself being angry at myself, no one outside is worthy of being angry with my sister..."

"You don't need to listen to what those palace maids say about the rules in the palace. The rules in the palace are also set by people. The younger sister can restrain herself, but it is not the turn of others to restrain the younger sister..."

Speaking of this, Shu Shu frowned and remembered something.

That is when the princess opened the mansion in the capital, and the person who controls the princess mansion becomes the wet nurse or nanny around her.

Jiugege's wet nurse is Nanny Lin. Shu Shu has known each other during his tour in the South, and she seems to be a well-behaved person.

But money touches people's hearts, who knows what will happen in the future?
Shu Shu pondered for a while, and said: "I'm free today, so let's talk to my sister about 'unpredictable people' and 'difficult desires'..."

Jiu Gege was startled, looked at Shu Shu, didn't understand how she mentioned Mammy, so she just mentioned this.

Shu Shudao: "Let's talk about our grandpa's nanny Liu first. First, she nursed our grandpa, but she was reluctant to part with the little master. She asked for grace to be a nanny by our grandpa's side. Mama is the same..."

Then, she said that in order to control Brother Nine, Nanny Liu hurt his appetite by feeding him in the middle of the night, framed Brother Nine's other nannies, kicked out loyal and qualified old people, and became No.1 in the second school.

Brother Nine's private treasury became Mother Liu's private treasury, and most of it was embezzled.

In the future, when she, the prince's son Fujin, became a thorn in Liu Nanny's side, Liu Nanny even made Shu Shu Gonghan barren for her daughter.

Madam Liu from the second institute was sent to the Punishment Department, and everyone in the palace knew about it, but not many people knew the specific reason.

Jiugege's face turned pale when he heard it, and said, "How dare she?"

Shu Shu said: "You have fooled the little master, why don't you dare? Even when I entered the door, your ninth brother specifically instructed me, saying that Madam Liu and Director Cui have different identities. The ones assigned by the Qianqing Palace should be treated with some respect; for Madam Liu, the master and servant have a deep affection and treat them as one of their own..."

"I'm lucky. I read idle books when I was young, and I know there are many things. She can detect something wrong when she moves, but what about the Babeizi Mansion next door?"

Shu Shu also talked about the rampant deeds of the Yaqibu couple.

"Ba Fujin's background, such temper, just caused a slave to have a miscarriage and ruin his face..."

Jiu Gege was surprised, he never thought that Ba Fujin had a miscarriage and was disfigured, and there was someone behind the scene, not himself.

She thought of the movement in the palace in the past two years. Many people have changed in Gege's office one after another, especially Xiaoge's side.

She is old, and the people around her are all chosen by the empress dowager, which is more appropriate, and there is no replacement of personnel.

Speaking of this, Shu Shu sighed, and said: "It's my wet nurse, who even drove her whole family to the Zhuangzi a while ago, my baby brother arranged an errand for half a year, and she was outside under the name of the Prince's Mansion Accumulating money, even confiscating the outer room, it is really impossible to make a mistake..."

Jiugege was smart, looked at Shushu with gratitude, and said, "Thank you Jiusao for your reminder, I will pay attention to it, and I won't be fooled by others."

Shu Shu nodded, looked at Jiu Gege, and said: "That's good, if you don't fear slaves who show their villainous face when it comes to money, you're afraid of the kind of slaves who seem to stand on the ground and teach you what the emperor admires." In Sinology, the female family members of the clan began to be virtuous and virtuous..."

"It's time to fool people, saying that the princess should be reserved, and if she sees too much with her concubine, she will be frivolous and vulgar. The princess and her concubine who are in control have become a cowherd and a weaver girl. If they want to meet each other, they have to bribe this living ancestor..."

Just talking, Shu Shu felt sullen.

She hoped that it was all gossip, but it was obviously not the case.

The imperial daughters have been domesticated from generation to generation, and they are very different from the patriarchal daughters at the founding of the country.

Perhaps it was because when the country was founded, the clan's daughter was too tough, which affected the reputation of the royal family, so the royal family has overcorrected from generation to generation.

Now there are signs.

Forget about those older princesses, those who studied with the prince elder brother in the early years read all the books on riding and shooting.

The grid in the back is another way of parenting.

Shu Shu hopes that Jiugege will not step on the pit...

(End of this chapter)

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